xxxxM O N I K AxxxT A Y L O RxxxE V A N S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Moni (Mon-ee) or Mono (Mon-oh)

              AGE Seventeen

              BIRTHDAY 14 March 2021

              BLOOD STATUS Muggleborn

              WAND 8 and 1/2 inches, Black Walnut, Griffin Hair

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Bi-sexual

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Ayano Tateyama [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Ravenclaw

              YEAR/CLASS OF Seventh Year, Class of 2039

              HONORS None

              BEST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ EE
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Alchemy ~ EE
                  Arithmancy ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Cursebreaking ~ O
                  Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ EE
                  Healing ~ O
                  Muggle Studies ~ O
                  Mythology ~ O
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ O
                  Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ O
                  Wandlore Studies ~ EE
                  Wizard Law ~ O

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective ~ X

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Lawyer

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ MATURE Monika has always been very mature for her age, acting older than she actually is. This is mainly due to her lack of a mother figure, causing her to become her own mother figure, as well as her taking care of the house for her father. She tends to react differently than a typical young girl would in some situations, and is usually the one to keep her friends out of trouble.
              ■ INTELLIGENT Monika is extremely smart for her age. She learned to read and write much sooner than average, and was already doing basic maths by age three. She has a thirst for knowledge and a curious nature, as well.
              ■ HELPFUL Monika does everything she can to assist others in whatever they need, whether it be doing tasks or giving advice. It's in her nature to be the mother figure that she never had, so she puts that to work with her friends, family, and even random strangers.
              ■ HONEST Monika is as honest as they come. She would never tell a lie, unless it was absolutely necessary. She's not brutally honest either. She's that friend that would tell you if you had something stuck in your teeth or if your socks didn't match your outfit.
              ■ UNDERSTANDING Monika is an excellent listener. She finds herself in the middle of conversations at times, even if they don't involve her at all. Sometimes, people stop to tell her their life story and she just listens. She tries to help if she can, but sometimes, all anyone needs is someone to listen to their troubles.
              ■ CLEVER Monika is a curious sort of person. She will go looking for something if it interests her. She is quick to understand things, even things that most children wouldn't try to understand.

                  Chocolate milk
                  Being with her father

                  Rain storms
                  Green Jell-o
                  When Dad is upset

                  Doing schoolwork

                  Quick to learn
                  Great memory

                  Can be a know-it-all at times
                  Acts more like an adult than a child

                  Dying young
                  Losing her father

              PATRONUS Koala

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Monika's life began with a rocky start. Her mother, Taylor, passed away during childbirth, leaving her alone to be raised by her father. She was a quiet child, spending most of her time learning to read and write at an earlier age than most. Her favorite memories are when her father would read to her. As she grew up, occasionally she would ask about her mother. Her father's eyes would grow dark and sad, so she learned quickly not to ask about it. Instead, when she was curious about her mother, she would look at the picture of her in her bedroom. That picture was probably her most precious possession. When her father got a job as a professor at Hogwarts, Monika took charge or the apartment in his absence.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR Monika met a lot of friends even before her First Year began, and she made more after starting at Hogwarts. She was sorted into Ravenclaw, just as she had expected. It was lovely, because the common room was usually quiet for her studying. She wanted to get as much studying done as possible so she would have a head start on her next term.
                  SECOND YEAR Monika's Second Year was spent mostly studying and spending time with her friends when she had the chance. Other times, she was in the library, in her father's office, or even in the kitchens hunting down a snack. It was a rather uneventful year for her.
                  THIRD YEAR Not much happened during Monika's Third Year at Hogwarts. She spent a lot of time studying, as per usual, and doing her schoolwork. Her father did receive an offer for a new job, which she was very excited about. Sure, her dad wouldn't always be around anymore, leaving the summertime the only time they could really be together again, but she was happy for him.
                  FOURTH YEAR Monika spent her fourth year prepping for her OWLs, studying as hard as she could. In her spare time, however, she was at every Ravenclaw Quidditch game, cheering on her best friend. Ahnna had been promoted to Vice Captain, and Monika was extremely proud of her, and wanted to be there to cheer her on whenever she played.
                  FIFTH YEAR Monika's fifth year was spent doing final preparations for her OWL exams. Thankfully, she met a nice boy from Gryffindor in the year below her, Richard, who quickly became her friend and study partner. They met in the North Wing, where he helped her with her Astronomy studying. It really paid off too, because his help with her studying secured her final exam scores. Plus, he was really cute, so it was really a win-win for her.
                  SIXTH YEAR Monika spent her sixth year trying to enjoy her time instead of studying as hard as she usually did. She did a lot of recreational reading, and even joined the Astronomy Club that Richard had started. She had promised she would join if he actually made the club, and she did enjoy astronomy, but she mostly joined to spend more time with him. Was that selfish? Maybe a bit. Otherwise, she did her schoolwork and, still, did well in her classes.
                  SEVENTH YEAR Information

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Zachary Evans (father), Taylor Evans (mother, deceased)
              FRIENDS Jameson Syme, Sebastian Blythe, Benjamin Bates, Catheryn Blake, Balder Borson, Ahnna Atterberry, Richard Devereux
              BEST FRIEND Ahnna Atterberry
              ROMANTIC INTEREST Richard Devereux (crush?)
              ENEMIES None
              PETS Spotted Owl named Theodore [x]

COLOR 1 = #E30B5C
COLOR 2 = #AA5303
COLOR 3 = #EB5E66
COLOR 4 = #FC6C85

Pended By: - Weasley 1/28/15
Accepted By: ~ Utsuha [2/14/16]
Recent Updates Accepted By: ~ murrue ❤ 08/06/17