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[Rishima] vs [Wadana] – [Wadana Swarm] - FIN

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Orpheus Solon rolled 4 100-sided dice: 47, 31, 22, 20 Total: 120 (4-400)

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 7:28 am
Character || Rishima
Stage || 4
Battling || Wadana x 4
Battle Stat || 36
Defense || 15
Roll Needed || 40 - 100
Rolled || 47, 31, 22, 20
Outcome || Win x 1, Losses x 3
Experience earned ||

Winning EXP
( [13] x 6 ) / [4] = [19.5 rounded to 20]

Losing EXP
( [13] x 2 ) / [4] = [6.5 rounded to 7] x 3 = 21

Words Needed: 1000  
PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 7:30 am
Rishima's antennae gave a little twitch as he looked around the area, taking in everything around him, from the looks of the area, to the height of the trees, and everything else. He'd been told that if he went in this direction that he'd be able to find a rare fruit, one that made a good addition to any meal be it in the form of juice or made into a glaze for fish or meat. It was something that he'd decided that he needed to get his hands on no matter what so that he could make a really fancy meal for Gerraden. It was a thought that brought a smile to Rishima's lips as it was what he wanted to do most of all at the moment, to do something nice for the one he cared so much about. It was far better a choice of something to do then anything that involved fighting...

Of course just as he thought that the ground seemed to shift under his feet, causing a buzz to go up his spine, one that made his antennae stand up on end. What... what was that? A strange sensation, one that made him feel so very much on edge, and made him wanting nothing more then to keep moving... which was just want he did. He needed to get away from the odd sensation that made him feel as if something was crawling around under his feet, and return to searching for the special fruit. Standing still would just cause the itchy feeling to continue, of that he was certain. Only thing for him to do now was to move forward he thought to himself as he started to walk forward once more, his mismatched eyes scanning the area around himself for the fruit that he was seeking.

He was only to make it forward a half a dozen steps before that itchy feeling started up again, stronger this time, and the ground under his feet seemed to rumble a bit. The rumble gave way to something bursting forth from the ground, crashing into him, throwing the warrior off of his feet and onto his back. He lay there for a moment, a bit on the surprised side, eyes darting from side to side, before they landed on a large insect that was equipped with a rather sharp looking set of pincers. It was sight that had Rishima instantly scrambling to his feet, scooping up his weapon as he went, pointing it at the bug that was now flying above him, buzzing at him in a manner that made him wonder what it was thinking. Likely from the way that its pincers were gnashing it was thinking on how it wanted to eat him.

Sighing heavily the half blood warrior said, "I am not about to let you eat me so easily, insect, I have a lot to do today." To think that he had to deal with this bug so that he could get to the fruit that he so wanted. It was quite a bother, but worth it if he could get the fruit that he wanted so badly. He took a step forward toward the creature that was hovering just in front of him, wanting nothing more then to smash the bug so that he could continue onward. Just as he took a couple steps forward though another of the bugs shot up out of the ground, nearly knocking him off his feet again but he was able to dodge this one... only to be attacked by a second one, then a third and fourth followed, leaving him surrounded by the swarm of them.

"Eesh, such a bother." He muttered to himself swinging his weapon around in a circle, thrusting forward with the pointed end toward one of them, then used the butt end of the weapon to thrust at another of them, both strikes landing solidly. One of the bugs would find itself skewered on the sharp end of his spear while a second one was knocked senseless by the blunt end. He looked at the other two, taking a couple of swings at them, but they were quick to back away from him as swiftly as possible, to keep from getting hit in the same way the other two had been hit. They definitely didn't want to make this easy on him, did they? Something that caused his antennae to give a little twitch before he took a step forward... only to see the bug that he'd thought he'd killed started to move a little bit.

"Still alive then?" He murmured, turning his mismatched eyes to look the beast over. Given the thick, hard shell that it had protecting it he supposed that he shouldn't have been too surprised by the fact that the creature had survived the initial attack. It only meant that he was going to have to try that much hard to finish if off along with the rest of its friends... provided of course that they insisted upon the fight. While he didn't exactly want to battle it out with the swarm it might be something he was forced to do. This was what happened when he wasn't careful when picking his path, something he'd remember in the future.

Moving forward quickly Rishima made a couple more swift strikes with the sharp end of his weapon, each of the strikes landing one after the other. He needed to make sure that this one was taken care of or else it was sure to attack his back while he tried to fend off the other three, something that even now those three were trying. They were circling around him, buzzing loudly, looking for their opening. It was something that he had to be careful about or else they were going to get a few more attacks of opportunity in on him, something that would result in cuts and bruises. Such injuries weren't something he could afford since he wanted to make a nice meal for Gerraden.

(( Word Count: 1004 ))

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon rolled 3 100-sided dice: 37, 18, 41 Total: 96 (3-300)

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 7:32 am
Character || Rishima
Stage || 4
Battling || Wadana x 3
Battle Stat || 36
Defense || 15
Roll Needed || 40 - 100
Rolled || 37, 18, 41
Outcome || Win x 1 Losses x 2
Experience earned ||

Winning EXP
( [13] x 6 ) / [4] = [19.5 rounded to 20]

Losing EXP
( [13] x 2 ) / [4] = [6.5 rounded to 7] x 2 = 14

Words Needed: 750  
PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 7:34 am
It had taken a few swift strikes on Rishima's part before he'd been able to really put the first of the insects down, putting him on his guard. The fact that they had such a thick hide meant that he was going to have to make sure that each and every attack that he made against them counted or else he would be wasting energy and effort. Not to mention that if he wasn't careful then they would get a chance to counter attack, something that he didn't want to let happen given the pincers that the large bugs had. They were likely to be very dangerous, able to slice anything they got a hold of, meaning that they might be able to really slice into Rishima. Not something that he wanted to have happen because if he was wounded them he wouldn't be able to cook for Gerraden! Which was somehow the worst thing that he could think of happening at the moment. Sure, he was in a battle against these aggressive bugs but they didn't bother him as much as the idea of failing at his dinner did.

Shaking that thought off, Rishima turned his attention to the trio of large bugs that were still buzzing around him. He had to concentrate on the battle that was going on instead of letting his mind wander to things outside of the battle. Doing that was dangerous, meaning that he was only adding to the threat level of the insect swarm that he was fighting. He would give his full attention and full skill to the bugs since they were insisting upon the battle continuing even after Rishima had taken down one of their number. Bugs often fought in groups but they weren't exactly loyal to their members. If one got squished it didn't mean the others would stop and mourn, they would just continue on with what they were already doing... which was fighting with Rishima.

His antennae gave a little twitch before he shifted in place, allowing his stance to change. With weapon in hand he seemed to move a little quicker, dodge a little better, moving out of the way of the ones that were trying so hard to attack him. They were as dangerous as they were annoying he thought to himself before he took a swing at one of them. His first attack missed, allowing one of the bugs to get passed him but his next attack, a forward thrust of his spear, buried itself into another of them. Once it was done he lifted it up and slammed the creature down against the rocks on the ground. The bug made a pathetic buzzing sound before going quiet, telling him that he'd taken out another of the group of them.

Once it was dealt with he shifted back into a ready stance, watching the last two creatures as they buzzed around him, leaving him with no openings to escape by. It was probably best that he just took care of the whole swarm to keep them from following home. The last thing he wanted was to bring something dangerous home where Gerradan could be napping. Instead he would see about taking down these beasts, cutting them down, and making sure that they were defeated. While he wasn't a fan of killing things, especially after all the battles he'd be in since he was younger he knew he couldn't just leave these things be. What if they ended up really dangerous? There was always that risk that they might gather an even bigger swarm before coming after them where they lived.

A few more dodges from Rishima caused him to be slowly backed up away from where the body of the second defeated bug was laying. He lifted his spear up so that he could deflect the attacks of the insects, forcing them back, but not letting them get too close to him. So long as they were kept at bay, but still in his sights, they would be easy enough to deal with. At least that what was he hoped would be the case. Keeping their attention was a good thing, it meant that they would continue to attack him, not bothering to call or help or to scatter. It would allow him to seek out more openings so that he could wipe them out... or at least that was his plan.

Each time the bugs got close he'd take a swing at them, one of those blows hitting one of them causing it to fly backwards, bouncing off its friend. It was an amazing shot... but they were able to recover quick enough before attacking him once more.

(( Word Count: 780 ))

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon rolled 2 100-sided dice: 17, 23 Total: 40 (2-200)

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 8:11 am
Character || Rishima
Stage || 4
Battling || Wadana x 2
Battle Stat || 36
Defense || 15
Roll Needed || 40 - 100
Rolled || ??
Outcome || ??
Experience earned ||

Winning EXP
( [13] x 6 ) / [4] = [19.5 rounded to 20]

Losing EXP
( [13] x 2 ) / [4] = [6.5 rounded to 7] x 2 = 14

Words Needed: 500  
PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 8:14 am
The manner in which Rishima danced around, dodging, ducking, and weaving away from the two beasts that were still alive and chasing after him. He had been at this for a little while, trying to keep himself away from the bugs, while looking for openings. He thrust his weapon forward from time to time, smacking the bugs back but their tough shells kept them from being heavily injured. They were dangerous beasts, weren't they? Tough too, which was all the more reason why he had to stay on his toes and make sure that the beasts wouldn't be able to harm him. So long as he was able to keep them at bay he should be alright. Just as he thought that though the pair of wadani suddenly plunged downwards, digging themselves under ground at a rapid pace, out of sight.

Rishima went stock still save for his antennae which were twitching rapidly as he starred at the hastily dug holes in the ground, trying to figure out what had just happened. Were they fleeing? There was that part of him that hoped that were the case but his the way that his antennae set to twitching rapidly he doubted that were the case. He could feel it, the way that the ground seemed to shake ever so slightly sent those same sorts of buzzing feelings to go up his spine again. It was that same sensation that he'd felt when they were underground preparing their first attacks. That meant that they were likely preparing the attack again, weren't they? It was something that made him itch all over, his body ready for the attack, his eyes a bit wide. He didn't like this, the fact that they were hiding like this, that they were attempting a stealth attack. The longer he was forced the wait the more stressful the wait became, the more stressful things became the harder his heart thudded in his chest. He didn't like this he thought to himself a moment before the two bugs came bursting up out of the ground below him.

The first of the insects he was able to dodge but the second one crashed into his chest, throwing him off of his feet. He landed hard, rolling a couple times, before he wrapped a hand around his midsection, clutching it for a moment, "Ow... ow... that was a... cheap shot..." He muttered, gulping to try to regain the breath that was knocked out of his lungs. It took him a moment to regain control over his breathing, dragging himself to his feet, his eyes flicking from side to side. They were still out there, of that he was certain, able to hear them buzzing still. They were preparing for another attack and this time at least he was able to dodge out of the way when they burst forth from the shadows. It strained his middle a bit, making him aware that he was likely bruised, but he did his best to ignore the pain for now.

(( Word Count: 504 ))

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon rolled 2 100-sided dice: 69, 48 Total: 117 (2-200)

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 8:17 am
Character || Rishima
Stage || 4
Battling || Wadana x 2
Battle Stat || 36
Defense || 15
Roll Needed || 40 - 100
Rolled || 69, 48
Outcome || Win x 2
Experience earned ||

Winning EXP
( [13] x 6 ) / [4] = [19.5 rounded to 20] x 2 = 40

Losing EXP
( [13] x 2 ) / [4] = [6.5 rounded to 7] x 2 = 14

Words Needed: 500  
PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 8:18 am
The pair of bugs were buzzing around him again, circling, looking for their opening and the fact that Rishima had taken a blow to the midsection made him feel as though he was at a little disadvantage. He gave a full body shiver as he heard the buzzing get closer, his antennae twitching rapidly, and he was able to jerk himself back and out of the way of an attack that came from the side, then again to dodge away from the second one. The bugs didn't stop this time though. They were lunging back and forth at him, sometimes attacking alone, sometimes as a pair, forcing him to stay on his toes. The attacks were able to land a few times, once in his thigh, once to the shoulder, and then once against his back. He stumbled forward, regained his footing, then thrust forward with his weapon... burying it into the middle of one of the bugs.

The creature gave a screeching sound before Rishima brought the impaled creature down against the rocks on the ground, smashing it against them. There was a moment when it flailed around before going still, leaving him in a one on one battle against the final bug. The first attack by the insect caught him in the same leg as one of the attacks had landed, bruising him up a bit more, before he found himself thrusting forward once more. His attack seemed to clip the wadana, removing one of its wings, forcing it to the ground. The moment that it landed it started to try to dig itself under ground again so that it would be able to attack from under the dirt once more. Not a thing that he would allow though as Rishima rushed forward, driving his spear down into the ground, spearing it through the beast. He gave it a twist before yanking it out and then waited, breath held, to see what the bug did next.

After a long moment of waiting he realized that it wasn't going to attack again, likely dead. He gave a slow nod of his head before standing up right, rubbing a hand against his side. He was sure to end up with various bruises after this, meaning that he was going to need a soak in the river. It would be likely that Gerraden would likely follow him, wanting to join him.

It was a thought that made him flush a little, his antennae twitching happily this time, before he returned to his search for that rare fruit again. He wasn't sure what would come first, food or a soak, but so long as Gerraden joined him he would be happy. The battle had been unexpected but at least he'd made it through with only bruised. It could have been a lot worse given that there were so many of those insects that were so eager to take him out. Now that they were out of the way and he had a chance to breath he felt... relieved. He needed to be careful not to let them catch him off guard again so he could get home in one piece.

(( Word Count: 526 ))

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

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