User ImageUser ImageArtashir was flying around the boarder and spotted the white leopardess and went and got Kyllikki, letting her know that she didn't seem hostile, just passing by. Still the brown leopardess figured she should check it out. The pard was needing more bodies and perhaps she could persuade her to join? Anoushka hadn't really thought much of what she would do when it came to matters of joining up with anyone and she honestly hadn't been aware she was on anyone's lands or near them until the brown leopard and her avian companion came into view. Pausing in her steps she waited for the the other two approach.

Kyllikki watched as the female stopped and she took a moment to assess her from where she stood. She looked to be healthy from a physical standpoint. however, mentally was yet to be determined. By this time Artashir had already perched himself up in a lovely tree overlooking the whole encounter. He wasn't exactly worried about anything happening, but if something did he could swiftly get others to help. Kyllikki approached the still female and gave her another quick one over and then gave a small smile as she greeted her. "Hello there. Out for a stroll or are you looking for something in particular?" She inquired. Anoushka flicked her tail behind her as the female approached and she relaxed a great deal as she seemed non-threatening. She kept her guard up regardless, looks could always be deceiving. She wondered how to answer her since she was kind of doing both but not at the same time. She wasn't sure what she was doing. Though she was hoping to find a future home at some point.

"Am I trespassing?" She asked curiously, "If so I didn't mean to, but I would like to know more about your pard if that is the case," She paused looking around for a moment. The place did seem well protected and the great place to raise any future families she might have. "I'm hoping to find myself a home." She finished. Kyllikki held back a smile, this was great! They were in desperate need of new blood so this was most excellent news! "You are, but we won't just throw you off our lands. Strangers travel through quite often. As long as you're not stirring up trouble then there is no need to worry." She said with a nod and a small smile. She wondered what all she should tell her about them. She figured leave out the events that had happened, though she should know? She did figure that she could at least tell her some of the small details about what they do.

Clearing her throat she figured she'd start with their name and what they did. "We are called the Elimisha'sombea, and our members are dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Whilst peaceful, we do have a defense force. Which I happen to be a part of. We are dividing into three different sectors, Scholars, Defense and Common. You will likely fall into the common sector unless you have a vast wealth of knowledge or a keen ability to fight. There is no harm in being in the Common Sector though." She said with a small nod. She didn't want to scare her away. "Does this interest you at all?" She asked curiously. Artashir paced on the branch nearby, fluffing his feathers. He was just as excited as his bonded was.

Anoushka thought about her words for a moment and let them sink in. She was really hoping to have heard something like she said and she mulled it over in her head. She didn't know if she should say yes though. Perhaps she could think on it for a day or two and then come back with a decision? They would always be here after all, right? She figured she could learn a little bit more before giving her an answer. "This does interest me. Would you mind telling me a little more about the Defense and Scholar Sectors? I'm quite curious to know a little more details about them." She said taking a seat and curling her tail around her feet. She figured she might as well make herself comfortable. They might be there for a minute or two. "I'd be more than happy to tell you more about each." She said a little happily, but nothing too over joyed. She hadn't thought she'd enjoy talking about these things that much. The things you learn.

"For the scholars there are many different options you can choose from. They do anything from enforcing the law of the pride to experiments with combustibles to star gazing. For defense it's pretty basic. There are different ranks but each of them are responsible for the safety of the members of the pride." She said trying to think of anything else. "One of my duties is training new recruits how to fight." She said looking her over for a moment again. She seemed built enough to be able to be a warrior though her curiosity could send her towards the path of Scholar. She supposed only time would tell. "Also, you don't have to decide anything right away. We are more than open to allowing passerby's a place to stay for some time." She said not wanting to make her feel rushed to make a decision.

Anoushka felt a huge rush of relief flood through her and she gave her a bright smile. "The pride sounds wonderful." She said excitedly as she took in everything the female had said. She realized then that neither of them had introduced themselves. "My name is Anoushka, what is your name? I figure we might as well get to know one another if I'm going to stay the evening." She said with a small chuckle. Kyllikki hadn't even thought of introductions either. She had been too busy telling her about who and what they are. "It's a pleasure to meet you Anoushka, you may call me Kyllikki. My feathered companion over there is Artashir." She said motioning to the fluff ball in the tree. He fluffed himself up more when she looked that way but remained silent. Anoushka smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you Kyllikki and Artashir." She said warmly as she tucked their names to memory. She really was leaning towards wanting to stay.

The more she thought about it the more excited she became and she really just wanted to tell her yes right then and there but refrained from doing so. She didn't want to seem overly eager. Not that she doubted the leopardess would have minded in the least. She figured that a tour wouldn't be so bad since they had already introduced one another and she had learned about what they do. "Would you mind showing me around a bit?" She asked her curiously hoping she'd say yes. "I'd be more than happy to do that." Kyllikki said standing up motioning for her to follow. Anoushka got up and followed along side her and Artashir flew above, perching on random branches here and there.

"Over here is where we do some of our training." She said motioning towards some of the high reaches of the trees where some obstacles were set up along with some targets. "Oh, I forgot to mention to you, we live in the trees." She said with a nod of her head. "We do partake in activities on the ground of course, but most of our defense tactics or living quarters are in the high reaches." She said hoping that it didn't deter the female away. When the brown leopardess said that they lived in the high branches of the trees they were walking through she couldn't help but want to live here even more. This place seemed so perfect in her mind. It was sound, stable and well protected. This was every leopards dream. At least she thought so! "Oh that sounds wonderful!" She said very pleased as they walked along. She couldn't believe her good fortune honestly and she gave Kyllikki a big smile. "This place is starting to grow on me more and more." She said being honest with her.

Artashir flew a little further ahead and waited for them to catch up to him. He pretty much knew the direction Kyllikki was going to take the pale leopard so he honestly wasn't worried about losing sight of them. Kyllikki continued the tour with showing her where they held festivals sometimes and where a few other things were to include sleeping areas. Some of the places required them to climb into the trees but Anoushka hadn't minded at all. The brown leopardess couldn't help but smile at her good fortune. She really hoped that the pale female decided to make this place her future home. “Is there anything else you'd like to see before I escort you back to where you'll be sleeping for the evening?” She asked her curiously. At this point Artashir had flown down and perched himself upon Kyllikki's back. Anoushka shook her head and smiled. “No, you've done more than enough already and I thank you very much.” She said warmly as the trio headed off to settle in for the night.

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