Maji was glumly slumped out of the way where no one would bother him. He wasn't on duty today, and he didn't feel well. It was one thing to know that his pride was known for a disease, it was a completely different thing to actually suffer from it. The symptoms hadn't come on him until adulthood, but they had come.

Sometimes he could see a bright side. Like when he was able to spend time with a pretty young lioness who was, like him, a Guard, but also bore signs of sickness. In fact, she'd told him, she'd suffered all her life. That had made him wary, remembering his brother. But neither he nor Na'al was as sick as Kua had been. They might have some years before things got worse.

Like Grandmother, Maji thought with a sudden lump in his throat. He didn't live with his grandmother anymore, and didn't see her as often as he once had, but what he had seen had him worried. The Master Warrior had lost weight, and moved with a care he hadn't seen before, rather than her usual almost violent deliberation.

He was relieved to step away from that path of thought as an unexpected visitor came up to him. He knew who Lutum was, of course. Na'al's father, a Duke of the pride. He knew that Lutum was as much the Queen's son as Kestven was Grandmother's. But why was he here? The brown lion looked very serious and Maji's heart began to race. Did he think Maji and Na'al had done something improper? The blue lion would never ever do something like that, but he didn't know what Lutum was thinking.

"I'm sorry!" he blurted out as the Duke settled next to him.

Lutum blinked at the unexpected outburst. The younger lion looked panicked for some reason.

"Whatever for?" he asked. Had Maji been up to something he didn't know about...and should? The Guard was considered a steady sort, if a bit quiet.

"Uh...well...we haven't done anything. Na'al and I that is. So whatever you think we did, we didn't! I'm sorry!" he repeated. He didn't want anyone mad at him for something he didn't do!

The brown lion had to laugh at that. "I know you've done nothing more than talk and spend time together," he reassured the younger male. " is because of Na'al I'm here today." Dark eyes focused on the pale lion. "Tell do you feel about my daughter?"

Oh great, that question was loaded with potential ptifalls for Maji. He still didn't know what Lutum wanted from him, but now he was even more worried than he had been. He'd thought he was off the hook when the Duke laughed, but he'd sobered up again very quickly and was now onto Business, it seemed. Had Lutum spoken to a Matchmaker or, even worse, the Head Matron about finding a mate for Na'al? Had they picked someone other than Maji? Oh no!

" her. A lot. I think we get along well. I just...didn't think I was ready to say anything. To her. You know?" Yellow eyes looked up desperately as Maji struggled to put what he felt into words for the ever-imposing brown lion.

The Duke nodded as Maji spoke. He liked what he was hearing. To be honest, he'd been somewhat nervous when Na'al had mentioned that there was someone she was interested in. Before he'd come to see the young Guard, Lutum had taken the time to do some research and speak with some older pridemembers. He knew, of course, that Maji was one of Mittere's grandchildren. But his biological (and deceased) grandmother was Tarafa. Who had once been slated to be Escort to a Prince, back when the royal family had been larger.

There was something satisfying of being able to bring the families back together that way.

"I'm glad to hear that, Maji," Lutum told the blue male. "However, whether you're ready or not, I'm here on her behalf. You see, she'd like you to be her Royal Escort." The brown lion's tone didn't change in the least, but he kept a careful eye on the Guard.

Maji himself had relaxed slightly as Lutum didn't seem upset. But it was a temporary respite and he tensed again as the brown lion continued about how he'd come on Na'al's behalf. There was a Matchmaker involved, wasn't there!

...or not. Royal Escort? He knew vaguely what an Escort was - there weren't any in the pride at the moment so it was kind of a moot point. But a Royal Escort? That lion would be the eventual mate of...

...of the Heiress.

Na'al? Heiress? She hadn't been...but...well...she could be. The more he thought through it, the more sense it made. Her father was a Duke. Her grandmother was the Queen. She had the disease. Maji's yellow eyes grew wider and wider as the further ramifications of what he'd just learned echoed through his head.

"She...she wants me? To be her King? One day?" the Guard finally managed to squeak out, all the while staring at Lutum. He could have protested that he wasn't worthy, but his mind hadn't quite gotten to that point yet.

"Well, yes," Lutum agreed. "She does. Will you accept?" The poor boy seemed completely overhwelmed by the unexpected request, and the brown lion couldn't blame him. To be asked, out of the blue, if you'd not only marry the girl you liked but also eventually be one of the pride's monarchs? Especially when you hadn't been raised to think such a thing was possible for you? Oh yes, he could certainly understand Maji's thoughts.

The important question was whether or not Maji would allow his awe to overcome his good sense. And whether or not Na'al would need a backup plan.

Maji forced himself to think about what Lutum was saying. If he said yes, he was agreeing not only to be Na'al's betrothed, but to marry her upon her ascension to the throne. He'd be in charge of the Guards, and the Warriors, and other things. He'd have to do well in that, or Grandmother would shred him alive. Almost literally. He'd have other responsibilities too, though the blue lion wasn't familiar with any of them. It was a lot of work.

But...on the other paw, he'd be with Na'al, whom he did like very much. And neither of them was anywhere near as old as their grandmothers, so they should be able to live good lives and hopefully lead the pride well. At that point, Maji realized he was starting to think of the future as if he'd accepted it. He looked up at his would-be father-in-law.

"Yes," he said. "I'll do it for her."

Lutum smiled. "I'm glad to hear it." It seemed all that was needed now was an official celebration!