xxxxG A V I NxxxA R C H I B A L DxxxS E L W Y N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          AGE 18

          BIRTHDAY 28 November 2021

          BLOOD STATUS pureblood

          WAND 13", Red Oak, Dragon Heartstring, whippy with a spiraled shaft

          GENDER male

          SEXUAL ORIENTATION straight

          LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

          FACECLAIM Peyton Meyer (11-21) [x] Chad Michael Murray (adult) [x]

      xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
          ATTENDED Hogwarts

          HOUSE Ravenclaw

          CLASS OF 2040

          BEST LESSONS
              Defense against the Dark Arts
              Wizard Law


          OWL SCORES
              Astronomy ~ A
              Charms ~ O
              Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
              Herbology ~ O
              History of Magic ~ A
              Potions ~ E
              Transfiguration ~ A
              Cursebreaking ~ A
              Divination ~ A
              Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ A
              Muggle Studies ~ E
              Mythology ~ A
              Wandless Magic ~E
              Wizard Law ~ O

          NEWT SCORES
              Charms ~ O
              Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ E
              Herbology ~ E
              History of Magic ~ E
              Potions ~ O
              Transfiguration ~ A
              Ghost and Ghoul Studies ~ A
              Muggle Studies ~ O
              Wandless Magic Practice ~ A
              Wizaard Law ~ O

          CURRENT EMPLOYMENT graduate

          DREAM JOB Unspeakable

      xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          ■ CHARMING Easy going, talkative, and entertaining; Gavin is charismatic and thrives in social settings. When necessary, he can be well-spoken and well-mannered, and at the drop of a hat, is warm, empathetic, and forgiving the next. As an extrovert, he's always willing to engage in pleasant conversation (especially with lovely girls.)
          ■ RESILIENT Gavin is persistent, if nothing else. If he falls, he will always get back up. He has the will and determination to withstand anything. He is strong, enduring, and has the patience to practice, practice, practice, until he's overcome his obstacle.
          ■ ADAPTABLE Highly observant and intuitive, he notices the small details and fluctuations of emotions in a group of people. He can change to take on different persona's in order to best blend in with the group he's in. It might seem two-faced, but his only intention is to thrive in every given situation.
          ■ CAUTIOUS Vigil and tentative, Gavin is one to measure, evaluate and plan before ever striking an attack. He'd rather take the time to find the best possible solution to any given problem. "Think smarter, not harder" is a quote he lives by. He's the type of person to stay on guard, in defense, and watch his enemies attacks and movements for a pattern to exploit.
          ■ IMAGINATIVE Creative, inventive, and unorthodox. Gavin prefers to think outside the box and approach his problems from an unbiased perspective analyzing both points of view. He is a dreamer, and a bit of a hopeless romantic (even though he rather fears commitment.) And quite the storyteller as well, thanks to the nightly bedtime stories he gives his baby sister every night.
          ■ CLEVER Witty and intellectual, he has a strong mind adept in critical thinking and logical reasoning. He has a knack for learning things quickly, but because of that, he gets bored just as fast and will occasionally seek out ways to cure that boredom. Despite his sharp mind, he has poor memory. And will likely forget a lesson or lecture days after he's learned it if he doesn't consistently practice.

              visual arts

              garden gnomes
              sleep walking

              wood carving




      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Gavin was born almost ten years after his elder brother Victor (and is the only trueborn son of Augustus Selwyn.) By the time he was born, his parents had a firm grasp on the family business, strong bonds within their inner circle, and were able to focus more of their time together and consequently, their son. Augustus was able to read and care for Gavin in a way he wasn't able to for Victor. Always having a watchful eye on him, Gavin grew to be much more curtly and deceptive to his parents than his older brother ever had been. When Gavin was seven, his mother was surprised to find she was pregnant, again. This time it was with a little girl named Ophelia. He didn't like her at first; only because she wasn't interesting. But once she began walking and talking, Gavin grew protective of his baby sister. He would drag her along to watch him play with his toys; trying to entertain her. Now that he's months away from his first year at school, he's ready to shake away the hovering hands of his parents and meet new friends.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR Keeping to his studies for the most part, Gavin made a few friends with his house mates, including Glynn Llewyn and Esther Spencer. He spent most of his time exploring the castle and reading in the library, keeping his nose out of trouble. He earned a starting position as chaser on the house team. Ravenclaw won the House and Quidditch Cup.
              SECOND YEAR Something odd had happened to Glynn over the summer, whatever it was, Gavin didn't get involved. It was easier to do homework and explore and practice quidditch without any worries. But it was rather lonely. He'll have to make more of an effort next year. But even with all of his practice, didn't win the House or Quidditch cup; Slytherin did.
              THIRD YEAR Gavin had a rather dull year, if it wasn't for quidditch, he would've been absolutely bored out of his mind. But he did get to play a few games as a chaser. The quidditch cup was a three way tie between Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw, and the house cup was tied between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Two more years though, and he should be starting seeker, he can hardly wait.
              FOURTH YEAR Other than a few meals with his housemates, he kept to himself for the school year. Either studying for upcoming OWLs or practicing quidditch. Since he was the reserve seeker, he never played, and they didn't win either. Slytherin did, again. Over the summer, he received his prefects badge which sparked a long debate with his parents on looking for an arranged marriage.
              FIFTH YEAR Much of the year was spent studying for OWLs and practicing as a seeker. He lost against Hufflepuff and Slytherin but managed to beat Gryffindor for the snitch as his first year as seeker. He also befriended and had spent a bit of time with Reyna in the library and hallways.
              SIXTH YEAR Unbelievably, Gavin was shafted by the new quidditch captain, and was passed over for starting string and demoted to reserves. It was humiliating, but he tried not to let it show how much it bothered him. He was there to support the team, first and foremost. But with all the extra time on his hands he devoted more efforts to his studies and to spending time with Reyna whenever he could.
              SEVENTH YEAR The year flew by. Gavin gave up the quidditch team this year in order to prepare for his exams. Unfortunately, with the business of their final year, he didn't get as much time to spend with Reyna as he had hoped.

          POST GRADUATION ---

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Father: Augustus Selwyn ■ Mother: Elizabeth Selwyn ■ Older Brother: Victor Selwyn ■ Younger Sister: Ophelia Selwyn
          FRIENDS Glynn Llewyn ■ Tiernan Yaxley ■ Alby Callaghan
          BEST FRIEND - - -
          ROMANTIC INTEREST Reyna Whyte
          ENEMIES - - -

      Recent Updates: age/year/owls and 'fifth year' added
      Recent Updates: age/year and "sixth year" added
      Recent Updates: updated to adult profile, NEWT scores pending, waiting on official grades.

Pended By: - Weasley 3/3/16
Accepted By: ~ Utsuha [5/12/16]
Recent Updates Accepted By: Weasley 11/26/17