Last but least Kieran decided to try the maize maze, not that she could say those words together three times fast. It looked like a lot of fun, of course the terrified screaming and other students running out of it made it even better. She had little interest in getting the prize at the center, but just having some sort of scare, running around, and just having fun in general was her only real goal at the moment. Even the cute little scented posters made her giggle with amusement as she headed towards the entrance of the maze fully prepared for anything that the gnomes would do to her.

First stop was a cross road, left or right, it didn’t take much thought as turned in the air heading down the left direction. It looked a little less traveled maybe, not that Kier could tell considering she was floating for the most part. A few more meters down and something made a long sad moan. A grin flashed across the ghost ghoul’s face as a shiver ran down her spine, it was perfect, it was almost as if someone had spent hours practicing to get it just perfect. Maybe she could get whoever was doing to teach her how to get moan like that. It would be perfect in a song somewhere, sort of underneath the sound of someone singing. Hopefully it would give some sort of chill up someone’s spine.

She continued down the path and soon she saw someone else there, sitting on a log. It was short boil, weeping paying little to no attention to her as she approached. Kier grinned at him and waved, he sniffled for a moment and then began to moan and wail again. No fun. There was no reason to hang out with him if all he was going to do cry, nope, she would wait until he was feeling better to even ask about how he was able to do such a perfect wail.

Following the path still the sound of the moaning eventually faded away, or maybe it had just disappeared as soon it was replaced with something that sounded like running water. What was water doing out in a maize maze? The ghost cat’s tail fizzed out, as she grew even more curious if it was raining somewhere or was it just another little trap the gnomes had prepared for guest.

Getting closer she could see the pond, there was a cup and sword and a sign that said drink to move forward. Negative. The ghost wasn’t going to drink anything that a gnome had left out in a maze so kindly, not to mention where did the water really come from.

Was it really water?


Nope instead she stuck the sword into the pond for it to stand, as the wind started to pick up and whip around her almost causing her to tumble forward along the path. She could only guess that it was the correct way to go now considering the water was probably the wrong choice to go with. After following it for a bit she cam across two gates, one new and shiny another old almost falling to pieces. Of course she picked the bath behind the old gate, nice things were nice but the ghost always had some nostalgia for old things, like her sweaters that she picked out of the thrift stores.

It took her a moment to get it to budge open but when she did she kept going down the path there was a bit of a skip in her floating step. So far so good, she hadn’t had any real trouble.


Of course she had spoke too soon as she came across a new figure.

A gnome on a yellow toilet.

“Hey.” Was all she could muster out at first as she stared at the sight, she couldn’t even tell if it was suppose to be some sort of joke or something.

He went ahead and asked a riddle, as Kier thought about it, thought about it some more and then finally she sat down to the toilet that was provided there.

Of course.

“It’s a mistake, just like your face!” She yelled out hopping off point her finger at the gnome. His face turned a deep red as he began to stomp around, voice nearby could be heard as Kier slipped away heading down the path. It wasn’t long before she came across another stop, another riddle.

When is a raven like a writing desk. Kieran had no idea, but hit the yes button anyways, considering the other option mentioned it being all nonsense.

It wasn’t nonsense it was fun.


Popper go off startling for a moment as little streamers littered the ground. Tada the center.

Wait how did she get there?

There was the ear, it was a waxy like candy that sort of smelt familiar, like something spicy in a way. She pocketed and mad her way out of the maze.