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Tags: magical, realism, roleplay 

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[FASHION WEEK] Prompt Contest

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Ashdown Crier

Daring Seeker

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 11:55 am
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Do you have writing chops? Show us! In order to win one of the comfortable-looking dreamers above, you'll need to wow the judges with a stunning response to one of our RP prompts!

The standing dreamer is codenamed EARTHBOUND by Rejam. The seated dreamer is codenamed CUTE HARAJUKU by endejester.

You may enter once for each dreamer, but you can only win one of them! If you enter for both, you must answer different prompts for each entry.

Prompt #1
    Oh my god - awkward! Tell us about a situation where your character was notably uncomfortable and how they got through it.

Prompt #2
    Tell us about your character's usual coffee shop order. C'mon. You know they have one.

Prompt #3
    What does your character do on Friday nights? Hit the gym? The studio? The club? A jigger of whiskey while playing Dragon Age: Inquisition?


[b]Entering For:[/b] EARTHBOUND or CUTE HARAJUKU

[align=center][size=18][b]character name[/b][/size]
[b]Prompt answered:[/b] 1, 2, or 3

[center][b]Prompt Response[/b][/center]
Replace this text with your response. Leave the section title alone.

Were you referred by someone? If so, put their username here:[/b]
PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 1:41 pm
Username: Mriae
Entering For: EARTHBOUND

nebula “neb” miller

Prompt answered: 3

Prompt Response

Nebula, or Neb, as she generally prefers to be called, spends her Friday evenings do a variety of things. After classes are done for the day (she’s going to school to become a masseuse), she then heads to the local yoga studio, Om, to attend yoga classes. She will spend an hour or two doing yoga, and then it’s off to the gym. Once at the gym, she will jump in the pool for about an hour and a half, followed by a half an hour spent in the sauna or hot tub. After her workout, Neb often goes home to make herself a quick fruit smoothy (and to check in with her parents), and then heads off to the local Buddhist temple/shrine for evening meditation. She then heads home for the evening and spends the rest of it relaxing in her pajamas and browsing Netflix. Depending on how she feels, she might also go in for a reiki session or shiatsu session after her workout (in place of her meditation), if she’s feeling particularly tired. Nebula is all about living as healthily as she possibly can.

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Devoted Cleric


Human Human

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 8:54 am
Username: Amorpheous

arianna "ari" hemings

Prompt answered: 2

Prompt Response

Drinking coffee reminded her too much of college; it left a bitter taste in her mouth that had nothing to do with the taste of coffee. She preferred not to think about it and if she didn't work at a coffee shop, she'd avoid coffee altogether. It would be easier that way, but she had to pay rent somehow. It's not like she could just ask her parents for money they didn't have. Even if they did have the money, they probably wouldn't give it to her (or at least that's what she told herself). If her parents knew what she was doing, they'd probably consider her a failure and a coward.

She sometimes tried to imagine what her father would have have done in her situation and she guessed that he probably would have become a compulsive coffee drinker.

Face that which brings you down head on.

She wasn't her father though. Nor was she her mother who probably would have never ended up dropping out of college in the first place. No, her mother didn't have expectations of happiness or fulfillment. College would have simply been a way out, one more task to complete in a lifetime of obligations and practical decisions.

Just put your head down and work.

She put her head down and worked plenty these days, but not in a library where her parents thought she was. They'd find out eventually, but for now, it was easier to live in this limbo with only her imagination to fill in the blanks of her parents' reactions. Rationally, she should have just called her parents, talked to them, but she couldn't bear the idea of their condemnation or their forgiveness. Instead she made college students coffee day in and day out; and in her off time tried to figure out why she wasn't happy anywhere she went.

She always smelled like coffee when she got back to her small room and the last thing she wanted was to drink coffee like she had when she was still trying to "make it." So at the end of every shift, she just grabbed a bottle of cold-pressed juice instead of making herself a drink on the house.

She was doing her best to figure it out and maybe she'd find herself in the organic residue left at the bottom of the bottle.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:44 pm
Username: The Semblance of Unity

Temperance Clark

Prompt answered: 3

Prompt Response

The clock ticked late on a Friday night and Temperance ran a hand down her dress, a ragged nail almost snagging the pretty fabric. A ruffle tickled her palm, the bow adorning it soft and satiny. Girly to the nth degree, she thought, almost shyly. She turned in front of her mirror, quick steps, feeling the skirt flare out; the pale blue of it looking nearly cloud-like. Tick tock, tick tock. It was loud in her ears - she'd need to go to sleep soon; Temperance worked a twelve hour shift nearly every Saturday. But, for now, she watched herself in the silver flicker of her mirror. St. Catherine's Tears was an odd name for a dress, but it was beautiful; it was cute. It was also a little short on her. Temperance was tall and lanky - she gangled where others possessed grace, galumphed among the gazelles. But the dress! Lilies of the valley snaked along the bell of the skirt, understated and adorable. It was probably the prettiest thing she owned. Temperance sighed. The dress was really the cutest.

But she was not. With another sigh, she turned away from the mirror, arms slipping up to hug around her ribs. Temperance knew the truth - she was 'striking' to her face, and 'mannish' to her back. Schoolyard and half-heard whispers had taught her these things. Her mirror only confirmed. Reaching up, she pulled a lock of hair from her top-knot, curling it around her fingers. The curl didn't hold, of course, not even a curling iron could make that happen.

"Who am I ******** kidding?" With jerky motions, she peeled out of St. Catherine's Tears, carefully smoothing the fabric out, carefully hanging it back on the hanger, carefully shoving it in the deepest, darkest corner of her closet. She slid the door closed and place both palms on it, breathing deeply. Temperance knew she'd never be cute, never be able to pull off frills or quirky jellyfish prints or even cats frolicking across a dress. She was barely passable as is - that is, she'd made concessions. Temperance wore the cutest things she could: understated, school-girlish things. Nothing too head turning, nothing too daring. She'd found a style that was cute enough and if it didn't include frills (ever), it still had huge sweaters with cats on them, slouchy things she could hide in. It was enough.

She looked down at herself - the bear panties, the bra with frills and daisies embroidered on it. Why wasn't she just happy with how she was? It was stupid. Temperance slowly opened her closet again and dragged out a navy sweater, one big enough to swallow her whole. Pulling it over her head, she turned and slumped over to her bed. The tablet nearly bounced off the duvet when she flopped into bed, but her hand shot out just in time, pulling it up closer to her. Time to binge on bad horror movies until she fell asleep. There was nothing cute in those, just like her.

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The Semblance of Unity

Predestined Victim


Anxious Poster

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:19 pm
Username: iMattiebear
Entering For: EARTHBOUND

Teresa "Tess(a)" Nettles

Prompt answered: 3

Prompt Response

Fridays were Tessa's day. She didn't normally go out with others, instead she liked to treat herself! After the long week she always looks forward to her Friday yoga class, it is the longest class of the week. She is always refreshed and ready for the weekend. After her class she always hits the flee market and enjoys the bustle around her as she decides on dinner for the weekend. First she grabbed her usual things; spinach, miscellaneous fresh spices, and a loaf of the best bread in town! Usually she grabbed veggies for a salad and fruits for snacking during the day. What she got depended on what the market had to offer most of the time. Like clockwork, she finished her trip to the flee market and went straight home.

Home was perfect. No shirt, no shoes, no problem! Tessa put the food away, opened a bottle of wine from the other night, and started making dinner; tofu stir-fry with a garden salad. It was delicious if she did say so herself. After a quick cleanup she went to take a hot bath. The hot water relaxed the last of the her tense muscles. With the help of the wine, she was in bliss. Tessa took a cat nap in the bath before deciding to finish her bath and just go to bed. By the time she laid her head down, she was so tired. It was the perfect Friday night for her! She drifted to sleep with a wine glow and a smile on her lips.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 8:07 pm
Username: Kolina

Vega "Vee" Florence

Prompt answered: 3

Prompt Response

A few deft twists of her wrist and quick working fingers, the blonde locks were secured within an elastic band near the top of her head. A little bit of fluffing and readjusting and the make-shift bun was perfectly messy and fashionable. Stepping back from the full length mirror to better inspect herself, Vega smoothed out some minor wrinkles in her plaid skirt while turning to view herself at multiple angles. With a grin at her reflection she pushed up the sleeves of her hoodie. “Perfect!”

Spinning on her heel she hurried over to her closet and began rummaging through the clothes and many other things stashed inside. Her goal though, lay neatly stacked on the top shelf. Each one well placed and far enough away from the edge of the shelf to keep any from toppling to the ground and creating a horrible mess. With care, Vega stood on tiptoes and pulled a few choice boxes down and began laying them on her bed.

“Alright. I think ‘Seven Wonders’, ‘Betrayal’, ‘Dominion’ annnnnnd…” She turned from the games she had placed on the bed to stare at the remaining boxes. Her little game collection had steadily began to grow since she and her friends had began a weekly game night. “Hm...I think Settlers of Catan will work.” She walked back to the closet and pulled the red box from the shelf with ‘Catan’ written in large yellow letters on it. She added the game to the ones on her bed. “That should be a good selection, I think.” She stood there, one arm folded just under her chest while her other hand was propped up on said arm, finger tapping her chin in contemplation. “Yea. That’s enough.” She nodded before kneeling down alongside her bed.

Grabbing the handle of one of the many baskets stored under her bed, Vega pulled it out and began sifting through the multiple bags she had stored there. Specifically she was looking for her cheap, but nice sized bags she had purchased from ‘Michaels craft store’. She eventually found the purple bag stuffed at the bottom and pulled it out. With little care she pushed the basket back under the bed, ignoring the fact that a bag had fallen out and now lay partially under the bed.

As she stood up her eyes caught sight of the alarm clock on her nightstand. “Oh s**t, I am going to be late!” She rushed to stuff the boxes into the bag. It took a bit of maneuvering to fit all of them in but she eventually figured out the tetris game. She stood there looking at the bag, biting her lower lip in contemplation before turning back to her closet and grabbing a small box of ‘flux’ cards and tossing it on top in the bag.

“Ok I seriously need to get moving.” Vega grabbed her wristlet and keys off of the top of her dresser, slipped it over her wrist before grabbing the bag of games and hurrying out of her bedroom door with a slight bang as he bag hit the side of the door. There was no hesitation though tot stop and check the boxes for damage, Vega was on a mission to get herself back to campus where the rest of her friend awaited her.

Rushing down the stairs, the college student didn’t even stop as she hurried out the front door yelling to her mother. “I’ll be back later tonight!”

She hurried to the little black car that was gifted to her by her grandmother. The vehicle was well past it’s glory days but worked well enough. Vega wasn’t one to be picky about such things. As long as it worked and didn’t cause her problems she intended to drive the thing until it fell apart beneath her. In fact, the car was old enough not to have a phob and Vega stuffed the key to the car into the door and unlocked it with a satisfying click.

She placed the bag of games on the passenger seat as she slipped into the little car. She grabbed her cell phone from her wristlet and hastily typed out a text message to one of her friends. ‘I’ll be there soon. Just got in the car. Get pepperoni tonight. No onions!’

Slamming the door shut, Vega put the key in the ignition, started her car up and was backing her way out of the driveway and onto the road. Glancing at her dash Vega sighed. “Ok. I won’t be too late as long as I don’t hit traffic.” So, with determination to make it to campus in a timely manner and get to her game night Vega took off from home with a grin on her face. I am going to dominate tonight.

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Inquisitive Agent


Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:26 pm
Username: Kolina
Entering For: EARTHDOWN

Sage Wilcox

Prompt answered: 2

Prompt Response

Walking into the shop to a faint bell ring, Sage instantly was greeted by the warm aroma of coffee and baked goods. The shop, which was decorated in soft browns and tans with a healthy sprinkling of green here and there to break up the monotony, had a multitude of people were scattered about the small shop. Some people were nose deep in books or typing away on their computers while others shared company and conversation. The atmosphere was extremely soothing and one of the reasons Sage made a point to come to this specific shop so often. It also helped they had a wide variety of drinks available and didn’t just focus on the coffee crew. Sure, Sage enjoyed herself a coffee every now and then but her heart was taken by teas. In fact, this specific shop had quite a variety of tea but it was one in particular she made a point to come for.

Not needing to waste time staring at the extensive menu, Sage stepped up to the counter to order. A young man, probably not far from her own age of 24 was a usual worker and one that Sage encountered very often. “Hey Brett! I’ve come for the usual.” She smiled at the tall brunette. If Sage knew that Brett was available himself she would have long ago tried to make connections with him. After all, he was so very much her type with his chipper attitude and gorgeous smile, but sadly he was taken. Still, she enjoyed conversing with him when she saw him.

Brett flashed Sage one of his perfect smiles which made the young woman internally swoon. “Matcha latte with barista soy and cocoa on top, right?”

Chuckling, Sage nodded. “You got it. Also, if you have any of those orange cranberry scones left I’ll take one of those.”

“I think we have one or two of them left.” Sage watched Brett for a moment as he went about getting the things together for her drink before she turned her attention inwards. Mentally she went over her ‘To-Do’ list for the day which included running to the post office, grocery shopping for dinner, and a load of laundry all on top of a long day at work. Throw in her daily yoga and meditation and she had a full day ahead of her.

I wonder if I can get to the park for my meditation. There was nothing better than relaxing in the park. The natural sounds of the trees and birds around her just eased her soul. And, considering how boho she prefered to dress when not done up for work, she looked like she fit in perfectly in the wilderness as she meditated. Some would think she may have missed her era to live. The 70’s would have been a lovely match for her, but alas, she hadn’t even been a thought in her mother’s mind in the 70’s.

“Here ya go, Sage!”

Broken from her internal thought Sage smiled.. “Thanks a lot Brett. I won’t be able to sit around today unfortunately. I gotta get to work. I’ll see you tomorrow?” She questioned the man.

Brett shook his head. “Nope. Day off tomorrow. Taking the girl out to enjoy celebrate her birthday.”

“Well enjoy your day off! I’ll see you on Thursday then.” With a half wave with the hand holding the scone, Sage said her goodbyes to her favorite barista and turned to head out the door. The faint chime of a bell declaring her exit.

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