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        _________ Bᴀsɪᴄs;;

              r e a l n a m e ; glen kingston
              n i c k n a m e s ; amne
              a g e ; 17 when turned; currently 29 years old
              b i r t h d a y ; march 11th, 2003; turned april 1st, 2020
              b l o o d s t a t u s ; muggle, vampire
              c l a n ; shadowsong council, augurey clan
              b i t t e n b y ; kronos
              p o w e r ; memory manipulation
              g e n d e r ; genderfluid
              s e x u a l o r i e n t a t i o n ; pansexual
              l a n g u a g e s s p o k e n ; english, russian, nerd-level japanese
              f a c e c l a i m ; [x] [x] [x]

        _________ Pᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ;;

              o p t i m i s t i c ; Putting a positive spin on things allows Amnesia to keep an upbeat attitude. A smile can go long ways during stormy weather, and it's certainly better than wallowing in despair. Of course, this doesn't mean the vampire isn't realistic.
              e x t r o v e r t e d ; At a glance, Amnesia may seem like the quiet individual able to spend 90% of their waking hours typing away on the computer. A closer look would reveal that the vampire is actually a very social being, especially considering just how much time they spend on social media: The thousands of hours spent in chatrooms allowed Amnesia to pick up the subtle differences people word their sentences based on their moods. This also means that Amnesia can employ such skills to manipulate people to their liking, if they so choose to.
              a d v e n t u r o u s ; Maybe this isn't obvious either, but Amnesia loves to explore. Perhaps this attribute was developed after a particular addiction to RPG horror games, which taught the vampire to explore every single room without fail, or risk missing potentially story-changing lore.
              a r r o g a n t ; Amnesia would never miss a chance to brag about his 360 no-scope skills (or anything else, but since their life practically revolves around various technology, there really isn't much anything else to talk about).
              i m p a t i e n t ; More impulsive than not, the vampire prefers to finish tasks and get rewarded sooner. Otherwise, a night filled with pretentious whining would be the fate of whoever is unfortunate enough to share a home with Amnesia.
              s e l f i s h ; Charity isn't exactly Amnesia's name. They can be generous if they want to, but their own life, goals, needs, and wants are almost always placed before others'. Of course, this also means that should Amnesia think of someone else before them, then said individual is extremely important to them.
              n e r d ; Amnesia is a weeb from head to toe.

              l i k e s ;
                anime & manga

              d i s l i k e s ;
                no wifi

              h o b b i e s ;
                writing reviews about anime and manga
                starting internet flame wars

              s t r e n g t h s ;

              w e a k n e s s e s ;
                fountain of complaints without internet
                easily addicted to games

              f e a r s ;
                extinction of internet

        _________ Hɪsᴛᴏʀʏ;;

              p r e - t u r n ; Glen was born during a time when the rise of technology swooped over the world. It became increasingly common for children to own cell phones or computers of their own, much to the dismay of worried parents. It was no different for Glen: By the time they were old enough to formulate a working English sentence, they had a laptop of their own. Why would a toddler need such an expensive piece of metal and plastic? For a single mother of three, a laptop provided endless entertainment for impressionable little ones. Said mother worked two jobs: She was busy, and keeping her kids occupied with a single click of a button was a blessing. Sadly, for Glen, who was the youngest of the three, had to watch or listen to what their older siblings wanted. Perhaps it wasn't a surprise when the minute Glen laid hands on a true personal laptop, they binged themselves with the pure bliss of online freedom.

              The internet more or less shaped Glen's teen-hood. They were still sociable, with a considerable number of friends at school, but Glen would always pick a day hauled in his darkened room with his computer than going out. They weren't hurting anyone, so nobody really cared. With unrestricted access to even the darkest corners of humanity, the teen was able to learn whatever they wanted, at any time they wanted. Sometimes, the random knowledge proved useful (it made them sound smarter and well-informed, which definitely helped them keep teachers happy). Other times, said knowledge would propel them into a world of procrastination and amazement. For instance, when Glen stumbled upon a gif set of the (in)famous Twilight film series, they suddenly developed a weird interest in the supernatural. The ancient myths turned up from a simple Google search introduced them to the world of the occult. It didn't help that they were nurturing an addiction to Japanese anime and manga (especially the darker series like Tokyo Ghoul and Higurashi).

              Glen never knew that the so-called "supernatural" was actually very much real. Magic, vampires, werewolves, etc, all existed in a world hidden from the humans, also known as "muggles" (Glen laughed at this term, because it made humans sound like a breed of derpy dogs). It was fascinating to learn the truth behind the stories of the past, and it was a delight to learn that vampires didn't sparkle. The idea of feasting upon human blood didn't appeal to them, but nevertheless latched onto the opportunity that presented itself: They weren't attached to their family (it wasn't like Glen would be missed) and they would be able to enjoy all the TV shows they wanted (Glen proclaimed themselves to be the true eternal nerd).

              The transition from living to the undead was a b***h though.

              p o s t - t u r n ; Life as a vampire was great. As nocturnal beings, it provided a solid justification for Glen to go to bed at 5am and not get up until 5pm. The "internet doesn't exist in the wizarding world" bit did put a damper on the fledgling's mood, but that didn't stop them from dragging their butt over to some coffee shop and leech off of their internet. Even without the pixelated world, Glen found themselves happy in this new life with Harbinger (they weren't very fond of being referred to as "Harbinger's mate" though, because Glen might've watched one too many hentai to form a negative association with the world "mate").

              Glen had always wondered what their powers would be. Would it be something cool, like being able to travel through shadows? Or being able to materialize swords with a point of the finger? Or to make anything explode? The possibilities were endless. However, the day Glen's powers manifested was perhaps when they least expected it to. The fledgling was 19 at the time, two years after leaving his family without an explanation. They suddenly popped in at midnight at their human home, only to find that their mother alone. The two had a nice reunion, but it soon went south as Glen's mother expressed her worries and sorrow via immense anger. In a moment of lack of emotional stability, Glen's powers activated. In one instance, their mother no longer recognized her child: The vampire's power was memory manipulation.

              With a new, fitting name, Amnesia, the vampire hunted down their siblings to erase Glen's existence from their memories as well. Not that it would be any different, since the three were never close to begin with. Memory manipulation was a frightening power, because Amnesia would, hypothetically, be able to rewrite a person's past. Their conscience would be the only thing preventing them from abusing their power. How long would this last? Amnesia had no clue.

              When the Shadowsong clan became the Shadowsong council, with many members allowed to form new clans, Amnesia followed Harbinger. The Augurey clan had a nice ring to it, after all.

        _________ Rᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘs;;

              c o u n c i l ;
                maker kronos
              c l a n ; harbinger
              r o m a n t i c i n t e r e s t ; mate harbinger
              e n e m i e s ; all those internet trolls amne pissed off