Tollak had been snooping around for a couple day. Well granted- he was exhausted. A few reavers and himself had set off for a viking early that week for their own little viking, just to get a taste of what it would be like without a captain. Only it be more around a month at this point.

Well it hadn't meant to be this long! The grey lion snorted a puff of air out of his nose from the bitter mood he was in. Normally around this time of day he'd be sparring in a pit of sand or having Captain Ragnvard show him another new battle technique, but instead he was here. Wherever 'here' was exactly.

Tollak lifted his head to smell the air, a bit warmer and a lot less salty then the air he was used to smelling. He had heard that a lion pride lived near here and due to the lack of any other excitement on this viking they were on suggested they come this way in hopes of some new excitement. Maybe after they finished their stay for a few days the gray lion would be able to convince his fellow reavers that this journey was stupid and turn back home... Yeah, that sounded like a decent plan!
