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[SRP-VIKING] A new generation.. kinda (multiple)

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Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 7:47 am
Renáta wrinkled her nose as she glanced around. There were so many young adults and adolescents... she had wanted to do this with a small band, preferably with just herself, Hakon, Mikael and Erika. But it seems the siblings hadn't remembered that, or more likely, Mikael hadn't been able to keep his jaw shut... Sighing she resigned herself to a day of babysitter, rather than reaving.

Hakon & Kaisa
Hakon looked back over his shoulder with an encouraging smile. "Come on. I promise it will be fun." He reassured the shy pure-white lioness timidly following along behind him. Kaisa gave him a brave but clearly uncertain smile. "I'm coming..." Her sweet, high voice was at odds with the generally rough appearance of all those rapidly gathering for what was turning out to be more of a mass raid than Hakon had expected. Ren had told him it would be just the four of them after all... but there were ten or so bodies walking this way.

Freyja, having followed her brother and his little white shadow on the hunch that today was the day when he was going out a-viking, grinned as she spotted the gathering up ahead. Ahha! She had been right! Smirking at his mildly horrified expression as she jogged past him she flicked her two-toned tail tuft in his face. "Good day for a Viking." She remarked to his obvious embarrassment as she moved on up ahead of the pair. She knew the white girl had been crushing on her brother ever since they were cubs, and he was insanely protective of her. Freyja figured if they ever got their act together they would end up married. That was if Hakon ever pulled his head out of his behind and stopped being a blind fool about it. Shrugging she put her lovestruck idiot brother out of her mind and tried to see if she could name everyone who had turned up.

Kain & Aeshma
The two siblings walked side-by-side, their shoulder's brushing lightly as they moved. Though full-blood siblings, the pair couldn't have looked less alike. Kain was a mix of tan, cream and chocolate hues with a plain coat. His sister Aeshma was blue with a highly detailed pattern across her shoulders and back that easily identified her as Lucivar's offspring. Kain took after their mother in all but colouration. Aeshma stuck close to her brother, the pair talking and laughing quietly together. Upon reaching the crowd, Kain stopped them on the edge of the gathering, making sure no one was close enough to run into his sister. What may have looked like an over-protective brother was infact a result of Aeshma's poor eyesight. With a blind mother it was of no surprise to the family that some of the cubs would be born blind or slowly loose their eyesight. And while most of the cubs had reasonable vision, some were certainly degrading. Aeshma was one of them, though she had yet to confide in anyone but her parents and her closest sibling Kain. Hell bent and determined to become a reaver despite her condition, Aeshma had persuaded her brother to bring her along. She refused to receive any special treatment, so she hadn't told anyone that her sight was blurry and prone to black spots. Not that she gave any indication that she was anything but a normal youngster, quizzing Kain on who was there and what they were up to. On the viking his job would be to tell her where the enemy was, and then to stay out of her way. For his part, Kain wanted to aid his sister and knew that her freedom would be swiftly curtailed once she went fully blind. So for the time being he was willing to indulger her, probably far beyond what was really safe. But he simply couldn't stomach denying her anything. So the two adolescents sat to one side, talking and observing, waiting for the viking to start.

Kvasear eyed the gathering lions as they rapidly formed into a group. He hadn't realised just how many lions would be here. He had heard that this gathering was going to happen, and that it had been sponsored by his aunt Svana, due to the fact that there were so many young adults and adolescents wanting to go out a-viking. But no one had said it would be this big. Kvasear himself had been impatiently waiting to go out to claim his reaver title and so had jumped at the chance to join anyone planning such a trip. After all, his aunt was the Warlord, and he was very well aware of her many and varied feats. Reaver by early adolescence, becoming a Captain as soon as she turned adult, and raising all the way to Warlord barely a year later. His father Kekale was a successful Captain and his sister's right paw. It was a formidable family image to live up to, never mind that his mother was descended from the old Warlord Aesir. But Kvasear was determined to do his best and make his father and his entire family proud. Jaw set he waited for the viking to be officially started.

While tecnically having already been on his first viking, Micah was always on the lookout for opportunities to gain more experience while he looked for a suitable Captain who's band he could join. This event had been public knowledge and while there were more youngsters than he had been expecting, he figured it would at least prove to be an exciting one. And they were being led by Fenrir, son of the Captain Lucivar and part of the warlord's personal band. He couldn't think of a more suitable lion to lead this viking and he was looking forward to what would happen. Glancing round he noticed several faces he didn't recognise, and one he did but wished he hadn't... Raum was here. Like most of the pride he knew of the Captain Ragnvard and his many alleged misdeeds. Raum had been pointed out to him a few months ago, as the young male was apparently Ragnvard's favoured male offspring and was being groomed to follow in his nefarious father's pawsteps. Frowning Micah figured he would keep an eye on the young adolescent during the trip. Who knew what the blood of the red Captain would be plotting.

Raum frowned as he looked about at the gathered lions. He recognised most of them, his father had made him memorise every prominent family in the pride and there were several members here today. The two god-born siblings who barely even looked related where here, Hakon and Freyja, as well as the white cub who's mother had been his father's thrall until her 'rescue' by a rival reaver. Kaisa, he thought her name was. She had stuck close to the giant Hakon's side ever since they were cubs and he had never seen her without her huge white guardian. Turning from the three of them he eyed up the brown lioness in the back. Ragnvard's youngest sister Renáta. While blood related, he had never spoken to her as she had made it very plain that she would have nothing to do with her brother or his offspring. Frowning he wondered what had happened between them but then decided it didn't matter. She was no ally of his, so he would ignore her like he did most of the pride. Movement out of the corner of his eye had his hackles raised instantly as he recognised the golden coat of his cousin, Jua'mkal. What was he doing here?!

Jua'mkal sat quietly to one side of the milling lions. Most were talking amongst themselves, evidently friendly or at least on speaking terms with each other. Jua however knew almost no one here. He had arrived recently, seeking out his father who was apparently a reaver in the pride. It had been sheer luck that he had stumbled across the lion's family and the name of his mother had sparked a memory. He had then been pointed at Ronan, a large, fierce male who spoke very few words, at least to Jua. His best friend's sister, a green lioness by the name of Auðlín had finally taken pity on him and welcomed him into the family. Still, he felt like an outsider and knew it would be a long time before he was at all comfortable in this new and strange land. Especially with that dark-coated male glaring daggers at him from across the gathering...

Erika & Mikael
Erika stopped dead on the pathway as she saw the somewhat larger gathering of lions than she had expected. "What on earth?" She gaped as her brother moved up next to her. Mikael followed her gaze and snorted. "Well, seems we have a bigger job on our paws than we expected.." He commented idly, one brow lifting as he looked back at his sister. Her silent nod pulled a low chuckle from him as he resumed walking, closing the distance between them and the gathered mass. "Well, come along then." He added when she didn't immediately follow, making him pause and wait for her shock to wear off. She shot him a narrow-eyed look which he replied to with a shrug. "I invited Ren and Hakon. Don't blame me for this.." He said in answer to the silent condemnation in her eyes.

'Izzah bint Rukan & Erika
'Izzah bint Rukan had heard that there was a potential viking going out and had decided to investigate. Ever since arriving in the pride she had fallen back into her old habit of training day and night. The only difference between her old home and this new place was the reason for that training. Once, it had been about War and Defence, the life and death struggle to survive. But here in the Stormborn, it was all about honour, both personal and pridal. They thrived in the fight, it was a hobby to them, not a necessity. She had discovered an unexpected liberty in that fact.. Though fighting was so ingrained in her soul that she had never even considered not doing it. So she had trained with the pride's reavers and Captains and now she was itching to go out and test herself once more. Training was all well and good, but it paled in comparison to a real fight.

Looking round she saw what appeared to be the female in charge and made her way over. "I want to come with you." It was more of a statement than a question and she held the dark lioness' gaze as she awaited an answer, daring the other female to refuse her.

Erika sighed and glanced back over her shoulder at the gathering of some ten lions. "Might as well.... not like one more is going to make a difference at this point..." She replied with a shrug. This was going to be.... interesting.

Fenrir walked up, ignoring the babbling, unruly mass of lions as he made a beeline to Erika and her brother Mikael. "Are we ready to go?" He asked, looking between the two young lions responsible for this Viking trip. At their nods he sighed softly before steeling himself and facing the dozen or so lions that had obviously come with the expectation of going out raiding. He was doing this for Svana, after all, after she had complained that too many youngsters were asking to go out. No good would come of putting it off... "Everyone!" He roared just loud enough to get their attention. "You will do as I say or you will be sent back to the pride, am I clear?" At the few nods and murmurings of 'yes' and 'ok', and one or two over-enthusiastic shouts, he turned and nodded once more to the siblings before setting off. Anyone who followed would officially be on the Viking.

Creeping up at the back of the gathering, the young adolescent glanced nervously around. She hadn't been planning on coming, though she had heard talk of this viking for a few days now. She really didn't have any great interest in being a reaver or on going beyond the pride in order to beat up other lions and such. However, Kain had pointed out to her on several occassions that if she became a reaver, no one would ever try and turn her back into a thrall. Nevermind that she had only been a thrall for a short time, it had been long enough that she knew she never wanted to be one again. Her mother was content in her role, but Hämärä knew that Mwana had been incredibly lucky with Lucivar and Mbali. She had seen too many thralls in worse situations to be nieve about her own chances. So... here she was. But at least she knew Kain and Aeshma were on this trip too, so she had planned on just sticking near the two who were as close as siblings to her. Spotting the distinctive blue fur of Aeshma through the crowd, Hämärä hurried in that direction as the entire group started to move out.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:12 am
Having watched everyone gather, she had spotted the siblings Erika & Mikael, the latter of which she gave a narrow-eyed look to when he glanced her way. The shrug she recieved in return was casual and not half as appologetic as she wanted. Huffing she stood and turned her attention to their leader for this trip, Fenrir. As he set off, she fell into step beside him, though didn't speak as they followed the trail. Fenrir was the defacto Captain this trip, and Renáta wondered if this was his first step towards that rank for real. Though the brown male hadn't yet expressed any interest in leaving the Warlord's band. Putting such idle thoughts from her mind she forced on the here and now.

Hakon & Kaisa
As the two fell into step with the crowd, Hakon gently bumped her shoulder with his own. "It will be fine. Just stick with us...." Looking up ahead to where his over-enthusiastic sister walked right on Fenrir's tail, he corrected himself. ".. me. And I promise you will be safe." Kaisa nodded, managing another shy smile as she looked up at the big white male beside her. "I know. I'm not scared. It's just.... " She didn't need to finish as he smiled at her again. Hakon was such a nice lion, caring and thoughtful and he had always looked out for her welfare. She didn't know why he had chosen to hang out with her back when they were cubs, but she was more than grateful. Hakon was her only really close friend. Though she liked his sister and the rest of his family well enough. Her mother had started to sile knowingly when he had continued to come round to their den to see her. And those looks had only grown more confident the older the two got. Now, Kaisa was certain her mother was expecting a wedding announcment any time now, but she herself was too scared to jinx such a dream. Hakon had as yet shown little interest in her that way, but likewise, he hadn;t talked about how pretty the other lionessess were either. So, she would simply treasure his friendship and keep her hopes buried where even she wouldn't find them.

Having taken stock of the entire gathering, including the few who lingered on the edge of the crowd evidently trying to stay unnoticed, Raum the son of Ragnvard and apparently something of a stuck up prig, Hämärä who was the illigitimate daughter of Lucivar's personal thrall, and the new-commer Jua'mkal. The pridelander looked out of place amid her rough and tumble kinsmen. His golden coat was pure and unmarked by any scars, his build just a tad more tall and graceful than the natives all around him. He also seemed isolated in a way Raum was not, despite the fact that both adolescents were skulking about the edges of the gathering. Raum was intent on each individual, where as Jua seemed to be somewhat intimidated by them all. She wondered briefly how he had even managed to get in, but then maybe he had picked a particularly bad or drunk reaver. It wasn't completely unheard of. After all the freeborn Kidogo had won his way in and then promptly stayed as a freeborn rather than going on to be a proper reaver. She hoped this one wasn't going to copy Kidogo. Though the fact that he was here was a good sign. As Fenrir set off, Freyja refocused and followed along close behind.

Kain & Aeshma
Aeshma perked up when Fenrir gave the order to move out. Nudging her brother eagerly she stepped out into the rapidly flowing crowd, Kain sticking close beside her. "I really hope we find some rogues. A thrall would be quite handy and if I caught one today it would be all trained up by the time I need one." She had a way of talking about her impending loss of sight without menioning it and Kain was used to her near-preoccupation with planning for that inevitable future. "A seeing-eye thrall like Mwana?" He asked, just as he caught sight of the thrall's daughter behind them. "You could train it to be your guide out on vikings too. How about that? The first ever blind reaver!" He grinned as Aeshma snorted distainfully at his suggestion, but he could see the idea take root in her brain. Grinning to himself he wondered if she would actually manage such a feat. It wouldn't surprise him in the slighest if she did. Aeshma was the most stubbon lion he knew.

Carefully dodging paws and tails, Hämärä wove her way towards her den-mates. Having been brought up together they were as close as siblings despite not actually being related in any way. Falling in behind Aeshma and Kain, she felt herself settle a little. She refused to rely on the two of them, needing to prove to herself that she could do this. But staying near them was alright. It had to be, she knew she wouldn't have the courage to be here if they weren't. Looking around now that her first objective had been completed, she spotted Kaisa. Not a lioness she knew well, but she did know that Kaisa's mothe had been Ragnvard's thrall, but had escaped him and had cubs with another reaver. Luckily that reaver had protected and claimed her when Ragnvard went looking, but the whole pride had gossiped about the event for weeks. While it happened before Hämärä had been born, Kain had told her the story when she had been anxious about being the daughter of a thrall. Kaisa seemed to be doing alright too, judging from the company she was in. So maybe Hämärä herself would be fine after all.

As the entire band started to move, Kvasear fell into step with the rest. About midway down the pack he watched those around him, noting those few faces he knew, committing those he didn’t to memory. He spotted Kain and Aeshma walking along. They were staying very close together, though being as they were siblings he didn’t find it strange. He also spotted their thrall’s offspring, the star-backed youngster looked terrified but she was following her den-mates with a determined air. He wondered why she was here if she didn’t want to go. He doubted the siblings had made her come, as he had seen her sneak in long after they had arrived. But whatever her motive, it was none of his business. Putting the female out of his mind he focused on the viking that was coming. If his gaze kept straying to Hämärä, he refused to acknowledge it.

As everyone started to move out and along the pathway, Micah hung back, waiting until the bulk of the party had moved past him. He was in fact waiting for one specific lion, and it was only when Raum walked past that Micah fell in behind. He wanted to keep an eye on the young male, he didn’t trust Raum and certainly not while out on his first viking. Or at least, his first group viking. The kid had probably been going out with Ragnvard for months, knowing the Captain. He was always looking to give himself and by extension, his bloodline, a leg up. While there was nothing wrong with the idea initially, it was the fact that it was Ragnvard that made Micah wary. Who knew what the Captain was plotting. Frowning he decided that he would keep a watch on Raum for the entire Viking. Only once they were back home again would Micah relax.

After examining his cousin, Raum turned his attention away to study the rest of the lions gathering. Erika & Mikael were here, offspring of the Priestess Ember and descendants of the old Warlord Aesir. While he had spoken to neither, he had been made to learn of them and their links to the old leader. That was an interesting story. Their mother had been viking-born in the forest, a sibling kidnapped by Aesir and then the mother had brought the entire litter to look for the missing cub. Some had stayed or rather, returned after the banishment ordered by Njal, but some had left and never come back. Gossip surrounded the priestess, many claiming her to be more than a lion, that she had part of the foirest spirit within her like her mother. Raum at least agreed that she was a strange female. But Mystic? Raum wasn’t at all convinced of that. In fact he found the entire idea of seeing the future to be something of a con, as he refused to believe that his future was all planned out and that he was merely following the script of some higher being. He made his own fortune, and he would walk his own path. No seer could ever persuade him otherwise.

Though Raum didn’t know it, he was in fact entirely wrong in his assumption, as he was treading the path his own Father desired him to travail. And it hadn’t taken a Seer to make that happen.

But such thoughts wouldn’t occur to the young viking for some time and he simply fell into step with the group, passing in front of the watchful stare of a dark adult with a deep red mane. But as many of the pride frequently stared at Raum, and then gave him a wide birth, he didn’t pay the male any attention.

Jua had been feeling eyes on him ever since he had arrived in the pride. While at first he had ignored the sensation, assuming it was just curiosity, today he was certain there was more to it than simple benign interest. He was getting a decidedly hostile itch between his shoulder-blades and the source appeared to be a dark rusty red adolescent stood on the opposite side of the gathering. Uncertain why this particular stranger appeared to have taken a dislike to him, Jua decided to get a shuffle on when the order to move out was finally given. Hurrying past the angry looking youth he tried to get lost in the middle of the group, and was thankful when that burning intensity seemed to drift away. Breathing a sigh of relief he turned his attention to the front and the Reaver who was leading this Viking, the first stirrings of excitement fluttering in his belly.

Erika & Mikael
Erika watched as the Outlander moved forwards, headed toward the front of the band. She had seen the lioness around, training mostly, and had heard a few rumours regarding the newcomer’s old pride. Certainly the lioness could fight and was quite the vicious opponent. Not that such surprised anyone, she was covered in old scars much like any native Stormborn. Hurrying to catch up with her brother she fell back into step with the grey male. “Well, this is going to be more interesting than we expected.” She commented as Fenrir set off and the entire gathering fell into step behind him. Mikael nodded, doing a swift headcount. “I don’t think I’ve seen a raiding party this big before.” He replied, amused. “But half are youngsters. I’ll be surprised if we get anything accomplished.” She nodded after a moment, having been looking at who was coming along. “I don’t think there will be any stragglers, except maybe Hämärä and Kaisa.” She pointed to the two females, both daughters of thralls, both apparently in the company of more reliable friends. “Hakon will keep an eye on his white shadow.” Mikael replied, watching the big white god-blood male as he spoke to his shy companion. The pure white female was nearly half his size, but Mikael doubted Hakon would let anything even get close to her. He was incredibly protective of the lioness. Erika nodded, still watching the star-coloured youngster.

'Izzah bint Rukan
Leaving the grey and black lioness behind, 'Izzah trotted up to the front of the group. Finally, she was going out on a viking. Sure, this one was full of kids and newbies, but she figured it was better than nothing. And after this she planned on finding a Captain who she could follow, as apparently that was what you had to do in order to leave the pride and go out to find a fight. You were led by a Captain as part of a band of reavers. 'Izzah figured she would eventually take the rank for herself, but she knew also that as an Outlander, she would have to prove herself three times over and above her Stormborn counterparts. Which was fair enough in her opinion. She certainly wasn’t upset about it. After all, she knew she was good enough, and she was no stranger to hard work. Falling in behind the lion in charge she looked past Fenrir and out towards the horizon. This was the first step in her new life.

The defacto Captain didn’t bother looking back as he set off. Those that followed, would follow. Those that had changed their minds, would simply stay within the pride. He saw Renáta fall in at his side. The brown-coated female didn’t speak to him, but he was glad she was there. A level headed and no-nonsense lioness, Renáta was perhaps the most reliable and most likeable of Ragnvard’s siblings. Probably because she had distanced herself so much from them. Putting the lioness’s family life out of his mind, he set off down the pathway, one he knew well, as he led the large group out past the Stormborn’s boarders and into the open landscape beyond.


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:12 am
Once they were well beyond the boarder and out into the Roguelands, Fenrir ordered the large band to split up into pairs and spread out. The land directly beyond the pride was the most heavily hunted, but Fenrir figured this to be an advantage. Nothing big lived out here, and certainly no roaming bands of rogues. He knew there were other prides out there just as dangerous as his own, so there was no way he was going to set off on some epic journey into a new and untraveled land. His reavers-to-be would simply have to be content with a slightly less exciting viking. Not that there weren’t plenty of dangers out here. Hyenas were a constant irritation and there were always the odd passing rogue too stupid or unluky enough to stray too close to the Stormborn.

As the youngsters got themselves into position, Fenrir gave the order to advance after picking out several pairs to act as scouts. Each order came with an explanation as to why and what the manoeuvre was for. After all, this was a lesson as much as it was a regular viking. Fenrir believed that not only did they need to do a thing, they had to understand why they were doing it. That was the only way to make them into skilled, expert reavers.

Renáta & 'Izzah bint Rukan
Renáta wasn’t truly paying too much heed to Fenrir. After all, this was far from her first trip out, but as she glanced over at his order she caught him motioning to the Outander. Nodding to show she understood she dropped back just enough to let 'Izzah catch up with her. “We will pair up.” Was all she said.

'Izzah had been paying more attention than the native lioness, but she missed the look shared between them. So when the brown female dropped back, 'Izzah was momentarily surprised. Arching a brow she looked the lioness over. As with all Stormborn, she was muscular and fit with a smattering of scars scattered across her coat. Shrugging 'Izzah didn’t complain. Truly she had yet to come across a native lion that couldn’t fight. So this was fine by her. “Alright. Lead on.”

Renáta nodded and set off, taking point well ahead of the main party. She knew Fenrir wanted her up ahead and she figured the battle-hardened 'Izzah was trustworthy enough to join her.

Freyja & Micah
The dragon-marked female glanced over at her brother with his white shadow. Kaisa would need to stay with him, so Freyja would have to find her own partner. Looking around she spotted Micah. The dark male had become something of the silent type as he matured, but she knew he was a good fighter and was actually already a reaver. Grinning she trotted up to him and bumped his shoulder with her own. "Come along then." He looked back at her, right yellow eyes gleaming against the darkness of his fur. After a moment he shrugged. "Alright." he replied, his voice deeper than she remembered. Chuckling Freyja grinned right back at him in a totally unappologetic expression. His eye-roll was the only answer he gave but he followed her as she split off from the group and started to search the area for any hint of a trail.

Hakon & Kaisa
Haikon watched as his sister picked out her victim.. sorry, her partner. Silently wishing Micah good luck with his sibling, he turned to Kaisa. “How are you doing so far?” He asked, smiling reassuringly at her. Kaisa gave him a brave smile in return. “Alright. This isn’t as scary as I thought it would be.” She paused then blushed slightly. After all they ahd only just set off. She was certain that they would run into a violent rogue soon enough. But she had Hakon, and he would never let her be captured by anyone. Taking a deep breath she pulled her head up high and stepped away from the band. “Lets go this way.” She said with more assurance than she really felt. But when Hakon followed her with a proud look, she knew facing her fears would totally be worth it. With new confidence she set off, circling slowly as they sought some sign of a target.

Kain & Aeshma
Aeshma grinned as soon as Fenrir told them to start looking. “Come on Kain!” She called even as she was already stepping away from the slowly disintegrating band and towards the open savannah. “Hey!” He cursed softly and hurried to catch up with her. “Woah there, we gotta stay together.” He nudged her none too gently and she turned to peer at him. “Oh come on. Don’t be such a spoil-sport!” She nipped at his nose, missing by a mile as he pulled his head back and narrowed his eyes at her. A look she of course ignored as she set off again. With a sigh he followed. “You are gonna be the death of me, sister.” He groused, though his tone held more good-natured teasing than any true annoyance. Her easy laughter was all the reply he received as she lowered her head and started scenting the ground. As a half-blind lion she was already starting to rely and develop her other senses. Her hearing was especially sharp, something he was rapidly coming to learn was not always an advantage as she would over hear conversations not meant for her ears. Keeping his own head up and his eyes on the landscape beyond them, he stayed close at his sister’s side.

Kvasear & Ilta'hämärä
Kvasear hadn’t truly been paying too much attention to Fenrir. After all he knew how these things typically went and his thoughts were preoccupied elsewhere. So it was only when he heard someone come up behind him that he belatedly paid attention to the instructions that had been given to them. Pairs? What did Fenrir hope to accomplish with that rule? Then he realised just why the reaver had ordered it. With this many youngsters, letting them all scoot off in different directions was a recipe for a disaster of epic proportions. Frowning as he looked about for someone suitable to take as his wingman, he realised that everyone else had already paired up. All, that was, aside from the star-backed thrall-daughter currently looking right at him. Arching a brow he stood still as she approached. “May I join you?” She asked, her voice steady though he could see the nervousness in her. He arched a brow, but she stood her ground, until finally he nodded. While not the ideal partner, she was better than nothing he supposed. Even as he realised this rationalisation was ridiculous, he knew he could not send her away. Why was beyond him, but as he turned to start scouting the bushes near by he couldn’t help but keep glancing back to make sure she was following.

Raum & Jua'mkal
Raum had been lost in thought when the order to pair up had been given. So when he finally looked about as everyone started to head off in different directions he scowled when he realised what had happened. Even Kvasear seemed to have paired up with the ex-thrall. A sudden deeply disturbed sensation filled his chest as he turned to see the only still-available partner stood near by. Jua'mkal. A low, deep rumble of a growl escaped his clenched fangs as the golden male looked over and then started to head his way. Turning his back on the Outlander, Raum instantly headed off into the brush. With any luck he would loose the idiot before he could catch up. Sadly, he heard pawsteps following him closely and he growled again, but resigned himself to having the fool follow him about for now.

Jua had been dismayed when he had realised that everyone else had already paired up and set off in different directions. The only one left was the dark red male that had been staring his way earlier, and not with a very friendly expression. Still, swallowing his uncertainty he took a deep breath and headed for the other adolescent. Whatever animosity the stranger held for him would have to be put aside. They were supposed to follow the Captain’s orders. When the red male turned and slunk away Jua could only sigh and hurry his steps along. The other may not want him along, but he wasn’t going to break the rules just to save someone’s feelings. Doggedly he followed his unwilling partner into the bushes.

Erika & Mikael
With the rest of the band moving into pairs and scouting the near-by area, the two siblings padded up to where Fenrir was stood on a small rise, gazing further along the trail. “Want us to go on point?” Mikael asked as he and his sister also studied the land spread out before them. Erika was already moving forwards, following the pathway down the small rise and out into the untamed land. Fenrir nodded. “If there are rogues out there, come back and let me know. We need to be careful today.” Both siblings nodded, Erika looking more excited now that they were going to do something more interesting ad with a greater chance of danger. Mikael rolled his eyes but his stride was just as swift as he followed his sister. Baby-sitting a bunch of youngsters was not the most exciting job in the world, and both had been sceptical over the chance for a real fight on this particular viking.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:12 am
The large brown male watched as his two Seconds vanished down the pathway, headed deeper into the roguelands. He knew they would be just fine, as young but experienced reavers in their own right and with each other as back-up, he felt that he didn’t need to worry about them. However, there were plenty of other concerns to consider. Turning round he looked out over the slowly spreading group. There, the white female, as far as he could tell she was timid and shy and rarely left Hakon’s side. Why she was out here today he had no idea. Same went for Hämärä, daughter of his father’s own thrall. Though he had overheard some of her conversations with his younger half-siblings. Apparently she wanted to make certain no one could ever claim her as a thrall again. He admired her ambition, he just hoped she proved to have the determination to achieve her goal.

Turning his head he checked on the rest of the paired up youngsters, then looked for his two pairs of advanced scouts. Erika and Mikael were making steady progress at an oblique angle to his location. And opposite them he could see Renáta and 'Izzah. His pridemate was leading the way but the Outlander looked competent enough. Satisfied for the time being he started to slowly circle, keeping an eye on his charges as they scouted for signs.

Renáta & 'Izzah bint Rukan
Out in front Renáta was walking steadily, her head up and ears flicking back and forth. Behind and to her side 'Izzah was moving with the same easy purpose. The two females moved easily together, despite having barely exchanged a word between them. Ren led the way, doing a back and forth sweep as she steadily worked her way further from the group. Coming across many trails she easily identified them as unimportant. Old rogue scents, small scurrying animals, an old kill that had been picked clean and even the bones reduced to a few splintered fragments. “Hyenas had been around here.” She said to 'Izzah behind her. “We will have to report that.” The Outlander nodded. “I don’t suppose we will find them today?” She asked hopefully, thinking a pack of hyenas would make some nice pelts to return to the pride with and cement her as a serious warrior in the native’s eyes. Ren shook her head. “Too old, though they could return I suppose..” While a good fight would help alleviate her own itchy paws, the idea of so many untested youngsters coming face to face with a band of those mangy scavengers did not appeal.

Freyja & Micah
Freyja led Micah along a faint trail, gazelle maybe, she thought. Yet it wasn’t the scent of prey that drew her onwards, but a faint rustling she had heard along with a scent she did not recognise. Curious she lowered her head and tracked it, weaving in and out of the low but spiky scrub bushes. Behind her came the larger male, unlike Freyja he kept his head up, but was also watching where he stepped, having no desire to stab himself with the wickedly long thorns the bushes sported. He didn’t recognise the scent either, though he had caught it around the same time as Freyja had headed into the bushes. “Don’t get bit.” He warned her as he followed, far more cautious than she was being. “Yeah yeah…” Came the muffled response as her rump vanished behind a larger bush.

Hakon & Kaisa
Hakon allowed Kaisa to take the lead, though he kept an eye out for any possible danger near by as they searched. At one point he thought he saw something move in the grass, slithering and sinuous. Stepping forwards he nudged her subtly away from where he suspected a snake was hiding, guiding her onto a different game trail. Kaisa though was unaware of the near-accident and had her head lowered, gazing all about as she walked slowly along the new path, her eyes fixed on the ground as she tried her hardest to spot something the band could chase or capture. A baby hare startled from right under her nose and shot away, but instead of giving chase, Kaisa had let out a short yelp of surprise and back-peddled hard into Hakon’s broad chest. After recovering from his own surprise of nearly having the wind knocked from him, he grinned at his friend as she flushed a delicate pink in embarrassment, a low rumbling laugh filling his chest. “It’s ok… only the entire roguelands heard that… “ He soothed, chuckling as she shot him a half embarrassed, half annoyed glare. Unrepentant his broad grin remained as they set off again.

Kain & Aeshma
The siblings walked back and forth, gradually widening their search. As always Aeshma was in the lead, with Kain at her side to keep her from stepping in a hole or walking off the edge of a cliff. Not that either was likely today, but he was very aware of her failing eyesight, where as the lioness herself barely seemed to notice and certainly didn’t let it dictate her actions.

All of a sudden Kain spotted movement right in front of them and shoved his shoulder hard into his sister, sending her stumbling to the side just as a dark red snake lashed out, its giant mouth snapping shut on empty air. “SNAKE!” He yelled loudly, backpeddling as the monster coiled back up, getting ready for another strike. Yet Aeshma, after regaining her footing, shot forwards, her paw lashing out and swotting the snake on the side of the head hard enough to send it tumbling bodily across the hard ground. Springing forwards she followed it’s slithering path, bringing her front paws down hard on the beast as it struggled to shake off the impact. With one wide paw pressing its head into the ground, her other was half way down the serpentine body, preventing it from coiling back up or getting the leverage to escape her. “You tried to bite me!” She hissed at it, ignoring Kain’s worried presence at her side. “You were going to step on me!” The snake wailed, sounding far younger and more frightened than frightening.

Kvasear & Ilta'hämärä
Kvasear had been following a faint trial, though it was old and he knew it wouldn’t provide them with anything useful, he was half hoping that it may cross a newer one that he could actually use. The sudden cry of ‘snake’ off to one side made him jerk his head up and freeze in place, Hämärä running bodily into his backside as she didn’t react in time. Bumped forwards a step he looked around swiftly, searching the area around them both to check for any more of the vile creatures. When at length he determined that there was nothing in the vicinity he turned to check on Hämärä behind him. Her eyes were wide and frightened and she had not moved a muscle as he head searched. She was also staring in the direction of the cry. “Hey..” He tried to catch her attention, but she didn’t seem to hear him. “HEY!” He tried again, louder and more firmly this time. She flinched and finally looked at him, her wide eyes worried and body tense. “It’s safe, there is nothing near us.” He tried to sooth her but she simply nodded and looked back in the direction of where the warning had originated. “That was Kain!” She cried out softly. “Aeshma may be in trouble.” She suddenly bounded away, running directly towards where the two siblings were under apparent attack. Kvasear was surprised, the previously shy and silent female was running head first into danger. Frowning he finally gave a slight shake of his head, putting aside the puzzle for the moment as he bounded off after her, determined to keep her safe despite her apparent lack of common sense.

Raum & Jua'mkal
Every pawstep that echoed from behind him made his fur bristle. Why couldn’t the Pridelander just go away? He didn’t need a partner, and he certainly didn’t want this one. Another step and the fool cracked a small twig, making Raum’s nerves jangle unpleasantly. Just as he was about to spin round and confront the idiot, the warning cry of ‘snake’ rang out, catching Raum’s attention. Huffing an annoyed sigh he turned and headed towards the commotion. Maybe if he killed it, everyone would go back to the hunt.

Jua winced as the twig he had stood on broke with a sharp snap. He could actually see the fur along the dark lion’s spine lift in response, and he certainly didn’t miss the tension that was in the wiry adolescent’s frame. This was so not a good idea… He thought morosely to himself, certain he would be attacked by his own pride-brother in short order. But then the alarm went up and Jua breathed a sigh of relief as the other youth turned and, apparently completely forgetting Jua’s presence, set off towards the sound. After a moment, Jua himself followed, but this time he didn’t walk directly behind his unwilling partner, but off to one side. Maybe he would get out of this Viking with his hide intact after all…

Erika & Mikael
Together the two older siblings scouted the area, mirroring Renáta and the Outlander 'Izzah on the opposite side. As always Erika was out in front, going just that bit faster than her brother as she strove to find whatever was out here to be found first. After a few minutes Mikael dropped back, lifting his head and eyeing his sister. “It’s not a race, you realise…” He admonished her in a flat tone, knowing full well that she never listened to him. And indeed Erika only paused long enough to look back at him, a wicked grin on her maw and an expression that said ‘Is that so?’. Sighing, Mikael simply shook his head and followed, giving into the inevitable.

That changed when they heard the cry, both siblings looking up and back towards the source of the sound. Seeing that not only were several of the youngsters running that way, but that Fenrir was there, they didn’t bolt back to help, but did make sure the area was secure before jogging back, ready to aid with the snake’s removal if needed.


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:12 am
Fenrir had spun at the cry and raced to where the Kain and Aeshma had been a moment before. Skidding to a halt as he came upon the young female and her now captive attacker, he pulled his head back with a low growl. “Move. I’ll kill it.” He ordered her sharply, aware that many snakes were deadly to lions. He couldn’t personally recognise the various breeds that were poisonous, but any snake was a danger he wasn’t willing to risk. Raising a paw he got ready to strike out when Aeshma moved back.

She barely even noticed as everyone came running over and Fenrir appeared, ordering her to release the beast. Instead she was staring at it intently. “That’s no reason to try and kill me!” She hissed at it furiously, pressing down with the paw that had it’s head trapped. The red-scaled creature bawled, making what she assumed were a snake’s version of pain sounds. “I waf SCARED!” He cried out from under her pawpad, its words becoming muffled as she increased the pressure. “Say you are sorry!” She demanded hotly, not relenting but at least stopping her downward motion. The snake’s body was trying to thrash about, but only the lower half was capable of movement as she had the rest pinned flat. “I SORRY! I SORRY!” The snake wailed as loud as it could.

"AESHMA!!" Fenrir roared as he was completely ignored by the younger female. "Move. Now!" He repeated firmly, getting angry as well as worried that she was still so close to the beast.

Kain & Aeshma
Kain stepped forwards, gently tapping his sister on the shoulder. But before he could speak she twisted her head sharply towards him. "What?" She hissed, then immediately seemed to realise that everyone else was gathered nearby and that Fenrir was glaring at her. "Oh.." Looking up at the irate reaver she frowned, then looked back at the snake. Slowly lifting her paw slightly she eyed the pinned creature. Looking up at Fenrir she bristled. “Wait.” She waited for his incredibly reluctant nod before returning her attention to the creature she held captive.

“Are you going to bite me if I release you?” She demanded more than asked, eyeing the snake suspiciously. The muffled ‘NononoIpromise!’ from under her paw prompted her to lift her foot up and off the squirming beast and after a moment she released it entirely, aware that as she did so everyone else stepped back out of strike range. “Your life belongs to me now.” She told the slithering critter, for the first time taking in its wide-eyed stare and tiny fear-shivers that rolled down its long skinny body. “You understand?” She demanded when it didn’t reply. “Yes!” It squeak-hissed, coiling up into a tight knot apparently out of defence, as it stayed still otherwise, staring up at her as if she were the evil overlord.

“Aeshma.” Fenrir said for the third time, his voice holding a note that told her she must not ignore him again. When she looked up he indicated for her to join him. After a moment, when she was certain the snake was not going to move and try and escape, she padded over to him and he led her a short distance from the rest.

Fenrir and Aeshma spoke for a long time, but finally he turned away from the young female and faced the gathered band, dismissing them back to their search with a terse commend.

Kain & Aeshma
Padding back to her brother she grinned at him cheekily. Kain just shook his head. “The things you get away with…” He grumbled, though he didn’t really mean it. He knew her life as a free lioness was going to be curtailed soon enough, so he perhaps let her get away with more than he really should. Huffing a muffled laugh as she moved to the snake that had indeed not moved a single muscle since she had released it, he simply sat down and waited for her.

Aeshma flicked her tail at her brother as she passed but that was all the reaction she gave him as her entire focus shifted to the snake. She stared down at it for a long moment then sat. “I just saved you from our boss.” She nodded her head at where Fenrir was talking to a few of the other young reavers. “You owe me your life now.” The snake seemed too scared to reply, but eventually it did. “What… what do you want?” Aeshma grinned, ignoring her brother as he face-pawed. It was never a good idea to be at Aeshma’s mercy, she was too cleaver by half. “You will come with me and be my companion.” The snake seemed uncertain, so she added by way of a sweetner. “You will be mine and in return I will protect you and share food with you.” She lowered her head to the snake and peered at it, trying to see more clearly so she could gauge its thoughts. The snake seemed to be considering but eventually it uncurled slightly, lifting its head closer to Aeshma’s height so she could straighten up a little. “We will be friends?” It asked, and Aeshma nodded. “Of course.” The snake considered this for a while longer but eventually nodded. “Alright then. And you won’t eat me?” Aeshma laughed. “Get on up here.” She indicated her back with a lift of her shoulder. The snake hesitated but at last it climbed up her front leg and onto her shoulders, draping itself loosely about her neck like a scaly scarf. Once the beast was settled Aeshma looked back at her brother and stuck her tongue out at his amused and resigned expression.

Kain simply shook his head and stood up. “Come on, Oh Great Charmer of Snakes.” He teased her, laughing as he dodged her friendly swipe. Aeshma snorted, but followed him, content with her day’s work.

Renáta & 'Izzah bint Rukan
Renáta had heard the cry of alarm and, along with 'Izzah at her side, had turned and headed back towards the young band. However when she saw everyone else gathered close and Fenrir in the middle but apparently not in any danger, she turned around and stood guard, keeping an eye out for anyone sneaking up on them from the wildands. 'Izzah, at first fascinated with the goings-on, eventually joined her. “Does this happen often?” She asked, tilting her head at Ren. The native lioness shrugged. “Sometimes… I guess.” To be fair, Renáta hadn’t seen many snakes about the pride, or out on vikings. She knew they must be kept away from cubs, but that was about all. 'Izzah watched the group in between keeping an eye on the open savannah. She knew a lot about birds, after all nearly every member of her pride had owned one. But she knew little of snakes. At least it seemed they weren’t common in her new home either.

Once the danger had apparently passed and Fenrir moved away from the bunched up youngsters, Renáta and 'Izzah set back out to where they had previously been scouting. The viking wasn’t over just yet after all.

Freyja & Micah
The shout hard startled both lions from their hunt and while Freyja had instantly darted back towards the group to find out what was going on, Micah had stayed where he was, watching the commotion from a distance. He could tell that no one was in any serious danger, otherwise Fenrir would have been right in the middle, instead of shouting at Aeshma in a rather annoyed tone. Still, it didn’t take too long for the entire episode to calm down and Micah returned to his task, scouting the area in slow circles while he waited for his own ‘partner‘ to return. Eventually Freyja came walking back. “Well, Aeshma has a new familiar I think.” She grinned at Micah with alittle shrug. “It tried to bite her but she told it off and now it’s sitting round her neck..?” She seemed a little confused by the events but thankfully seemed content with her explanation and joined him on the path once more. “Come on, Fenrir will get impatient.” She said, as if it had been him who had been holding up the viking. Micah simply rolled his eyes and resumed his searching pattern.

Hakon & Kaisa
The moment the cry of ‘Snake’ filled the air, Hakon had bounded forwards, instantly corralling Kaisa with his broad body as if to protect her from a sudden ambush. Trembling she had pressed into his thick white fur, eyes wide and staring while he looked around carefully, not yet truly alarmed but unwilling to take any chances. Soon enough he spotted the group condensing around Aeshma and Kain and relaxed. If those two were involved, there was little cause for alarm. Aeshma was shockingly capable for her age and her brother was never far from her side and was fairly protective of her. Plus, Fenrir was there. Relaxing he leaned over and licked Kaisa’s ruff, trying to calm her. “It’s ok. They seem to have the situation in paw.” He studied her, waiting for her to nod and unwind herself from his side. Eventually she stepped away, still worried but calmer. “Come on, let’s keep looking.” He gently encouraged her forwards and gradually she relaxed again, soon enough regaining some of the budding confidence she had shown earlier.

Kvasear & Ilta'hämärä
Hämärä was terrified for her almost-siblings. What if Aeshma had been bitted? What if she was hurt? Hämärä couldn’t bare the thought of it. But as she grew closer she saw her friend had something pinned under her paws and Fenrir was standing back, letting the young female deal with whatever it was. It took a few moments for the scene to fully register in her brain but finally an explosive sigh of relief escaped her maw and she shakily relaxed. It was only when she felt something warm and solid at her side that she realised Kvasear had come up next to her and was stood calm and confident, watching the drama further up. Sneaking a glance at him she wondered why he had come. He wasn’t especially close to the two siblings, or her for that matter. So why? Apparently feeling her looking at him he lowered his muzzle and returned her gaze, as stoic and unreadable as he had been all day. Blushing slightly, though she didn’t understand why, she quickly looked away. “I guess… we should get back to searching.. “ She couldn’t help but sneak another glance up. He was still looking at her. Feeling the heat rising up her throat she turned and walked, quickly, back to where they had been before. Kvasear following close behind her.

Raum & Jua'mkal
The cry had been un-missable, but aside from lifting his head to glance over at the commotion, and to check his own surroundings, Raum had ignored it. Whatever nonsense the others got up to was of no concern of his, he had more important things on his mind. Like getting this stupid Viking over so he could claim his Reaver title, without having had to go out with his own Father. Wrinkling his nose and the commotion continued, he turned his back on the noise and set off on his own path.

Jua had froze to the spot when the warning had gone up, completely forgetting all about his hostile scouting partner as he first checked his own surroundings then turned and stared at where the others were gathering. He would have gone over but his dark partner set off in the direct opposite direction. With a hefty sigh he turned and trailed after Raum, regretfully.

Erika & Mikael
Erika and Mikael stopped at the outskirts of the group, noting that both Renáta and 'Izzah had done something similar though were stood a little further away. Erika glanced at her brother then back at the centre of the group. “It’s Aeshma.. wonder what she found?” Mikael turned his head, eyeing his sister with a flat expression. “What?” She demanded at his expression, causing him to sigh. “The shout was ‘snake’ I am assuming that is the issue.. a snake.” Erika pulled a face at her brother. “Well yes. I know that. But why?!” Mikael simply shrugged, must to his sister’s disgust. Huffing she swotted at him, but before she could go and investigate further, Fenrir dispersed the group. Huffing again she turned to her sibling, giving him a stern look. “Don’t.” Ignoring his broad grin she turned her tail to him and walked back to where they had been earlier. Mikael simply followed.

Standing on an old termite mound, Fenrir watched as everyone slowly resumed their scouting tasks. This was going to be a very long and very trying viking… Sighing softly to himself he stepped off the mound and headed towards where Renáta & 'Izzah, and Erika & Mikael where holding the forward positions. It was time to move on.
[IC] Rogue Lands

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