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A school of magic, based on J.K. Rowling's books. In need of Professors and Students! Join Now for the February - May year! 

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Wren Argall

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Surefire Codger

13,950 Points
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:36 pm
xxxxW R E NxxxB E V E NxxxA R G A L L xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Wren

              AGE 17

              BIRTHDAY 27 February 2021

              BLOOD STATUS Muggleborn

              WAND 11 1/2in, Blue Spruce, Golden Snidget Feathers, supple with a knobby texture

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Heterosexual

              FACECLAIM Ty Simpkins [x]
              Taron Egorton [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts

              HOUSE Slytherin

              YEAR Seventh

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ EE
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ EE
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Cursebreaking ~ EE
                  Healing ~ EE
                  Wandless Magic Practice ~ EE

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ O
                  Potions ~ EE
                  Healing ~ EE
                  Wandless Magic Practice ~ O

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Journalist

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ ADVENTUROUS Living in a cramped one bedroom flat for most of his life, Wren couldn't help but sometimes imagine life outside of what he knew. When he was younger he used to imagine his favorite superheros flying in and taking him to far away places like maybe Dubai, the Amazon, even London would be fine. As he got older those childish whims died but his sense of adventure only grew.
              ■ PRIVATE It had long since been beaten into his skull, literally and figuratively, not to speak about what happens in his personal life. No one needs to know because it's not anyone's business but his own. He despises those who think they have a right to snoop in other people's trashcans.
              ■ CYNICAL Eleven is far too young to have the bleak outlook on life that he has, but Wren likes to argue that he didn't suddenly develop it at eleven so whoever can shut their mouth hole and go about their way. There are no rainbows with leprechauns at the end. There's no light at the end of the tunnel. Whether there's a heaven or a God means nothing to him because he has to live in the now and the now. Sucks. Donkey arse.
              ■ DEDICATED Just because he doesn't always believe in the best of things doesn't mean he doesn't like to throw himself fully into a project or even a person. Whether its learning a new skill, getting enough money for the rent, or even just making sure his little sister is never fully aware of their bleak existence he will work until the ends of his fingers bleed, fall off, and then some.
              ■ PERCEPTIVE Wren likes to stay one step ahead of things and to do so he has to keep an eye for his surroundings. Especially if he's in a hostile situation, which is pretty much every weekday.
              ■ CARING Deep deep beneath his cynicism and rather prickly shell there lies a caring nurturing soul. He can't help but offer help to those who seem or actually are less fortunate than him which can include children and adults alike. He's especially caring towards his younger sister whom he's the actual caregiver of.

                  His little sister
                  Any music

                  Drug addicts
                  Nosy people
                  Child services
                  Being sick

                  Running different places
                  Writing in his notebook
                  Laying on the roof of his flat


                  He can get caught up in his bitterness and anger
                  He doesn't trust easily

                  His sister getting taken away
                  His mother dying

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Wren never knew his real father, he died when he still just a baby, but that was ok because he had his mom. His mother was a struggling poet who made a decent income as a full-time tutor and substitute teacher. They stayed just above the poverty line and lived paycheck to paycheck but they were happy. Then there was a car crash when he was around three and his mother needed knee surgery and was given prescription pain killers which was where live took a horrible downward spiral. The little boy was rather used to being in after school programs waiting on his mother but soon those days became longer and longer until he just decided that catching the bus himself and walking took less time than waiting on his mother to sober up. After her painkiller stash wore out he thought that'd be the end of it but it was only the beginning; she started digging into harder stuff to get a better high, dangerous dirty stuff from the looks of the needles he kept finding around their place. Then she failed a surprise drug test at her job and lost it, and once her savings were spent on drugs and sometimes food they were kicked out of their flat and had to move into an estate. It was a rather big change for the little boy who once had his own bedroom (small as it was) to now just a small mattress in a shared room. One day a teacher noticed his dirty clothing and how hungry he always was and reported it to child services and he was taken away from his mother and placed in a foster home while his mother was thrown into a rehab center. Instead of getting her clean it merely made her smarter on how to hide her drug usage as well as become better at finding it. When she passed the mandatory classes to get Wren back he figured that things were actually worse and not better when she introduced him to the new man in her life. He was a local distributor who found that having a family gave a good cover from his operation being found out and his mother...well she just liked the ease of access. The man started forcing him and his mother to run drugs for him under threats of being cut off (his mother) or the untimely demise of his mother (Wren). He had been six when this happened and he had been sure that this would be his bleak existence for the rest of his days. Things changed though when he turned eight and his mother gave birth to a little girl. The only decent thing in that man's entire life that he ever did was keeping Wren's mother clean during those nine months, his reasoning was so he didn't have to dole out good money on a retarded kid but Wren didn't care about his reasoning. Anwen was a gift to him and him alone, especially since his mother started using the moment the umbilical chord had been cut. She was too busy getting high and making runs to really raise an infant so in between school, runs, and running from the police Wren cared for his little sister and tried to think of a way to get her away from their hellhole and her parents. It seemed like a foolish goal, his only real opportunity came on career week when he heard a pilot speak about how he could move his family about with every assignment to another country and he clung to the ideal with every fiber of his being. Then his eleventh birthday came and this man came telling him of magic and that he was a wizard and some bullshite like that. He very nearly closed the door in the man's face least it be some sort of plot from the police when he turned their living table into a pig then turned it back right. He told Wren about magic and about how he was given entrance to this magical school all the way in Scotland. It all sounded too good to really be true, especially when he looked at everything he would need and all that he could and couldn't bring. He couldn't leave his sister with his mother and Him, she wouldn't survive! But if he didn't go he couldn't carve out a life for them far away from the crap filled one that they already had. Plus he hated to admit the thrill of adventure was strong, but he had Anwen to worry about. So he struck a deal with her father, if he let him leave and go off to this prestigious school (the man had made his invitation look like one to one of those fancy boarding schools) that every break he would come back and earn his and Anwen's keep so he couldn't do the toddler wrong. It was dangerous, he was essentially selling his soul, but he had to. For Anwen.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR School is ******** weird. Being a wizard is pretty screwy on its own but the school and the odd people in it...it definitely heightens the weird. Whatever. He could deal with weird for six more years.
                  SECOND YEAR He gathered a leech with the name Kiera Murdoch. He enjoys thinking of ways of destroying said leech.
                  THIRD YEAR The school year was alright, the summer was a completely ******** up. His mother abandoned him and his sister, he might've accidentally killed his stepfather and he was no living with the guy he technically worked for. Life could literally not get any worse.
                  FOURTH YEAR Was sort of surreal living with his "boss" and his family but his sister was enjoying it, if all her letters with complete with smile faces were very telling.
                  FIFTH YEAR In the insane ******** that was his school life he had somehow been made a prefect. During his OWL year. Were these people insane? The only semi-pleasant thing that came out of it was that he got to spend a bit more time with Di on their patrols. When she wasn't tutoring him in Transfiguration. Though why he thought that was worth mentioning escapes him. Either way, he turned the badge in at the end of the year (Arden deserved the bloody thing and everyone knew it) only to be told that the then-editor of the school newspaper had handed ownership over to him. Surprisingly, even to himself, he accepted.
                  SIXTH YEAR To his own surprise he managed to survive his OWL testing and widdled his class load down quite a bit. And on an even more surprising note the school newspaper didn't burst into flames with him at the helm. Would wonders never cease.
                  SEVENTH YEAR Studying for his NEWTs were horrific and Wren wasn't even sure he was half a person by the end of it. But he did what he'd promised himself and graduated with pretty good grades. All that was left was finding a place to stay and a good job and he'd be set for a live of simple mediocrity. Bliss.

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Anwen Agall ~Sister, Elinor Argall ~Mother
              ACQUAINTANCES Leon McGregor, Diantha Warlow, Arden Studwick, Kenneth Holt, Elliott Holt, Jesse Calvert
              BEST FRIEND His shadow
              ROMANTIC INTEREST He would rather not talk about it/i]
              ENEMIES The deceased aren't worth it
              PETS None

Pended By: - Weasley 1/25/16
Accepted By: ~ Utsuha [2/7/16]
Recent Updates Accepted By: 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 09/02/2017
PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 1:20 pm
Wren Argall's List of Knowledge

First Year
[ ] Names of Planets
[ ] Movements of Planets
[ ] Names of Stars (Including Sun)
[ ] Names of Constellations

Second Year
[ ] Mercury
[ ] Venus
[ ] Earth
[ ] Earth's Moon

Third Year
[ ] Mars
[ ] Jupiter
[ ] Great Red Spot
[ ] Jupiter's Moons

Fourth Year
[ ] Saturn
[ ] Saturn's Rings
[ ] Titan
[ ] Uranus

Fifth Year
[ ] Neptune
[ ] Triton
[ ] Comets
[ ] Meteorites
[ ] Asteroids

Sixth Year
[ ] Black Holes
[ ] Supernovas

First Year
[ ] Wingardium Leviosa
[ ] Lumos
[ ] Incendio
[ ] Spongify

Second Year
[ ] Skurge
[ ] Aresto Momentum
[ ] Flame-Freezing Charm
[ ] Locomotor

Third Year
[ ] Cheering Charm
[ ] Carpe Retractum
[ ] Glacius
[ ] Cushioning Charm

Fourth Year
[ ] Accio
[ ] Depulso
[ ] Engorgio
[ ] Reducio

Fifth Year
[ ] Silencio
[ ] Dancing Feet
[ ] Reducto
[ ] Reparo

Sixth Year
[ ] Aguamenti
[ ] Repleo
[ ] Avis
[ ] Colour Change Charm

Defence Against the Dark Arts
First Year
[ ] Knockback Jinx
[ ] Lumos/Nox
[ ] Ghosts
[ ] Doxies

Second Year
[ ] Tickling Charm/Rictusempra
[ ] Expelliarmus
[ ] Imps
[ ] Fire Crabs

Third Year
[ ] Glacius
[ ] Boggarts/Riddikulus
[ ] Grindylows
[ ] Hinkypunks

Fourth Year
[ ] Stupefy
[ ] Aqua Eructo Charm
[ ] Hex-deflection/Salvio Hexia
[ ] Finite/Incantatem

Fifth Year
[ ] Protego
[ ] Reducto
[ ] Patronus
[ ] Werewolves

Sixth Year
[ ] The Unforgivable Curses
[ ] Nonverbal Spells
[ ] Dementors
[ ] Inferi

First Year
[ ] Broom Commands
[ ] Mounting
[ ] Developing a Broom Bond

First Year
[ ] Spiky Bush
[ ] Bouncing Bulb
[ ] Flutterby Bush

Second Year
[ ] Abyssian Shrivelfig
[ ] Mandrake
[ ] Leaping Toadstool

Third Year
[ ] Puffapods
[ ] Moly
[ ] Aconite

Fourth Year
[ ] Bubotuber
[ ] Gillyweed
[ ] Dittany

Fifth Year
[ ] Flitterbloom/Devil's Snare
[ ] Fanged Geranium
[ ] Screechsnap

Sixth Year
[ ] Venomous Tentacula
[ ] Whomping Willow

History of Magic
First Year
[ ] History of Hogwarts
[ ] The Chamber of Secrets
[ ] Statute of Secrecy

Second Year
[ ] Ollivander Family
[ ] The Deathly Hallows
[ ] Beedle the Bard

Third Year
[ ] Muggle Witch Burnings
[ ] Nicolas Flamel
[ ] Newt Scamander
[ ] Goblin Rebellions

Fourth Year
[ ] Ancient Egypt and Greece
[ ] Herpo the Foul
[ ] Grindelwald
[ ] Tom Riddle/Voldemort

Fifth Year
[ ] Albus Dumbledore
[ ] Harry Potter
[ ] Order of the Phoenix

Sixth Year
[ ] First Wizarding War
[ ] Second Wizarding War

First Year
[ ] Forgetfulness Potion
[ ] Boil-Cure Potion
[ ] Wiggenweld Potion

Second Year
[ ] Hair-Raising Potion
[ ] Girding Potion
[ ] Swelling Solution

Third Year
[ ] Shrinking Solution
[ ] Antidotes
[ ] Undetectable Poisons

Fourth Year
[ ] Wit-Sharpening Potion
[ ] Herbicide Potion
[ ] Wide-Eye Potion
[ ] Sleeping Draught

Fifth Year
[ ] Everlasting Elixirs
[ ] Draught of Peace
[ ] Strengthening Solution
[ ] Love Potion Antidote

Sixth Year
[ ] Amortentia
[ ] Elixir to Induce Euphoria
[ ] Felix Felicis
[ ] Polyjuice Potion

First Year
[ ] Match to Needle
[ ] Snail to Teapot
[ ] Mouse to Snuffboxes
[ ] Teacup to Rat

Second Year
[ ] Beetle Buttons
[ ] Avifors
[ ] Fera Verto
[ ] Rabbit Slippers

Third Year
[ ] Teapot to Tortoise
[ ] Chair to Cat
[ ] Hedgehog to Pincushion
[ ] Lapifors

Fourth Year
[ ] Draconifors
[ ] Guinea Fowl to Guinea Pig

Fifth Year
[ ] Evanesco

Sixth Year
[ ] Owl to Opera Glasses
[ ] Basic Self Transfiguration
[ ] Human or Animal


Surefire Codger

13,950 Points
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Friend of the Goat 100
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