Rumors are spreading of a traveler who has entered the area. Apparently, this traveler has a strange item they claim comes from a different time. It's hard to believe what people are saying, and the only way to really know what is going on is if you see it with your own eyes. So, you make it a point to travel to where the traveler was last sighted, and as you approach you notice a crowd. The traveler is holding up an object, high above their head, and shouting across the crowd. Some approach to get a closer look, some appear fearful, but everyone can agree...this is something no one has ever seen before.

The traveler pulls out a strange piece of metal, warped a bit on the edges and covered with an unknown language. It looked similar to what you've read, and you think you can make out words, but overall it doesn't make much sense.

There were a lot of rumors going around; all those within the Red Amaryllis seemed to be a buzz with the news. Aseara tended to ignore most of the chattering, she didn’t believe in rumors unless there was concrete evidence proving that the rumors were more than rumors. So for a very long while, Aseara stepped out of conversations concerning this man and his oh so mysterious item. She didn’t believe in this kind of thing and since she didn’t seek out more information she didn’t want to get involved. But finally after so much prodding, Aseara had had enough; she was going to go check it out.

After asking around a bit, Aseara found out the man was usually in the marketplace square at a certain time. And so she scheduled nothing around that time so she didn’t miss the man. The Wind woman was out to find out the truth and she wouldn’t let anyone stop her which was usually the case. Even when she scheduled nothing for a day, people always sought her out for one thing or another. She planned on sneaking out through the back of the Red so that no one could stop her before she’d stepped out.

Covering her head with a loose scarf, Aseara headed out without any incident or being stopped and once she was out from eyesight she removed the scarf. The sneaking out felt like back in the day when she would go out and see Nuri and it made her smile. Aseara headed straight for the marketplace square and the closer she got the more people she noticed were beginning to crowd. More than usual at least. Aseara moved closer, gently moving those that were in her way so she could get a better look at whatever the man seemed to be holding up in the air.

Some people moved away once they saw what he was holding and really Aseara found the man to be quite awful and loud. He was shooting like a crazy man; his eyes open wide as he yelled out to the crowd. Aseara ignored the whispers around her; her eyes were on the object as she tried to ignore the man shouting a few feet from her face. Her eyes narrowed a bit and she tilted her head. It looked like a regular piece of metal to her, albeit warped a bit on the edges. There was some writing on it, some she could make out but it didn’t really make any sense to her. Aseara made a face, all this talk for this thing? She didn’t see the point and was, quite frankly, disappointed in the whole thing. Aseara shook her head, people talked just to talk.

Well, with this whole thing over Aseara turned around and walked away from the crowd. She didn’t think it was something of old and really why were people making such a fuss about it? Ah well, Aseara wouldn’t understand it. But while she was here in the marketplace she went out to get a few groceries to bring back home. Though even though Aseara didn’t care much for the warped piece of metal, all the merchants were talking about it just like back at the Red. Some even asked her if she’d seen the darn thing.

Groceries in hand, Aseara went home. She heard some of her children before finally Aseara called to them to come help her. All three ran down to help thankfully and Aseara got started on making dinner. She didn’t hire anyone to cook for her family, didn’t see the need to waste that kind of money when she was perfectly capable of doing it herself. It was something she was also teaching Nasuri to do but her daughter didn’t seem very keen on learning at all. Still, during their small chatter she told Nasuri about the item she’d gone to see at the square.

Nasuri didn’t seem interested in the object either, so Aseara dropped the subject pretty quickly. It was for the better anyways, she didn’t want to spread rumors herself. By the time the sun was touching the horizon, supper had been done and Nuri would be home soon. Aseara took the time to sit down and write down the words she’d seen on the metal. They still didn’t make sense even written on paper, ah well. Aseara scrunched up the paper and threw it out. It didn’t need to make sense. Aseara heard Nuri coming in and went to see him the piece of metal already forgotten.