xxxxxRhett Fang Yexxxxx
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.xxxxxBASIC INFORMATION
Other Aliases and Nicknames: Rhett also "Rhy"

Gender: Male
Date of Birth: April 21, 2026
Current Age: 17
Place of Birth: The New Forest in England

Wand: Apple Wood, Wood Nymph Hair Core, Knobby Shaft, Supple.
Magical Heritage: Halfbreed (placing request)
Family Heritage:
Father-Halfblood (muggleborn mother)
Mother-Wood Nymph

Blood Type: Similar to AB+
Eye Color: Dark Brown/Black
Hair Color: Black
Complexion: (Half Chinese)
Current Height: 5'9" (full height)
General Description (currently): A young man who is quite handsome of Chinese decent.

Face Claim/Reference Looks: Currently: Jiang Jing Fu

xxxxxPersonal Information
Personality: Rhett is an adventurous child who has inherited from both his parents a love of nature and being outdoors. However, unlike wood nymphs like his mother, Rhett is more prone to pranks and mischief than helping people. He is easily bored and hates to sit still longer than a minute or two. He does have an ear for music and rhythms and when sitting still is usually tapping along to some music in his head. He wants to see everything and isn't afraid to leave the side of people he knows and is reckless in his adventures (already he has broken an arm and lost a tooth from his disregard for safety as he explores).

Fears: Being weak/being seen as weak

xxx(1) Herbology and Nature Related Magic
xxx(2) Practically Fearless
xxx(1) Any magic involving fire
xxx(2) Horrible at drawing
Favorite Things:
xxx(1) Nature
xxx(2) Rain
xxx(3) Music
xxx(4) Pranks
xxx(5) Exploring
Despised Things:
xxx(1) Droughts
xxx(2) Deforestation
xxx(3) Being called "pretty"
xxx(4) Remarks about his parentage
xxx(5) Having to sit still too long

xxxxxEducation/Training/Professional History
Dream Career: ???

Magical and General Education:
xxxxxxWas tutored from Home
xxxxxxAttending: Hogwarts
xxxxxxHouse: Gryffindor
xxxxxxO.W.L. Scores

Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ EE
Herbology ~ O
History of Magic ~ P
Potions ~ A
Transfiguration ~ EE
Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
Wandless Magic ~ EE
Wandlore Studies ~ O

xxxxxxN.E.W.T. Scores


Background Information: Kai Ye, the son of a pureblood wizard and a muggleborn witch born to a Chinese Businessman and his American wife who was a lawyer, had after graduating from The Shanghai School of Wizardry chose to pursue learning more about wand making and traveled to England to learn more about the art of British wand making.

During his apprenticeship he had an unfortunate run in with a particularly unhappy bowtruckle when he was attempting to gather some Wiggentree wood for wand making. The bowtruckle had every intent to do some serious permanent damage to his disturber when a wood nymph nearby intervened and she was able to make peace with the bowtruckle for the sake of Kai Ye. And so began the wood nymph Cherry as she called herself helping Kai in his search for various supplies through the forest. Often when Kai hiked in the area Cherry would come offering some various woods or unicorn hair and such that would be of interest of a wandmaker.

This relationship became a courtship of sorts for both of them and eventually resulted in the birth of first Lola Mutan Ye and later Rhett Fang Ye, as Kai and Cherry continued their relationship. Since Cherry, being a wood nymph is restricted to living in the New Forest which is where her home is. And, Kai lives just outside of the forest continuing to work on wandmaking. Rhett spends his time either inside the New Forest with his mother or at home with Rhett. Rhett finds himself quite at home in either environment, though, he finds more interest in being outside in the New Forest as it gives him more room to roam.

xxxxxRomantic Preferences
Sexuality: Straight
Current Relationships:
xxxxxDating: N/A
Past Relationships:
xxxxxFormer Boyfriends/Girlfriends: N/A

xxxPets: None
xxxLanguage Fluency: English and very basic Chinese (Mandarin)
xxxExtra Relevant Skills: Already showing a gift for magic involving nature and music.
xxxAny Other Important Information: Halfbreed (will be applying)


UPDATED 4/7/2017

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PENDED BY - Weasley 4/7/17
ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [05/17/2017]