Character || Nuri
Stage || Beast Master
Battling || Vryhx
Battle Stat || 40
Defense || 20
Roll Needed || 50-100
Rolled || 61
Outcome || WIN
Experience earned || 15 EXP

This was it. They were standing in the caves, and the heat was immense. It was different than Oba, and Nuri couldn't help but feel the sweat on his brow. Around him, his men stood anxiously as they approached the den, waiting and wondering how this would occur. Before them, they could hear the breathing of the creature. Anxiety didn't begin to describe how they all were feeling.

All of a sudden, a roar filled the cave. He knew it was echoing, but still his ears rung as he looked ahead at the moving wall. It wasn't quite a wall, but thick scales and a hide that belonged to a large creature. It was like their war beasts, large and dominating and uncontrollable. As his mouth dried, he knew that they were severely outmatched. Instead of any sort of taming, or fight, they needed to make sure they got out alive so they could report to their superiors.

The creature before them roared one last time, the heat of its breath washing over them along with the smell of decay, before it began to crawl toward them. Immediately, the men snapped their whips and started shouting, the creatures hissing and roaring back. Nuri called for them to fall back, before stepping forward with his sharp whip. In this case, he knew that the blades wouldn't penetrate the scales, but they would do enough damage to deter the creature (hopefully).

They fell back as Nuri held the line, and eventually he struck the creature on a soft spot on its face. It hissed, and with that moment Nuri threw a torch one of his allies had to distract so he could run. They made it outside, and the captain shook his head.

"We need to get home. If the Yaeli can tame this beast, we may need to plan accordingly just to be safe..."

A warbeast indeed.

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