I have been gone so long, and i want this times that she hasn't made any interactions to be explained? i tried to keep her similar because i still want her to have a lot of the same traits, but now she also has a second side that helps develop her in the way i see her going now. if this isn't acceptable just let me know its fine, but i really feel this reflects zeylla the way i want her to be seen better than before.

Zeylla is an odd troll. On the outside, she is unfriendly, callous and domineering. She believes highly in herself and will aggressively defend her opinions, and has a tendency to be rather snide and harsh towards trolls that get on her nerves. She often gives off a vibe that says she doesn't want to socialize and would rather not be friends, and trolls may find it hard to talk with her unless she's caught with her walls down(which are rare times, few and far between).

A lot of this rough outer shell has to do with her lusus, who raised her to be self-sufficient, calculating and aware, along with teaching her about the world in her own twisted way. But she never raised her to think about the real world around her; the situations and problems, or even consider socializing with trolls. If anything Leechmom tried her hardest to keep Zeylla far, far away from other trolls and the troubles of their world. As such, Zeylla formed a habit of watching trolls, especially when she was younger, as a source of 'entertainment'. She used to imagine stories and interactions with trolls, sometimes she pretended she could run their lives just as well as Leechmom ran her own, but now as she is a teen, she uses most of her stalking watching time to learn new things. For example she might watch a troll working at a fruit stand cut up fruit, so she can learn how to properly handle a knife for cutting up produce(thus, removing the middle man and keeping her sufficient in herself). This habit is useful for learning things, but has a tendency of making trolls uncomfortable.

When she was a kid, she didn't mind it though, and enjoyed spending her time in the forest and with Leechmom, and keeping her real interactions with trolls as minimal as possible. It was all she needed and all Leechmom taught her to want, but as she grew, Zeylla realized she had a want for the real interactions and stories of other trolls. And while she is obsessively loyal to her lusus, she couldn't help but sneak out often and try to make connections with a few select trolls who piqued her interest.

Of course, with little training in how to properly communicate with others, Zeylla often comes across as rude, rough around the edges and sometimes just plan awkward. She rarely introduces herself, and often asks prying questions and interrupts without batting an eyelash. And where most trolls get embarrassed when corrected, Zeylla only finds herself thinking 'Ah, so that's how that works'. It is times like this, and when hot topics of gossip arise, that Zeylla's naivety for the world around her shows through. She may be intelligent and capable of handling herself, but the history of recent Alternia is lost on her- which is bound to be one of the few moments a troll will see her flustered.

She usually hard to get a rise out of otherwise, as she has been raised to pack her emotions and take on a stance of indifferent and uncaring. But this is just a shell, a mask she puts on to cover up a troll on the inside who has a lot of aggression. For the most part, Zeylla takes her aggression out hunting, because where as she can spill the blood of a beast, her lusus forbids the spilling of her or any troll(or lusus) blood, but on occasions where she finds herself weak, Zeylla may snap, letting out her more aggressive side in ways her lusus would frown upon. At times like this she will find herself getting into yelling fits or scraps with other trolls. These moments of fighting are never good, because Zeylla gets a little blood ragey when she fights, and can sometimes severely hurt herself or others in the process.

When she isn't in full rage mode, Zeylla is still fairly stubborn and often times will try to take the lead in situations because she feels that she knows best. She rarely takes advice, and dislikes being told that she is doing something wrong. The only one who seems capable of getting Zeylla to bend to their will(for the most part) is Leechmom currently. Zeylla and her lusus have a very deep and complicated relationship, and Zeylla will do almost anything for her lusus, though lately she finds herself having a hard time following all the rules her lusus has laid out for her. Where as she used to be a no questions asked kind of kid, she now finds herself sometimes asking 'Why?', which always leads to moments of flight and fancy.

This is Zeylla's outer shell, her protective layer taught to her by her lusus to protect her and her blood but on the inside, besides being a closet-case rage-ophile , Zeylla actually has a heart. She rarely shows that she cares, and if she shows you compassion she obviously feels comfortable around you, or something has lowered her guard enough for her to express her feelings. She is compassionate about her view that something is off with the hemospectrum, especially since she is aware as a blueblood she could have a much better life than being hemoanonymous would allow her to have. This doesn't mean she's going around helping out every troll she can, because she isn't(she still believes in self-sufficiency above all). But it does mean that on occasion she might find herself speaking out about a situation when usually she wouldn't say anything, or teach a skill or share a hobby with a troll, especially if it is someone she has let grow on her.


Being raised by Leechmom has taught Zeylla several things, but one of her strongest skills is that she has never been much of a pouncyfooter. When the time comes to make a decision, Zeylla usually has already come up with the answer. She's a hard pre-thinker and planner, even if she comes off as less then capable of just being there, let alone pre-thinking situations.

This makes her hard to stump or befuddle, and puzzles, problems and daily struggles are usually a breeze. Zeylla can't think of a day in her whole life that she has ever had a hard time deciding something(or at least a day she will admit to). As such, she is constantly confused as to why others often struggle with such petty issues.

While Zeylla does not struggle with most mundane or logic based things still, she sometimes feels herself experiencing uncertainty as of late, and with that comes a slurry of emotions that she actually finds difficult to understand, as she is usually a placid lake inside her own emotional self, where as now she feels like a tumultuous, stormy sea. This emotional development has given rise to situations where sometimes Zeylla isn't sure what is the best action to take emotionally for herself.

She finds it far easier to make logical decisions and deal with other trolls emotional decisions than her own, as of late.


There is no one that Zeylla trusts more then Zeylla with anything. She is completely confident in her own capabilities and judgement, and you can trust that she won't be looking to you for direction any time soon. She is actually profoundly insulted by people offering her help. Zeylla feels it should be obvious that she can handle herself. And when she cannot do something herself, she just observes a couple trolls doing the task she wishes to learn, and then goes back to her hive to practice the art herself, until she has it down.

For her younger years, the only one she was reliant on was Leechmom, and it was mostly just for direction when she felt lost in emotional turmoil. She was always independent of all other trolls, but never Leechmom. But as of late, Zeylla has felt that some of her own ideas and sense of judgement have started to split from her lusus, which terrifies her as she has spent the majority of her life as basically an acolyte to Leechmom.


When looking at her, one would suspect that Zeylla isn't the strongest or hardiest of trolls. Her tired-looking appearance and lack of life gives her the aura of weak. As it is, Zeylla is far from pathetic. Leechmom was never the best nanny, preferring to give orders from their hive and let Zeylla handle the rest. As such, the young troll as become rather hard-skinned. Her pain tolerance is high, and she's hardy enough that almost nothing can stop her from doing what she needs to.

On top of being physically tough, Zeylla's upbringing has made her a rather emotionally tough-skinned troll. She doesn't react to most prodding and poking or button-pushing and can easily shrug off most insults or slander. It takes a lot of her to be emotionally affected by something. Though at times, her anger rears it's ugly head, especially as she moves through her teen sweeps. She constantly finds herself more and more becoming emotionally aware and affected by trolls interactions with her.


Zeylla has a distinct knack for memorizing conversations, speeches and any string of words she hears-- this may be another reason why she hates music. Could you imagine hearing the lyrics to a song you hate all the time, no matter how hard you try to forget them? She uses this skill mostly to remember explanations and conversations that she can use to learn a new skill or trait. It could also be a useful trait for eavesdropping and getting the scoop for another troll if she was inclined to help.



A mixture of Acute hemophobia and blood rage, this flaw is probably Zeylla's most difficult to deal with. It is fully inherited from her lusus, who raised her to believe blood has power, and as such is a sacred and powerful thing. So Zeylla wears grey over her symbol to keep the power of her bloodcolor private and carefully hidden. She also does not partake in fighting, or at least tries very hard not to get into such situations, so as to dodge spilling hers or another trolls blood(a very frowned upon thing in her lusus' eyes).

The hemophobia is trained, and upon the sight of blood, Zeylla feels nausea, sweaty palms and anxiety. It is not a natural part of Zeylla, but is so wired into her brain that she can't tell it isn't part of her. She tries very hard to dodge blood because of the discomfort it causes her.

The blood rage, on the other hand, she as born with. As a very young troll, Zeylla had been excessively aggressive, but instead of helping her to focus that aggression, her lusus taught her to tuck it deep down inside. Thus, when she starts to feel severe discomfort from the sight of blood(or gog forbid coming in contact with it), she sometimes finds herself in a fit of uncontrollable rage which can range from violent fits where she loses her sense of safety and well being, to black out rages where she can't even remember what happened afterwards.

These moments, when they happen terrify Zeylla, so she usually eagerly goes along with her lusus' rules about blood, but sometimes. Sometimes she just can't avoid the fight.

Due to many factors of her life, Zeylla isn't exactly the friendliest of trolls. She's often rough around the edges, prone to being judgmental and confrontational when she's sick of a trolls company. Along with that, she has no tact, and doesn't bother to try. She rarely says anything nice unless where it is truly deserved, and thinks most other trolls are just running around with their heads on backwards.

Her conversational skills are little to none. Speaking to her often times ends with a troll talking to her while she stares ahead like a statue, and her responses are often one syllable and can be summed up to words like "Hm" or "Hn". When she does speak, she often talks at a sharp pace that leaves no time for response or interjection, and leaves one feeling like they probably shouldn't say anything back. And if she is actually interested in talking to a troll, expect a lack of usual social conduct. Zeylla doesn't believe in greetings, sharing names, or respecting privacy and usually only picks it up after an awkward moment or two.

Zeylla has a bit of a problem with music and loud noise. More then a bit of a problem, honestly. She has very sensitive hearing and any noise too high-pitched, too loud, or too bassy will make her feel a variety of uncomfortable feelings. Headaches, stomachaches, tension in her muscles and behind her eyes are the main irritants. This sensitivity to sound causes her to despise all music. Not only does it drown out her thinking, but she feels severe discomfort from it as well.

While usually her sensitivity to noise does not stretch to include speaking voices usually, Zeylla has experienced on more then one occasion a troll who has a terribly loud or high pitched voice that just makes her want to strangle them to death. Loud areas and music easily put Zeylla on edge, pressing the boundaries of her self-control to the point where she might just start doing some serious table-flipping or something just as drastic.

Though Zeylla spends little time around other trolls, the time she does have to spend around them brings out her controlling attitude. Anytime she has to work with other trolls for any reason, she becomes demanding and over-powering. She wants to lead, to tell others what to do because she knows best. This doesn't make her very popular, and only adds to her unfriendly demeanor.

Along with being controlling in groups, when Zeylla wants something from another troll, by gogs she will get it. She is very persistent and domineering, and if she asks you to do something you better be happy she asked at all. She hates hearing the word no, and will continue to harp on you until its done. And it's not an exaggeration, there is little to nothing that will stop her from forcing you to do it.

This also makes her good at get information out of people, as she knows more then one way to make someone tell her something. And she's not afraid to do what needs to be done to get it. This is another time she finds her deep, underlying aggressive nature peeking through.


SHREHE'SEM, or LEECHMOM, is a GIANT BLOOD-SUCKING LEECH. She is about twelve feet in length and four foot in width. She has four rows of twenty-three teeth that grow as she grows. She is a paranoid lusus with a minor god complex, that she has forced on Zeylla to the point where her troll is more of her acolyte than her charge. She basically worships blood and finds it to be highly spiritual and sacred, another thing she has taught to Zeylla.

She can be rather aggressive towards Zeylla, but insists that all she does she does out of love. She is slowly losing her mind, as she ages, and as the sweeps pass becomes more violent, more paranoid and more controlling. Part of this might be the fact that she socializes with no one, except Zeylla on rare occasions, and almost never sleeps except when she absolutely needs to.

BESIDES these parts, the rest is still the same for her.