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[FIN] United Front [Lumikani x Zandala]

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Married Bum

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:24 am
Time had passed steadily for Lumikani. Her trips had increased as she joined the scouting parties whenever she could. There were concerns, as more and more Earthlings were spotted crossing the sea, that soon their forsaken sisters would attempt to come as well. No, more than ever, the true believers fought to protect their lands, their tree, and their Elaria. Lumikani felt overwhelmed, and so she escaped for her thoughts.

Today was one of those days...however this time she was bringing her most trusted sister from the camp.

Turning toward Zandala, Lumikani gestured forward, “Only a bit farther.”

The trip had been over a few days, and during that time the sisters spoke of training, hunting, and the future of the tribe. It seemed that discussion often came up - either them talking of their own childhood or what they would do if they had Elaria of their own. Both felt strongly they could train their own daughters better than the adopted children, and silently Lumikani was pondering if it was about time she attempted to speak with the great cousin of their tribe.


Not too long after she had hunted down one of their runaway sisters, Zandala had been given the title of blade and a bow of her very own. She had been excited and thrilled to finally be considered a blade among her sisters and it meant she would soon be able to reach her favored rank of sacred heart. She looked forward to that day, but for now there was a lot of hard work ahead of her. Especially with the abundance of Earthlings arriving on their shores. Soon enough, the others would come here too and that meant there would not be a day of rest in store for the Banished.

Until that time, Zandala joined Lumikani on a few of her scouting parties. She didn’t join on all of them since she had decided she enjoyed the hunting party a little more with her bow but she never turned down her sister. That morning Lumikani had asked Zandala to join her and she’d agreed. She followed her older sister wherever she was leading her, Zandala didn’t question her it wasn’t her place to do so.

“Are we going anywhere specifically?” Zandala asked, looking around as they made their way through the forest. They’d been out for a couple of days now, not that Zan was complaining. Lumikani was actually pleasant to be around with and they both seemed to be able to talk freely around each other.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:25 am
“I guess I’m taking you to my secret hideout of sorts…” Lumikani said with humor in her voice, excited to be back near her second home and a bit nervous to show it to her friend. Zandala was the first one to actually be brought to the special spring, and Lumikani really felt this was an act of absolute trust. This place was her hideaway, and bringing the girl here was like showing Zandala her deepest, darkest secrets.

“The first time I went on a scouting trip, I was traveling down south. The land is full of underground caves, but most don’t have a big enough entrance to take in both the sun and an Alkidike. However, I was able to find one place that was perfect…”

As she finished, she brought her hand up to brush away the leaves, revealing a giant hole in the ground. Stepping to the edge, Lumikani looked down to see a glistening pool of water, with multiple self-made vines stretching down to provide easy access up and down. There even was a stairwell slowly being sculpted into the wall, although it only had a few steps for the time being.

“Welcome to my hideaway, Zandala.”


A secret hideout? That was interesting. She didn’t take Lumikani for the secretive type. She was curious to see this underground place however since there had been rumors of monsters coming forth from below ground. Zandala had dismissed those rumors and seeing that there was simply water made her doubt the validity of those claims as well those who had made them. Perhaps the Yaelians were trying to scare the Banished. Ha, what a joke. They had picked the wrong people to try and scare.

Curious, Zandala dropped her bags and stepped closer to peer into the hole. Her eyes snapped open and her mouth formed an ‘o’. It was beautiful and quite the perfect kind of hideaway.

“This is quite impressive Lumikani, are you carving out the stairs yourself?” She spotted a couple to the side. The vines seemed large enough to support a full grown Alkidike however, though stairs were a much easier alternative. “How long have you had this place?” Zandala wanted to go in. “Can we go in, I could go for a swim and I am sure you could too.” They’d been traveling for a while and her muscles could use a nice relaxing bath before they started setting up camp.  


Married Bum

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Married Bum

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:25 am
Lumikani moved back as Zandala moved forward, watching the girl’s reaction with growing pleasure. It was nice to see the appreciation in the taller girl’s posture, and Lumikani felt her doubt and insecurity slip away at showing such an intimate location.

“It’s a slow process, and I don’t get out here enough to do anything lasting. I’m sure it’ll be a long time before a sister can simply walk down into the water.”

She moved around to the side where a vine was securely tied to the trees. There were a few, and Lumikani made sure to check three or four in the area before turning back, “I found this place shortly after our arrival, when we first tested our boundaries and the lands…”

Done checking the vines, she nodded, “Everything is secure, feel free to jump in.”

With that, she dropped her pack, took a step back, and then sprinted to the edge. Jumping over into the opening, she let out a whoop before the sound of a splash filled the air. The crater was deep, and the edges were smooth enough for no major threat for simply jumping in. As long as they had a way out, things would be fine.


“Well if you ever need help, let me know I do not mind offering my hand since you did bring me here.” Plus, Lumikani had brought her here before anyone else.

The taller Alkidike watched Lumikani jump into the pool just to make sure everything was okay before she did the same. Once Zandala had made sure the other Alkidike was okay she began removing the red fabric around her chest and then her belt, she left those to the side before glancing down into the hole again. She didn’t want to jump in blind and accidently hit Lumikani. So as soon as she spotted the other girl, Zandala let herself drop in a little further into the cool water below. The hole was deep and clear and felt oh so good after their trek.

Zandala stayed a few seconds under water before swimming up to the surface to meet Lumikani with a smile.

“Oh this feels amazing!” The Alkidike moved so she was on her back above the water and simply enjoyed the quiet time. “I think this is the first time I’ve actually just rested and taken some time off.” Zan opened an eye to glance at Lumi. “What about you?”  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:25 am
Lumikani swam slightly to the said as she watched the other girl jump, a grin on her features and her cheeks starting to hurt. Her muscles felt tense as she worked to get back into the motion of swimming, but eventually she was able to move casually around the circle at a steady pace. She circled Zandala a few times, her pace causing gentle ripples, before stilling near the girl.

“I often will volunteer to be a scout just for this reason. I like to push myself to make sure I get extra time to relax out here by myself. The silence and the water really is great for thinking…”

It was true. She often spent a day of rest to think over her future, her thoughts on her tribe, herself, and the potential for a young bloom to raise on her own. Often she went back to her judgements of the girls, as well as her own picture of a better future, and she couldn’t help but just think of the what-ifs.

“So far, the only things I’ve seen are the Keldari - it really is empty on this side of the island…”


"Perhaps I will do the same on hunting trips if you are ever on a scouting trip at the same time.” All Zandala would have to do would be to push herself on the last leg of her hunts before she returned to make sure she still brought back what she was supposed to and didn’t fall behind the other hunters. She didn’t want anyone knowing she was taking a day or maybe two to rest and enjoy herself here, she felt it was like cheating the tribe a bit and felt selfish she didn’t want anyone else knowing.

“So little time to think recently,” Zandala sighed. “I feel like I don’t even have time to stop and breath let alone think about blooms of my own or a youngling to take care off.” She would have to make the time if she wanted to raise a youngling but she also didn’t want to seem lazy to Elzira. “I wonder if Elzira will judge us as she Aisha judges us when asked for a bloom. or if she perhaps looks for something else since we are here and the others are on the mainland with Aisha.”

The thought struck her as odd but something she worried about. Elzira was still so very new, they had no idea what it was she looked for in potential mothers.

“I’ve been thinking about taming a Keldari. What do you think? Having my own poison for arrows would be great and I would not deplete the stores of the tribe.  


Married Bum

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Married Bum

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:26 am
“Just make sure not to get caught…” Lumikani teased as she began to circle yet again. Her mind immediately fell into thought, most likely from the meditative quality the action had become. She thought best when she was either running in the trees or swimming and the activity itself was good to keep her thoughts moving.

“Hmm…” She responded in agreement, “Sometimes I have too much time to think. It’s easiest for me to think out here, in the silence. I guess it’s because as a youngling, I was always moving through the trees…”

She colored a bit in her cheeks at that, remembering how foolishly simply her past had been. Never would she have thought her path would have led her here, to a new tree and new life.

“I would hope Elzira would be much like Aisha...looking into our hearts and determining if we are worthy to continue her lineage. Even moreso than Aisha perhaps, since it is the Elaria that have bloomed...an entirely new race in the form of a new mother…”

Her attention was diverted as she moved to the small steps, sitting and scoffing at Zandala as her toes danced through the water, “The Earthlings here probably have a remedy, but those on the mainland would be powerless against poison of the Keldari!”


“I don’t plan on it.” Zandala chuckled before tipping backwards into the water and going down as deep as she could possibly go before needing air and then returned to the surface to make leisurely long swimming strokes along the cave wall. Her muscles were relaxing more and more and Zandala had to admit she was sincerely enjoying herself.

“We’ve had much to think about lately,” murmured Zandala her thoughts going back to the runaway she had killed. “I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone so that others don’t get the same idea but...” She hesitated just a bit. “I hunted down a sister who was running back to Chibale. Elzira has given us all a lot more than usual to think about.” Perhaps some a little too much to think about. “Things were so much simpler back then.”

“I think I may ask Elzira for a bloom soon. I know some may see it as a gamble but if Elzira gives me this gift I think I will know in my heart that I have found my true calling.” Turning to look at Lumikani, “What about you? Will you seek a bloom as well?”

“I will make sure to shoot them in the leg so they cannot run back to their medical tents and shoot down anyone who tries to help.” Zandala chuckled at the thought.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:26 am
Lumikani’s lips pursed at the mention of a runaway, remembering their own discussion on those who would turn their back on Aisha and Elzira. She wasn’t sure she could hunt down a sister, at least without answers. Yes, she said she’d kill someone, but that was only if they turned their back completely. Returning to Aisha wasn’t a sign of betrayal, but simply a sign of weakness. However, Elzira and the Elaria really made that a difficult decision.

“Yes, things were much simpler…” She said softly, a bit bothered by the thought of sisters being killed for their sway.

She was happy that Zandala spoke about the blooms.

“Blooms have been on my mind every time I come here. I know deep down I want to help build our tribe, and that to do so would be asking Elzira. I am confident that I could help raise a strong daughter who would fight for the true cause. Even if I’m more drawn to Aisha, I am confident I could help my daughter see the blessing of her life. Elzira hasn’t provided me a sign yet, but I feel in my heart that it is time to approach her once more…”

She continued to kick before a thought struck her, “We’ve spoken a lot Zandala, and I feel we share similar goals. Maybe we could approach Elzira together…?”

She said it offhand, but Lumikani stopped kicking, showing she was waiting for the other’s response.


”Building and furthering the tribe is also my main focus now,” Zandala nodded as Lumikani spoke. She agreed with her on most points though she knew that Aisha and Elzira would always be a tricky subject to speak about. Zan respected Lumikani’s opinions of course, everyone was entitled to their own as long as it didn’t threaten anything she held dear to her.

“Ah yes I remember you mentioned you were awaiting a sign.” it sounded like Lumikani had been to see Elzira before. “”You’ve gone to see her before?” She didn’t think she had ever brought it up in their conversations previously, this was news to her.

Lumkani caught Zandala off gaurd. She paused in the water too, turning to meet Lumikani’s gaze.

“Wait really?” Zandala didn’t even know if Elzira considered her worthy enough of a bloom, how could Lumikani find her worthy? Zandala would have hide under water if possible but that would have been a little awkward. “Do you truly think I am worthy enough?” Lumikani was a good match for strong children, she would make a good mother.  


Married Bum

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Married Bum

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:27 am
Lumikani was still, the seriousness of her decision and the focus clear on her body. She appeared tense as she wait for the reaction of the other sister, her hands gently gripping the smooth side of the steps.

“I approached Elzira when she first began to bloom, speaking with her of my own thoughts on Aisha and her presence. It was short, and when most were asleep...the sisters who guard her are quite protective.”

Another shrug, and her eyes darted away from watching Zandala as her second statement sunk in. Controlling her breath, she smoothed her fingers down on the rocks before nodding her head.

“We both house similar goals in our hearts. Many sisters are pairing off to increase the chances of blooms. I don’t see why we cannot do the same. We trust one another, and we believe in each other’s reasoning for raising a child. It seems much more stable than some of the partners who want to bloom…”


Zandala’s heart jumped a beat, the idea that she may be granted a bloom was starting to really sink in. She felt like she could vibrate with excitement and joy. A feeling that she had not experienced since long before the war when she was just a youngling with no care in the world, no responsibilities and only life to look forward to. Zandala stilled herself, if she kept this up she would start shaking or hysterically laughing from happiness or worst crying. Lumikani didn’t know what she was offering her.

She also didn’t want to get too excited in case they were not blessed with blooms.

“Yes of course,” Zandala said quickly. “Of course I want to raise blooms with you. You are a worthy partner Lumikani and I am honored you would chose me.” Now what did they do? Zandala never had asked for a bloom and while she knew what to do, she wanted, no needed it to be perfect in every sense.

“What do we do now? Shoud we go ask now?” Perhaps she was being a little too forward or excited, but Zandala didn’t care. She was excited and happy and she was going to show the world.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:27 am
Lumikani finally looked back at Zandala, pleased with the response. Zandala was one of the other sisters she both respected and trusted, and she knew that what little disagreements they had were nothing compared to the trust they had together. It seemed like such a logical decision, and she was happy to hear that the other sister agreed as well.

“We would need to approach Elzira and seek her blessing...if she agrees, I think we get blooms…”

Lumikani had never witnessed the process of seeking a bloom, and wasn’t certain how immediate such an act would be.

“So we’d need to wait a few days at least…” She teased back, before moving to jump back into the water and wade toward one of her many vines to get out.


“That seems almost too easy,” Zandala said thoughtfully. She felt there was a catch, perhaps something else they needed to do. Maybe offering a blesing? “Do you think we should offer Elzira some sort of blessing?” Seemed like the most respectful way of seeking out great wish from Elzira. She knew some sisters simply went ahead and asked and were given blooms, but Zandala wanted to have not only the best children but also the strongest and that meant doing whatever was necessary to get them

Zandala grabbed onto one of the vines, gave it a good yank to test its strength before she began to climb it.

“Why must we wait a few days?” She called down to Lumikani as she climbed. “Unless you speak of the days we must spend doing our duty?” That would make sense. Zandala began swinging on the vine when she felt she was high enough and went enough pendulum action she released and fell into the pool of water with a great splash. She stayed under for a few seconds, until her lungs began to tell her she needed air and then resurfaced.

“I don’t want to wait,” Zan admitted albeit a little childish. “I want to be happy now.” She murmured quietly more so to herself than Lumikani.

“I think we should not wait, I think we should hurry to finish your scouting excursion and do a bit of quick hunting before heading back. Then I can have something for Elzira and we can request for blooms. This is the plan that I propose.” Zandala looked at Lumikai expectantly.  


Married Bum

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Married Bum

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:30 am
“There is no point in getting our hopes up...Elzira may be fickle. We will just have to wait and see…” Lumikani said softly, although she too found herself a bit anxious and ready to rush home, “It seems fair enough. We are almost done with the area, and then we can rush back…”

Hunting would be easy, especially with Zandala’s bow. In fact, the trip really didn’t take much longer. After the swim, they made sure the immediate edge was clear of any wandering Earthlings before taking a straight path back. Lumikani was quite in shape from all her constant running, so she was able to keep up with Zandala’s anxious rushing, and complained not at all. Instead, she thought of the looming decision. Upon their return, they were to approach Elzira.

Slowing one they made their way into their borders, she turned to her sister. They had a good catch, and Lumikani was sure it’d be a good offering indeed.

“...I know you wish to rush, but allow me to quickly report to our elders about the scouting trip…” Waiting for a reply, she refused to budge, but promised it would be quick before rushing to report the clear scouting group. She directed Zandala to meet close to the center of the village, where together they could approach Elzira and make their wish.


“I know.” Zandala closed her eyes and calmed herself, she was sure Elzira would not want either of the to rush so she needed to take her time.

The taller Alkidike was more than happy to hurry out of their swimming pool and go for a hunt. Since they were taking a straight path back, Zandala only killed what they met. A few birds and other dead creatures later and they were back home with Zandala becoming more and more anxious all the time. She hoped her run hadn’t been too fast, Lumikani had followed right next to her the whole time though. It only proved that Lumikani was make a great partner and had the strength Zandala wanted in one.

“That’s fine, I will go and drop these off to hold up my end and meet you.” With that she gave a nod of finality to Lumikani before moving off to the side to find the sisters who took care of the kills. She dropped them off after giving them a quick count and then went to wait in the center. Great Mother she was nervous.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:39 am
Lumikani stretched her arms above her head, watching Zandala with keen eyes and wondering just how anxious the girl still was.

“...ready?” She asked softly upon her approach, looking up to the taller girl and offering a small smile.

This was it. This was the time they would approach Elzira and seek a blessing. It would be a long day of prayer, one of unified support from each sister. They spoke some of the plan of attack, but there was no knowing what they would face when they entered the roots of the tree. It was only a hope that they would be blessed. Blessed for their determination. Blessed for their loyalty. Blessed to be entrusted with the future of their tribe.

“Alright...Let’s go.”

And with that, she gently brushed her fingers on Zandala’s arm as she moved forward, ready to support her sister and open to the support from her in turn. If all went well, they would leave with the knowledge that they would be looking after their own blooms in the immediate future.


“Ready.” Zandala nodded, straightened herself out and followed Lumikani to Elzira.

Since Lumikani was older, Zandala listened to her not only out of respect but because they were now partners and she wanted to listen to everything Lumikani said. She knew of some partners who couldn’t care less about other half and Zan would not be like them. She offered her own insight when asked because they had constructed a plan but otherwise stayed silent. Lumikani had done this before and she trusted her to guide her.

The taller Alkidike took a deep breath, looked at Lumikani and offered her a smile and a gentle squeeze of the shoulders before they went in together. She prayed and opened her out to Elzira and told her everything even though she was not sure as to what the Great Mother looked for. She could only hoped to be blessed with Lumikani with strong blooms.  


Married Bum

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