xxxxA R I AxxxD E S T AxxxS O L A R I N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Ari,

              AGE eighteen

              BIRTHDAY 19 May 2021

              BLOOD STATUS muggleborn

              WAND 11" apple, granian feather, swishy,

              GENDER female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION bisexual

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Alessia Cara [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              CLASS OF 2039

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  Wizard Law
                  Ghost and Ghoul Studies

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ O
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
                  Cursebreaking ~ P
                  Ghost and Ghoul Studies ~ A
                  Music ~ O
                  Wandless Magic ~ A
                  Wizard Law ~ A

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ O
                  Charms ~ E
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ E
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ A
                  Music ~ O
                  Wandless Magic ~ P

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT graduate

              DREAM JOB Digital Graphic Designer

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ✦ SPONTANEOUS Like a spark of wildfire, she is driven by emotion and gives in all too easily to her impulses. She can be hard to contain and harder to control; hyperactive with a short attention span, she often makes rash decisions without thinking things through.
              ✦ CREATIVE When a door's been closed, there's always a window to climb through, and Aria lives by this rule--everyone has a choice. She can think outside the box and can always come up with a Plan B. When faced with a problem, she'll use any means at her disposal to overcome it. She also enjoys herself with her digital graphics program, creating fanfiction art and original comic books.
              ✦ COMPETITIVE For the most part, she is a team player, but sometimes her competitiveness outshines that. She wants to score the winning goal, answer the teacher's question, and earn the highest test scores. She's hardworking and disciplined, willing to put forth the effort to get what she wants.
              ✦ OPTIMISTIC Confident in herself and trusting in the good nature of others, she is an idealist who believes the world is black and white. Good things happen to those who work hard for it, and karma is supposed to reward the good and punish the bad. She looks on the bright side of things and can always find one good thing about a person, no matter how bad they may seem.
              ✦ UNORTHODOX Aria isn't fond of rules, or coloring within the lines, or conforming to society. She is a free spirit, rebellious and always questioning before believing anything she's told. She has her own way of processing and handling issues, which, apparently, isn't considered "normal" for her age--or so her mum and da' always say.
              ✦ ENGAGING Rambunctious and talkative, she's a social butterfly who enjoys spending time with her friends' and loves getting to meet new people. Striking up a conversation is easy for her, and she loves to entertain. She's always willing to lend a hand, even to strangers. When she see's someone, sad or in trouble, she can't help but run in to see if there's anything she can do to help.

                  video games
                  pink, pastel, and neon colors
                  comic books


                  jumping in mud puddles
                  football and rugby
                  photoshop editing



                  being kidnapped
                  ghosts or evil spirits

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Aria was born at the Bristol Royal Hospital For Children on the nineteenth of May by Avondré Solarin, a black British man, and Darla Solarin, a white British woman. She has three brothers: D'Marcus, five years older; Jamal, three years older; and finally, Tyrone, two years younger than her. Her family has owned a small farm and ranch for several generations on the outskirts of Bristol. Living on a farm, in Aria's opinion, means nothing but chores. From dawn to dusk she's helping her family with the chickens, pigs, and horses, (albeit, mostly getting distracted with another game she's made-up along the way.)

              Avondré and Darla are devoted and loving parents to each of their children. Despite Darla's comments on her daughter's tomboyish tendencies, she's slowly become used to the idea that it isn't "just a phase", and suspects the reason may be due to the strong influence Aria's brothers' have on her. (The siblings can be unruly beasts when left unattended in a room together.) Her father, on the other hand, is very supportive and encourages Aria's love of sports. He is always at her practices and offers to help her train during the weekends for her junior league girls' football and rugby team.

              Sometimes though, Aria suspects she's being haunted. Strange things happened around her, inexplicable things. Defying rules and laws of gravity in a chillingly frightful way. And these random instances have been cropping up all throughout her childhood like weeds. Toy's have disappeared right before her eyes; the root of a branch moved to trip a bully to her feet, and an entire cupboard of glasses shattered once while she was being scolded for not doing her chores. It wasn't until an owl disturbed their dinner did she finally understand, (but not after half an hour of attempting to ignore this strange, and possibly diseased creature) before discovering the letter attached to it. Some days later, a man from something called, "the ministry" (which, seriously sounds like a cult,) explained that was actually a witch! All those years, she thought she was being haunted by an evil spirit or something, but it was just magic! Aria's still in disbelief about the whole thing, just waiting to be shaken awake from this dream. And she didn't believe it was real until that faithful day the strange man (who's name she still can't remember,) had taken her and her father to a wizarding shopping center, then to Gringotts Bank to meet tiny, rude hobbits and exchange money before shopping for her actual school supplies an actual magical school!

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR Made a few friends at school: Ahnna, Monika, Fianna, Bastian and Balder. Had the best time learning to fly a broom and tending to the magical gardens.
                  SECOND YEAR Aside from hanging out with her friends between classes and playing football in the courtyard, she had a quiet year.
                  THIRD YEAR Another quiet year. Aria watched a few quidditch games and popped in to a few of sessions of the Music Club. Other than that, she mostly juggled homework and studying for all of her new electives.
                  FOURTH YEAR Aria kept her nose in her books preparing for the upcoming OWL's next year. She did watch a few of the quidditch games and was amazed that the quidditch cup was a three way tie between Gryff/Huff/Rav, and the house cup was tied between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. It was an insane year.
                  FIFTH YEAR Another uneventful year of schoolwork, homework, and studying for OWLs. Slytherin won the quidditch and house cup. Once school finished and summer started, she met with Fianna and Arden at Diagon Alley.
                  SIXTH YEAR Another long school year spent handing out with her friends and gearing up for next years NEWTs. She did spend a bit of time with Arden, though, and that was fun.
                  SEVENTH YEAR The year breezed by faster than she hoped. She was busy studying for exams, spending time with her friends, shopping in Hogsmeade, and practicing her music, all the while freaking out about the uncertainty of the future.

              POST GRADUATION ---

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Father: Avondré Solarin (NPC) ✦ Mother: Darla Solarin (NPC) ✦ Older Brother: D'Marcus (NPC) ✦ Older Brother: Jamal Solarin (NPC) ✦ Younger Brother: Tyrone Solarin (NPC)
              FRIENDS Ahnna ✦ Monika ✦ Fianna ✦ Bastian ✦ Balder
              BEST FRIEND Fi
              ROMANTIC INTEREST ---
              ENEMIES ---
              PETS chickens, pigs, horses, and the neighborhood strays

      Recent Updates: age/year 'fifth year' and OWLs info added.
      Recent Updates: age/year 'sixth' year info added.
      Recent Updates: updated to adult profile, NEWT scores added but are pending official grades as of 1/8/18

Pended By: 01/05/2016 by ~ ♥ Cara ɱк
Accepted By: ~ Utsuha [2/7/16]
Recent Updates Accepted By: Weasley 7/29/17