xxxxC A S S A N D R A xxxS O P H I ExxxN O T T xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Sophie

              AGE 26

              BIRTHDAY 14 July 2014

              BLOOD STATUS Vampire, Pureblood Squib

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Bi-Sexual

              FACECLAIM Natalie Dormer [x]

          xxxV A M P I R I S Mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CLAN Di Inferi Clan

              TURNED BY Pestilence

              DATE OF TURNING 22 August 2032

              AGE AT TURNING 18

              POWER Psionic Time Bombs *pending*

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Marymount International School London

              HOUSE St. Jean

              CLASS OF 2032

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              General Certificate of Secondary Education
                  Acapella Choir ~ A*
                  Economics ~ B
                  French ~ A
                  Geography ~ B
                  History ~ A*
                  English ~ A
                  Mathematics ~ C
                  Psychology ~ A*
                  Science ~ A
                  Theatre ~ A*

              GCE Advanced Level
                  English ~ A*
                  French~ A
                  Mathematics ~ B
                  Psychology ~ B
                  Science ~ A*
                  Theatre ~ A*

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Vampire Fledgling

              DREAM JOB Film Actress

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ JEALOUS Sophie lived a life of never being good enough, in the end, it's left her with a bitter resentment and an unhealthy amount of avarice and greed hardwired into her brain. She has a disdain for wizarding kind, and hasn't taken too kindly to being ostracized by her family because of her lack of magical ability. Conversely, she despises muggles, mostly for their blissful ignorance and ease of life, and how it all just seems so perfect for them. She usually exhibits a passive aggressive attitude towards unsuspecting victims, either because of the pretty color of their hair, or their happy-go-lucky attitude.
              ■ STUBBORN Sophie won't take no for an answer, and has an impossible time obeying orders that don't quite seem justified. She'll go out of her way to prove a point, even if it means starving herself or running away from home. She doesn't like to try anything new in front of people because she doesn't want to admit that she can't do something on her own (she obviously knows how ridiculous that sounds and has to remind herself of that every time.) She won't willingly ask for help if she has the choice, and even if it kills her, she won't admit she's wrong. She'd rather lie than do that.
              ■ RECKLESS Sophie isn't the brightest crayon in the box, she isn't inclined to think of the consequences first, and instead, chooses to dive right in. She feels invincible in her own mind, and can't be told otherwise. She has a thirst for adventure that typically isn't "ideal" for a young squib her age. She won't back down from a challenge, and in turn, loves to provoke those deemed an authority figure. She gains a twisted sense of satisfaction from shocking people, and putting them out of their comfort zone in any way she can see fit.
              ■ EXTROVERT Naturally charismatic, Sophie thrives in social situations. Being in the company of others' energizes her, and as much as she would love to draw or daydream all day, being alone for too long will sour her mood and leave her restless. The ability to maintain small talk is one she has honed well over the years, although, her more baser instincts can get in the way of what she knows she 'ought' to say, versus what she 'does' say. In fact, the best way to deal with a problem, for her, relies solely on communication; meditative reflection alone just isn't enough. Unfortunately, being brought up in a household where bottling up those feelings as the only option has, in more ways than one, negatively affected her social skills.
              ■ IMAGINATIVE A large percentage of her free time is spent within the realm of her make-believe mind. She fancies the thought of dragons and merpeople, and will never forgive the world for excluding her from it. She can detail fanciful worlds and far away lands, has an ease of imagining faces to paint or sketch, and can always devise a sudden twist to make a seemingly boring part of her life just a bit more tolerable. She daydreams of a world ruled under her thumb, and when she's bored enough, pretends to play the part of a malevolent queen--much to the chagrin of her classmates who fail to understand why she's acting in such a pompous way.
              ■ DRAMATIC Passionate and expressive of her emotions, she's a ball of electrified energy waiting to be charged into something new and beautiful. She loves to act, often losing herself in her role and utilizing personal feelings when there should be none. She's been very much taught to hold and bite her tongue, to smile and curtsy and seem dainty, but it was only a small role in the play of her life. She has begun to perfect the grace of innocence and the sinister of evil like the two sides of a coin only needing to be flipped.

                  Starry skies
                  Rule breaking


                  Acting in theatre
                  Playing the piano
                  Creative writing




          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Sophie's timing could not have been worse. Her mother, Abigail, already several months along, had sought out Remington and divulged the unadulterated truth that she was pregnant, and it could only be his. Unfortunately, he had to make arrangements to leave the mother at the Nott Castle in Wales while he attended to the threatened safety of his b*****d born children (whom Sophie still isn't aware they exist), and held office as Hogwarts Cursebreaking professor for several years to do so. Sophie grew up on the estate with her mother and uncle, and became fast friends with the familial bullmastiff, Old Knight. Just before Sophie's third birthday, Abigail disappeared from the castle one morning and never returned. Remington, through other driving outside forces, had left his post at Hogwarts to care fully for Sophie, changing her surname to scrub away the memory of her mother. Despite her insistence, Remington never sought out the mother, never bothered for evidence of a death or disappearance. He refused.

              Sophie, then, was raised in the unbalance of Remington's flat held above his shop, The Spiny Serpent. Women traipsed in and out of there often, sometimes, more than once in an evening. Sophie was never too bothered by it, Remington made sure to keep them separated. It wouldn't do for his daughter to decide to attach herself, knowing, it would never last. It ended with Dahlia, whom Sophie came to spite. She revolved in and out that door, stealing her father's attention more and more with each passing night. Until she died. Sophie never understood her father's lack in remorse. Honestly, she hoped she'd find him crying, she hoped to remind him just how important she ought to mean to him. But then... there was Callidora. She struck an unusual nerve with Sophie, and reminded her of Dahlia more than Dahlia herself could. More than once, she heard her father reference Callidora as Dahlia, and one day, it all clicked. She hated her then, infinitely more than she'd ever had before. And that wrathful jealousy blossomed each day into something wicked. Maybe one day, she'll turn her in...

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  QUEEN'S PREP Sophie was four years old when she was enrolled into Queen's College Prep School. She made faster enemies than friends. Her usual routine was to fall asleep in class, bicker with the administration, and express her indifference to her classmates. She did, however, manage to make on friend there, Cathaline League. Sophie was still hopeful that her magic might arise in class, and truth be told, she often solicited herself to dangerous situations hoping that it might instigate her magic. It never did.
                  QUEEN'S COLLEGE When, at the age of eleven, she did not receive an owl confirming her place at Hogwarts, she cried herself to sleep for weeks. Shortly after, she was enrolled into Queens College London to continue her muggle education. She did so begrudgingly, but came to enjoy her time at campus, since it meant not having to be at home with them. She began art classes, even enrolled in an art club, and joined the theatre program. Sophie found a release in acting that she never knew she so desperately needed.
                  MARYMOUNT INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL LONDON Now at the age of thirteen and in the face of her father's new marriage, wife, and son; she was suddenly shipped away to Marymount, a boarding school to tuck her out of sight throughout the school year. A part of her hates it, knowing why she's there to begin with, but another part of her is glad to be rid of Remington and Callidora, and stupid, perfect, Edric. At least the campus is bigger, and the school is involved with the International Schools Theatre Association (ISTA), hosting festivals and events throughout the school year. During her final year of schooling, she was nearly arranged to marry Brandon Rhodes.

              POST GRADUATION During the following summer of 2032, shortly after her graduation, an incident occured at the manor that broke the arrangement between the Rhodes family. Sophie skipped her graduation ceremony to focus recovering from nearly being ripped to pieces by the inferi that had guarded the Rhodes Manor and Estate. Several weeks later, Avalon arrives with the announcement that she's pregnant. And Sophie's the new father! Ava's little girl, Willow, was only a few months old when her first sign of magic surged. The thunderstorm outside scared her from her sleep and then a blast of magic cycloned the beach house. One of Remington's antique knives pummeled her in the gut, and it's dark and cursed magic couldn't be reversed. She was dying, and Avalon did the only thing she could to save her--even if it meant sacrificing herself. With the help of a vampire named Pestilence, Sophie was saved, reborn as a fledgling and then the next day, Avalon was bitten and changed too.

              AFTER DEATH For months, Sophie, Ava, and Willow were safe in their maker's manor in Sussex. There, they slowly began to learn to control their powers, learned to hunt, feed, and were taught the tenets of their clan, as well as the rules of the Shadowsong Council. Despite how hard it was not to touch Willow, the house-elves and Pestilence cared for her well. Eventually, Ava discovered her vampiric power: magnetisim. Sophie's a little jealous hers hasn't manifested yet.

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Father Remington Nott ■ Mother Abigail Warstorm ■ Stepmother Callidora Nott ■ Sibling Edric Nott ■ Uncle William Nott ■ Cousin Tay Nott ■ Grandparents Theodore and Victoria Nott
              FRIENDS Cathaline League,
              BEST FRIEND Avalon Catlin ■ Willow Catlin
              CLAN MEMBERS Pestilence ■ Mirage ■ Avalon
              ROMANTIC INTEREST None
              ENEMIES Callidora Nott

Accepted by Violet 5/24/16