Snowball had taken his time to figure out what he was going to do with the crystal. He first thought about fixing it so he could wear it. He was searching the internet for ideas on how to make jewelry things when he finally came upon something that was actually really cool. It was a bubble wand!

Like a legit fairy wand for bubbles. Snowball's ears twitched as he looked at it and thought looking back to the crystal that was sitting on one of his little purple cushions he'd managed to collect. "Hm, this doesn't seem like that difficult of a thing to do!"

He made a list of things he'd need to make the wand. His plans were for the crystal to be the in center of it, and it to have smaller jewels on the outside. He found that the do it yourself instructions called for various gauges of copper wire, as well as dowel rods and paints and stains. Random trinkets such as beads and rocks were also included. Snowball thought about doing the dowel rods and painting or staining it; finally deciding that might not be a good idea.

When he had his list he went out to find it. Obviously, snowball wanted to make sure he had everything to make the wand. He'd taken the stone with him as he trotted out into the crisp air. It was still cool, and looked like it may threaten to snow again . . . if it was just a bit colder.

Snowball decided to hit up the jewelry store where he knew they hand made jewelry. He was hoping that they had thrown out what he needed, at least in the beads and things they didn't want, weren't going to use because of imperfections. He was glad this was one of those cheaper places, nothing fancy. Everything was hand made and none of the jewels were horribly expensive. However, to him; that made it even better when he could find scraps. It meant it wasn't even good enough for them; and they wouldn't miss anything.

After all, he had to salvage instead of buy things. This was one of the best places to do so without actually going to the dump or a recycling; or worse, convincing Azzo to let him have the card and do internet shopping.

Snowball had thankfully been in luck though! He'd managed to find beads, most of them looked like they'd been broken or cracked. He inspected them and grabbed as many as he could carry. He'd pick out and make do with the best ones he thought he could use. He'd also managed to find a few scraps of copper but he couldn't find enough to make the bubble wand completely. These were the smaller pieces, good for little swirls or making sure jewels were tacked into place properly. Nothing large enough for the body and ornate swirls he wanted to do.

The ragamuffin frowned heavily as he thought about how he was going to handle this. He'd have to go back to Azzo, at least he'd found some stuff, it'd cut down on the material's he'd need at least. He hoped that the Saturn knight was in a good mood. Since he'd have to explain why he wanted the copper wire, and he couldn't go get it himself so he'd have to order it off the internet. What a piddly situation this was. Oh well, he needed it and he'd convince Azzo to get it for him. The cat hummed as he headed back home.

((Snowball min-arc part 2))