Character || Aseara
Stage || Gypsy
Crafting || Short performance
Crafting Stat || 24
Difficulty || 10
Roll Needed || 60-100
Rolled || 83
Outcome || Success
Experience earned || 7.5

“Well that was a complete failure…” Aseara said as she sat at the bar next to a few of the other dancers.

“You’re just a little rusty,” once said to her before sliding a drink to her. “Drink up, relax, you’ll be fine. You’re a very good dancer; you just need to get back into the game.”

“Thanks,” Aseara said a little sourly before downing the drink. “I need to get back into it before my next appointment.” The Wind woman gave the other dancer a friendly squeeze on the shoulder before wandering through the halls of the Red Amaryllis aimlessly.

She shouldn’t have strayed so far from what she loved… but she also enjoyed her new position and knew that no one else would be able to properly take care of the RA like she could. Aseara was okay with that, but she wanted to have a bit more freedom, she was going to have to work a little harder to make sure she had time for dancing again. After a while, someone came running to tell her that her next appointment had arrived. Aseara went to the front again, this time greeting a female Oban with a smile.

The Wind woman would not disappoint this time, after catching up she performed her dance and made sure it was perfect. There would be no more messing up, she was good and she would show it. The performance was short but it was good and her patron clapped loudly. Aseara knew then she’d performed as she once had. After another dance for the woman, Aseara lead her back to the front and waved her off. She was feeling a little better but didn’t want to feel overjoyed now. She still had one more patron to see to before she gathered up her children to go home and see Nuri.