xxxxxxxx 《 CLARA CRISCELLE A. BAUTISTA 》 xxxxxxxx

      Bᴀsɪᴄ Iɴғᴏ
User Image

        Birth Name — Clara Criscelle Apostol Bautista
        Nickname(s) — Clara, Cee Cee
        Age — 18
        Birthday — June 26, 2023 [Cancer]
        Gender — Female
        Orientation — Straight
        Wand — 11 inches Red Oak Wood with Hippogriff Feather Core, Pliable and with a Spiraled Shaft

      Pᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟ Iɴғᴏ

        Birthplace — Wiltshire, England
        Current Residency — St. Ottery Catchpole, Devon, England
        Nationality — Filipino-British
        Heritage — Filipino
        Language/Dialect — Tagalog, English
        Accent — West Country Accent x
        Blood Status — Halfblood


        Hair Color — Black (dyed purple)
        Eye Color — Brown
        Height — 5'3" ft -[ Final : 5'3" ft ]
        Notable Features — n/a
        Image Reference — Teri Malvar > Glaiza de Castro



          FRIENDLYClara is a really sweet and friendly individual; She would talk to anyone she likes and befriend anyone she likes without exceptions. A cordial and polite one at heart, she is willing to support her friends and isn't afraid to give them a push to make them bloom. Whether they like it or not, even if they're pretty much harmless and Clara always has the best intentions for her friends. In a way, she's one to give most of what she has for them- so being betrayed leaves a really bitter aftertaste in her mouth.

          DEDICATEDShe is already taught by her family about hard work and a firm head as a daily basis, and she would get on the job right off the bat. Clara puts much dedication on what she was doing and would be satisfied when the task was rewarded as some bonus. She may not boast about it to anyone, but she at least knows when to take credit of it. At least quietly. Clara, in a way, always gives herself the credit because she knows that she worked hard for it.

          PERCEPTIVEClara not only has good insight but also a good sense of judgement. She likes to go around and observe everything around her and absorbs any information she gathered, so she was basically like a nosy type. She tends to have a gut feeling everytime she observe a certain person or scenario, and would try to follow her guts until she had it satisfied.

          RESENTFULAs much as she is humble, Clara never liked being tricked or worse, having her efforts for one person being taken for granted as she thinks it is very ungrateful. If she is treated unfairly especially when she had done a favor to that one person and thinks she doesn’t deserve it, she will get really petty about it. Clara is, in a way, vindictive- she doesn't see the point of showing mercy to anyone if she was being taken advantage of her kind nature.

          SARCASTICAn unfortunate trait she picked from her cousin, she has a thing about seeing sarcasm as a form of humor for her, and it was pretty much her secondary native language. If she's being sarcastic, it is either she doesn't really care or maybe she is just stating the obvious by saying the contradiction in a dry manner. Unfortunately, her sarcasm could be taken by people so literally that Clara would have to clarify that she doesn't mean it like that.

          QUICK-WITTEDTo be a snarky and sarcastic type, someone has to have the wits to use them well. It's easy to see Clara having the wits to keep up with her dedication and goals. She thinks fast and isn't really the type to do long-term strategies as it makes her less productive than thinking out of the whim. That said, Clara is the type to do a draft really fast, and then improve it little by little until it was qualified to be the final output.


          Video Games
          Spy Movies
          Sweet Foods


          Cheesy Love Stories
          Having to explain her sarcasm
          Being mistaken as Chinese


          Riding a bike
          Reading books
          Playing video games with Ibarra


          Good Writing Skills
          Playing Soccer

        Ambition — Book writer

      Bᴇʜɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ Cʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ

        Background History

          CHILDHOODClara Bautista is the first-born daughter to Helena and Marcus Bautista, both were from magical backgrounds. The only difference was that her mother Helena was a squib, but thankfully she was raised fairly and had a very supporting life in wanting to work in a medical field as if her lack of magic was no hindrance at all (But then the Apostols are a mix of both muggles and wizards, so what else is new aside from squibs?). The moment she graduated from college in the Philippines, Helena decided to fly to the British Isles as an Overseas Filipino Worker and a nurse. She met a muggleborn wizard by the name of Marcus Bautista thanks to her brother Joshua who introduced her to him on skype. They were just some civil acquaintances until she moved back to her homeland out of homesickness and decided to work as a Science Highschool Teacher. Eventually, she and Marcus met again, and because of some weird aura-like force called love they began to date for six long years of geeking about movies and having awkward dates. After those years of dating, they got married and flew to England for a two-week honeymoon in Wiltshire, and that was how Clara came in as an oopsie baby. But on the bright side, they were married when that happened so they just happily rolled with it as if it was never a problem at all and decided to stay in England for real-- So Helena worked as a medical technician in a nearby hospital while Marcus as a mind healer. Then after about three years, anothe baby boy was born by the name of Ibarra, in which the parents just call him "Barry". For wizard-and-muggle convenience, they decided to move to St. Ottery Catchpole thanks to Joshua and Wanda Apostol's assistance in finding one.

          Clara as a small child grew up in a muggle-and-wizard environment, going to the Elementary school just fine while she also played with a few wizarding neighbors in St. Catchpole. Among the entire extended family, her favorite relatives has always been her Uncle Joshua's family-- Especially Kenji Apostol. Heck, even Clara's parents would take her to one of Kenji's gigs as well to show support. Also, during holidays like the Holy Week and Christmas, Clara's family would go back to the Philippines for a while to visit their extended family while familiarizing her about her parents' roots. It was weird at first, but Clara loved it the more they visit. Aside from that, she grew up with books and lots of books, also with a bit of technology and playing awesome video games, so she grew up being a bookworm and some sort of a geek.

          There were, of course, weird times when Clara experienced accidental magic ever since she hit at the age of nine-- Like the fact some sparks just emit out of nowhere when she burst out of anger to one of her classmates who treated her unfairly. There was one time that someone stole her precious book and then like a second later it was back to her hands, fun times. When her parents found out about these shenanigans, they were extremely thrilled and began searching for a good wizarding school for their daughter. The parents were considering sending her to a Philippine Wizarding School, but because Clara found out about Kenji's school life in Hogwarts she insisted her parents that they should send her to Hogwarts instead like her cousin. As such supporting parents, they gave her want she wished and that was how she became a Hogwarts student.

          The summer before she could venture off to Hogwarts, Kenji decided to invite her to a barbeque party- and there she met two friends: Dris Abrams and Skylar Maclellan. It wasn't really hard for Clara to befriend them, so eventually she and Skylar found out that they were going to attend Hogwarts together.

          SCHOOL LIFEClara's first didn't really start well as she expected. When she was going at the train, she accidentally bumped her eventually-classmate named Rory Murdoch. She did apologize, but all she got was a verbal lash from the boy, which was insulting for her. So, she ended up hating him as a result. Anyway, she found herself in Hogwarts and was sorted to Hufflepuff just like her cousin Kenji. Clara knew she belonged there as she adjusted very quickly and it made her happier to see Skylar being her housemate. On the way, she also met a Gryffindor named Merc Sanderson when Clara happened to eavesdrop about some discussion about some video game. As a game geek, she joined the conversation and that was how she and Merc became fun friends.

          Her second year was just normal and very uneventful, but she was able to see Dris being sorted to Ravenclaw just like what she expected. However, as much as she knew that Dris was such a bizarre child, she never expected him to actually paint a whole wall in the Great Hall.

          Her third year was, again, uneventful- except she managed to meet Alby's bratty nephew named Adam. Said nephew insulted her about being a Hufflepuff that it set her off and lectured the kid for being a brat. Clara also successfully persuaded Garnet Mortemer to join the Music Club after hearing him sing in the garden. Other than that, she spent her time eavesdropping here and there, though she cannot say that she liked what she was hearing about Peter Whyte's awful behavior to Rebeckah and Garnet.

          Fourth year was uneventful for her, a bit relieved that her brother didn't go sulking about no-tech that much anymore. She joined the School Newspaper club and got the job to announce about Hogsmeade events and being a Gossip Wrangler. She was also partnered with Darell Cherri, a chill Gryffindor and they get along smoothly. For fifth year, she was appointed prefect and she also dyed her hair purple after her dad convinced her mum to let her do it. It was supposedly uneventful if one didn't count the Halloween event where she dressed as Ramona from Scotts Pilgrin, until a group of friends whom she knew were supposedly inseparable were in some kind of fallout and she had to intervene for two of them to at least talking things out without having to accuse each other. It seemed to work, but further than that was up to said group, Clara thought.

          Her sixth was the most eventful, unpleasantly so. Clara has befriended a quite benevolent Ravenclaw above her year named Jim Ottosen and had enjoyed each other's company. Things went awkward for this year when he confessed that he has feelings for her, to which Clara politely declined while saying that they could still be friends. Which was a mistake, because after that Jim acted more pushy and annoyingly assertive towards her. Then came the time that she began noticing Barry's weird shift of behavior- no longer seeing his usually perky and annoying smart side. That is until she discovered that Barry tried to help Clara by telling Jim off, except it backfired badly. Guilty, Clara decided to take it upon herself and confront Jim- and it ended up with a loud fight. Thankfully Darrell intervened, who also got punched in the process- but they ended up sending Jim to detention. Jim warned Clara that all of this will bite her in the arse, though she said that she'll be prepared for it. She knew that how she handled the situation was very unprofessional but she told herself that she didn't want to be a Head Girl anyway.

          Clara spent her summer trying to be there for her brother Barry, though it has become a lost cause since he was actively trying to avoid her. Even if she knew that it was because of her getting in a fight because of Barry. Her seventh year was when she was beginning to struggle about what she really wanted to do in life, all while dreading about NEWTs. Clara diligently did her duties as a way to see what she really wanted to do, especially her studies. She successfully passed all her NEWTs, but it still left her indecisive of what she wanted to be.


      Sᴄʜᴏᴏʟ ᴀɴᴅ Cᴀʀᴇᴇʀ

        Former Education — Muggle schooling
        School — Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy
        House — Hufflepuff
        Class — 2041
        Participation/Position(s) — Prefect, Daily Dragon Member

        Best Lessons — Transfiguration, Study of Ancient Runes, History of Magic
        Worst Lessons — Astronomy, Potions, Herbology

        OWLS Results

          Astronomy ~ A
          Charms ~ EE
          DADA ~ A
          Herbology ~ A
          History of Magic ~ EE
          Potions ~ A
          Transfiguration ~ O
          Mythology ~ O
          Study of Ancient Runes ~ O
          Wandless Magic ~ A
          Wandlore Studies ~ O

        NEWTS Results

          Transfiguration ~ EE
          History of Magic ~ O
          Charms ~ O
          DADA ~ EE
          Mythology ~ EE
          Study of Ancient Runes ~ EE
          Wandless Magic ~ A
          Wandlore Studies ~ O

        Current OccupationStudent

      Pᴏᴛᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟs ᴀɴᴅ Cᴀᴘᴀʙɪʟɪᴛɪᴇs


          She doesn't hesitate on taking action
          She is very easy to approach


          She has a short fuse
          She is vengeful and hold grudges


          Many insects

        Dominant HandLeft



          Parents — Marcus ♥ Helena (nee. Apostol) Bautista
          Brother — Ibarra Bautista
          Uncle Joshua ♥ Wanda (nee. Constantino) Apostol — Cousin Kenji Apostol


          Mercy Sanderson
          Driskol Abrams
          Alby Callaghan
          Darell Cherri
          Sara King
          Garnet Mortemer
          James Ottosen


          Skylar Macclellan
          Mercy Sanderson
          Alby Callaghan

        Romantic Interest



          Ruaridh Murdoch
          Alby's Stupid Nephew
          James Ottosen




        Updates Including

          Bio Update

        Pended by — Weasley 6/29/16

        Accepted by — Dia 9/4/16

        Updates Accepted by — murrue ❤ 07/28/17