Greenie EA
Ameretat - armor on - had woken up with the sun and found herself mindlessly moving through the motions of her day to day. Her title, Fin`Tuz, gave her many jobs and tasks that allowed the time to fly. Though the time would fly she found herself bored - which was good - it mean that there were no disturbances, little to report and simply not much going on that required her set of skills.

This left her plenty of time to wander when her tasks were completed. This is exactly what happened when mid afternoon rolled around, she was wandering the trails that lead out of the mountains. The only way in and out - their greatest protector- a reality that alluded most. She took a deep breath in, exhaled and began her descent.

Faudi was out and about. He often searched out others to speak with, as the male didn't like to be alone. He was quite fortunate that speaking with others was part of his job. He wasn't sure if he was doing quite the best job, but it was the best he could do.

Currently, though, Faudi was alone. The sun was high in the sky and it warmed his bones and skin quite nicely and he found it quite relaxing. Still, though, while he had opted not to stick so closely to the main areas of the pride, he did rather want some company...

Greenie EA

The first word she ever recalled using when seeing this space for the first time, it didn't appear any less magical then her first time. Her eyes flitted from plant life to rocks, to many other things. Ameretat gazed to the sky and spotted the beautiful, brilliant orb that seemed to want to hide away among what little cloud dotted the sky. After a few moments and she spotted a male. Not just any male, one of the council. She immediately recognized the pelt and gave a warm smile.

"Faudi." His name rolled off her tongue easily. "How are you doing?"

Faudi was looking to the sky when he heard his name being called. His ears flicked towards the source of it. "Ameretat," he greeted the other with a smile. "I'm doing quite well today," It was warm, and he enjoyed the weather here. It was nice.

He shifted a bit to face the female. "What about you? Out and about today as well?"

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"That's good to hear" She let her voice drop briefly as she dropped her rumped, now seated before him. This break was simply that, a break, she had meant to spend it enjoying their home for what it was. Beautiful. Who better to spend that with than someone who had also understood the need to move from within their mountain home finally.

"I am just out to enjoy the expanse of home we now have. It's beauty beats many. I cannot believe we have finally been able to come here, enjoy the freedom. What's not to love about all of this?"

She heaved a heavy sigh. One that was filled with absolute contentedness. "What is the world out there like Faudi?" She asked sweetly. Her voice not masking the curiosity one bit.

Faudi sometimes forgot that most of the pride had not actually ventured past the inside of the mountain. Faudi, on the other hand, had travelled since he was a cub. He had always wandered, trying to find a home for himself, but he didn't mind telling the stories of his adventures.

"It's beautiful too. This place, though, is the most stunning I had seen by far." He hummed. "It can be harsh, though, especially when you're on your own." He was honest. There were days where he felt like giving up while he wandered, days he had starved, refusing to fight for a meal with his pacifist nature.

"Was there anything specific you wanted to know?"

Greenie EA
Ameretat listened intently, then carefully pondered his question. Her initial request was vague, she hadn't considered how broad of an answer that would provide or where he could possibly begin. Now she was feeling the pressure, it was amusing, truly.

"When you say harsh.. do you mean you often had to fend off others? Did you spend most of your day traveling? Lazing? Had you seen anything unusual?"

Her mind was quick to wander towards the many chances he had to see things that no one here had. There were rumors of Gods roaming the roguelands. This wasn't precisely what she was looking for, most anything was a surprise to those from the mountains, but of course that would be equally as exciting as anything.

"Oh," Faudi shook his head. "I don't fight, though I can sometimes fake it. It's just not me.." He answered. "No fending. I did get a few meals stolen though," he said with some amusement. He wasn't amused at the time, but it was in the past now. "Sometimes it rained hard enough that I couldn't see - sometimes there were fires, or I accidentally crossed pride lines," he answered. He had tresspassed quite a few times as well.

"I was always on the move. Quite a while back, there was a lioness I travelled with. We were both looking for the same thing - a home. She... She had some form of amnesia though. I brought her somewhere safe, so she could live her life in peace." he told her.

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Shocked rolled over her face and glimmered in her eyes a brief time before she composed herself and was able to speak. "Not able to fight? So, you fit the softer side of our Council.." she teased lightly, a grin replacing the composed look.. "I understand Alduins choice a little better now."

"Do you believe she will be alright? Do you worry for her? Or better yet, have you found a home here?"

Curiosity, something she hadn't felt so hard in many moons. This was quite the treat, dining on the knowledge of another. Feasting on the idea of what was out there. Ameretat straightened herself, eagerly awaiting his words. Though, the thought had crossed her mind that it was nearing meal time, she wasn't sure about him, but the low rumble in her gut sure gave away the signs of hunger.

“I choose not to fight. Everything in a fight can be resolved with words, and I couldn’t imagine the desperation it took to steal my meal,” they must have been a lot hungrier than he was. He always found another meal or sleeping spot.

“I believe she will be,” Faudi answered. “I watched, made sure she was being taken care of before I left.” He wanted to be sure she was alright before he moved on. He thought she was, but… “There’s always that niggling worry though. She was like a sister to me, and I became protective of her.” He gave a soft chuckle.

Faudi paused and hummed. “This is my home, yes,” he told her. “I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. I’ve searched a long time, and this is the place I want to be.”

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Interesting thoughts - she considered the idea of talking things out versus jumping to a conclusion, she was sure this would change the way she protected their territory.

"I hope she will be alright. I'm sure if you needed to see for yourself a time away would be granted." Ameretat gave him a kind smile. "I'm glad you've found a place in life. That is likely one of the toughest journeys most individuals have." She nodded to cement her understanding.

"Would you like to get a meal with me? II am starved."

Sure she was a little dramatic. But nonetheless she was indeed hungry.

Faudi gave Ameratat a smile. "I'm glad I've found this place, too," Faudi agreed. He loved this place, and he hoped with everything that he was that it would flourish outside of the mountain's safety.

The splotchy lion stood and stretched, shaking out the stiffness that settled in his joints as he sat. "I'd love to get a meal with you," he gave a small chuckle. He could eat as well. The day had turned out better than expected, and he hoped many more days like this would follow.