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A school of magic, based on J.K. Rowling's books. In need of Professors and Students! Join Now for the February - May year! 

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Minako Tanaka

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Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
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  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 7:18 am
xxxxMINAKOxxxTANAKA xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
User Image
          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Mina

              AGE 18

              BIRTHDAY December 12, 2022

              BLOOD STATUS Half-blood (mother – Muggle, Father – Squib)

              WAND 12 ½ inches, Kaya Wood, Raven Feather Core, with a Swishy Flexibility (Wood Accepted)

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Guys

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, Japanese and Spanish (Fluent), French (Proficient)

              FACECLAIM Keiko Kitagawa [x] (Approved)
              Past Random Anime Pics. [11 - 12] [13 - 14]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts

              HOUSE Ravenclaw

              CLASS OF 2041

              HONORS Prefect, Head Girl & Daily Dragon Editor

                  ■ Music Club (1st - 7th year)
                  ■ Art Club (3rd - 7th year)
                  ■ Daily Dragon Writer (4th & 5th year) / Editor (6th & 7th year)

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ E
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ E
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ E
                  Alchemy ~ O
                  Arithmancy ~ O
                  Art ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Music ~ O
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ O

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ E
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Alchemy ~ O
                  Arithmancy ~ O
                  Art ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ E
                  Music ~ O
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ O

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Unemployed

              DREAM JOB To work in fashion as well as sing music.

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ SMART I’ve got the brains and I know how to use them. I’m the smartest out of all my friends, if there’s something to be learned I’m right in there learning it. I love languages and am quick to pick up on them. I’m great with math and science guess I’d be pretty good with Arithmancy and Potions then. I like to think outside the box and keep things interesting. If there’s a problem to be solved I’m sure I’m the one who can solve it.
              ■ CREATIVE I see things differently than others. When one person sees nothing but scrap I find a use for it. I’m creative like that. In fact half my wardrobe is made up of scraps that were sewn into something new. I love designing and making my own fashion style. It makes a statement and it allows me to stand on my own. Standing out is way better then blending in all the time.
              ■ COMPOSED My friends say I’m the calm, cool, and collected one of our group. I don’t let things get to me. Sure I have my moments like everyone but I usually can control my outbursts. If I have a problem I’ll tell you in a calm manner. I’m hardly the yelling type. Yelling gets you nowhere and then you just lose your voice. Not good if you ask me. So long story short you won’t see me yelling, frustrated, or even stressed out. At least not often as it takes quite a bit. Probably why, I can handle all my friends’ drama day after day.
              ■ OPINIONATED Though, don’t let that fool you because I can and will speak my mind when I’m bothered by something (which usually involves bad fashion and hair choices). Of course I’m not all about the fashion world… I like the idea of adventure although I’m not the reckless type and I have a sense of humor. I may sound self-absorbed or maybe a tad opinionated but I’m really not that type of person. Any of my friend can and will tell you that.
              ■ HELPFUL If I can help people with my creativity and my knowledge why not? I love giving people fashion tips. Though, I love helping people in general I don’t see why I shouldn’t. I like being helpful and if ever a friends in need I’m there. I prefer to help rather than to watch someone struggle on something while I succeed. It’s only fair and besides sometimes helping can even help you in return.
              ■ PERFECTIONIST I tend to worry too much about the little things be it my looks or my grades. Call me a perfectionist of sorts if you want but I see nothing wrong with wanting good grades and a decent style.

                  Learning New Things – Languages
                  Helping people when they’re in a jam
                  My Brother’s Whistle (to think I used to hate it)

                  That My Family Was Taken From Me
                  Bad Hair Days
                  Terrible Fashion Sense
                  When People Don’t Listen to Reason
                  Extreme Behaviour (Recklessness or Loud)
                  Horrible Grades

                  Creating my own style
                  Learning new Languages

                  I’m smart
                  I can make something out of nothing

                  I worry far too much about my grades
                  Possibly my looks… but it’s not like I’m self-absorbed or anything

                  Disappointing others
                  Watching those I love die

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD I had parents and I had a little brother, once. His name was Kenji. They’re gone now. They died in a car crash when I was seven. I was at a friend’s when it happened. They were coming to get me and well, they never showed up. I found out why when my friend’s mom informed me of what happened. I was then taken to the hospital, I suppose to say goodbye. My dad was gone before I got there, my mom was in surgery, and my little brother was in critical condition. I could tell he wasn’t going to make it. My mom died not long after, my brother soon followed. Within twenty-four hours of the accident I was alone. That’s when I knew, my life was about to change.

              That was the first time I ever used magic… Not that I was aware of it at the time. There was water everywhere. I can’t remember if it was raining indoors or what but it was wet. It wasn’t until I was calmed down and stopped crying that it just disappeared. I don’t really understand what happened that day and I vowed never to speak of it, but after that I found myself at Wool’s orphanage.

              I didn’t have any family in the area or even in the country to stay with. So, I came to live with a bunch of other kids with no families to go home too. The moment I got there I focused on nothing but my studies. Perhaps it was to keep my mind off the obvious I’m not really sure. Either way I ended up being greeted by a blonde haired girl name Candace. She seemed nice enough and she introduced me to her friend Kimberly. So I suppose I ended up with at least two friends. Though when I noticed a girl sitting alone with a book I couldn’t help but ask the two who she was. I ended up getting the story that the girl Alana didn’t really talk and usually sat alone. She arrived a few months before me. Intrigued I went over to her and tried to get her to talk. Ultimately I found out that English was her second language, much like myself and that’s why she never spoke. So, I offered to help her. In exchange she taught me how to speak Spanish. It was a fair trade. After that Alana and I became good friends and I got her to open up to Candace and Kimberly. The four of us have been best friends ever since.

              It wasn’t until we were all informed by a Hogwarts school governor that we’d be attending a school called Hogwarts that we vowed to be sisters for life. It was then I realized what really happened the day my little brother and my parents died.

              SCHOOL YEARS

              A creative thinker with plenty of opinions,
              One who seeks perfection in all you do.
              I know just what to do with you...

              First year I found myself in Ravenclaw. Kimberly landed in Slytherin while Alana and Candace landed in Hufflepuff together. As far as classes go I learned I hate flying and plants are not my thing. Transfiguration and Potions however worked nicely for me. We all joined the music club which was enjoyable. Second year we met Dris. He landed in my house, so I got to meet him a bit sooner then Skylar introducing him to the group. He was having a tough time during the sorting feast, which left me with a Gryffindor giving me a hard time. Chrys was her name and I’m pretty sure she opens her mouth before fully thinking. I ended up spending the rest of the feast with another first year Hikaru. It wasn’t until the music club started up that everyone got to meet Dris. The rest of the year was relatively uneventful. Though, Ravenclaw did win both cups. It was a three way tie for Quidditch cup and a two way tie for the house cup. Kimberly was out of both and she wasn't the happiest camper about it.

              Third year was electives which were rather interesting, lots of good classes. I met a boy a year above me at the feast, named Connor and his dog Sadie. He's blind but that doesn’t stop him from much. He can definitely play the piano. He taught me how to read braille so that was a fun trade off. He invited me to a summer party he and his brother Colton are having. I suppose I'll go since it is better then spending all summer at the orphanage with little to do. Fourth year on top of my other clubs I joined the school’s newspaper becoming its assistant editor. I also took on the advice column which I think will look good on a resume.

              Fifth year I made prefect. OWLs came and went. I did well on them but not without the stress that came with it. Kimberly blamed me for a fight she had with Candace. Then she claimed I had a complex since being made prefect. Needless to say, I spent my time with Connor when I wasn't studying. It was thanks to Clara for getting Kimberly and I to talk things over. We made amends by the end of the year at least. Sixth into Seventh year I became the editor and chef for the paper. I dropped a number of classes knowing NEWT level studies would be a challenge. Overall my exam scores were high, and I had no regrets. I even made head girl in my last year.

              POST GRADUATION Now graduated the four of us all moved into a place. We’ll be working on our music and hopefully I’ll get into fashion. Madam Malkin's seems promising.

              NOTE I have a picture of my family to remember them by and my brother’s whistle.

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              Adopted Family (unofficial)
              • Alana Rivero • Kimberly Leon • Candace Mackenzie (sister)
              Biological Family
              • All members deceased; Suguru Tanaka (father) Takara Tanaka (mother) Kenji Tanaka (brother)

              ROMANTIC INTEREST • None
              BEST FRIEND • Alana Rivero
              • Alana Rivero
              • Kimberly Leon
              • Candace Mackenzie
              • Lucy Jacobs
              • Abigail Devaux
              • Skylar Macclellan
              • Driskol Abrams
              • Connor Overton
              • Finley Zeperin

              • Peter Whyte
              • Reuben Horne
              • Flick Horne
              • Hikaru Nakano
              • Chrysanthemum Meadows
              • Seventh Years & Ravenclaws

              ENEMIES • None
              PETS • Cat named Neela

xxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

UPDATED 05/10/2018

■ Age & Year
■ NEWT Scores Added
■ Bio Updated

PENDED BY - Weasley 6/13/16
ACCEPTED BY ~ Dia 8/9/16
PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 6:53 pm
User Image
Seventh Year Head Girl
Daily Dragon Editor - - -

                                                  Location : - - -

                                                  - - -

                                                  Status : - - -
                                                  With : - - -

                                                  Attire : Ravenclaw Uniform

                                                  OOC : - - -

                                                  A creative thinker with plenty of opinions,
                                                  One who seeks perfection in all you do.
                                                  I know just what to do with you...

[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzE1mX4Px0I][imgleft]https://s26.postimg.cc/f5ia1o3op/Minako.jpg[/imgleft][/url] [align=right][color=#009ACD][b][size=16]Seventh Year Head Girl[/size][/b][/color]
[color=darkorange]Daily Dragon Editor[/color][color=white] - - -[/color][/align]

[list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][color=#0047AB][b]Location :[/b][/color] [i]- - -[/i]

[align=justify]- - -
[color=#39B7CD][b]Status :[/b][/color] [i]- - -[/i]
[color=#39B7CD][b]With :[/b][/color] [i]- - -[/i]

[color=#39B7CD][b]Attire :[/b][/color] [url=https://www.polyvore.com/minako_school_uniform/set?id=233555123]Ravenclaw Uniform[/url]

[color=#39B7CD][b]OOC :[/b][/color] [i]- - -[/i]

[align=right][size=10]A creative thinker with plenty of opinions,
One who seeks perfection in all you do.
I know just what to do with you...


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 6:57 pm
List of Knowledge

Core Classes

First Year
[x] Names of Planets
[x] Movements of Planets
[x] Names of Stars (Including Sun)
[x] Names of Constellations

Second Year
[x] Mercury
[x] Venus
[x] Earth
[x] Earth's Moon

Third Year
[x] Mars
[x] Jupiter
[x] Great Red Spot
[x] Jupiter's Moons

Fourth Year
[x] Saturn
[x] Saturn's Rings
[x] Titan
[x] Uranus

Fifth Year
[x] Neptune
[x] Triton
[x] Comets
[x] Meteorites
[x] Asteroids

First Year
[x] Wingardium Leviosa
[x] Reparo
[x] Incendio
[x] Spongify

Second Year
[x] Scourgify
[x] Aresto Momentum
[x] Flame-Freezing Charm
[x] Diffindo

Third Year
[x] Cheering Charm
[x] Carpe Retractum
[x] Colour Change Charm
[x] Glacius

Fourth Year
[x] Accio
[x] Depulso
[x] Engorgio
[x] Reducio

Fifth Year
[x] Silencio
[x] Dancing Feet
[x] Reducto
[x] Repleo

Sixth Year
[x] Aguamenti
[x] Bedazzling Hex
[x] Avis
[x] Nonverbal Spells

Defence Against the Dark Arts
First Year
[x] Knockback Jinx
[x] Lumos/Nox
[x] Ghosts
[x] Doxies

Second Year
[x] Rictusempra
[x] Expelliarmus
[x] Fumos
[x] Fire Crabs

Third Year
[x] Finite/Incantatem
[x] Boggarts/Riddikulus
[x] Grindylows
[x] Hinkypunks

Fourth Year
[x] Hex-deflection/Salvio Hexia
[x] Aqua Eructo Charm
[x] Stupefy
[x] Petrificus Totalus

Fifth Year
[x] Protego
[x] Oppugno
[x] Inferi
[x] Werewolves

First Year
[x] Broom Commands
[x] Mounting
[x] Developing a Broom Bond

First Year
[x] Spiky Bush
[x] Bouncing Bulb
[x] Devil's Snare

Second Year
[x] Abyssian Shrivelfig
[x] Mandrake
[x] Fire Seed Bush

Third Year
[x] Puffapods
[x] Moly
[x] Mimbulus Mimbletonia

Fourth Year
[x] Bubotuber
[x] Gillyweed
[x] Dittany

Fifth Year
[x] Fanged Geranium
[x] Screechsnap
[x] Whomping Willow

History of Magic
First Year
[x] History of Hogwarts
[x] The Chamber of Secrets
[x] Statute of Secrecy

Second Year
[x] Ollivander Family
[x] The Deathly Hallows
[x] Beedle the Bard

Third Year
[x] Muggle Witch Burnings
[x] Nicolas Flamel
[x] Newt Scamander
[x] Goblin Rebellions

Fourth Year
[x] Ancient Egypt and Greece
[x] Herpo the Foul
[x] Grindelwald
[x] Tom Riddle/Voldemort

Fifth Year
[x] Albus Dumbledore
[x] Harry Potter
[x] Order of the Phoenix

Sixth Year
[x] First Wizarding War
[x] Second Wizarding War

First Year
[x] Forgetfulness Potion
[x] Boil-Cure Potion
[x] Wiggenweld Potion

Second Year
[x] Hair-Raising Potion
[x] Girding Potion
[x] Swelling Solution

Third Year
[x] Shrinking Solution
[x] Antidotes
[x] Undetectable Poisons

Fourth Year
[x] Wit-Sharpening Potion
[x] Herbicide Potion
[x] Wide-Eye Potion
[x] Sleeping Draught

Fifth Year
[x] Everlasting Elixirs
[x] Draught of Peace
[x] Strengthening Solution
[x] Love Potion Antidote

Sixth Year
[x] Amortentia
[x] Elixir to Induce Euphoria
[x] Felix Felicis
[x] Polyjuice Potion

First Year
[x] Match to Needle
[x] Snail to Teapot
[x] Mouse to Snuffboxes
[x] Teacup to Rat

Second Year
[x] Beetle Buttons
[x] Avifors
[x] Fera Verto
[x] Rabbit Slippers

Third Year
[x] Teapot to Tortoise
[x] Chair to Cat
[x] Hedgehog to Pincushion
[x] Lapifors

Fourth Year
[x] Switching Spells
[x] Draconifors
[x] Guinea Fowl to Guinea Pig

Fifth Year
[x] Evanesco
[x] Inanimatus Conjurus
[x] Geminio

Sixth Year
[x] Owl to Opera Glasses
[x] Basic Self Transfiguration
[x] Human or Animal

Elective Classes

Third Year
[x] Philosopher’s Stone
[x] Corrumpo Spell
[x] Inveratus Spell
[x] Baleful Brew

Fourth Year
[x] Nicholas Flamel
[x] Albus Dumbledore
[x] Delbou Spell
[x] Mystic Potion
[x] Scutum Spell

Fifth Year
[x] Desires of an Alchemist
[x] Famous Alchemists
[x] Expono Spell
[x] Patronus Potion
[x] Aqua Vitae Potion

Sixth Year
[x] Dormir Spell
[x] Frango Frigis Spell
[x] Dream Catch Potion
[x] Quintessence

Sixth Year
[x] Basics of Apparition
[x] Dangers of Apparition
[x] Three D's
[x] Apparition into hoops
[x] Apparition test

Third Year
[x] Origination
[x] The Two Systems
[x] Agrippan Method
[x] Number usage

Fourth Year
[x] Character Number meaning and finding it
[x] Heart Number meaning and finding it
[x] Social Number meaning and finding it

Fifth Year
[x] How to make Predictions
[x] Arithmancy on your name
[x] Arithmancy on one item
[x] Using numbers for Predictions

Sixth Year
[x] Compatibility using Arithmancy
[x] Practice using Arithmancy

Third Year
[x] Lighting and Frame/Intro to the Renaissance
[x] Proportion- A look into Michelangelo and Raphael
[x] Backgrounds and Perspective - A look into Leonardo Di Vinci

Fourth Year:
[x] Into to Neoclassical, Baroque, and Rococo
[x] Sketching basics
[x] Sketching techniques - A look into Bernini and Watteau
[x] Sketching enchantments - A look into Rembrandt

Fifth Year:
[x] Into to Romanticism - Color Wheel
[x] Painting techniques - A look into Waterhouse
[x] Painting enchantments - A look into Goya

Sixth Year:
[x] Modern Art - Sculpture mediums
[x] Sculpting techniques - A look into Picasso
[x] Sculpture enchantments - A look into Matisse

Care of Magical Creatures
Third Year
[x] Bowtruckle Lecture
[x] Bowtruckle Interaction
[x] Pixie Lecture
[x] Pixie Interaction

Fourth Year
[x] Nogtail Lecture
[x] Nogtail Interaction
[x] Puffskein Lecture
[x] Puffskein Interaction

Fifth Year
[x] Hippogriff Lecture
[x] Hippogriff Interaction
[x] Niffler Lecture
[x] Niffler Interaction

Sixth Year
[x] Merpeople Lecture
[x] Merpeople Interaction
[x] Phoenix Lecture
[x] Phoenix Interaction

Third Year
[x] Note Reading
[x] Major/Minor Scales
[x] Triads
[x] Inversions

Fourth Year
[x] Brass Family
[x] Strings Family
[x] Percussion Family
[x] Keyboard Family

Fifth Year
[x] Muggle Music History
[x] Muggle Musicians
[x] Magical Music History
[x] Magical Musicians

Sixth Year
[x] Concert Rehearsal
[x] Solo Performance

Study of Ancient Runes
Third Year
[x] Runic Languages
[x] Introduction to Elder Futhark
[x] Elder Futhark Runes
[x] Elder Futhark Runic Names

Fourth Year
[x] Introduction to Anglo-Saxon Futhorc
[x] Anglo-Saxon Futhorc Runes
[x] Anglo-Saxon Futhorc Runic Names
[x] Runic Numbers

Fifth Year
[x] Introduction to Younger Futhark Runes
[x] Long Branch Younger Futhark
[x] Short Twig Younger Futhark
[x] Staveless Runes

Sixth Year
[x] Runic Magic
[x] Runic Divination
[x] Victory Runes
[x] Runic spells
[x] Runic Staves
PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:01 pm
Minako's history throughout Hogwarts

Year 1:

Hogwarts is as interesting as I thought it would be. I was sorted into Ravenclaw. Kimberly was sorted into Slytherin. Alana and Candace were sorted into Hufflepuff. I'm glad we all found a place here in this magical world. I learned I hate flying and plants aren't my thing. I like transfigurations though and potions. The sorting hat said I was a creative thinker with plenty of opinions. That I seek perfection in all you do. I'd like to think that's all true. My sister's and I joined the music club. Let me tell you it's a lot of fun. Nothing beats music!

Year 2:

I met Driskol a tad early. He was sorted into my house. A friend of Skylar's I noticed he was having some trouble. However another first year Chrys seemed to give me a hard time. I'm not her fan but I can't say I hate her. She's a Gryffindor who seems to open her mouth first before thinking the words first. I ended up spending the rest of the feast with another first year Hikaru.

Dris joined the music club no surprise since he's friends with Skylar. The rest of the year was relatively uneventful. Though, Ravenclaw did win both cups. It was a three way tie for Quidditch cup and a two way tie for the house cup. Kimberly was out of both and she wasn't the happiest camper about it.

Year 3:

Electives were certainly interesting this year. I've been learning a lot. I also met a boy a year higher then me, named Connor and his dog Sadie. He's blind but he can definitely play piano. He's part of the music club too. Anyways I guess we're friends cause he invited me to a summer party he and his brother Colton are having. I suppose I'll go since it is better then spending all summer at the orphanage with little to do.

Year 4:

This year was great. My grades were good. I'm still a part of the art club and the music club. This year I joined the school newspaper as the assistant editor. I also took on the advice column. Overall it was a good year.

Year 5:

OWL year was stressful. First Kimberly blames me for a fight she had with Candace. Then says I've got a complex since being made prefect. Needless to say I spent my time with Connor when I wasn't studying. I suppose I could thank Clara for getting Kimberly and I to talk things over. We made amends at least. I was quick to tell Alana since she wasn't happy about our blow up.

I got a lot of high grades during my OWL testing which I was happy about. I dropped some classes and hope to do even better come NEWTs.

Year 6:

First I became editor and chef for the school paper. It was a real challenge but so worth it. I had a lot of help running it though. Classes went fairly well this year what with there being less of them. I hope next year goes as smoothly.  


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:05 pm
Time Schedule

Each day is broken up into blocks.

Block 1 runs from 8:00am to 8:45am.
Block 2 runs from 9:00am to 9:45am.
Block 3 runs from 10:00am to 10:45am.
Block 4 runs from 11:00am to 11:45
COMMON HOUR runs from 11:45am to 1:00pm.
Block 5 runs from 1:00pm to 1:45pm.
Block 6 runs from 2:00pm to 2:45pm.
Block 7 runs from 3:00pm to 3:45pm.
Block 8 runs from 11:00pm to 11:45pm.

Meal schedule is:

Breakfast runs from 7:00am to 9:00am.
Lunch runs from 11:00am to 1:00pm.
Dinner runs from 5:00pm to 7:00pm.


Hogwarts Schedules

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