xxxxE L S B E T HxxxL Y N W E NxxxS H O I C H E T xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Elsie, Beth

              AGE 27

              BIRTHDAY 13 April 2012

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 10 and 1/2 inches, ash, unicorn hair, swishy, spiraling decorated shaft

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Heterosexual

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Jessica Stam [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts

              HOUSE Hufflepuff

              CLASS OF 2030

              BEST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ EE
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Potions ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ EE
                  Alchemy ~ A
                  Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ EE
                  Muggle Mythology ~ O
                  Muggle Studies ~ O
                  Healing ~ O
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ EE

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ EE
                  Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ EE
                  Muggle Mythology ~ O
                  Muggle Studies ~ O
                  Healing ~ O

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Charms Professor at Hogwarts

              DREAM JOB Professor

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ OPTIMISTIC Elsie has always been an unfailingly positive person, one who tries to see the best in every person she meets and every situation she encounters. She'll always try to find a bright side, no matter how dark things might seem, and she goes through life hoping for the best. She has a great deal of trust in herself and others, so when she's let-down it stings even more.
              ■ GUILELESS Elsie wasn't born yesterday, but she is an almost shockingly genuine person. With her, what you see is always what you get, and she's quite frankly terrible at keeping secrets, especially negative ones. While some people are born manipulators, Elsie is almost the opposite; her ingenuous nature is almost suspicious to those who don't know her.
              ■ INQUISITIVE From a young age, Elsie has always been a very curious person, who asks questions and raises queries almost impulsively. While she is slightly more restrained now as an adult, it's just part of her to question things around her, almost to the point of coming off as nosy or meddlesome. She won't hesitate to ask someone why they're upset or answer a question that was probably meant to be rhetorical.
              ■ COMPLIANT Occasionally to her detriment, Elsie has always been a very amenable, acquiescent person. She was always an extremely obedient, eager to please child, and while she's certainly old enough to be a good judge of a situation, she does tend to be extremely accommodating in an effort to avoid any conflict or hurt feelings, always thinking of everyone else.
              ■ THIN-SKINNED To her eternal embarrassment, Elsie has always been quite sensitive to criticism or insults, and it's very easy to hurt her feelings or make her feel poorly. While not insecure, she does take things rather seriously, and the realization that she will never be able to please everyone has always been somewhat difficult for her to bear.
              ■ SELF-EFFACING Elsie is very modest, gracious, and polite. This sounds all well and good, and usually, it is- she's never been one to arrogantly boast about her skills or talents, and she's always treated others the way she'd like to be treated. However, she does tend to put herself in the background, and then feel neglected or cast aside because of it, in a self-fulfilling prophecy.

                  Sentimental romance novels
                  The first snowfall of every winter
                  Interacting with small cute things
                  Jazz vinyl records
                  Animated foreign films

                  People discussing others behind their back
                  Small, irritating insects like ants or flies
                  The idea that cynicism is equal to intelligence
                  Wool sweaters or scarves
                  Bullying, spoiled children or teens

                  Swimming in the ocean

                  Her unfailingly positive, hopeful outlook on life
                  Her open-minded, accepting nature

                  Her concern with offending or displeasing others
                  Her thin-skin and difficultly with taking criticism

                  Dying before she can accomplish her goals
                  Her relationship with her husband failing

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Elsie was born and Upper Barnton, England, the second-born child of Mitchell Vass and Rhiannon Vass nee Rayhorn, a pureblood wizard and witch, born four years after her older sister Newlyn, and two years before her younger sister Morven. Shortly after Morven's birth, when Elsie was two years old, her mother was killed by a rogue werewolf in the countryside. Her father, having idolized and clung to his wife for so many years, was permanently and irreversibly scarred by the event. He sank into a deep depression, and Elsie and Morven were primarily raised by their older sister. When it came time to attend Hogwarts Elsie was thrilled; she and Morven had been bitter rivals throughout childhood, with her younger sister often viciously mocking and antagonizing her, and her relationship with her father was anything but close.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR Elsie was sorted into Hufflepuff upon her arrival at Hogwarts, much to her delight. She quickly made several new friends due to her outgoing nature, and soon adopted Hogwarts as the home she'd never had, much like her older sister had. However, her happy first year was partly marred by the events of the Fall Festival, in which a few rogue vampires attacked the event, thrown by Hogwarts for students and staff, their families, and the residents of Hogsmeade. Elsie was thrown into a tree at one point, but was not seriously injured, and nor was anyone she loved, much to her relief.
              SECOND YEAR At the start of Elsie's second year she tried out for her house's quidditch team, and much to her delight, made it as a reserve chaser. She devoted her time to the sport and her studies, all the while dreading her sister's admittance to Hogwarts the next year.
              THIRD YEAR Elsie's third year was miserable for her; she discovered her sisters had been hiding a massive secret from her, that being Morven's lycanthropy, after being bit that past summer. She saw their secret-keeping as a betrayal; weren't sisters supposed to share these sort of things? Morven and her refused to speak to one another after Elsie's volatile outburst after hearing the truth, and her faith in Newlyn was shaken. The summer after her third year Elsie's resentment, coupled with her father's suspicions, led to him finding out as well, and all hell broke loose. He tried to kill Morven, and in the process of defending her Newlyn inadvertently killed him in self defense, while Elsie ran to get help.
              FOURTH YEAR In the aftermath of those events, Elsie's older sister moved the family to Tinworth, and Elsie was extremely subdued, knowing Morven would likely never forgive her. The revelation that a close friend was slowly dying was also crippling to her sense of security, and she busied herself with tutoring a bitingly sarcastic Gryffindor named Dave to distract herself from everything.
              FIFTH YEAR Elsie's fifth year was markedly improved, in contrast to the previous two years, anyways. Her friends Tanya and Echo becoming a couple forced her to spend more time with Dave, and the two began to become close friends, in spite of their differences. They even attended the Yule Ball together, although it was platonic.
              SIXTH YEAR By her sixth year Elsie had begun to develop serious feelings for Dave, and suspected he felt the same. However, she didn't feel confident enough to voice these feelings, afraid of ruining their friendship, until attending Tanya's mother's wedding with him over the winter break. At that point the two got together, resolving to take things slowly.
              SEVENTH YEAR Elsie threw herself into preparing for her NEWTs her seventh year, ever the serious student. Her and Dave's fledgling romance was occasionally derailed by bickering, as the two began to see that they had sometimes wildly different opinions on how their relationship should continue. At the very end of the year, as students began to make the journey home, Hogsmeade was attack by a group of neo Death Eaters. Much to Elsie's despair, Dave quickly apparated them and Morven out of danger, and convinced her that returning was too dangerous to risk.

          POST GRADUATION After graduation, Elsie, disappointed that she would have to wait a good five years before she could apply to teach at Hogwarts, got a job at Flourish and Blott's in Diagon Alley, working as a cashier and part-time tutor during the summer months. She and Dave moved in together, and after a period of disagreements had a heart to heart and ended up improving on the way they communicated with one another. Three years out of Hogwarts they married, quietly eloping not very long after the marriage of their close friends Tanya and Echo. As soon as Elsie turned twenty three she sent in her application to Hogwarts, her heart on becoming a professor there, with Dave's encouragement.

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY David Shoichet (husband), Newlyn McLellan (older sister), Morven Vass (younger sister), Miles McLellan (brother-in-law)
          FRIENDS Tanya Lovette, Echo Lovette, Leonette Avery
          BEST FRIEND Tanya Lovette
          ROMANTIC INTEREST David Shoichet
          ENEMIES n/a
          PETS Cat named Rollo

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