Ally logged online to check on her E-Mails and chats before settling in her chair. Miss Kitty was nestled outside with the other cats, the room was quiet, and the air conditioner was cool. Still, IRC was up, and the chat was running, Ally smirking as she studied her screen name options. Oh, she had plenty - she changed them often but gaming and work and such kept her busy, but today she was less than sure of what to do.

A jet perhaps? Perhaps a gaming character, or something smartassed.

What was there truly to use? Ally mulled over options as she watched the client, ever-waiting to connect to her beloved chatrooms. Finally she decided not to connect first, instead opening a subfolder and loading a second client.

^ connecting to

* Ping? Pong!

- Connected to
- "Burninating the Countryside! Burninating the Peasants!"

- Ports: 5555, 6665-6669, and 7000
- Administrators: CrashCourse and Gordian Knot
- Operators: MhachiFarthing, GracefulLucien

* Joining #IHHQ///

Topic set to: And then his head exploded. | LOKI'S MOVIE NIGHT 6:30pm KIT UP KIDDIES WE'RE WATCHIN' WRECK IT RALPH! | Your Mom. set August 1st 2016"

* Vajurilla_FF has joined #IHHQ
Chanserv sets mode +o"

It was gratifying connecting the old IRC bot. So many laughs. So many memories, all in his files, hand scripted. First for her - then on her own. Oh, he was simple, but fun to tinker with. So basic; but so fin - her precious had so many random commands rigged with a simple read file and Ally loved it.

He was there for entertainment after all. For laughs, jokes - fun, a relaxed place to socialize. Her hard working bot produced quites she had logged in text tifiles for use over years; random responses - user levels.

And she was proud of her baby. Finally Ally settled on one of her screen names, logging into the chat idly herself.

"* TonySnark had joined #IHHQ"

"* LokiofAsgard slaps TonySnark around with a large trout"

THAT both did not and entirely surprised Ally. Loki didn't normally grump, but lately her cross-town friend was on edge, biting - distant. Oh, Ally had tried to find out from Shelled what was up with Loki, but Shelled admitted all he knew was Loki was up late almost nightly - not getting much sleep at all.

And a gearty ******** you to you too Loki.
You disappeared! FOR DAYS!
Yes and I was with my partner. So, you know. ******** you. Up the a**.
No thanks not into that. How's Tor?
Same s**t, new day. Same with the cat army before you ask. And the Dookbeasts from beyond the stars.
Oh fun times.

Ally lighed, watching Shelled log into the chat, and her bot promptly snarked off, Ally sighing at Loki with exasperation.

Still grumpy. Ally shifted, moving to open her bot's scripts, and settled in to tinker, ignoring Loki for the time being to get things on her computer done... Like coding. Su,,er was a time blissfully free of Homework, and Ally had work for her mother later - but that didn't mean she need worry about time now, and her fingrs all but danced across keys as she briefly shot Shelled a warning about his cousin, returning to her programming in silence.

The room was cool and quiet, and the cats were outside, Ally presuming exploring, and it was another quiet day - even if it was an annoying one.