Doodle: Finally winter had dug its icy claws into the land, and Imp was pleased, the weather may have a burning sun but the bite in the air was colder, harsher and perfect for the herbs she collected during this time of year, she should be able to pad her supply of them nicely.

But for the moment she sat, and let her blackened coat soak in the suns rays, the scent of a pride was tickling at her nose, her ears flickered, prides were something she generally kept her distance from, but she wasnt always so lucky.

nessiaing: Deker moved out from the jungle out into the rogue lands. He had been doing his best the last few days to put out the fires his childrens game of hide and seek had stirred up. He let out a sigh, he could feel his grip as leader on the colony slipping but maybe that was a good thing maybe that meant the colony was ready to restablish their leadership strutcure. Not that Deker wanted to step down all together but maybe the counsil strutcure could be reinterduced. It would definitely be something that he had to put thought into.

Today was about relaxing though which was why he was going out into the rogue lands, away from the eyes of other colony members so he could jsut lay back and be himself.

Doodle: Her nose twitched again, another scent..male. She turned her head and looked over her shoulder and watched him come into veiw. He looked..worn down.

"Greetings stranger." She called to him, not wanting to startle him by her sudden appearance into what seemed to be his busy thoughts. Her tail flicked up her back as she didnt rise to greet him, but merely stayed rooted where she sat.

nessiaing: Deker was a little surprised to see another leopard out in the rogue lands so close to the jungle that his colony called home. Though he could say witout a doubt she was not a member. “Hello. I am hoping I am not intruding.” He offered as a greeting. He was happy and dissapointed at the same time to see another soul. On one hand at least she wasn’t a member of the colony but on the other hand she was another living soul when Deker had been hoping to be alone.

“My name is Deker.” he told her. Deciding he could at least be polite while he decided whether or not he would stick in the area with her or move along to somewhere else, somewhere he could be alone. The female didn’t seem threatening or annoying in anyway perhaps it would be nice for him to have a fresh person to talk to.

Doodle: "The land if free to those who wish to wander upon it." She replied as she glanced around, looking behind him wondering if any more would be following him. He smelt of others, a prider she thought with a faint shiver, she hoped he wasnt out here to push his prides beliefs on her.

"Imp.." She dipped her head lightly in greeting. She turned her head back towards the land before her, it wasnt completely empty but there werent many souls wandering about it seems, as he drew closer, she was careful to keep her pouch of herbs and other...things close to her, she wouldnt want to have to go collect them again.

nessiaing: Deker could sense that the female seemed slightly uneasy by his presence. He made a point of stopping a fair distance from her and taking a seat so that he was in the least threatening position possible. “You aren’t too close to the colony, nearly a jungle is between you and them. I am here alone do not worry.” he said after he noticed her glance more than once in the direction that he had come.

“It is nice to meet you Imp.” he said. He was settling into his decision to talk to her, for a little while at least. “I assume that you not a member of a pride or colony then?” he asked her. He hadn’t been a member of a pride or colony before he came to Elimisha and stepped up to the leadership role soon after that. He could sense the unease within her, he too had had it.

Doodle: Imp shifted, so that it was easier to converse with this Deker, she shook her head. "Colony, many others, to many eyes, voices." She wouldnt be able to live in a place like that, she feared it would swallow what was left of her that the shadows didnt claim already.

"You could lose yourself in there, your essence could be lost forever.." She shivered even in the warmth of the sun. "We would not be happy in such a place."

nessiaing: Deker swallowed back a laugh her words couldn’t ring any more ture with him in this moment. He knew already that the leopard he was when he entered the colony was very much a different leopard than he was today. It wasn’t always easy to admit that things had changed so much for him, and now to top that off he was a father another factor that was changing who he was.

“Yes what you say is very true.” he told her a smile on his face. “Not to worry though I assure you that you are well outside the colony noone will find you out here.” he assured her. Not wanting the female to worry too much. “Sounds to be you will forever be a rogue then.” he said

Doodle: Imp eyes him, wearily, many who lives in prides wanted others to join, but he didnt seem like he was going to try and push it on her, she visably relaxed and released the breath she had been holding.

"We arent hiding from them, just not interested in joining them." She said with a flick of her ear as she curled her tail around her pouch. His next words made her laugh as she nodded her head in agreement with a smile. "Aye, tis our path. Though not a lonely one, simply different."

nessiaing: Deker smiled, he could tell that the leopardess he spoke to was a little different than more. Not that it was a problem neccessarily but Deker had decided that she was going to require a lot more energy to speak to than he presently had at the moment.

“Well Imp it was a plessure to meet you. Should you ever find yourself in need of assistance always remember the Elimisha s here. Though it sounds to me you are more than self reliant.” It was a compliment and he meant it as so.

“It’s time for me to get on my way though.” he told her. As he rose to his feet caeful to move in away that didn’t take him back to the colony but also not closer to the female leopardess, she might be a touch weird but he didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable.

Doodle: [2016-12-26, 11:41:04 PM] Vanessia Osborne: Deker smiled, he could tell that the leopardess he spoke to was a little different than more. Not that it was a problem neccessarily but Deker had decided that she was going to require a lot more energy to speak to than he presently had at the moment.

“Well Imp it was a plessure to meet you. Should you ever find yourself in need of assistance always remember the Elimisha s here. Though it sounds to me you are more than self reliant.” It was a compliment and he meant it as so.

“It’s time for me to get on my way though.” he told her. As he rose to his feet caeful to move in away that didn’t take him back to the colony but also not closer to the female leopardess, she might be a touch weird but he didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable.
[2016-12-26, 11:50:10 PM] Chelle: (( She is totally weird xDD ))

She nodded her head to him and watched him with a careful eye, she then scooped up her pouch and went back to hunting down herbs that were only plentiful now.

She kept a eye on the direction he had come from, and decided it was best to skirt around the jungle today, she didnt want to have any other run ins.