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[AP] Zigaran - Alkidike/Water Youngling

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Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 2:29 am
Desired Artist: Kana/Jay Collab, Kana Style 1, Kana Lines with Fee/Tasi Colors, Uke Lines with Jay/Fee/Tasi Colors, Miss Lines with Jay/Fee/Tasi Colors

Name: Zigaran

Nicknames: Ziga or Ran, depending on which mother is using the nickname.

Stage: Youngling

Race: Alkidike/Water

Future Class: He will likely follow in his Alkidike's mother's footsteps and become a Blade that wields two swords.

Gender: Boy

3 Base Traits: Tough/Thick- Skinned, Kind (whenever possible), Steadfast/Stubborn


One has to be tough if they are born different. Those are the words that Zigaran's Alkidike mother has told to him on many occasions and they are the words that he had taken to heard. He knows that he is on many levels weird. Not only is he of mixed blood but he is also a boy of Alkidike origin. Both things make him stand out, both things make him a potential targets for those that don't approve of either. His Alkidike mother is a warrior who, in his mind, is without compare and due to this he is willing to believe anything that she says.

He's young yet but he still trains alongside her, even if his 'weapon' is just a stick and he's mostly trained in the very basics. He is assured that he will be given tougher training as he grows to pretice and more so when he is able to wield a weapon of his own. Nobody is going to give him anything so he has to fight for everything! His strength of will is something that his Alkidike mother will instill in him while it will be his Matorian mother that tries to make sure that despite his strength that he is also able to retain a kind heart.

It's a difficult sort of balance, to be both strong and kind but it's what both of his mothers want for him and he means to do his best to follow both of their examples best that he can. Kindness though is one of those things that will only be able to come out in the right situations though since it would leave open to danger if he tries to be such all the time.


~ Eyes: I'd like his eyes to have the solid look of an Alkidike but be colored the deepest orange that the Matori's eyes come in, please!

~ Hair: For his hair I would like it to be the third green from the left of the water tribe, done up in dreads. His Alkidike mother's attempt to make him look a bit more like her tribe. If the dreadlocks could then be gathered into a ponytail that reaches a little passed his shoulders that would be cute. ^_^

~ Skin: The lightest of the two combinations of the Matori skin with very noticeable markings from his Alkidike blood across his body that would be really pretty. If they could have a thicker look to them, a bit like Jerarda's marks, that would be really cool too! He can have the speckles on his skin that the Matori have as well if the artist wants to add them. The designs of the Alk markings would be up to the artist, I am up for anything! <3

~ Details: If he could have antennae from his Alk mother and fin ears from his Matori mother that would be soooo adorable! <3

Clothing: N/A, he's a youngling

Accessories: Maybe a couple of those little hair bands that the Alkidike wear? Other then that I can think of anything else offhand for him at the moment. If the artist wants to give him any sort of accessories that suit either side of his lineage I'm cool with that! <3


To begin with there was zero love lost between his parents. His Matorian mother was very much the sort that drifted around, singing for her supper, and never really settling down in one place for all that long. His Alkidike mother was the exact opposite, the sort that held down the fort at or around the Chibale Isles, making sure that nothing dangerous came near to her sisters or Aisha, feeling that it was her duty as a warrior to keep the place safe. The idea of allowing some wandering, and at the time very lost, songstress near to the coast between the Jauhar and the Isles wasn't one that sat well with her. Their first meeting ended with her grabbing up her swords so that she could chase the 'pesky water brat' away from the coast and thus away from the Chibale Isles.

The first meeting was due to Zamira wandering along the coast, finding it comforting since the ocean reminded her of home. Ending up in Alkdike territory had been accidental then, but not the following times. Subsequent meetings still tended to go the same way though, with Mahaut taking up arms to try to get rid of what she saw as a danger... which evolved into her seeing the woman as a pest on top of that. Zamira on the other hand started to see it as a bit of a game, to see how many steps onto the beach she might be able to get before Mahaut appeared to chase her off. One of those games that to start with was mostly one sided as it was Zamira having all the fun while Mahaut wanted nothing more then to tug her own hair out due to being poked at by the Matorian woman. With time her frustration turned into something else, nothing really affectionate to start, but more like something akin to confusion. Why the woman kept showing up, why she seemed to always be teasing Mahaut in particular, and in the end just leaving her with more questions then answers.

Add in that she started to come to realize that Zamira never seemed to pop up when it was any other sister that was patrolling the beach, instead seemingly only when Mahaut was around. It was something that left Mahaut at a lost for words. It were as though Zamira was targeting her in particular and when it came down to it she was. Mahaut is so terribly serious that it made Zamira want nothing more then to tease her a bit. Something that she would admit later along with saying that she 'only did it because Mahaut's reactions were so cute'. Something that only made poor Mahaut that much more confused by it all. She didn't consider herself 'cute' after all because warriors are supposed to be tough, not cute! That one comment though seemed to stick in the back of Mahaut's mind though, making her keenly aware of Zamira. She seemed to notice more and more when she was around and when she wasn't she found herself bothered by it, though she didn't quite understand why.

It was years of this sort of play between them that Mahaut seemed to realize that she was, without meaning to, developing feelings for the other woman. They started out as just awareness, then some sort of desire to actually have her around just a bit more, and then it evolved from there. It wasn't her intention to actually admit to such things though since finding love outside of her own tribe wasn't something she'd ever planned to do. In fact there were times in the past where she'd looked down upon some of her sisters for doing the same thing only to find herself that same such position some time later.

Their dance continued, with more time spent with Zamira then she'd care to admit to, further feelings developing, seemingly spiraling out of her control. There was a part of her, that very serious part, that wanted to chase Zamira off to protect them both from everything that might come from such a relationship but she ended up being unable to bring herself to do so. Given that she wasn't as stubborn or serious it was Zamira that admitted her feelings first to Mahaut, saying that she'd come to care for her, even love her, and while she didn't reply in kind straight away Mahaut found herself at least accepting the other woman's feelings. It would take a while for her to admit 'like' to Zamira, let alone love, and the two of them quite mature before Zamira even broached the topic of children with Mahaut.

It would be another couple of years, and debates between the pair of adopting or possibly finding a donor for Zamira over actually approaching Aisha would come to pass. It was Zamira's desire for a child that was 'theirs' and Mahaut's extreme distaste for a third party approaching Zamira that lead them to pleading with Aisha instead. Mahaut wanted for a 'strong child' and Zamira one that 'looked like them both' and when they were actually blessed with a bloom Mahaut would actually admit to being shocked. She knew that in the past after all she was very hard on those of her sisters that wanted for a child with an outsider after all. It would have been only fair of Aisha to punish her for that but instead she and Zamira were blessed with a little one instead.

When their little one was born Zamira was only too happy, cooing over him, praising him for being the 'most adorable baby ever' while Mahaut would admit to being shocked. They had been blessed with a youngling but the one that they got was a male, something that she hadn't been expecting. In fact it didn't even cross her mind for a moment. His gender being something that was even less expected then the way he looked. She'd expected her child to look different since he was a mix of the two of them but never one had she considered that he wouldn't be a she. She didn't look down on him for it, but merely with confusion. While she allowed herself to get used to the straight twist of fate the two of them worked on picking out a suitable name Zigaran, one that is a combination of Ziga meaning 'Victory' and Ran meaning 'water lily'. One name chosen by each of his mothers and combined when they couldn't decide on one or the other.

Mahaut wants him to grow up strong, very strong, because she knows being of mixed blood won't lend to him an easy life. Zamira wants him to grow up kind, because he is her 'sweet baby'. Until he is able to stand on his own two feet though the two of them mean to look after him closely and keep him safe, with Mahaut training him once he's ready, even if it means his training starts when he is very young. The family is currently living in Jauhar since Zamira isn't able to stay on the Chibale Isles, though Mahaut tends to be away at times. She might have ended up with a family but that doesn't by any means mean that she' abandoned her sisters or her post.

It was decided that the family would be set up in Emeka because while it is an Alkidike settlement for the most part it's a smaller settlement. It's where Mahaut feels that her family will be safest while she is away serving Aisha alongside her sisters. While Zigaran was still an infant they mostly stayed put, though as he got older and was able to walk and talk, the pair would visit on villages from time to time with and without Mahaut. Things can be a bit tough on the pair when Mahaut isn't around since Zamira is an outsider and Zigaran is a half breed, but they do their best to hold down the fort while she is away.

While Zamira is a bit leery of the idea of her baby having to deal with some of the sisters that aren't as welcoming or younglings his age teasing him it seems that he is made of sterner stuff. His training with his mother Mahaut, even at a young, seems to have stuck. On top of that he was told early on that he's different and therefore he will be treated unfairly, that he has to fight for everything that he might want in life from food, friends, respect, and so on. It's something that he understands as much as a child can though at times it will still get to him. He refuses to show any sort of reaction in front of those that might taunt him though, saving that for when he is home with Zamira and Zamira alone. If Mahaut is home he will swallow his emotions down and put on as strong a front as possible, wanting to appear strong in front of his Alkidike mother since he wants so badly to be like her.

Due to the fact that her son is trying so hard to be strong Zamira does the same herself despite knowing that there are some among the sisters that feel she stole away Mahaut's future. That she seduced a strong sister into falling for an Earthling and having a strange half breed son instead of starting a family with another sister. It's something that gets to Zamira at times and that tends to be what leads to the occasional trips to other villages for a breather.

During those times away they will go only as far as Neued, a place that Zamira can meet up with others from her tribe who she knows stays there. It was where she herself had been staying before she ended up married to Mahaut after all. Going to Neued to visit with her friends and family is when Zigaran finds himself immersed in Matorian culture. He finds it interesting but it's nothing that he clings to hard to if only because he is trying so hard to be an Alkidike. He wants to know about that part of himself but he doesn't want to let it influence him too much since it's not the path he means to follow. It might bother Zamira a little as she feels his life would be a lot easier if he followed in her footsteps and became a singer, but she has to respect the strength that is held within so little a child as Zigaran already.  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:33 am
Hey Orphy!

First of all before my flood of thoughts one question about physical appearances –

Just to clarify is he going to have any Matori speckles or do you just want two toned skin with alk markings?

((Also in the history would his Matori mother, Zamira, be on the beaches of Jahaur correct? Just thinking it may be a bit dangerous / hard for her to get too close considering that area of Jahaur is mostly Alkidike settlements. So she must have really been daring or gotten off track/lost the first time she ever ventured that way. And then of course proved she truly liked Mahaut by taking the risk to continue approaching that area to see her. ))

Is he going to be raised in one of the alk settlements in Jahaur or will they be away from other alks? If they are in a settlement what will most of his life experience be? (Especially as a rare hybrid in an area full of traditional Alks and even far less earthlings) Will he try his hardest to be like other Alks or will he believe in being tough and trying to prove that different isn’t such an awful thing? Or will he be slightly bitter that he isn’t a full Alkidike since he seems to value their lives so much?

Also, I was just curious if he is her ‘sweet baby’ how would Zamira handle it if he were scorned? Would they ever consider relocating or does she tough it out alongside of her mate? How would he handle things if his matori mother was ever scorned by an Alkidike considering her inferior for being an earthling?

Does he ever wonder about his Matori heritage? Will that ever play a role in his life or is he content in Jahaur?

It seems that Mahaut’s influence will be stronger on him than Zamira? It seems he adores the idea of the warrior life, but how does he balance that with trying to please his Matori mother? (I know he tries to be kind, but are there times when he perhaps has conflict with her due to wanting to be a fighter rather than perhaps a singer? Or is she okay with violence as long as it seems to be justified?)

And I think that's enough from me for now. c:  

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 8:31 am
Sabra Knight


Thank you for the crit! It gave me lots to think about. <3  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 3:49 pm
Orpheus Solon

You're welcome! <3

I think I'm done questioning for now since you covered it all pretty well. ^.^ I'll post again if I think of anything else.  

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy


PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:46 am
Orpheus Solon

He is all set to go then ^.^

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