
1. Respect your fellow RPers, Captains, and Crew. Everyone is here for the same reason, to have fun and role-play with others. If there is a conflict with two or more people, please, everyone take it somewhere else. We do not want you here if you plan on fighting with eachother.

2. Please follow Gaia's rules...

3. -Grammer- Please use good grammer. I do not want to see "text talk" in this Guild. If you are not a good speller then that is ok.

4. Romance- Keep it PG-18.

5. Positions you are allowed to pick except for the leaders. You need to ask permission if you wish to be a leader. But please, do not assume a position is yours.

6. If characters get into a fight, no one is allowed to kill one another. Unless it is talked over with the two or more fighting and the captain needs to approve the fight.

7. Do not make new threads unless you have permission from the Captain.

8. Posting- Please post a minimum of three lines within your posts, if you do not you will be asked to broaden your posts.
If help is needed then here it is:

I want to see most of these in a post.

9. Post Colors- If font is in a different color then the color most be readable. None of us want to highlight the text just so we can read it.
Colors that are not acceptable:

Orange(Unless it is bolded or a darker orange)
Neon colors
Anything that is too bright.