xxxxxxA I O B H E A L xxxM A U R Axxx M C H A L E Nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES »» Eve
              AGE »» 17
              BIRTHDAY »» 30 September 2021
              GENDER »» Female
              FACE-CLAIM »» Madeline Zima
              BLOOD STATUS »» Muggleborn
              WAND »» 13 inches, Dogwood with Dragon Heartstring, rigid with a decorated shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English
              ACCENT »» Estuary English
              PET »» Half-Kneazle Oberon

              xxx»» Nature
              xxx»» Food
              xxx»» Nighttime
              xxx»» Fairies
              xxx»» Summertime
              xxx»» Being stuck indoors
              xxx»» Not getting her way
              xxx»» Sleeping
              xxx»» Storms
              xxx»» Her grandparents
              xxx»» Quidditch
              xxx»» Cooking
              xxx»» Researching fairies

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Dominic and Grace are very indulgent parents; as such, when they adopted Eve, they immediately showered her with affection and gave her anything she asked for. While the former orphan was hesitant at first, she quickly warmed to the idea of being looked after, and later became quite content with being spoiled utterly rotten by her new parents. She is very used to getting everything she wants, and finds it confusing when she doesn't. If she meets resistance, she'll often try to charm her way into getting whatever it is she has her heart set on. Failure to acquire it is met with irritation, and if she wanted it badly enough, she'll hold a grudge.

              xxx»» Having spent a large portion of her early years in an orphanage, Eve became very unaccustomed to having things of her own, or of having people she could claim as family or friends. As a result, when she was adopted, she found that it was rather hard to let go of things. She clings to everything; people, possessions, you name it, if she feels she can claim it as hers, she will never let it go. The most compelling evidence of this is her fairy tale book, her only possession from before her biological parents died. As a child, Eve read the book so many times that it's missing half it's pages and falling to pieces, but she won't give it up, or even allow her adoptive parents, both magical, to fix it, because she didn't want them to so much as touch it.

              xxx»» Eve was always a curious child; in her youth, her birth mother would enchant her with stories of the fae and ancient tales of their misadventures. Her parents often spent time with her outdoors, pointing out all the glories of nature and teaching her about plants and animals and everything under the sun. As such, she grew to be quite nosy. If faced with something she doesn't understand, she will immediately begin questioning someone, demanding answers that will help her grasp it. A simple conversation can be utterly derailed by the mere mention of something she's never heard of as she fires off question after question to know what it is.

              xxx»» Hand in hand with her curious nature is her desire to, as she puts it, 'go forth and conquer!' What, precisely, she intends to conquer, has never been entirely clear. But, she has a great desire to go out in the world, to see things she's never seen, to experience things she's never experienced. She's something of an adrenaline junkie, courtesy of her adoptive father, and the greater the risk, the more satisfying the reward. While she hasn't a clue what she wants to do with her life once she's out of school, she knows one thing; she wants it to be dangerous and exciting. While not entirely fearless, she's not the sort of person to ever let her fear conquer her.

              xxx»» One of the only things that kept her going during her time in the orphanage was her positivity; in spite of her situation, she fought very hard to never be depressed or think the worst of things. While that grew difficult for a time once Melody was adopted, she bounced back easily when she joined Dom and Gracie's family. Since her adoption, she hasn't known a day in her life where she didn't think things were going to go excellently. She looks at the rain, and thinks of how pretty the flowers will be. Every problem is simply a puzzle to solve, and the reward will always be worth it.

              xxx»» Eve likes getting her way, and she's not above being sneaky to do it. At the orphanage, she became a master of sneaking around undetected to get into places she wasn't supposed to be. These skills were later honed by her adoptive father, who had an obsession with spying on his neighbors and friends. She's also excellent at talking her way out of trouble, playing the sweet, innocent card readily and often with great success. She's a very charismatic child, and often finds ways to make people forget why they were actually mad at her in the first place. She rarely feels any remorse for her actions, unless someone is actually hurt by them.

                  xxx»» Sure of self
                  xxx»» Open-minded
                  xxx»» Short fuse
                  xxx»» Bratty
                  xxx»» Loud banging noises
                  xxx»» Tight spaces

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Aiobheal was the daughter of a very happy young Irish couple, living in a small village. She doesn't remember much of them. Of her father, she recalls his laugh, and the way his eyes would crinkle when he smiled. Of her mother, she remembers a beautiful singing voice and hair the color of the setting sun. She remembers being happy, and whole, and running in the backyard as soon as she'd learned to walk. Most of all, she remembers their voices, the way their accents lilted, so different from some of the other orphans, and the women who run the orphanage. She was almost four the night they died; already in bed, laying awake and talking to her friends, telling them a story, like her Mother did for her. It was raining that night... she heard noises downstairs, but thought nothing of it, until the bang sounded, followed by her mother's scream. Her eyes went wide, and she climbed off her bed and crawled under, shuddering as she heard the second bang, and stayed there until dawn. She called the police as soon as she summoned enough courage to leave her sanctuary, and everything after that is a blur. The next thing she knew, she was living in the orphanage, her only ties to home her favorite blanket and a book about the Fae that her mother used to read to her.

              xxx»» Aiobheal was the daughter of a very happy young Irish couple, living in a small village. She doesn't remember much of them. Of her father, she recalls his laugh, and the way his eyes would crinkle when he smiled. Of her mother, she remembers a beautiful singing voice and hair the color of the setting sun. She remembers being happy, and whole, and running in the backyard as soon as she'd learned to walk. Most of all, she remembers their voices, the way their accents lilted, so different from some of the other orphans, and the women who run the orphanage. She was almost four the night they died; already in bed, laying awake and talking to her friends, telling them a story, like her Mother did for her. It was raining that night... she heard noises downstairs, but thought nothing of it, until the bang sounded, followed by her mother's scream. Her eyes went wide, and she climbed off her bed and crawled under, shuddering as she heard the second bang, and stayed there until dawn. She called the police as soon as she summoned enough courage to leave her sanctuary, and everything after that is a blur. The next thing she knew, she was living in the orphanage, her only ties to home her favorite blanket and a book about the Fae that her mother used to read to her.

              xxx»» After Melody left, Eve grew more and more anxious about the idea that she might never be adopted; her own parents were a distant memory, and while she still missed them and never wanted to replace them, she hated the orphanage, and hated it all the more now that she was alone. After a time, she grew bitter, believing she would never be adopted; she was too old, and people always wanted babies or toddlers. Tiny tots who would never remember any parents but them. But, one day, a young man came in, and he spoke to Eve. She was irritated at first, thinking that it was stupid of him to talk to her when he'd never consider adopting her, but much to her surprise, he did. For a while, she wondered if the only reason he'd done so was because he'd realized she was magic, like he was, but eventually, she decided it didn't matter why he'd adopted her, only that he had. Dominic took her home, and she met his girlfriend Gracie. The three bonded easily with one another, her new parent's personalities perfectly meshing with her own, until their combined forces were the bane of their neighbor's existence. Eve was surprised, but pleased, to discover she'd gotten not only a mum and dad, but a plethora of aunts and uncles as well (few of whom were actually related to her at all, but she wasn't particular about it). The greatest surprise came at the wedding of one couple, where she discovered that the bride, now her 'aunt,' was a member of the family that had adopted Melody. Thrilled to've reconnected with her best friend, it was as if they'd never been apart. Thanks to her birthday falling in September, they would even be attending Hogwarts together, which was quite possibly the best thing Eve had ever discovered.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» Eve wasn't particularly pleased with her sorting, to be honest. She'd been hoping for Hufflepuff, since Melody had gotten Hufflepuff, but she knew that one was a long shot. Realistically, she'd expected Slytherin, like her da. Apparently, the sorting hat had other ideas for her, though, and stuck her in Gryffindor, of all places, with Sebastian. She was so annoyed about the whole things, she ended up 'trading' houses with a Slytherin in her year, Darian, who felt like she'd been wrongfully sorted as well. Eve didn't really care, since she spent more time in the Hufflepuff dorms than anywhere else, courtesy of her best friend, but it was certainly annoying. She obviously tried out for the Quidditch team as a beater, and got given a reserve slot. It was silly to've expected to make first string, but she was somewhat annoyed about that, as well.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Quidditch Team (beater reserve)
                  SECOND YEAR »» Second year was so uneventful she was actually offended. Tryouts still resulted in a reserve slot, much to her chagrin. It was especially annoying since Sebastian got a first string position, because he wasn't nearly as experienced a player as she was. But, the team had older beaters who the captains assumed had more experience since they were older, and Eve didn't want to get on their bad sides and end up banned from Quidditch or something, so she kept her mouth shut. They were going to graduate eventually.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Quidditch Team (beater reserve)
                  THIRD YEAR »» Her Summer holiday was ruined by her parents deciding that they wanted to adopt more children. Apparently, the empty nest syndrome had gotten the better of them. Eve fought them as much as she could, but in the end, they won out and ended up adopting two kids, twins, over the winter holiday that year. As for school, second verse, same as the first, except in this case it was the third verse being the same as the second, because literally nothing of note happened third year, either. Well, except that she and Melody started dating, technically, but that barely counted because they were always dating, they just hadn't outright said it yet. As far as Eve was concerned, she'd known Mels was her soulmate since they were in the orphanage together. But, they finally made it official, so there was that, she guessed.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Quidditch Team (beater reserve)
                  FOURTH YEAR »» Nothing particularly of note happened Eve's fourth year. She was mostly fine with that, since it gave her the freedom to focus on Quidditch. Unfortunately, that area was something of a sore spot. Gid was acting weird, and it was obviously having a negative effect on the team. She wasn't sure if it was nerves because it was his final year, stress from NEWTs, or what, but she'd had it up to her ears with it. By the end of the year, she was glad he was graduating.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Quidditch Team (beater reserve)
                  FIFTH YEAR »» Eve was quite surprised over the holiday to receive a letter from Brandon Davenport. Firstly, she didn't talk to Brandon outside of Quidditch, so getting any sort of correspondence from him was weird. Secondly, the letter was meant to inform her that apparently Kim was losing her captaincy of the Quidditch team, and it'd been passed to him. He was asking her to be his Vice Captain, which she thought was odd since she had barely even gotten to play in games up until that point thanks to being second string. But, of course, she was more than happy to accept. She was a little exasperated come tryouts, when he essentially admitted to the team that he didn't really want to be captain, and that she was running the show. But, whatever, if it meant she got to run the team, she was fine with that. Other than focusing on Quidditch, she had OWLs to worry about, not that she worried about them much. Or as much as she should have, even.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Quidditch Team (beater)
                  SIXTH YEAR »» Sixth year was focused pretty much entirely on Quidditch. Now that Eve was captain, she had to make sure her team was in tip-top shape. Things seemed to be going well enough, except for Fianna's continually bad attitude. After the first game of the season, Eve had a heart-to-heart with the older girl, effectively telling her to leave her bad attitude off the pitch, because it was affecting the whole team, not just her. The redhead showed up to the next game in seemingly higher spirits, which Eve worried would vanish as soon as she lost. However, Fianna managed to keep up at least a decent act of being positive, and won the final game of the year, much to Eve's relief. Winning one game was better than winning none, after all. And, Sebastian managed to get scouted for her dad's old team (by her dad's old classmate) while under her captaincy, something she swears she will never let him live down. She's very happy for him, at least.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Quidditch Team (beater)
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Quidditch Team (beater)

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDING »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Gryffindor
              YEAR »» Seventh
              HONORS »» Quidditch Team Captain (6th-7th Year), Vice Captain (5th Year)
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» Potions
              xxx»» History of Magic
              xxx»» Alchemy
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» Astronomy
              xxx»» Divination
              xxx»» Charms
              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» A
              xxxCHARMS »» A
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» A
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» A
              xxxPOTIONS »» O
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» P
              xxxALCHEMY »» EE
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» EE
              xxxCURSEBREAKING »» A
              xxxDIVINATION »» D
              xxxGHOST AND GHOUL STUDIES »» EE
              xxxWANDLESS MAGIC »» D

              DREAM JOB »» Pro Quidditch Player

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Lesbian
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Taken
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Melody Blythe

              xxx»» Parents Dominic and Grace McHalen
              xxx»» Siblings Gwyneth and Rhydian McHalen
              xxx»» Best Friend That's Also Her Girlfriend Melody Blythe
              xxx»» Best Friend That's Not Her Girlfriend Darian Yaxley
              xxx»» Rowan and Tiernan Yaxley?
              xxx»» Sebastian Blythe
              xxx»» Balder Borson
              xxx»» Catheryn Blake
              xxx»» Madam Montague
              xxx»» Seventh Year Students
              xxx»» Gryffindor Quidditch Team


15 October 2017 ««
Yearly Updates ««
Added OWL scores ««

- Weasley 3/10/16 ««
Accepted by ~ Utsuha [5/12/16] ««
Weasley 11/26/17 ««