xxxxxxK I E R A xxxG R A C Exxx M U R D O C Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Kiki
              AGE »» 18
              BIRTHDAY »» 14 January 2021
              GENDER »» Female
              FACE-CLAIM »» Rutina Wesley
              BLOOD STATUS »» Muggleborn
              WAND »» 11 inches," Pear with Unicorn Hair, swishy with a spiraled shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English
              ACCENT »» Estuary
              PET »» Persian cat Nikki

              xxx»» The beach
              xxx»» Hip hop
              xxx»» Animals
              xxx»» Pastries
              xxx»» Hot baths
              xxx»» Cold weather
              xxx»» Sitting still
              xxx»» Math
              xxx»» Lemons
              xxx»» Cars
              xxx»» Swimming
              xxx»» Dancing
              xxx»» Singing

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Kiera is most often described as being 'a very sweet girl.' She's easy to get along with, and very easy-going. She likes to do things to make people happy, and is very considerate of everyone she meets. It's not in her nature to be unkind to anyone, though she has her limits. Still, she's never outright rude; she treats those who treat her poorly with a sort of polite aloofness.

              xxx»» Growing up, Kiki developed a very playful sort of rapport with her mother. By the time she was seven, she could keep up with the woman easily enough, her mind working quickly and easily coming up with clever retorts. This trait amuses her father to no end, who swears he's 'never heard such a mouth on such a small girl.' Being in his company has only made it worse; her father is much more intelligent than her mother had been, and her vocabulary has expanded greatly because of it, since he refuses to speak to her any differently than he would an adult.

              xxx»» She can't keep her nose out of everything. She loves to dig around through paperwork and drawers and find any and everything she can of note, a habit that drives her very private-minded father insane. She can occasionally be placated with a very interesting book, but typically it has to be a mystery novel. Equally acceptable are crime drama television programs, because she likes following the stories of both and trying to solve the crime before the protagonists.

              xxx»» She doesn't like to sit at home and be by herself. When out on assignments with her father, she's often found chattering away with his colleagues, talking very animatedly about any and everything she can think of. Generally, it's found endearing, though she can have trouble telling when people are genuinely interested in what she's saying, and when they're just humoring her. She often has to be reminded that the adults are working, and even then, will follow behind whoever seems the least busy or the most interested, continuing on until she's eventually told to stop.

              xxx»» Kiki has no shortage of enthusiasm for anything. She's energetic and playful and can't stand being stagnant. Whenever she's bored, she'll do anything to alleviate it, and she'll do the same for anyone else. She fancies herself very popular, despite having not had any real friends her own age for years now, and likes to think on fun things for people to do together. She doesn't like sitting around reading or playing board games, and would much rather dance or run or do something active and exciting.

              xxx»» From her father, Kiera has learned to watch things around her very closely. She doesn't know why Callum is so paranoid, but at least a small portion of it has rubbed off on her. She doesn't worry so much about what she sees, and she's certainly not searching for anything bad, but she watches everything around her almost obsessively. Cal is always telling her to be careful, to watch her back, and to never be in a situation where she hasn't gotten her bearings, and she's taken it to heart. Something in his eyes tells her she needs to listen, and so she does, very well.

              xxx»» Optimistic
              xxx»» Accepting
              xxx»» Naive
              xxx»» Hyperactive
              xxx»» Cars
              xxx»» Storms

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Kiera was the only daughter of a single mother. Laila Everest was never particularly well off, but she did well enough, and they had a mostly happy life. Occasionally her mother would meet a man, but they were never around long enough for Kiki to really ever feel like she had a father figure. For the most part, she didn't think she needed one. She had her mum, her mum had her, and that's all they needed. But, when she was nine years old, she and her mother were driving through London on a cold, stormy night. She doesn't remember what happened, just snippets of screaming and the car rolling and pain. Her mother, sadly, died in the accident, and she was left to recover. While she was in the hospital, some letters and things in her mother's personal items led to her biological father and, lacking any other options, she was left in his custody. It took her a long time to get accustomed to her father, but upon the discovery that her strange abilities had originated with him, she felt much closer to him. Over time, she grew to idolize him, finding him clever and impressive and kind. She was sad to know that, when it came time for her to attend school, she'd be away from him, and so she was thrilled to learn that he intended to take a position at the school to be with her.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» Kiera would call her first year a roaring success; nothing particularly note-worthy really happened, but she made a lot of friends, which had been her main goal. She did miss a few lessons, namely on account of getting lost, which didn't make her particularly popular with her professors, but she figured as long as they didn't hate her, she was fine.
                  SECOND YEAR »» Again, Kiki's second year wasn't very exciting by any means. She tried to be less horrible about missing lessons, particularly since she lacked the excuse of having gotten lost. She wasn't particularly inclined to be that studious, figuring she had plenty of smart friends to help her with that. Instead, she focused on cultivating her friendships, and annoying a certain Slytherin who reminded her too much of her father.
                  THIRD YEAR »» Summer before her third year, Kiki was out at Diagon Alley and ran into Wren, who was with a little girl. Not having known he had a sister, Kiki was beside herself with excitement over the discovery, because she 'knew he had a soul somewhere in there'. She spent a good chunk of her day with them, having bribed her way into the sister's good graces with ice cream, and discovered that Wren might be a sourpuss with everyone else, but he adored his sister. It was honestly heartwarming. Her school year was more or less uneventful, which was sort of disappointing. She did try out for the Quidditch team to help Balder out, because he'd commented that he worried the team would be short players. She was a horrible Quidditch player, truth be told, but at least the team got to play, since if they hadn't had enough players, it wouldn't have been allowed.
                  FOURTH YEAR »» Fourth year was an interesting one, to say the least. Kiki tried to keep in touch with Wren's little sister, who was utterly adorable and Kiki was bound and determined to keep her that way. Obviously, she needed a soft, female influence, and Kiki was more than happy to be that influence. Her first night back in the castle, she wanted to check in on Balder, who was in something of a down mood, which was weird because he was about the only person who normally seemed happier than her. Of course, that meant getting rid of Ally, so she pawned her best friend off on an older girl in her year, killing two birds with one stone by trying to potentially hook them up. She ended up trying out for the Quidditch team again, and sucked a little less, but still sucked. She also spent a bit of the holiday with Balder's family, though she sort of regretted her reaction when he invited her. She made an offhand joke about him asking her on a date, and was sort of saddened that not only was he not doing so (which she hadn't really believed, it really was a joke), but he apparently had no interest in her whatsoever. She could live with that, but it was sort of a bummer since she did really like Balder. But, she didn't let it bother her, figuring there were more important things to worry about, and a million other cute boys in the world to crush on.
                  FIFTH YEAR »» Kiki didn't hear much about what went down with Balder's family over the Summer. There was what was in the papers, of course, and her da told her a fair bit of what he knew, but it still wasn't much. Still, she tried to be mindful when she got back to school that year of the fact that her friend had been through something traumatic. To her, that meant being as distracting as possible. Her first tactic was to talk to him about her Summer, which mostly meant talking about her now ex-boyfriend, the cute blonde who lived down the hall in her flat building. They'd gone on a few dates over the holiday, and snogged a lot, but Kiki ended up breaking it off once school drew near. The kid was a muggle, after all, and she didn't really know how to keep up a long distance relationship with a muggle kid while she was forced to send mail with owls. Balder seemed a little odd when she was talking about all that, which she figured was because he was comparing her holiday to his, so she came up with other stuff to do and to talk about instead. She didn't find out why he was acting weird until she went to have tea with him and his mor, and was invited to spend the holidays with them again. Mrs. Borson dropped the metaphorical bomb that Balder had a crush on Kiki, which she obviously denied because, hello, if that were true they'd already be dating, he knew she liked him. Turned out, he figured that she was over it by the time he realized he actually did like her, on account of her having dated another boy. With the truth out, they managed to talk about their actual feelings, and suddenly they were actually a couple. Kiki, of course, was pleased as punch. Meanwhile, her da was just glad she was seeing a boy that he didn't have to worry about doing something that'd result in a murder.
                  SIXTH YEAR »» Kiki had an excellent Summer, thanks to the little beach trip her friends made. She got to know some of Balder's friends a little better, as well as her bestie's girlfriend Emma, which was fun. She also got to watch her boyfriend drool over her, and drool over him in return, which was, to her mind, the perfect way to spend a Summer day. The return to school in the fall was uneventful, as was her year. Her class list was pared down quite a bit, which freed up plenty of time for... well, studying, because NEWT classes, it turned out, were hard. She also still wasn't entirely sure of her post-graduation plan, which was slightly panic-worthy, so she tried to stay focused on her studies to allow herself the most options she could. She also spent a fair bit of the year wondering if her cousin was the one behind the 'murals' that kept popping up all over the grounds. Eventually, he got busted for it, confirming her suspicions. His disbelief at Professor Whitethorne being a vampire was probably the second-funniest part of the whole thing. First funniest part being the fact that Professor Hill debated making him prefect to 'teach him some responsibility'. She about died laughing when she heard that one.
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» Kiki's final year at school was eventful, to say the least. She kicked it off by getting engaged to Balder over the Summer, something she managed to keep more or less on the downlow for a surprisingly long time before they got busted. She also started a theater club at the school, mostly for the purpose of getting Rory to get his shite together after his mum died and his da... well, did what he did, which she was surprised to discover actually helped a hell of a lot. Of course, running the club was exhausting, but honestly it was worth it just for all the good it did her cousin. Even if the play itself was something of a disaster (people kept telling her it wasn't that bad, but she was pretty sure it was). She also had exams to study for, which would've been find if she'd had any real clue as to her plans post graduation. She knew that, technically speaking, she didn't have to worry about much since she was engaged to Balder and all, but her practical side (a voice in her head that sounded suspiciously like her father) told her that she was too young to be putting all her future plans on him. She didn't want him to think she doubted him, or their relationship, of course, but she had to admit that planning her entire life around him taking care of her was stupid.

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDING »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Hufflepuff
              CLASS OF »» 2039
              HONORS »» Prefect, Drama Club Captain
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» Music
              xxx»» Art
              xxx»» Charms
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» Cursebreaking
              xxx»» Divination
              xxx»» Potions
              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» EE
              xxxCHARMS »» O
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» A
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» A
              xxxPOTIONS »» A
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» D
              xxxART »» EE
              xxxCURSEBREAKING »» A
              xxxDIVINATION »» P
              xxxGHOUL AND GHOST STUDIES »» A
              xxxMUSIC »» O
              xxxWANDLORE STUDIES »» EE

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» A
              xxxCHARMS »» O
              xxxART »» EE
              xxxMUSIC »» O
              xxxWANDLORE STUDIES »» A

              DREAM JOB »» Awesome Female Rapper Extraordinaire

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Straight
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Engaged
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Balder Borson

              xxx»» Father Callum Murdoch
              xxx»» Uncle Gavin Murdoch, aunt Sheena, cousin Ruaridh
              xxx»» Aunts Isla, Moira, and Blair Murdoch
              xxx»» Best friend Althea Butler
              xxx»» Balder Borson
              xxx»» Sebastian Blythe
              xxx»» Aleah Toller
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» Hufflepuff house
              xxx»» Fifth year students
              xxx»» Hufflepuff Quidditch team


11 November 2017 ««
Post-Grad updates ««

lost to the ages rip ««
~ Dia 9/21/16 ««
Weasley 7/29/17 ««