Sitting outside while the others packed up for the night or as some were still on their way back towards camp, Talisia was enjoying a desert sunset. Coming to Oba had been a bold decision but the girl didn’t regret it. Meeting Callum again and now even finding out about Eresin…well it made for an interesting twist. She smiled softly, “Though I think the most surprising one is my half-sister.” Finding out about Dris had both broken her heart and mended it. Her mother’s actions would forever create a shadow on her past, but at least now she had something of a future to look towards.

“Though I wonder how much of a future it will be with all this fighting.” Sighing the girl leaned back into the warm fur of her raptrix, “Silva, do you think we should prepare to go to Yael?” Visiting the markets earlier in the day had led to the discovery of even more rumors. It had changed from viewing the Yaeli as monsters, rather they were just earthlings like them, towards the Yaeli claiming that some monsters were rising from the depths. I wonder if sending the extremists to that island stirred up something? Or if the island even changed some of the extremists into these creatures? Even if she remember the battle vividly the hybrid wouldn’t want that fate on another.

To be turned into a monster.

She reached out towards one of Silva’s large paws and trialed a finger along his claws, “I mean if I could be a raptrix like you that would be great fun, but to be a soulless creature that steals younglings? No, thank you.” Still she had to wonder about how much was myth and reality. The Yaeli were a skittish bunch, but for them to be this skittish? It had to take a lot to make them leave home. She pursed her lips in frustration, “I don’t like the idea of waiting around to see if those rumors are right.” Yet, she didn’t want to walk into danger either…

What were they to do then?

“Others may even think it’s a trap. What if the Yaeli are just leading us on and hoping we send out our best fighters to try and help?” They really didn’t know much about Yael still after all. The whole island was strange, strange enough to even create glowing eyes in those living there. What if it truly was the extremists? An after effect of living on that strange land? “It still doesn’t explain the soul stealing powers…” She shook her head as she curled up against her familiar, “What do you think, Silva?”

Her raptrix growled quietly before stretching a wing out over her, “What? You say you’ll protect me from any soul thieves?” A laugh escaped the girl, “I suppose in a way that’s comforting then.” If these monsters did exist….she still doubted the Yaeli just a bit after all, Talisia had to wonder who would be able to fight them. Would magic work? Could blades even pierce such creatures? She yawned quietly, “I wouldn’t want to lose you to them, Silva. So we have to be careful, okay?”

Perhaps her best bet would be to just find a Yaeli and speak to them. All of her life she had been raised to find out the secret thoughts of others and to never be too trusting, so perhaps talking to an actual Yaeli would help. So many rumors after all always smear the truth. She rolled her gaze slightly at the memory of them, “After all it’s not the Yaeli who are the monsters anymore.” Now finding out about them had been a bunch of fun. Everyone on Tendaji had been skittish then. She was surprised that no army had been raised then to go fight. Most likely it was because everyone was just so tired of fighting. We need peace. She would be fine placing her whip down again.

But if those monsters were truly there….

“I suppose it’s not truly life here unless someone is fighting.” Talisia whispered, “That’s why they call peace an ideal world.” Ideal for her meant not possible. So in that case her ideal life without monsters probably meant that there was the faintest trickle of truth to the Yaeli statements. Soon enough she would be expecting the truth to come about. Any monsters on that level of terrifying wouldn’t be content to sit still after all. I better pick up on my training again.

In the morning she would ask Dris to spar with her again. I just need some rest first. At the thought the girl’s eyes fluttered closed as sleep overtook her.
