Stage 2 must roll 50-100 to successfully subdue the beast.
Maglardilla (Oba, Matori, and Yael)

Kresimir left the small restaurant that he had eaten dinner at. It was a small little place in a far off street, way away from the main streets of Sulburi. The Rusty Spoon was a nice homey little restaurant Kres had come upon by recommendation of the Inn Keeper and he found himself going back day after day. Dinner at the Rusty Spoon became a part of his daily routine which he didn’t mind in the slightest. Kres was on his way home one evening, just before sunset when the light was just starting to dim he heard a scream down one of the alley ways. His head snapped in the direction of the scream, his shield already being unslung from his back and at the ready. In honesty, even if he didn’t have his shield he’d run to help anyway. First Kres tried to look for the source of the scream. This one belonged to an Oban boy, not too much younger than his two brothers and sister. The boy made no noise now as he stood there in fear which made the older shifter look down the alley way. Blocking the alley were two large Maglardilla. It puzzled Kresimir as the maglardilla were native to Juahar and therefore shouldn’t be in Oba. He knew the large insects didn’t actually fly so it puzzled him even more as to how the group got all the way down to Oba. The boy didn’t seem to know they were fairly harmless though as he stood there in fear. Kres walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder which almost caused the kid to have a heart attack accompanied by another scream. ”M-my bag is on the other side of the alley. Th-they scared me and I dropped it.”

”They aren’t hostile so we should be able to walk passed them and get your bag.” Kres said easily with a smile to calm the child. Some of the fear faded from the boy’s face as Kres placed his hand on his shoulder and started walking forward with him to collect his bag. As the two boys approached the maglardilla, the creatures made a noise that Kres had never heard those kind of creatures make before which understandably startled him. They stopped then, as the insects continued to make the noise so Kres walked backwards, pulling the boy back with him. The maglardilla surged forward, charging along the alley walls at Kresimir and the boy which made Kresimir pull the boy to him to shield. Maybe the insects were sick, there was no telling or reason for why they were acting the way they were. ”You said they weren’t dangerous!” ”They’re not normally!!” Kres pulled the boy passed them with a strong grip. They would get the boys bag if they could, which Kres thought they could. They ran to the other side of the alley and with a quick arm, he grabbed the little satchel off the ground and continued running with the boy in tow. The maglardilla chased after them causing the two to dart into a building. Being out of sight seemed to remove them from the insects attention and they were safe. He handed the boys bag to him and waited awhile before leaving, after making sure the maglardilla were gone of course.

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