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Cirocco had had a fall, and now he found his back foot pinned beneath a rock. The white wild dog was antsy at his current predicament. He had only been trapped beneath the rock and already he could feel his panic raising. He had been on route to one of the allied packs ahead of his pack, just to check in. Although his pack would follow behind him in time he had no way of knowing if they would take the same path he did or how many days it might take before they decided to depart from their currents position. Although he could handle hours being in this position the thought of being this way for days or longer made him a little squirrely. He tried to take a deep breath, this wasn’t going to be easy. If only head found his bird companion before now he would have had a way to communicate to someone, anyone that he was trapped and needed help. But at last there was no luck he would have to remain her and wait and hope someone would pass by. With a whimper the white and silver wild dog laid his head down on his front paws.

Meg had passed the jungle long behind her now. It was strange the time she had spent with the purple leopard had been strange but fun at the same time. It had been fun to travel with a companion even if it was for a short while and only to get by his colony without harm. Now the pink lioness was on her own again, heading towards the ocean. She hoped that once she got there she would find someone who had heard of the pink lioness named Mittere. She reallyhad underestimated the task her father had given her and her siblings. Find one pink lioness in all of the lands with the name of Mittere, that was it that was all the information she had been given. It was a wild goose chase.

Meg was moving quickly today making up for lost time that she had spent with the leopard. She had enjoyed travelling with a companion but it had been slower, they had taken more breaks and stops than she would have on her own. She was confident now that she was on her own again though she would be able to make up the lost time.

Cirocco must have fallen asleep, for how long he couldn’t be sure though he did note the sun had moved quite a bit in the sky. He hoped dearly that he hadn’t missed anyone happening to walk by in the time that he had been asleep. He muttered a curse under his breath, how could he have been so stupid to fall asleep. He began to scan the horizon as much as he could to see if he could see any movement, find someone to call out to.

It took a little time but soon he saw the hint of movement, “Hey you there. Help” he called out to what at this time could only be described as a pink blob in the distance. Cirocco gave himself no time to determine if the figure coming his way was friendly or not. All he knew was that he needed this fott to be unstuck.

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Meg paused when she heard a shout. She hadn’t expected to see anyone else out this way there really wasn’t much around to really attracted a crowd in anyway. It took her a few minutes but she did finally spot a wild dog in and amongst some rocks. The pink lioness was still in a good mood from her visits with the leopard so before she could think much about it she found herself heading towards the wild dog in the rocks who was calling for help.

“What do you need?” she asked before she had reached him, though of course as soon as she got close enough she realized that the question was completely unnecessary, she could quite easily see that the wild dog’s paw was pinned. It wasn’t easy. “Ah I see.” she said before giving him a chance to answer her questions. “I think I can help you with that.” she said her head cocking to the side so she could stuffy the rocks. It didn’t look like they would be too heavy to move though of course given the position the wild dog was in he could understand why he himself hadn’t been able to get it out.

“I am going to approach.” she said cautiously as she took a few steps forward and bent to get a good position to lift the rocks. She didn’t want to hurt the wild dog further when she moved the rocks.

“Yes oh thank the gods yes.” Cirocco whispered. There were no introductions or awkward conversation he just wanted the rocks off his foot. Usually Cirocco was a social butterfly but today he couldn’t be bothered to talk he just wanted out. He held his breath as she began to lift the rocks off his feet. He felt a new rush of pain as the rocks came off. It wasn’t easy but he knew the moment the rocks were off he moved his foot quickly tucking it beneath himself. “Thank you” he whispered a sense of releif rushing over him.

Meg let out a grunt as she moved the last rock out of her way. It had been hard work but she had made a quick job of it. Her father’s training coming in handy once again. Whenever it was she saw him again she would have to thank him for his hard training, she may have hated it at times but he really had prepared her for life without his protection.

“There you are free. Will you uh be okay from here?” Meg felt weird now that the job was done. She didn’t really want to stay for small talk but at the same time she was trying to make up the time she had already lost, each additional minute she spent here with this wild dog was another minute she had to add onto the time she needed to move at double speed.

“Yes I will be fine, I can no thank you enough.” Cirocco answered quickly. He had barely gotten the words out of his mouth when he looked up and saw the departing figure of the pink lioness. He had never learned her name to thank her properly.