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[PRP] A little sibling bonding (Zia/Paka & Tala)

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Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 11:59 am
Epine de Rose
Feel free to have pepo join in too hehe!

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Ziazan padded along through the deep grass of the pridelands. Her rainbow fur colour made her probably the most inept huntress, especially during the day. That wasn't to say that she didn't know how to hunt, it was just that she was easy to spot. She had decided that she could fetch at least one of her younger siblings out to hunt with her. With their more natural fur tones her newest, youngest siblings were great at hiding while she flushed the prey towards them.

She looked back at Paka and smiled. "Not much further Paka."

The adolescent male padded up beside his sister and nodded. He had been told how to hunt, he'd been told how to do these things and he had done a little hunting on his own, though their mother Radi still provided a lot of their meals she had started to encourage her youngest children to strike out alone and feed themselves. It just happened that Ziazan had been there when his mother patted him on the butts nd told him to go and see what he could catch.

Ziazan had told him that she was a very bad huntress, her coat colour made her so very visible but she was an excellent decoy. While the beasts were watching her he would be able to pick out something and then they could eat together. It sounded like a great plan and he was all up for it. Luckily, he was already nearly as big as his older sister and he was confident he would be able to bring down something for them both to feast on.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 3:44 am
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Arguably, both Tala and Pepo were a lot 'lazier' than their siblings. Neither of the pair afforded a great deal of effort towards hunting, often focusing on other aspects of life that didn't necessarily relate to their survival. Pepo had thoroughly thrown himself into ensuring he would grow up into a strapping lion; it wasn't to collect as many ladies as possible though, instead, it was to ensure he could explore as far and wide as possible... Before returning home with everything he had learnt so he could put it to use.

To say that his sister had proven to be an inspiration was an understatement - as a cub he hadn't had much of an idea as to what he wanted to be, but now that she had spent a significant amount of her time back home, he knew exactly where he wanted to be.

...And he'd get there eventually, he was sure of it.

Tala on the other hand, had simply been enjoying the rest and the company. Pepo had certainly been a bundle of energy and given the rest of her siblings, it was a marvel her mother had ever gotten anything done. As it was though, it seemed the elder siblings had all proven their worth by cubsitting more than their fair share of offspring. After all, while Pepo might have been comfortably settled with Tala during the days, Ziazan hadn't had any problems sweeping up a cub or two to tend to either!

However today, it seemed that both of they 'lazy' siblings might find their presence required for more involved activities. At least that was what the white lioness assumed as she caught sight of the all too recognisable coat approaching...

Syrius Lionwing

Epine de Rose

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 11:40 am
"Pepo, Tala." Ziazan smiled as she approached her siblings, she gave her sister a head butt, and with a smile and a head tilt she batted her orange brother gently with a paw. "Would you like to come hunting with us?" She smiled hopefully, with four of them on board they could certainly hunt down a much larger prey beast. "I'm playing decoy." She chuckles gently and points at Paka. "I'm not sure how big a critter we can bring down but I'm sure with four of us we could bring something home that is big enough for the while family."

Paka trotted up to his brother and tugged at one of his ears with his teeth. "Come hunt with us lazy bones, mama will be proud of you if you do." He beams, there was always something that tugged at him, that said he should make his mother proud, he'd never quesried if his siblings felt the same but he guessed they did.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 2:03 am
The pair of siblings exchanged glances at Ziazan's plan; it would be rude to point out that they had already eaten. Given that Tala had been away for so long, it would also have been rude of her not to spend some more time with the family. She had given plenty of her time to Pepo, and would continue to dedicate more time to him, which meant that Paka and Ziazan really did deserve to be humoured. Granted this meant that she had to get up and do something other than talk, but if they were quick about it...

"Okay," Pepo declared with a gusty sigh as he pulled himself to his paws. They seemed to have been on the same wavelength in those moments; gods knew that if he didn't humour his mother then there could be hell to pay! Not really, his mother was rather relaxed, but he might end up with an earache or six from the likes of Paka!

"I suppose," Tala agreed as she got up and made to move, dusting off her forelegs before she directed her gaze towards both of the siblings in front of her. "So, where are we going, exactly?"

"And what are we hunting?" Pepo pried.

Syrius Lionwing

Epine de Rose

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:40 am
Epine de Rose
btw is there gunna be an rp for the tala adopted babies?

The rainbow coloured lioness' eyes lit up with a spark that simply said 'thank you' to her three siblings, she knew that she was pretty much the worst huntress ever, her coat put her at a disadvantage but she could be a great decoy. "Theres a herd of zebra not too far away. A little bird told me." She chuckles, she literally meant a little bird, the morning report always told everyone where everything was. Zebra were good eating if you could bring one down and avoid their hooves.

Paka grinned "Zebra sounds good, I betcha we can bring ones down all on our own right Pepo?" He puffed out his chest confidently, he was young and inexperienced but the thought of going on a grand hunt with his family made him feel confident, perhaps a little too confident but still, the thought gave him a thrill. He prods his orange brother with a paw "Come on bro, show some enthusiasm."  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 4:02 am
Pepo wrinkled his nose, he could be enthusiastic, jut not about this - the very fact he was helping should have said a lot but it seemed Paka was determined to get everyone as bubbly as he was. It was with this in mind that his wrinkled nose was soon followed by a snort. Pepo soon quickened his pace either way, the quicker they reached the herd the sooner they could get this over and done with... or on this occasion, fail.

Not that Pepo wanted to fail, but if Paka was going to try and catch one all by himself...

"A reasonable target," Tala agreed, ignoring Pepo's otherwise poor mood as she followed after her two siblings. "At the very least you'll be able to sate your appetite and we might get some sport out of this," she remarked, eyeing Paka and his clear determination to succeed...and maybe even try his paws at a much more dramatic challenge. Suffice to say that if Paka succeeded in felling a Zebra at his age then it would be worthy of some celebration and kudos.

"You reckon, Paka?" she mused with a grin. "We'll have to see what you're made of then."

Syrius Lionwing
Not for everyone since I know a bundle of people are busy, but I can do one on ones if people want. n_n

Epine de Rose

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:35 am
Epine de Rose
Yay I'd love a one on one ^_^

Paka smiles and flickers his tail, despite his brothers less than enthusiastic response he was still feeling confident and excited. He shoulder nudged his brother before he slowed to a stop. He could see the herd in the distance, his eyes widened and he looked between his siblings hopefully. "What now?"

Ziazan smiled and stopped beside her brother. "You three circle around the back of the herd and I will chase them towards you." She smiles and sits her tail wrapping around her paws. "She nudges Paka and Pepo affectionately and smiles at Tala. "Look after them Tala, let's bring something nice home for dinner."  
PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 4:02 am
Tala's eyes rolled at Ziazan's remarks, of course she was going to take care of them, but she really was curious to see whether or not Paka really could pull this off on his own. This in mind, she was somewhat determined to keep a low profile on this hunt. If the pair of teens got into a predicament with the herd then she would most certainly step in, but for now...she was going to see whether or not these two could actually follow through on their own rite of passage.

If they could truly achieve this hunt on their own, then that would make them adults for the most part. Hazarding a wry smile she trotted off calmly into the distance to lie in wait.

Pepo meanwhile, slipped off in much the same direction, though fanned out on Ziazan's instructions so that he could cover another vantage point. With all three of the siblings positioned, they should at least be able to herd one target into line, right?

Only time would tell, but he certainly didn't struggle to hide himself in the long grasses given his colouration, and he soon disappeared from view...

Syrius Lionwing
n_n I will start one up, maybe an RP where she meets her new siblings since timeline wise the cubs Tala has are about three weeks after she adopts these ones!

Epine de Rose

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 9:20 am
Ziazan watched as her siblings all trotted off to surround the herd. She was quite excited really, she did enjoy hunting even if she was pretty appalling at it. She hoped her brothers, with their more natural coats, would be much more successful hunters., Once they had all vanished in to the long grasses the rainbow coloured lioness got to her paws and started to stalk towards the herd. She knew she would be spotted pretty quickly, it was hard to hide when you had no natural colour to speak of, but she purposely pretended she was on the hunt. Stalking low, her shoulders twitching. Still when she was close enough and a few eyes of the herd hadn't turned on her yet,s he purposefully stood on a particularily crunchy stick.

With all eyes upon her she growled and launched in to an attack. The startled herd ran but instead of stopping she kept on after them herding them towards her family.

Paka was positioned just in the right place. he could see Pepo and Tala near by though only by little glimpses. They were hidden well. He could feel every inch of his body tencing as he waited for the herd, for the signal. It wasn't long before that signal came and as he waited the herd turned towards them. His mother had taught him that to catch a beast, even a big one, you had to look for the weak link and as the herd of creatures rushed passed him he saw the perfect target, it was clearly an older wilderbeast it even had a slight limp. As it passed close to him he leapt hoping to isolate it so that he and his siblings could take the creature down, it would be quite a feast, if they could bring it down.

His claws found purchase on its hind quarters but despite its clear lameness it wasn't going to go down that easily. Paka suddenly felt like a fly on the powerful beasts back. He hoped pepo was about to join in because he certainly wasn't sure how long he could hold on.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2017 7:31 am
The larger lioness still held firm, refraining from intervening as Paka made his approach and ultimately selected a target that she had to concede was a well suited one. However, it soon became apparent that he wasn't going to be able to down it on his own and he would require assistance... how much it required, would remain to be seen though.

No sooner had Paka gripped at their chosen prey's hindquarters than Pepo was covering the distance between himself and his brother. He didn't bother to focus on attempting to bring another down, there would be no point in that. If Paka couldn't down this one on his own then Pepo certainly wasn't going to try his paws either. They would either loose both, or get hurt trying to catch both, therefore it was safer for him to simply assist his brother and this was precisely what he did.

It wasn't long before he too had leapt up onto their quarry's front shoulders, but much to his surprise, even with the two of them the wildebeest was proving to be a challenge.

Ah, but wasn't it interesting how prey beasts could be exceedingly stubborn when they wanted to be?

Tala simply watched in amusement as the two adolescents struggled before electing to pad her way over, albeit at a more relaxed pace than before. The Wildebeest and the boys would tire eventually, but they weren't going anywhere. Both Ziazan and she could easily close the gap to fell it if need be, but that rather defeated the point.

...They could mark this off as a coming of age if the two brothers succeeded on their own, or at least that was Tala's view of it anyway!

Syrius Lionwing

Epine de Rose

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 8:29 am
Ziazan watched as her younger brothers held tightly to the beast. She had slowed to a gentle walk and when she saw Tala taking it easy she too relaxed. If the boys couldn't do it alone they could step in and finish it off but she did feel they were doing okay on their own. The rainbow lioness stalked a few feet closer and sat a short enough distance away so that the wildebeest couldn't flee the way it had come but far enough away that it was down to the boys to take the creature to its knees.

Paka wanted to smile when he felt the impact of his brother on the opposite side of the creature. He tightened his grip, was the beast getting slower in it's movements? Yes, he was certain it was and as he felt this he moved ever so slightly. The creatures weak leg seemed to give and Paka gripped tighter looking at his brother. One of them had to get near the front and Pepo was definitely closer.

They both knew what to do, they could do this. He had almost completely forgotten that their sisters were near by, there was nothing but the creature they were doggedly holding on to. It was powerful but it was definitely tiring now that he had moved and put all of his adolescent weight on it's rear.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 7:00 am
Tala lay down at this point - on her approach she had made the decision that she would not be helping them. It wasn't that she thought they weren't entitled to a meal, but this really was one of those truly defining moments. As teenagers, they had to demonstrate they could provide for the pride and this was the perfect opportunity to do so. Failure to do this would be a valuable lesson for them, or if they could succeed, then they could go home proud and declare that they were more than worthy to be regarded as full fledged members of the pride.

It seemed that Pepo had realised that no help would be coming for them at this point. Out of the corner of his eye he had seen the bright pair of sisters come to a halt - one had sat down, the other had lay down to observe them. It seemed that Paka had gotten his test, and while Pepo hadn't really wanted to hunt today... the fact that both sisters had now decided not to help meant that he was just going to have to perform. Sure enough, if both brothers achieved this then it would make their mother proud and the pride would accept them as adults.

Given his closer proximity to the front of their prey's face, he made a lunge for it and true to form, he managed to clamp his mouth around the beast's neck. What followed after that was a given, the beast began to slow and eventually its strength subsided. Paka would find that the fight lessened and eventually their prey tumbled to the ground with one last breath.

It was a result that was met by the dull clapping of paws from the nearby white lioness.

It seemed their brothers had indeed become adults today...

Syrius Lionwing

Epine de Rose

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:13 am
As the beast crumpled, Paka continued to hold tight, keeping the beast pressed against the ground, it was only when it finally topped jerking that he released his hold on the beast. Pride swelled in his chest as he looked down at what they had done. They had become hunters. He looked to his brother and a massive grin spread across his maw.

For a moment he breathed heavily, catching his breath and looking between his older siblings and his litter mate before he managed to utter a cry of happiness. "YEH!" he finally managed to exclaim jumping at his brother. "We did it bro, we did it." He grins, his whole body was shaking from the adrenaline fuelled rush and it felt great. He couldn't wait to show their mother.

Ziazan sat and watched carefully as their brothers struggled, but eventually succeeded in pulling down the beast. She smiled, happy that they would indeed make a couple of great hunters. Their mother would be so proud. A little tickly laugh rolled over her lips as she padded over to the two boys and greeted them with a head nudge. "Congratulations boys, it seems you are great hunters now."

The rainbow lioness suppressed a sigh, she would forever be the problem of the family, unable to hunt on her own but it seemed now that she would have two strapping brothers to help her.

"Come, we should drag this thing home." She smiles softly and looks over at her paler sister happily. "Seems I have two new assistants." She chuckles grabbing a leg in her jaws, it would probably take all four of them to drag the beast home but they were fit and healthy and their brothers deserved some well earned praise from family and pride alike.

Epine de rose
Don't know if ya wanna wrap it here?
[IC] Pridelands

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