It was odd. Falair was feeling quite festive after all her involvement in the events that the school had been hosting.

She had trick or treated. Scared gnomes. Make sweets. Created an awful looking costume that made no real sense at all then had to make up a story about it. So festive in fact that she had stopped at one of the local stores in Halloween town and purchased some decorations similar to what she had seen hanging up all over the school.

Once her purchase was made she had quickly made haste back to the Tower. Carrying a numb of bags full of decorations as she scrambled for her home. The decorations might not have meshed too well with her current decor she would make it work. She was feeling what was it they called it? The holiday spirit? Man she wished that ghost would leave. It was kind of annoying this urge she had to drape spider webs in her corners and strings of little bats that lit up.

Oh well.

When she returned home she dumped out all the bags. Reject had rolled out from no where and into one of the empty bags. Hmming and hawwing as he watched from his little bag fort. Falair plopped onto the ground, sorting each decoration into it's own seperate pile. Once she was satisfied with her sorting she went to work.

First she would hang the fake cob webs in the corners of her home. That made it extra spooky. She placed fake looking spiders among the webs. Moving them about a couple of times before she was satisfied. She placed little pumpkins here and there. Fake and kind of glittery. One would say they were quit gawdy looking. But she didn't care.

Next she draped strings of light up bats along the edge of the partitions and large veils about her home. It actually looked pretty neat when they were lit up and added a bit more flair to her home. Nice nice.

She placed a few fake skulls next to real ones and a spooky looking dancing skeleton on shelf. Every time you pushed it's button it would cackle and dance. It had made her giggle in the store so she just had to buy it. There was also a cauldron that would spew a thick colored fog every now and again if you placed the right solution in it to make the fog. She had bought a couple containers of the solution so she could use the foggy cauldron whenever she liked and wouldn't run out for quite some time.

Oh right! She whipped around towards the pile of bags. Reaching into one and pulling out a tiny witch hat that had a rubber band contraption strapped to it for keeping the hat on one's head.

Glancing around, she finally found the bag in which Reject was hiding in and Falair pulled him out. Much to his disapproval. The mini made a sound of displeasure. "Hold still you." It took a couple of tries but she finally got the tiny witch hat on Reject's head. Snapping the rubber band thing under it's chin to keep it properly attached. She had seen the hat and thought it would make for an interesting addition to the mini. Maybe she could melt it to his skin to make it a permanent attachment.

That was something to think about for sure.

She stepped back, taking a good look around her home with approval. Yes, this was festive enough for her. It wasn't so over bearing that it all looked too out of place. In fact, after a while she would probably forget that the decorations were even there.