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[FIN] Here Come the Hotsteppers (Tes/Dris/Talis) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:13 am
Going to Medina's for a drink was becoming a sort of habit for Dris'rynne. It was the only place in the settlement of Kelv that seemed to take in all sorts of outsiders without fuss, which meant that she could also do a little networking if the moment was right. More would be open to the concept of a foreign sword doing their business than the reserved Obans of southern cities, which was always good for her bottom line.

Dris'rynne pulled her hair over her shoulder, fingers nimbly running through the ivory strands as she finished off the fish tail braid. At first she simply hadn't cut it because of the inconvenience that posed, but now her hair was beginning to seriously get on her nerves. A consolation had been that her wounds from the perzai had healed. There were still little lines on her skin from the scratches and larger gouges, though Dris was just happy she no longer had to fess up about being mauled by small felines every time someone asked about the bandages.

The shifter nudged her way through the doorway with her shoulder, then took a step back to hold it open for Talisia. "With as often as we're in here, you'd think they would give us a discount." Her tone was light hearted and cheerful; maybe a little joking if you knew Dris'rynne enough to pick it out.

Sabra Knight
PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 11:00 am

Talisia had been rather quiet on the walk to Medina's. One might think it was just because the hybrid was being cautious of the potential dangers that Oba could offer, but truthfully her mind was far away. Finding out that her twin may be not only alive, but far closer than she could believe had shocked the girl. The fact that he was a mage still made her gut clenched as well. How was she going to deal with that?

Better yet how was she going to say goodbye to Dris?

I shouldn't be gone for too long. Yet, she didn't want to tell her sister about why she was leaving either. In case Ciaran turned out to be a lie or if the Ciaran she found wasn't the same...this was her own problem. She would take care of him, herself. She had already caused enough strife in Dris'rynne's life that she didn't want to add any more."Discount?" Returning to reality, Talisia blinked slowly before glancing towards Dris, "Oh. You would think wouldn't you?" She attempted a small smile at the light joke as she walked around the shifter.

Focus, focus! Talisia stretched her arms out above her head before slipping into a seat, "I feel like we haven't had a moment to sit together at all. Minus, you know, beating each other into the ground." She looked over at Dris and a real, small smile flickered across her features."Or being chased by perzai for that matter." Dris wasn't alone, Talisia had her own good encounter with the creatures and had sported some bandages herself. "How is Oba for you?" She wanted to ask if the other girl was planning on leaving soon or what was going to happen next. Yet worry kept the question at bay. Eventually she would get it out there that she was leaving and that she would find Dris again, if her sister even wanted her to come back. After that scene in Jauhar, Talisia still wasn't really certain of her own place.


Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy


Fluff Seeker

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 12:14 pm
Painted Moose

"Teslaron? Tes." Someone was shaking his shoulder. He blinked, squinted, and saw only grainy blackness. Voices and sounds and clinks and cheers were happening around him, but since he couldn't see, he had to assume he'd gone blind, and was doomed to be as such for the rest of his life. Because he definitely needed more problems. He groaned lowly. "You're done, boy. You've had enough. Go home." There was a tug to the back of his shirt, and he lifted his head from the crook of his arm. Ahh, there was the rest of the world.

Good, good. So things could still get worse.

He turned to stare blearily at the barmaid woman- she was really more of a girl, wasn't she? Bouncy in as many places as one would hope and pouty (scowling) puckered lips. He didn't remember her name. It might've started with a 'c.' He generally remembered her a little better when he first entered the tavern. Such was not the case at present. For as much time as he'd spent here in the waning week, she knew him, as well. And also knew when it was appropriate to kick him out.

"C'mon, now," she griped, hauling him up by the back of the shirt and dragging Tes from his seat. "Is yer sis gonna come get you again? She needs to learn to get here earlier."

Teslaron protested this treatment by scrabbling at and making a grab for the edge of the table and clinging to it. "Sister..? I don't have- Oh. Diaeni's not my sister. We're not even the same race. You're dumb, you should know as much." He couldn't say for sure why the younger woman and one of his former 'masters' saw him home each night. Maybe concern. Maybe fear. Maybe guilt. It didn't matter. He hated going back to that house.

Hated it.

C-name's brow furrowed, and her eyes narrowed. She dragged a bit harder, impatiently, and Tes was dislodged from the table easily, for all the minimal coordination he could offer in resistance. "Don't guess it matters whether she is or not. Yer an eyesore. Taking up space." She shoved him toward the door. "Wait for her outside."

Petulantly, Tes decided he didn't want to. He staggered a few steps, and caught himself against a nearby stool. "Now, hold on. Hold. On." His gaze swept the bar. He didn't know what for or what good it would do, but any excuse would suffice for the moment. "She's not coming today, she sent-" And there, a gift from the gods, just taking their seats, a vaguely familiar woman and a not-at-all-familiar woman. It'd do, for now. "-them." He flicked a hand in the ladies' direction and quirked a grin.

The barmaid was not convinced. "You've no idea who they are," she asserted.

"I do, I do! That's, ahhh-" Well, the Shifter was familiar, anyway. Maybe her name started with an 'r.' "Raaa-lessy." The woman crossed her arms. "And her friend is-" He had no idea where to even begin with that one. She looked 's'ey. "Serelei." When the barmaid squinted suspiciously at him, he added, "Iiiiye swear, on my life-" Worth so much. "-I know them."

She grabbed the back of his shirt and walked him over to them. Once close enough that he wouldn't fall over himself in an attempt to get out of her hold, he twisted free, leaned in, and draped his arms across the girls' shoulders in greeting. "Heeey, Moon Princess. Es." Two of them. Moon Princesses. Regardless. He grinned.

"You know him?" The barmaid demanded of the pair.

And as she did, Tes cooed a quiet, "You know me," against the skin of the Shifter's cheek.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 1:16 pm
Sabra Knight

Dris'rynne paid little enough attention to the hub bub of the tavern. It was a naturally noisy environment that made a quiet lull more suspicious than random bouts of shouting and laughter. "A good spar between kin is healthy," She grinned. Each gave as good as they got which helped a lot in the long run. It may have meant bruises the next day as deep as the dirt itself, but neither could be called a push over because of it.

At the mention of perzi, however, Dris'rynne couldn't hide her groan. "Don't even me get started -" There had been every intention of revealing what had happened to her in Oba thus far until said adventures came to find her instead.


If Dris'rynne hadn't been with Talisia she might have decked the man in his precious bits, but that simple fact stayed her hand. "Gods above, Teslaron, you reek." Dris'rynne leaned away from his mouth as he spoke, letting the disgust she felt in her gut take full ownership of her expressions.

She might have answered, had his horrid breath not been so close to the skin of her cheek. Every fiber of her being wanted to scream out, to get him anywhere but near her, but...If she didn't think he wouldn't just hurl up the contents of his stomach onto her she would have tossed him to the floor.

"I know him," She growled out between clenched teeth. Dris'rynne used her position to pull him away from Talisia, sparing her at least, before twisting him just enough to plop into into one of the table's seats.

"Get him something to clear this-"
She gestured vaguely at the entirety of Tes "-up, a good strong drink for me and whatever she wants." Dris'rynne passed an apologetic look to Talisia as she sat down in the seat beside his. "What is wrong with you?" Dris hissed.

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 1:32 pm

Talisia's body instantly tensed up at the touch of another. Who? Gaze flashing, the hybrid prepared to reach up and sling whoever it was away from them. Thankfully for Tes, Dris spoke up in time and the hybrid froze in mid movement. Dumb struck she watched as her sister moved the drunken fool to sit next to them. At least he's off of me. Wrinkling her nose from both the stench and the touch, Talisia gently wiped a hand across her shoulder. If one thing was for certain, this was definitely a reason that she had decided to never drink again.

"Water please and maybe some sweet bread." Perhaps if she shoved enough of that down the stranger's throat it would disguise the smell and help to absorb all the obvious alcohol in his system. At least she hoped this was the alcohol talking and not his normal demeanor. Then she might have to worry...

"So." Talisia glanced over at the male with a raised eyebrow, "I've seen perzai before, but this would be the strangest one yet." She offered a smile, mixed between amusement and frustration. "Is there a reason we're tolerating him rather than just letting him out in the streets?" Her gaze studied the Matori a few moments longer before she glanced over to Dris with obvious amusement, "Though I'm honestly surprised he managed to remember anyone like this. You must have left some impression on him."

Well so much for bringing up my plans to leave. Eventually it would come up, but for now there was this to worry about. She would normally want to say at least she knew Dris had someone else to watch her back, but this guy's actions only increased her worry.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 2:14 pm
Painted Moose

Reek? Tes pouted. That seemed like such an unnecessarily strong word. He didn't smell anything at all. But Shifter-lady did remember him. That was favorable, and enough to make the still-leery barmaid give them a hesitant nod. Teslaron stuck his tongue out her as she moved off to fetch them their orders. Ha! What luck. Or something like that. It'd be extra lucky if all these women could stand to look a little more excited to be in his presence, but this would do.

A second later, and he was plopped into a chair at Dris'rynne's side. Also good. He was partial to the thought of not being kicked out. He crossed his arms atop the table and settled his chin on them. "Ya look mad, lady," he complained to the Shifter. He was pretty sure her name wasn't actually 'Ra-' Well, whatever he'd said it was. Still, he waved her off. "Nothing's wrong with me, huh? Prolly here for the same reason you are? Having a good time with-" His gaze trailed and hung on the other girl. "-friends. I didn't know you could make any."

He grinned and, without picking his arms up off the table, slid a hand out to her to shake. "Name's Tes. And you..." he scrutinized her for several minutes, humming softly. "You're a hybrid."

Tes clucked his tongue, leaned back in his seat, and crossed his arms behind his head. "You got weird taste in girlfriends, lady." he snorted, giving Dris a jab to her shoulder with his elbow.


Fluff Seeker

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 2:39 pm
Sabra Knight

"I look mad because I am." Oba had proved to be nothing more than a very large nuisance in Dris'rynne's side from the moment her feet had touch their sandy border. Teslaron really wasn't helping matters. She didn't even look at him when she spoke; it was if she did somehow acknowledge his presence more than she already had the world would implode.

Dris'rynne pinched her bridge of her nose and closed her good eye on a very long, withdrawn inhale. When she exhaled it was on a frustrated huff of a sigh. As she lowered her hand there was noticeable color to her cheeks that spread across her ears and down the side of her neck. "He...helped with the perzi situation." She hadn't told much to Talisia about what happened with the felines; embarrassment had clouded her memory that day.

"She's not my friend, nor is she my girlfriend," Dris'rynne bristled, then quickly added, "She's...my sister." Why was there a pause? Was it because the word was still too new for her to use without feeling awkward? It came out awkward enough, which just made her glare all the more at Tes as if it were his fault.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 3:07 pm

Talisia just raised an eyebrow at the outreached hand, "I'll spare you from having to touch a hybrid. I also would rather keep my hands clean, thanks." She gave him a tense smile and forcibly crossed her arms before she could smack him. She wouldn't let such a guy get to her. Not in front of others like this! Still she couldn't help the faint blush of frustration that decorated her cheeks. Drunk or not he really was too much!

The more he touched Dris, the more Talisia could just imagine letting her raptrix into the tavern to get a good chunk of him. It would be rather hard to touch someone without fingers, now wouldn't it? She frowned at the explanation, "I would be more likely to believe that he caused it instead of helped." She remarked sharply before looking towards him, "So does that mean you're normally not so intoxicated? Or did you throw ale on the perzai as well? Or perhaps they were sensitive to the smell..." She was eager to repay him for his hybrid comment and had plenty of sass to share.

Still, her gaze slipped towards Dris and a faint smile did decorate her lips.

Awkward or not, Dris had called her sister. It still was a strange thing to get used to, but Talisia was thankful for it. If it hadn't been for the shifter's support then the hybrid may have lost herself a long time ago. I definitely wouldn't be here. Though with their current company, the mischievous part of her had to wonder about if that would be such a bad thing."My name is Talisia, by the way. Not hybrid, girl friend, or thing..." She commented suddenly glancing back towards the Matori, "So what are you doing here, Tes?"

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy


Fluff Seeker

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 3:54 pm
Painted Moose

Dang, though. Neither of them were particularly chipper. Maybe he expected as much from hybrids. Teslaron couldn't fathom them having much to be chipper about. But what was Dris' excuse? He tipped his head sidelong to squint at her. It certainly wasn't his fault. He'd hardly done a thing to her, so he shrugged. "Well, you better buck up, then. No one wants to hang out around moody women." Especially not him.

"And your sis is as rude as you are," Tes grunted at the immediate dismissal the other girl- Talisia, as it turned out- gave him. "Must be a family thing. Or is that how they raise Shifters and their kin?" That was all he'd heard during the war. How barbaric the rest of Tendaji was. He'd never given it much credence, but if this was how all non-Obans treated a familiar face, he could see where the idea came from. Regardless. "Hey, hey, though, I didn't say I had any pro'llem with hybrids. Just that you were one. And you are, so... dunno what you're offended about."

It was around that time that the bar wench returned and set their drinks and snacks before them. Tes squinted at the mug she was careful to keep out of his reach as she slid it over to Dris'rynne. He huffed.

"Tccch, why would you say that? It was her fault-" He jerked a thumb in Dris' direction. "-that we got attacked. Bein' loud and mean and beating people up for no reason. And I- Oh! Y'know what I did, though?"

Tes turned toward Talisia, bringing a finger up to skim the outer edge of one of his ears and display the almost fully-healed spot where one of the perzai had bitten him that time. And the three gold studs that marked it. "One of 'em bit me straight through, and I figured since I had holes already- " He beamed and tipped his head to show Dris as well. "What do ya think? All the little noble boys wear jewelry and get tattoos and whatnot. Always seemed silly to me, buuut since the opportunity was available. I don't really like gold, but that's what's on hand. Go figure."
PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 10:15 am
Sabra Knight

"Allow me to assure you that our attitudes have nothing to do with our upbringing." Rather hard for that to be the case when they hadn't even been raised together.

She reached for the mug of ale nearly before it was set down upon the table, and downed a large portion of it. Dris'rynne had never been one for recreational drinking, but if it took the edge off then she would go through their entire reserve.

"My fault?!" The shifter slammed her closed fist down onto the table and glared at Teslaron. If she were a mage she would have set him aflame in an instant. "You tried to rob me, I defended myself and we were ambushed. Oh, and get this Talisia; he wanted me to apologize. For beating him up." Dris'rynne clucked her tongue and knocked back another mouthful of the ale.

Thankfully she had thought about the seating arrangement before plopping him into a chair. Since Tes wasn't on her blind side she didn't have to look at him directly; rather, all she had to do was roll her eyes and give Talisia a 'Gods why' look as he started to talk.

She couldn't miss the glint of gold, however, so Dris turned to inspect the earrings. "What in the-?" Setting her mug down, she reached up to take his chin in her hand and pulled his head closer for an inspection of the offending piercings. "You were supposed to let those heal, not jam jewelry into them." If at all possible her voice was a little softer; more concerned.

"You've been cleaning them, right? Turning them and making sure you keep the dirt out so they don't get infected?" She wasn't going to say that yes, they did look good on him, not when she was too puffed up. What if he'd gotten an infection?! It was just like that fool to put earrings into a wound given to him by a wild animal.

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 11:37 am

"I'll take that as a compliment." Talisia gave him the 'sweetest' of smiles before looking between the two Now he was blaming Dris'rynne for the trouble? She pursed her lips in protest, but was startled by his new declaration about earrings. He really is gone. Sighing, Talisia wondered about what the sober version of this man might be like. As it was she felt like he was dancing across all of her buttons. Apparently, Dris felt the same...

There was the anger. Talisia watched as Dris went after him for his accusation, "Wait, you wanted to rob Dris?" The hybrid's gaze flashed, "Apologize for not beating him up enough, you mean." She replied with a shake of her head. This definitely was some character! Perhaps though the more she got used to his drunken antics the less she saw him as a threat and more of an amusement. A wearisome one, but...

Her thoughts stumbled to a halt as she watched her sister's change in demeanor towards the Matori. Okay, maybe he was becoming a threat in other ways now, "If he hasn't been cleaning them, then I know where we can find plenty of alcohol for disinfectants." Her gaze was curious, however, as she studied the pair. "So how did the ending of the perzai herding go again?" It apparently didn't end so horribly if Dris was acting like this. It was strange seeing a robber and his previous victim attempt sitting not only so closely, but bickering together.

Her elbows on the table, Talisia leaned into her hand as she obviously glanced between the two. " I'm really eager to hear about it. Unless you two need a moment to catch up?" Raising an eyebrow, the hybrid had a rather teasing expression on her face as she waited and watched.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:18 pm
Painted Moose

"Yeah, your fault," Teslaron retorted curtly. Was he imagining the pair of them being wholly against him or was this actually happening? Probably just a girl thing. Women were emotional. Men were much more level-headed, especially given their surroundings. He glowered at Dris' booze and wondered what his chances of taking it from her were. Perhaps he could make an attempt in a moment. For now, his attention flicked back to her. "If you hadn'ta thrown a fit and made a scene, then they prolly wouldn't have bothered us. 'Cause if people started picking a fight near my home, I'd be mad too. Besides, you can only call it 'defending yourself' if someone was trying to hurt you, and I wasn't gonna. Don't make a big deal out of nothing."

But he never had gotten that apology, had he?

He might have commented on it, but instead the other girl gave him pause. Beaten him enough? Violent bunch. He turned to quirk Talisia a grin. "I tried to, but obviously it didn't work out, y'know?" Tes hooked a finger around the glass that had been set before him. Water, not nearly as rewarding as what Dris'rynne was having, but it did give him something to occupy his mouth, and it felt wrong to be here without at least that much.

There wasn't much chance for more explanation before he found himself being tugged in closer to Dris. Tes blinked, then scoffed. "I wasn't planning on getting them. It happened on its own, so-" Laric's earrings. There were a lot of things he was slightly less certain of on his return home. Maybe he'd acted in ways or said things he normally wouldn't. From his current perspective, new jewelry was hardly a regret at all.

He shrugged and twitched from Dris' hold. "So that's that. I dunno much about upkeep. I'm not a healer. But I figure if it starts hurting real bad maybe I'll talk to someone who is. Until then, I'm not worried." He reached and snagged for the handle of her mug, tugging it closer as he muttered, "Would you mind terribly if...?" Permission wasn't something he was willing to wait for. Without bothering to hear her answer, he tipped back and drained whatever was left in the mug.

After dropping it to back to the table with a hearty thunk, he focused on Talisia. "It didn't end the way I'da liked it to!" he told her with a too-loud laugh. "They all scrambled off with a limp in their steps, but I woulda liked to taste one. Would show them right quick not to mess with me."


Fluff Seeker

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 6:43 pm
Sabra Knight
5 posts for Moose! ....I have to keep track or I'll lose my mind lol

Dris' grip on her drink was loose at best, though her fingers did cup the stein in a protective fashion. Whenever she caught him so much as moving his eyes to it she would motion to his water, hoping against hope that he might sober up a bit. Tes wasn't being outrageously obnoxious, no more than his usual persona, but this was not a side she wanted to see of him today.

She felt her toes curl against the soles of her sandals while her teeth started to grind against each other. It wouldn't matter if ten other people had been there to witness the entire incident in his eyes he would still come out the victim.

Furrowing her brow, she sat stiff backed in her chair. Fine, if he wanted to catch some awful disease, let him; it would only serve the fish right. Frustrated, she reached forward to pinch off a piece of sweet bread, let loose of her mug and promptly lost it to Tes. "Why did you even ask if you were-? No," She held up her hand and shook her head. "Evidently I don't mind." Even though she did mind; terribly so. The evidence was in the predatory look she gave him, as if she were ready to shift into a perzi and finish the mauling her clan had left undone.

Oh yes, please tell the beast lover how much you'd like to eat a perzi.
Dris'rynne thought snidely. That should be good! She gave Talisia a look that was as good as opening the door, allowing the other to 'have at it'.

"Needless to say we came away worse for wear, and I tended to his wounds as best I could. The wuss kept twitching every time I got close." In retaliation for his earlier move, Dris'rynne took his water and claimed it as her own.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 6:36 pm

Well obviously. Talisia just shook her head. Dris'rynne was a fighter and anyone would have to be a fool to try to rob her on an open road. If she could hold her own against a robber then she was pretty confident in the shifter's abilities. Especially considering how many times they had beat each other into a pulp while training.

Her gaze froze at his declaration, "For your sake it's a good thing you didn't eat one." She frowned, "Last time I checked perzai don't make a good meal. Most likely it would show you to not mess with it by ruining your stomach." At least she hoped that idea would stick with him. Secretly, Talisia's hands were clenched beneath the table in her skirts. Her own newest familiar was a perzi and the girl had saved it from a couple of drunks. She had almost died thanks to people like you. It twisted her stomach to just think of it. The thought made her gaze sharpen as she glanced towards Tes, "Perhaps you should just think twice before making a foolish decision to try and steal from a warrior near perzai territory. Like you said they probably were just trying to protect their home from you. Perhaps they should have mauled you and turned you into dinner so you would know better than to mess with them next time."

Dris'rynne's statement brought a small smile to the hybrid's lips. "I could only imagine the hassle he must have given you." Talisia reached for her own drink to rinse the nasty taste from her throat. She knew that she could be protective of animals, but every time she tried to give this guy some wiggle room he just kept pushing it. He really wasn't making a good case for himself! "So other than trying to rob travelers and picking fight with Oban beasts, do you just linger in taverns? Or do you have a place to go to?" Talisia glanced towards Dris, "Should we sober him up before sending him on his way? I know there's some good buckets of water towards the back...it might help with the alcohol smell as well."

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy


Fluff Seeker

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:07 pm
Painted Moose
He's so dumb, and I'm so ashamed. *sinks into floor*

Teslaron squinted at the Shifter woman, leaning just half a fraction toward her as she muttered something that sounded suspiciously like an insult. "'Twitching?'" He repeated on a muted exhale. "Acourse I 'twitched,'" Tes scoffed. "I don' exactly like to be in pain, ever. Whether it's 'good for me' or not. 'Specially since I didn't know- Still don't know- you all that well, lady." It wasn't like they had a great first impression or anything. Regardless.

He let his gaze flick back to the hybrid woman and he cocked her a wayward, crooked grin, all teeth and narrowed eyes. He propped his elbow on the table and leaned his chin into his palm. "You worried for my sake, Golden Eye? Well, don't. Maybe you dunno what's edible and not in these parts. Can't imagine why you would, since you're clearly not from around here, but you can eat perzai, and it does taste perfectly fine, and frankly, talk of it is making me hungry."

He leaned back, crossing his arms behind his head. "Aren't women supposed to be good in the kitchen, anyway? It's not as if you're as strong as men, physically speaking... Most men, I mean. Not me, I don't have none a that fancy fighting training." Obviously. Not allowed to before and not motivated to now. It was a surprise the perzai hadn't managed to do worse.

Tes' eyes wandered back to Dris'rynne. It wasn't as if she hadn't been hurt fighting off the felines with him. And she'd been as vicious- more vicious than he might have expected. He tipped to the side, leaning his head against her shoulder and muttered out a quiet, "Thank you, I suppose."
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