With age and experience, Athene has bloomed into a more confident and sociable troll. While still one to have a sarcastic sense of humor, Athene has grown to talk a little more instead of just listening and is more friendly to other trolls. No longer putting up a facade, Athene is more apt to showing her true nature and talking with other trolls, rather than keeping them as far away from her as possible as she has found with her newfound confidence. However, she is not totally trusting of newer trolls and is still somewhat wary of others. While not as bad as in the past, since Athene will actually attempt to have conversation with others, she still will keep a troll arms length away until she is absolutely sure they will not harm her. Call her paranoid, but Athene has seen what has happened in the past with being too trusting and refuses to let that happen to her. She's determined to protect what she cares about.

Speaking of caring, Athene is a rather nurturing troll. While she has definitely learned how to manage it in her age so she's not overbearing, she still is willing to give help to any troll that asks it, so long as she knows that they won't hurt her. It's her nature to try and help and most of the time she gets a favor in return, which isn't a terrible thing. For the trolls that she cares about deeply she is rather loyal to and will do almost anything for, because she knows for a fact that they will have her back. The group is small and few, but she will drop everything for them and help to her best.

Athene definitely still has her flaws though and she's prone to being rather close-minded and stubborn in her views. Everything to her is black and white, right or wrong, and she's unwilling to change those views to see any shades of grey unless it's for a very good reason, typically authority. It doesn't help that this goes hand in hand with her habit to hold grudges, since getting her to forgive will mean she'll have to actually change her mind to see that the other troll may actually be one she can forgive. She's quick to remember their faults and hold it against them until she actually, finally, changes her mind which takes a great deal of time for her. There is only a few trolls she will forgive unconditionally and for those, it's rare they'll ever upset her to the point where she would hold a grudge against them.

Her temper isn't something that she's grown out either, but rather have had become less of a hair trigger and more of her getting very, very tired of other trolls. Athene has a great deal of patience but everyone's runs out at some point and Athene is rather aggressive with her outbursts. The troll on the receiving end of her ire isn't bound to get an apology either, since she finds it justified most of the time.

Athene has adjusted in the swamp and is still a tailor, finding herself working on disguises and whatever else other trolls ask her for. Her work isn't scarce necessarily, but is a lot different from her previous orders and she finds herself getting out orders quickly. Trying to entertain her hungry mind she finds herself trying to learn whatever she can, although sometimes ends up resorting to gossip whenever she can't entertain herself. It may be the rebellion in the swamp, but there's still going to be tension and Athene catalogs whatever she can to think about later.

Athene's stance on the hemospectrum has changed from indifference to a more aggressive stance. She thinks that all trolls, no matter their color, should have a chance and that it shouldn't be the seadwellers at the top. While she's not outwardly aggressive about this when she's in disguise (Athene greatly values living), she definitely has made her choice on her fight for it by joining the rebellion.

- Intelligent
Athene's rather sharp, something she prides herself on. Things tend to not miss her eye and she has a rather capable memory for keeping track of things that she needs to. She's fairly certain that her intelligence is what has kept her from death so far and she fully intends to keep on using it so she doesn't bite it. While she would like to expand on it more, and did frequently when she could, she has limited opportunities in the swamp which has only made her hungrier for knowledge. She wants to know more of a variety things, instead of just sewing which was her livelihood for so long.

- Hardworking
Athene gets down to business and keeps to it until it's done. She dedicates herself to things she has to do 100% and doesn't stop for anything unless it's something that's important. This makes her good at finishing tasks quickly but she also has a tendency to overwork herself. She has to frequently remind herself to slow down sometimes, otherwise she ends up far more exhausted than she needs to be. It's give and take, but it does get her through things quickly and correctly.

- Confident
While formerly Athene mostly relied on her friends and lusus to guide her, Athene has grown into herself. She's become more comfortable talking around others she doesn't know and being on her own without any trolls around that she knows. She also is more comfortable in making her own decisions and not relying on friends or her lusus' guidance in everything. It has made her more sociable and open to meeting others, expanding from her usual circle of trolls into more and more.

- Caring
Athene has a bleeding heart through and through and cares deeply about others well being. While she's not as obtrusive as she used to be, rather letting trolls come to her or asking if they need help and letting them decide, she's still willing to give her all to help. Athene finds this makes her feel better, like she's giving back if she helps others, so she does it willingly. And while not her driving force to helping trolls it does usually end with someone owing her a favor which is always useful for someone like her.

Even with her confidence, Athene is still quite wary of trolls she doesn't know well. While she'll actually talk to them now, instead of trying to gauge through short conversation, she still isn't quite friendly until you've given her reason to believe that you won't harm her or her friends. This can take awhile and makes making friends for her harder, since she'll keep trolls at an arms length away until she's absolutely sure they won't do anything, which can also hurt others when they realize she doesn't trust them like they do. She would feel bad about this if she hadn't found herself finding this justified with what she's see in the past. As it is, she sees it as a necessary defense.

Athene is so absolutely set in what she believes in at this point that it's hard for her to change her mind. She won't hear any other explanations because to her, she knows that this is the right path and it's what she has to do. Everything is either right or wrong, something she'll do or won't. This makes her slow to change and slow to connect with other trolls who go against what she thinks, since she can be quite unwilling in shifting her worldview.
The only exception to this is if a leader or someone incredibly close to her suggests a difference, then she might consider a change. But it's hard to get her to do if it isn't on her own.

Athene does not forget and Athene does not forgive easily. Get on her bad side even once and you are sure to be dealing with a colder version of Athene for a long, long time. She's quick to push trolls away that hurt her or those she cares about, not even hearing once their side of the story. Her judgement is final and it will take Athene a great deal of time to warm back up to you, unless you somehow manage to completely flip her view which is near impossible.

- Bad temper
Athene still has a rather nasty temper and while it doesn't show its face often, it is still something of a rather terrible trait of hers. Push her to her limit and you'll be on the other end of a nasty earful, one that, unless you deeply matter to Athene, you'll probably get no apology for either! Her temper tends to not be set off by one thing but rather her reaching the end of her very, very long rope and finally refusing to put up with anyone's s**t any longer.

Athene lives in the swamp, in a hive she helped rebuild. It's one of the lower ones that's closer to the ground, easy to access among the branches. She has a bottom room that functions as her living room and kitchen together in one, with an upper room that is her respiteblock and her bathroom. Her home has basic amenities and some rugs covering the hard floor, but for the most part is rather sparsely decorated. The most notable feature of her bottom floor a large bookshelf filled with anything that she can get to make clothing and, if needed, disguises.

Athene's Lusus is Fluff-Dad, or Owl-Dad in polite company, a large Owl who's getting on in years. Fluff-dad is a quiet, kind lusus with a smidge of a vindictive streak who taught everything Athene needed to know. He's very proud of his charge, who has in his opinion grown up splendidly and made her own choices, but he is also extremely scatterbrained in his old age. Athene hasn't seen him since she moved, since he wasn't in her hive when she grabbed her things, but she's fairly confident he's alive. He'll show up when he shows up, although it's a good question of when exactly that will be.