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[WE - Jahaur] Creepy Crawlers (Kian x Lerin) FIN

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Sabra Knight rolled 1 100-sided dice: 15 Total: 15 (1-100)

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:07 am
While he had been training in Jahaur Kian had made a few acquaintances. One of which was a rather sassy shifter woman who ran an inn in the busier town of Neued. When Kian had just meant to stop there for a night of rest he instead got a burning earful about how some crazy perzi continued to harass her customers.

"Just feed it or something, Nura."

"You don't understand! I have tried that and it still weaves in and out of my customers wanting food." She shook a spoon towards him as she worked in the kitchen, "The stupid bugger has even managed to sneak in at night. Because it's colored so strangely I've had people spreading stories of how my inn is haunted! How is that any good for business? Please Kian do something about it? I'll even give you a free night here if you manage to catch it and get rid of it."

"What you want me to roast it?" Kian raised a brow.

"No, no not something like that. Just relocate it or take it somewhere out of this area!"

"Yes, ma'm." Kian faked a bow before heading out. So much for a restful night since instead he was now on perzi catching duty.

Counts as 3 EXP Growth Points, or 5 RP growth Points (only if done with a friend)
Solo word minimum is 500, RP post minimum is 7

Something strange is going on...

Creatures that don't belong are appearing in the middle of the night, like ghosts, haunting the world around them. Their creepy markings make them stand out, and their dark coloring leaves many feeling cursed. These creepy crawlers are invading the world of Tendaji, and it's up to brave souls to step up and run them off, or even tame them as pets.

Do you think you have what it takes to face these creepy creatures that have wandered away from home? Well test your luck, and see how you fare.

|| These spooky familiars have been spotted in the following locations: Maglardilla (Oba, Matori, and Yael), Perzi (Jauhar/Chibale and Tale), Keldari (Sauti and Zena). Only individuals in set locations can encounter the specific familiars.

This prompt will be resolved by each player rolling 1D100 to test their success. (You can only roll once - there are no reattempts!)
Fluffesu rolled 1 100-sided dice: 34 Total: 34 (1-100)
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 11:10 am
Sabra Knight

He'd never been so far from his home for so long. Or, well, no, that wasn't true. He had been to Tale, and that trip had taken several weeks. But he'd been with his family at the time, and he knew little of what 'home' was beyond that. But he was trying to learn. So even if Lerin was still in Jauhar's jungles, still in his birthplace and homeland, he was, essentially, alone. It was a foreign feeling, and left the young Shifter man feeling alienated, even in the familiar setting of these dark and dangerous lands.

The day found him outside the canopy village of Neued, very near to the forest floor, with journal in hand and grey gaze scrapping warily along the dark underbrush. He'd been here before as well, so the scenery wasn't completely foreign.

Except for the stone-covered, wrinkled, long-eared, hairless specimen that sat in the branches just above him. It slept, long, gem-tipped tail dangling lazily down and ears still perked, despite all. Ever alert. It was strange, but interesting, and surely not a native of these jungle lands. Did it belong to someone? Was it bait for a predator?

Lerin couldn't say for sure, but he did know that he was fascinated. So he sat on his branch, pen in hand, and silently doodled the sleeping creature. It never once cracked open its eyes. Never once paid him or any other sound any mind, and as minutes wore on, Lerin had to wonder if it wasn't just an incredibly unintelligent creature.


Fluff Seeker

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 7:22 pm

Kian had never been so frustrated before. The hybrid had been sent by a friend to go and track down the creatures scaring customers around her tavern, but so far he had seen nothing. A few shadows had suspiciously moved, but once he got close enough there still had been nothing. Though the creaking of a branch here and there did send a bit of a shiver down his spine. How was it he -one who enjoyed the darkness of night- was finding even this creepy?

It wasn't even like it was dark yet. There was just something about the air which made Kian frown. All those damn stories from this woman will be the death of me. He quipped silently before stopping as he spotted someone just up ahead. For someone out here it seemed he was rather calm. Pursing his lips thoughtfully Kian strode forward out towards the shifter, "Hello, stranger. Care if I ask you a quick question about finding a strange creature out here?"

Of course he was so focused on the other male that he didn't even think to look up at the culprit he had been sent out to catch....
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:38 am
Sabra Knight

Passerby weren't exactly common in this part of the woods, and Lerin wouldn't have expected anyone to come wandering even this far from the town. Still, at the sound of a voice, his gaze swiveled downward toward his new company. He blinked in startlement because, sure enough, there was another earthling down there, looking right at him and actually speaking to him. Maybe he was one of those folks who'd just wandered by accident too far out of town, and just needed help getting back? Though he didn't really look like he specifically wasn't from around here.

After initial scrutinization, Lerin dipped his head. He doubted he could be of much help to the stranger, but that was no reason not to try. He put a finger to his lips in a gesture for silence, then pointed up toward the object of his current fascination. He still really wasn't interested in losing the peculiar creature, and to top it all off, this man was looking for something strange, anyway.

With a small, hesitant smile, he beckoned the other Shifter- er, no, wait, his eyes... Hybrid, then. He beckoned the hybrid to join him up in the low-hanging branches of his perch. Hopefully he could do so silently. Even if the peculiar animal hadn't taken an interest in him before, it might run for it if the noises from below became too hectic.


Fluff Seeker

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 11:32 am

Kian tilted his head as he watched the other's reaction to him. Then as the man pointed up towards the perzi the hybrid's gaze hardened. So the creature had been hiding there? Well now that the game was up it wouldn't be hiding much longer. A wry smile lit his features at the thought.

Noticing how the shifter motioned towards him, Kian nodded and slowly made his way up through the branches. As he carefully attempted to settle in the mage gestured forward. What plan did this stranger have in mind?
PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:46 am
Sabra Knight

Lerin smiled hesitantly as the stranger joined him. He couldn't say he understood why a hybrid man would be interested in a small, foreign creature like the one nesting in tree branches across from them, but he did indeed look interested, if his gesturing was anything to go by. For his part Lerin only wanted quiet, unobtrusive study. There didn't seem reason for anything more disruptive than that.

The feline-like creature either hadn't yet noticed them or couldn't be bothered to care about the presence of two strange males. So Lerin, feeling emboldened under the impression that the beast didn't have any intention of leaving, decided to make conversation.

"Hello," he greeted quietly, careful to keep his voice low, boldness or not. "I am Lerin. It is a pleasure to meet you, 'stranger.'" His lips quirked up at the final word, hopeful that his new companion wouldn't take it as some form of slight or mockery. "You had a question?" He prompted, as he folded the pages of his notebook down and set the book aside on the branch. "I'm not sure if I can be of much help, but I will try."


Fluff Seeker

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 8:55 am

Kian stared at the creature with a small frown. The pest was definitely aiming to stay up high. That in itself was frustrating. And now that another person was in the area Kian was loathe to use magic. He would much rather just deal with this using his own physical capabilities.

"Hello." He responded quietly with a kinda polite nod - at least as polite as Kian ever would be considering, "Stranger works if you want to call me that." Replied Kian with a faint smile, "My question is did you have a plan for that perzi up there? Or are we to stare at it all day?"

After a pause the hybrid sighed, "A local inn asked me to chase down the little guy. It's apparently been spooking customers so they would prefer if it was relocated or something."  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 9:04 am
Sabra Knight

"'A plan?'" Lerin repeated inquisitively. He didn't know why he would need a plan for the little guy. It wasn't doing anything at present, and it didn't look like it had much potential to be a nuisance. It was an unusual creature in these parts, yes, and its markings were peculiar, but that didn't seem enough reason to disturb it. Not when it wasn't really doing any harm. In fact, Lerin had planned to stare at it... Silent, unobtrusive watching was a good way to glean information, as far as he was concerned, and it wouldn't have any negative effects on either party involved.

But he also wasn't one to outright go against a stranger's wishes. Absently, Lerin rubbed the pads of his fingers over the cover of his notebook and glanced away. "It... doesn't seem to be doing much damage now," he murmured. "And we aren't very close to town, either..."

"I think it would be alright, if we let it be. Even if they think it looks frightening, it's not hurting anyone, and it's small enough that I doubt it will ever really be a threat." He glanced up, toward where the feline creature had been napping. Now, it had yellow eyes open and on them, as if it knew they were discussing it. "It's only sleeping, besides. Or, it was only sleeping. I don't think it will bother anyone needlessly..."


Fluff Seeker

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 9:11 am

Kian glanced over at the shifter with a sigh, "But I don't think you understand. You think it's innocent now and the next thing you know it's running through an innocent person's legs scaring the piss out of 'em." The sage pursed his lips, "I think the only reason it's so far out is that the innkeeper got a good bit of water on it last time it ran rampant in her home. It'll come back - it always has before."

As the thing stared at them, Kian stared back. "And the last thing I want to do is go back telling her I failed to relocate the bugger. You do not understand how deadly of an aim this woman has." As if in memory he rubbed the back of his head.

And now they've wasted time talking. The man pursed his lips in frustration. If it was awake what could they do besides chase it more? It wasn't like he was out to kill the creature - his sister would kill him if she ever even thought he had harmed a creature. Now this was frustrating.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 9:23 am
Sabra Knight

"You don't understand," Lerin retorted briskly, before he could remember to stop himself. He really didn't want to get into an argument. Those tended to not go very well for him, as he usually gave up trying to convince people when things became too heated. And it wasn't like 'stranger' was talking about killing the little feline.

But it still struck Lerin as unnecessary to rough it up or chase it about. If the innkeeper woman could get it to stay away just by flicking water at it, that was well enough. If it moved away on its own, fine. But since to him it seemed foolish that anyone could be so afraid of it, when it couldn't do much of anything to them, there wasn't reason to scare it senseless now. It wasn't hurting anyone by being present.

He didn't usually advocate lying, either, but... "You could tell her you did whatever she wanted you to do with it. If it returns after, that really isn't your fault, is it?" Above them, the creature languidly rolled to its stomach and stretched out its paws, arching its back and yawning as it did. Then it rose to a sit and leered down at them, the crystalline tip of its tail hanging over the edge of the tree branch and flicking expectantly. Lerin looked back to his companion. "You don't really want to waste time chasing it, anyway, do you?"


Fluff Seeker

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 9:30 am

Kian raised an eyebrow at the shifter. Why did this man think he was so righteous all of a sudden? It was just a damned perzi. Did it matter if they chased it a bit or not? Not like they were going to break its legs. The hybrid leaned his head back and closed his eyes in a silent prayer for patience. This was not the time or place to explode on someone.

"Depends on how bored I am." Kian quipped back, "And with all this lecture going in my ear I'm pretty damn bored." The hybrid scooted forward on the perch so that he could get a better look at the perzi, "And now it's just taunting us. Look, I just want to bag it or something and then maybe even find it a home. These guys aren't even supposed to be here. Even I know that much." Why was it out of Oba anyway? Was it too much for some idiot to handle that they left it behind in Jahaur? Such a thought made his jaw tense in frustration. If his sister wasn't all the way in Zena he would have considered bringing it to her as a companion to her own perzi. She out of all people would take care of any creature after all.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 9:42 am
Sabra Knight

"I'm not..." His gaze fell promptly toward the earth, and Lerin felt an uncomfortable rise of embarrassed frustration rising to the tips of his ears. "I'm not lecturing you..." He murmured. Lerin himself was a very passive boy. Be it people or animals, it was just oftentimes so much easier to leave things as they were. If no one was being bothered, if no one was being hurt, there wasn't much reason to be so invasive. And 'bagging' a small creature definitely sounded very invasive.

Even if it wasn't 'supposed' to be here, it didn't look like it was particularly stressed. Lerin knew of some of the creatures that wandered Oba's desert, and the forests of Jauhar really weren't that far away, in comparison to some of the places it might have showed up. Perhaps this one, with its peculiar markings and penchant for scaring passerby, just preferred this locale more. It wouldn't surprise Lerin. He liked it well enough here himself.

"It doesn't look too distraught," he pointed out as the creature ambled toward the trunk of the tree, where it proceeded to reach upward and scrape its claws down the bark. "It sort of looks like it'll do well enough here, without needing to be moved. Maybe better than some of the creatures that live here naturally..."

The perzi yawned, rolled its head almost sassily at them, crouched, then pounced upward, into the higher branches and out of view.


Fluff Seeker

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 9:53 am

"I wouldn't look so distraught either if I took pleasure in mocking my enemies." Quipped Kian as he stared down the perzi. That little jerk seemed to truly be enjoying this. Almost like it was saying, hah! Look the shifter says leave me alone so you might as well just back off. Can't catch me anyways. Or something similar to that though Kian's mind added a few inappropriate words here and there.

This little guy was sealing the deal - he truly was beginning to hate perzis.

"Of course it will do well - by continuing to steal food from travelers." Replied Kian with a sigh. And now the beast was already out of sight again, "Fine. You know what? I don't need this aggravation today." The hybrid pointed a finger towards the shifted and then gazed up at the tree menacingly, "You hear me?" He called out as if to the perzi, "I see you near that inn and I'm shipping you in a box all the way back to the deepest desert of Oba."

Shaking his head, Kian slipped down from the branch and landed on the ground. "Enjoy your animal watching, kid." He waved before twisting away through the trees.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 10:09 am
Sabra Knight

It took several moments for Lerin to peer up at the hybrid again, though he did so from behind the long, dark strands of security of his hair. This man already seemed so annoyed. They'd hardly been together for more than a handful of minutes, and the creature had been napping for most of it! Lerin didn't think he was being too obnoxious by asking the hybrid to do nothing, as there were few easier things to do! But it... well, it didn't seem to be going well, anyway. He tucked his hair behind his ear and muttered, "At least it won't steal much. It doesn't look like it could possibly have too huge of an appetite."

And before they could do anything else, the creature had slunk away. It was for the best, Lerin decided, once the perzi was out of view. A creature like that was far too lithe and agile to be an easy catch, anyway. If the hybrid man wanted to be irritated for not having to do the job, that was his business.

Lerin let out a small, relieved sigh as the stranger departed.

He ought to be grateful that their 'altercation,' if it could be called that, hadn't gotten more heated, but really he just still couldn't understand why there needed to be a disagreement, at all. So, on that note, maybe the man was right. He didn't understand. Lerin pulled his notebook closer again, and flipped back to the perzi's page. That was probably what came from being a 'kid,' though: a great lack of understanding as to the workings of strangers' minds.


Fluff Seeker

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