xxxxR O W A NxxxE L A I N AxxxY A X L E Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Rowan, Row

              AGE 18

              BIRTHDAY 03 August 2022

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 12.7 inches, Holly, Unicorn Hair, Supple, Decorated with Snake Carvings

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Unsure

              FACECLAIM Blake Belladonna

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Slytherin

              CLASS OF 2040

              BEST LESSONS
                  Defense Against The Dark Arts
                  Wandless Magic

              WORST LESSONS
                  Ancient Studies

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Alchemy ~ EE
                  Arithmancy ~ T
                  Cursebreaking ~ EE
                  Healing ~ O
                  Muggle Studies ~ EE
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ A
                  Wandless Magic ~ O
                  Wizard Law ~ A

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective~ X

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Future Student

              DREAM JOB Dragon Tamer

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ AMBITIOUS Rowan is fairly ambitious. Its not always realistic ambitions, but she is determined to get everything she wants. She doesn't let much of anything stand in her way, besides her family. And even then she would probably knock most of them down if they were truly in the way.
              ■ CURIOUS Rowan is very curious little girl. She loves learning new things and reading about fantastical places. She would do anything to know everything in the entire world. Its not very realistic, but that's alright with her. She doesn't mind. She thinks she can make it possible if she tries hard enough.
              ■ DISHONEST She is, what they call an impulsive liar. She rarely utters the truth. Most every word that comes from her mouth is a lie. The only people who are graced with truth from her, are her twin sisters Darian and Tiernan. Everyone else gets lie after lie after lie. But as most know, every lie has some sort of truth woven into it. The bad thing is, she is also very good at lying, so its hard to figure out which part of it is the truth.
              ■ CONCEITED She is highly conceited. She knows she's cute, she knows she's smart, she knows she's a fantastic liar, and she doesn't hide it. Its not that she spouts it out to everyone she meets, but she definitely doesn't pretend she's not or that she doesn't know she's not. That would be pointless. Of course she will pretend to be things she's not to get what she wants.
              ■ MANIPULATIVE She is highly manipulative. She knows how to act and what to say to get what she wants. It doesn't help that her parents completely spoil her and her siblings. She will use any situation to her advantage and has no qualms about hurting others (besides her twins of course) to get what she wants.
              ■ UNREALISTIC Rowan doesn't understand the concept of something not happening or being untrue. If she wants it then it will happen, no matter how impossible. If she thinks something is true, then it is no matter what books, professors, or facts say. Nothing can change her mind.

                  Medieval Times
                  Preparing for the Downfall of Civilization
                  Horror Novels

                  Classical Music

                  Fortune Telling



                  Traveling By Train

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Rowan Elaina Yaxley was born to the Yaxley line. She was born to Shirley and Blair Yaxley as the oldest child and oldest of 3 girl triplets. She began showing magic almost immediately. When she was only 6 months old, she levitated a snake from the garden in through her window to her crib because she wanted to play with it. When she started babbling to it in paseltongue, her parents were very excited. Her parents spoil her and her sisters rotten and give her everything she wants. They also adhere to a strict pureblood policy that usually ends in her having to attend ettiquette classes and tutoring and ballet and other girly things. She is in general not a very girly kid, but she will be whatever she has to be to get what she wants. She spent most of her childhood playing with her sisters, indulging their every whim almost as bad as her parents do, and torturing muggles in the area with her snakes. She happens to be a parselmouth along with her 2 sisters and owns at least 4 snakes of her own along with being friends with every snake she ever meets. She has an obsession with learning everything she can and likes to read about everything. She spends many days in the muggle book store in their town reading everything and chatting with the bookstore owner. The man happens to be rather friendly and isn't afraid of her or her snakes like most of the town. He even spends his free moments teaching her about history and mythology and recommended new books for her to read.

          This man is even the one who gave her Ifrit, a milk snake. He had found it in his backyard and captured it for her, knowing of her love of snakes. He'd even helped her name it, seeing as the rest of her snakes were named after demons, he thought Ifrit was perfect for it due to its bright red colour. Her parents being jealous and annoyed at her friendliness with the shop owner, went out and bought her a new snake which she named Abaddon for its bright red color, that reminded her of destruction. Upon showing it to the shop owner, she was told it was actually an Emerald Tree Boa, a baby one that hadn't reached its mature color yet. The name had stuck by then though, and she was very excited to have a boa.

          With Abaddon and Ifrit in her collection she now had 4 snakes, a milk snake Ifrit, an Emerald Tree Boa, Abaddon, a rough green snake Halphas, and a Nightingale Adder Kasadya. The only venemous snake in her collection. She is also quite friendly with the garden snakes that call Tiernan mother, and the other snakes around town. When she isn't in town, but actually at home, she spends her hours with Tiernan and Darian, gardening, tea parties, and anything else that will amuse them. She loves being with them and is closer than can be with them.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR She was sorted into Slytherin of course. But Tiernan was sorted into Ravenclaw! And Darian decided to switch houses with a Gryffindor! She didn't really mind them being in different houses... but they'd have to hide it from her parents. It turned out Micah was a Hufflepuff so it wasn't like they weren't all good liars anyways. She had even believed Micah's lies right up until she saw the Hufflepuff robes! She wasn't very good at making friends though... It seemed her sisters were all just becoming social butterflies and she was left behind. She did talk to a boy named Connor though... he was nice.
              SECOND YEAR Rowan didn't do much in her second year besides hang out with Connor, do homework together, and such. He had offered to teach her braille the year before so they had also started on that... but it had been hard since she had to bug and bug to even get the teeny tiny training she did.
              THIRD YEAR Rowan spent a lot of time with Connor this year but she felt a bit like she was abandoning her sisters and she didn't know how to split her life better. It felt like she was tearing herself apart for them all.
              FOURTH YEAR Rowan's year had been interesting. She had gone on a couple dates with Connor and now they were officially dating she guessed? She had also ended up going to the twin's summer party which had been eh. She wasn't really friends with any of their friends... found them all kind of annoying honestly.
              FIFTH YEAR Rowan and Connor continued to happily date and she was happy. Her OWLs went over fine.
              SIXTH YEAR Rowan's sixth year was okay. She spent her summer fighting with her parents about Connor. She had finally decided to tell them she was dating him and immediately regretted it. They were pissed he was a muggle born and they were pissed he wasn't a Slytherin and they were pissed he was blind. They were pretty much pissed in general and her sisters had not shown much sympathy for the problem which was whatever. Her year after that had been good though. She had gone a couple nice dates with Connor and spent most of her time with him whether they were on dates, hanging out, or studying. He was definitely her best friend.
              SEVENTH YEAR She was disowned over summer, and she went to live with Connor and his family. Over winter break he proposed and she said yes. They were set to be married this coming winter. She was very much excited.

          POST GRADUATION Information

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Shirley Yaxley - Father, Blair Yaxley - Mother, Darian Yaxley - Triplet, Tiernan - Triplet, Jamie Yaxley - Uncle, Dylan Yaxley - Aunt, Micah Yaxley - Cousin, Ashley Yaxley - Cousin
          FRIENDS Darian Yaxley, Tiernan Yaxley, Abaddon, Halphas, Kasadya, Ifrit, Connor
          BEST FRIEND Connor
          BOYFRIEND Connor
          ENEMIES Name
          PETS Abaddon (F) - Baby Emerald Tree Boa
          Halphas (M) - Rough Green Snake
          Kasadya (F) - Nightengale Adder
          Ifrit (M) - Milk Snake

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