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Diantha Warlow

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The Forgotten Weasley

Blessed Moonwalker

9,250 Points
  • WilyTrickster 50
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • The Wolf Within 100
PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 11:33 am
xxxxD I A N T H AxxxS I Â NxxxW A R L O W xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Di, Ann

              AGE 18

              BIRTHDAY 4 June 2020

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 13 and 1/5 inches, Hawthorne, Phoenix Tail Feather, Rigid, Spiraled Shaft

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Demisexual

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, Welsh

              FACECLAIM Isabell Andreeva (request sent in) x

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts

              HOUSE Ravenclaw


              BEST LESSONS
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts
                  Wizard Law

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ O
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ EE
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Arithmancy ~ O
                  Art ~ EE
                  Healing ~ O
                  Mythology ~ O
                  Music ~ EE
                  Wandless Magic ~ EE
                  Wizard Law ~ O

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Healing ~ EE
                  Wandless Magic ~ EE
                  Wizard Law ~ O

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Wizarding Barrister

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ EFFICIENT You never know how long you've got on this Earth, and Diantha sees no reason to waste any time, ever. She's a very well organized, fast paced person, and if you can't keep up with her... oh well. She decides what she's going to do and then promptly does it. She has no patience for those who would rather procrastinate or waste time doing nothing, rather than reaching their goals. Diantha doesn't like to rush things and risk messing up, but she does want to reach her vision as quickly as she can.
              ■ CREATIVE While she might not seem like the type, Diantha has an artistic sense and loves to sew things like little stuffed animals for her siblings, sculpt and paint little figurines, neatly chronicle her life in scrapbooks, and make her own jewelry. She sees it as an outlet for when she is frustrated or feeling overwhelmed, and always feel better upon completing a project of some sort. She also likes to have things to do with her hands in her downtime, and will sneak off to make things.
              ■ SELF ASSURED Diantha rarely doubts in herself or her actions/choices; she's generally convinced that what she did was right, to the point where she tends to come off as arrogant to the people around her. She's not shy at all about speaking her mind, and won't hesitate to tell someone exactly why they're wrong and she's right. Her confidence can be overbearing at times, and she sometimes looks down on those who are more passive. She's not one to second guess herself, have any immediate regrets, or let someone else's disapproval stop her.
              ■ COMPASSIONATE Diantha strongly believes in fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves. If she sees what she considers an injustice, she'll do whatever she can to protect those in need. While she's not particularly hotheaded and tries her best to be more rational than emotional, if someone asks for her help with good reason she finds it impossible to just do nothing. She's been accused of always rooting for the underdog before, and it's very much true, even if it makes her somewhat of a 'bleeding heart'.
              ■ COURAGEOUS Diantha is, to put it simply, brave. Even if under the threat of danger or pain, she's going to try to do the right thing. She's not fearless or particularly reckless, but she is willing to put herself at risk for the sake of others or a cause she's devoted herself to. She also tends to encourage others to stand up for themselves whenever possible. Diantha despises seeing suffering going ignored, and she'd do anything to keep the people she cares about safe. Those she counts among her friends and family mean the world to her.
              ■ UNFORGIVING Diantha holds her grudges like some people hold their alcohol: well. While not petty or one to take offense easily, she does very much trust her own judgement of other people, and if she sees someone saying or doing something she considers reprehensible or strongly disagrees with, they're forever written off in her book. She's not of a mind to forgive, or to forget, and she'll bring up past mistakes and failures like nobody's business in a dispute, both because she has difficultly moving on from things that seriously upset or hurt her and because she believes in proving a point.

                  Getting things done
                  Arts and crafts
                  Championing a cause

                  Being told to be more 'humble'
                  Bad teachers


                  Reaching her goals in a timely manner
                  Inclined to help those around her in need

                  Confident to the point of being arrogant and proud
                  Finds it hard to move on from things she ought to learn to let go

                  Deep, dark water

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Diantha is the first and only child of Owain Warlow and Nelda Warlow, nee Hale. Her father, Owain, was the youngest of a large pureblooded family, that had once been old money and was now simply old, with no money. His match to Nelda, a halfblooded girl from a (mostly) pureblooded and rather wealthy family, was made with finances in mind. Owain and Nelda, while in different houses, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw respectively, were amiable, if casual friends at Hogwarts, and had no real issues with the knowledge that they would be marrying each other a year or two out of school. After all, they got along well, and they both planned on pursuing their careers while eventually raising a family together.

          The only snare in this was a muggleborn Hufflepuff girl named Isolde Lewis in the year below them, and the back and forth infatuation between her and Owain throughout their teen years. Nelda, being no idiot, heavily questioned Owain on his willingness to marry her, someone he didn't have any overwhelming attraction to, and the reverse being true as well, when he was clearly besotted with someone else, but by the time they graduated he insisted he was over Isolde and more than happy to be making his family proud by marrying Nelda. They married at age nineteen, with rather idealistic hopes for their future together, and Nelda wound up pregnant entirely by accident just a few weeks after the wedding.

          This had not been in any of their grand plans, and a surprise pregnancy did not do wonders for a marriage with no real love in it. Owain and Nelda were fond of one another, true, but fondness is not renowned for withstanding the test of time and stress. For a while Nelda refused to speak to her husband, and while they briefly came together by the simple bond of being parents to a baby they immediately loved and cherished, by the time Diantha was six months old it was obvious the marriage was not working. Since the marriage had been arranged in the first place, neither the elder Warlows or the elder Hales were thrilled with the quiet divorce that took place. A vicious custody battle could have ensued, but Owain and Nelda settled for joint custody of their daughter, which worked out fairly well in the long run.

          Nelda remained happily single, while Owain married a certain former Hufflepuff several years later. Isolde wanted to start a family almost immediately, and Owain wanted his daughter to know what growing up with siblings was like. Treva was born when Diantha was four, Madoc when she was six, the same year Nelda passed away. She'd drowned, swimming in a lake she'd grown up near while visiting her family. Since the age of six, Diantha has lived with her father, stepmother, and half siblings, the latest of whom is Ilene, born when she was ten. Diantha is her father's little princess and always has been, to the exasperation of her stepmother, who can understand the occasional resentment her own children have towards their elder half sister. While her home life is for the most part happy, Diantha is more than ready to begin at Hogwarts.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR Diantha was thrilled to be sorted into Ravenclaw like her mother before her, and took the words of the Sorting Hat to heart. She enjoyed all of her classes and the general experience of being at school, though she was homesick a few times. The Valentine's Masquerade was an unexpected surprise, and while she initially unsure of whether or not she wanted to go, was in the end glad her parents pushed her to. Di also seemed to have made several friends over the course of the year, which surprised both her and her parents. She was even invited to a party over the summer, and is very optimistic about the future.
              SECOND YEAR Di's second year started with a bit of excitement, though not necessarily the good kind. At the feast her friend Aimee ran out, and what ensued was Leon and Raymond bickering while the rest of them tried to calm their friend down and figure out what had upset her so. Having never seen a panic attack before, it shook the girl a bit, and she still has no idea what exactly caused it, but has resolved to do whatever is needed to support Aimee in the future. She also tried out for chaser on her house quidditch team, and to her surprise made reserve beater. She did get to play chaser during one of the games, so she couldn't complain, even if she didn't do anything impressive. In the spring she received the news that Isolde was pregnant with a fourth child, a boy, and when she went home for the summer Di was not entirely thrilled.
              THIRD YEAR Di's third year was tumultuous, to say the least. Although she was very excited to begin attending electives, and unwillingly happy to hear about the birth of her new brother, Steffan, born in October, her friends seemed to be having difficulties she couldn't prevent. Aimee plunged into a relationship with an older boy who seemed cold and controlling. Leon in turn ended up putting the boy in the hospital wing and ending up there himself for attacking him after discovering he'd been abusing Aimee. Colin was quiet and withdrawn and Di wasn't sure why, and Caty's moods seemed erratic and odd, even for her. While things seemed somewhat resolved by the end of the year, Di still felt very unsure of both herself and her circle of friends upon returning home for the summer.
              FOURTH YEAR Di began her fourth year by reading Mordred the riot act after he confessed his apparent feelings for her on the train. She felt mortified by his treatment of her friends and her failure to do anything about it, and was furious with him over him own cowardice about the whole affair. Although he apologized to her, she made it clear that his actions hadn't made her any more interested in a relationship with him, and suggested they keep their distance from one another for a while. She also attempted to apologize to her friends, who seemed slightly more stable than the year before, and tried to make it up to them over the course of year. She felt confident that the next year might be her best year yet, even with the added stress of both OWLs and Treva beginning her first year.
              FIFTH YEAR Di for the most part enjoyed a fairly quiet year, focusing intensively on studying on her OWLs, and on avoiding Treva, who was sorted into Slytherin. Luckily no significant drama with either her friends or her sister seemed to occur, Ravenclaw had a decent Quidditch year, and she did very well on her OWLs, after the agonizing acceptance of the fact that she could not keep her sanity and earn all Os.
              SIXTH YEAR Di's father died the summer before her sixth year, leading her to have to take on far more responsibilities than usually required of a teenager. Her siblings and stepmother reacted poorly, and so Di strove to be the calm, rational one in the face of their combined grief and anger, even if she felt the loss just as deeply. She tried to be there for Treva at Hogwarts, with mixed results, and also struck up an unlikely friendship with a Slytherin in the year below, Wren Argall. She also slapped Mordred across the face, and broke up a fist-fight, which was some much-needed frustration relief.
              SEVENTH YEAR Di spent her year alternating between one of three things: obsessively studying for her NEWTs,
              flirting with Wren while they both pretended they weren't flirting, and trying to make sure Madoc didn't kill anyone and get himself expelled. She sort of succeeded on all three fronts, and graduated with high hopes for the future and an immediate plan to move out.

          POST GRADUATION Information

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Isolde Warlow (stepmother), Treva Warlow (younger half sister), Madoc Warlow (younger half brother), Ilene Warlow (younger half sister), Steffan Warlow (younger half brother), Winifred Warlow (younger half sister)
          FRIENDS Colin Beckett, Catheryn Blake, Aimee McHalen, Nicole Lovette, Leon McGregor, Wren Argall
          BEST FRIEND Nicole Lovette
          ENEMIES Mordred Sefton, Peter Whyte
          PETS Grey Grey Owl named Aneurin

PENDED BY ~ DD 10/27/15
ACCEPTED BY ~ 11/15/15 ✔ Essy
RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY ~ murrue ❤ 05/10/17
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:59 am
Diantha Warlow's List of Knowledge

First Year
[x] Names of Planets
[x] Movements of Planets
[x] Names of Stars (Including Sun)
[x] Names of Constellations

Second Year
[x] Mercury
[x] Venus
[x] Earth
[x] Earth's Moon

Third Year
[x] Mars
[x] Jupiter
[x] Great Red Spot
[x] Jupiter's Moons

Fourth Year
[ ] Saturn
[ ] Saturn's Rings
[ ] Titan
[ ] Uranus

Fifth Year
[ ] Neptune
[ ] Triton
[ ] Comets
[ ] Meteorites
[ ] Asteroids

Sixth Year
[ ] Black Holes
[ ] Supernovas

First Year
[x] Wingardium Leviosa
[x] Lumos
[x] Incendio
[x] Spongify

Second Year
[x] Skurge
[x] Aresto Momentum
[x] Flame-Freezing Charm
[x] Locomotor

Third Year
[x] Cheering Charm
[x] Carpe Retractum
[x] Glacius
[x] Cushioning Charm

Fourth Year
[ ] Accio
[ ] Depulso
[ ] Engorgio
[ ] Reducio

Fifth Year
[ ] Silencio
[ ] Dancing Feet
[ ] Reducto
[ ] Reparo

Sixth Year
[ ] Aguamenti
[ ] Repleo
[ ] Avis
[ ] Colour Change Charm

Defence Against the Dark Arts
First Year
[x] Knockback Jinx
[x] Lumos/Nox
[x] Ghosts
[x] Doxies

Second Year
[x] Tickling Charm/Rictusempra
[x] Expelliarmus
[x] Imps
[x] Fire Crabs

Third Year
[x] Glacius
[x] Boggarts/Riddikulus
[x] Grindylows
[x] Hinkypunks

Fourth Year
[ ] Stupefy
[ ] Aqua Eructo Charm
[ ] Hex-deflection/Salvio Hexia
[ ] Finite/Incantatem

Fifth Year
[ ] Protego
[ ] Reducto
[ ] Patronus
[ ] Werewolves

Sixth Year
[ ] The Unforgivable Curses
[ ] Nonverbal Spells
[ ] Dementors
[ ] Inferi

First Year
[x] Broom Commands
[x] Mounting
[x] Developing a Broom Bond

First Year
[x] Spiky Bush
[x] Bouncing Bulb
[x] Flutterby Bush

Second Year
[x] Abyssian Shrivelfig
[x] Mandrake
[x] Leaping Toadstool

Third Year
[x] Puffapods
[x] Moly
[x] Aconite

Fourth Year
[ ] Bubotuber
[ ] Gillyweed
[ ] Dittany

Fifth Year
[ ] Flitterbloom/Devil's Snare
[ ] Fanged Geranium
[ ] Screechsnap

Sixth Year
[ ] Venomous Tentacula
[ ] Whomping Willow

History of Magic
First Year
[x] History of Hogwarts
[x] The Chamber of Secrets
[x] Statute of Secrecy

Second Year
[x] Ollivander Family
[x] The Deathly Hallows
[x] Beedle the Bard

Third Year
[x] Muggle Witch Burnings
[x] Nicolas Flamel
[x] Newt Scamander
[x] Goblin Rebellions

Fourth Year
[ ] Ancient Egypt and Greece
[ ] Herpo the Foul
[ ] Grindelwald
[ ] Tom Riddle/Voldemort

Fifth Year
[ ] Albus Dumbledore
[ ] Harry Potter
[ ] Order of the Phoenix

Sixth Year
[ ] First Wizarding War
[ ] Second Wizarding War

First Year
[x] Forgetfulness Potion
[x] Boil-Cure Potion
[x] Wiggenweld Potion

Second Year
[x] Hair-Raising Potion
[x] Girding Potion
[x] Swelling Solution

Third Year
[x] Shrinking Solution
[x] Antidotes
[x] Undetectable Poisons

Fourth Year
[ ] Wit-Sharpening Potion
[ ] Herbicide Potion
[ ] Wide-Eye Potion
[ ] Sleeping Draught

Fifth Year
[ ] Everlasting Elixirs
[ ] Draught of Peace
[ ] Strengthening Solution
[ ] Love Potion Antidote

Sixth Year
[ ] Amortentia
[ ] Elixir to Induce Euphoria
[ ] Felix Felicis
[ ] Polyjuice Potion

First Year
[x] Match to Needle
[x] Snail to Teapot
[x] Mouse to Snuffboxes
[x] Teacup to Rat

Second Year
[x] Beetle Buttons
[x] Avifors
[x] Fera Verto
[x] Rabbit Slippers

Third Year
[x] Teapot to Tortoise
[x] Chair to Cat
[x] Hedgehog to Pincushion
[x] Lapifors

Fourth Year
[ ] Draconifors
[ ] Guinea Fowl to Guinea Pig

Fifth Year
[ ] Evanesco

Sixth Year
[ ] Owl to Opera Glasses
[ ] Basic Self Transfiguration
[ ] Human or Animal

Advanced Flying
Second Year
[x] Quidditch Basics
[x] Broom Barrel Rolls
[x] Standing on your broom

Third Year
((Everyone must learn each position))
[x] Beater Practice
[x] Seeker Practice
[x] Keeper Practice
[x] Chaser Practice

Third Year
[x] Origination
[x] The Two Systems
[x] Agrippan Method
[x] Number usage

Fourth Year
[ ] Character Number meaning and finding it
[ ] Heart Number meaning and finding it
[ ] Social Number meaning and finding it

Fifth Year
[ ] How to make Predictions
[ ] Arithmancy on your name
[ ] Arithmancy on one item
[ ] Using numbers for Predictions

Sixth Year
[ ] Compatibility using Arithmancy
[ ] Practice using Arithmancy

Third Year
[x] Lighting and Frame
[x] Proportions
[x] Perspective
[x] Backgrounds

Fourth Year
[ ] Sketching basic lines and figures
[ ] Sketching techniques
[ ] Sketching enchantments

Fifth Year
[ ] Color wheel
[ ] Painting techniques
[ ] Painting enchantments

Sixth Year
[ ] Sculpture mediums
[ ] Sculpting techniques
[ ] Sculpting enchantments

Healing Class
Third year
[x] Diagnosis of Ailments
[x] Treating wounds
[x] Proper Bandaging

Fourth Year
[ ] Spell and curse healing
[ ] Stunning Treatment
[ ] Virus, Bacteria and Infection healing

Fifth Year
[ ] Poison Healing
[ ] Treating Bites and Stings
[ ] DragonPox and Treatment

Sixth Year
[ ] Healing Temporary Blindness
[ ] Bone repair and regrowth
[ ] Lung clearing charm

Third Year
[x] Note Reading
[x] Major/Minor Scales
[x] Triads
[x] Inversions

Fourth Year
[ ] Brass Family
[ ] Strings Family
[ ] Percussion Family
[ ] Keyboard Family

Fifth Year
[ ] Muggle Music History
[ ] Muggle Musicians
[ ] Magical Music History
[ ] Magical Musicians

Sixth Year
[ ] Concert Rehearsal
[ ] Solo Performance

Third Year
[x] Beedle the Bard
[x] The Fountain of Fair Fortune
[x] The Wizard and the Hopping Pot
[x] The Warlock's Hairy Heart

Fourth Year
[ ] Quintaped Myth
[ ] Unicorn Blood Myth
[ ] Chamber of Secrets
[ ] Chamber of Secrets Basilisk

Fifth Year
[ ] The Sorting Hat
[ ] The Sword of Gryffindor
[ ] Helga Hufflepuff's Cup
[ ] Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem

Sixth Year
[ ] Rowena Ravenclaw's Death
[ ] Rowena Ravenclaw's contributions to Hogwarts
[ ] The Boy Who Lived
[ ] Deathly Hollows

Wandless Magic Practice Class
Third Year
[x] Achieving Emotional Balance
[x] Determining the truth: Strength or Finesse
[x] Dueling Beginner Level (with wands)

Fourth Year
[ ] Will, its relevance to Wandless Magic
[ ] Assessment of Will
[ ] Dueling Intermediate Level (with wands)

Fifth Year
[ ] First Group of Spells
[ ] Second Group of Spells
[ ] Dueling Advanced Level (Wandless)

Sixth Year
[ ] Third Group of Spells
[ ] Fourth Group of Spells
[ ] Combination of Forms: Wand & Wandless
[ ] Duels

Wizard Law
Third Year
[x] Historical figures in law
[x] Statute of Secrecy
[x] Illegal magical spells/objects

Fourth Year
[ ] Law as applied to school
[ ] The Trace and other Laws on Minors
[ ] Time Turners and Seers-Effects on Law
[ ] Laws concerning Magical Beasts

Fifth Year
[ ] Muggle and Wizarding Courts
[ ] Wizards Persecution in Muggle Courts
[ ] Wizard Persecuting at Muggle Courts
[ ] Wizards Persecuting Muggles

Sixth Year
[ ] Muggles in Wizarding Courtrooms
[ ] Unforgivable Curses Discussion
[ ] Wizard Duels - Legality
[ ] Supremacy and Crimes against Muggles

The Forgotten Weasley

Blessed Moonwalker

9,250 Points
  • WilyTrickster 50
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • The Wolf Within 100
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