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A school of magic, based on J.K. Rowling's books. In need of Professors and Students! Join Now for the February - May year! 

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Catheryn Blake

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Surefire Codger

13,950 Points
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Friend of the Goat 100
PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:09 pm
xxxxC A T H E R Y NxxxS T E P H A N I ExxxB L A K E xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Caty, Cat, or Caty-Kat

              AGE 17

              BIRTHDAY May 25. 2020

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 11 inches, Peach Wood, Fairy Wings Core, Pliable with a Spiraled Shaft

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Pansexual

              FACECLAIM Emily Browning [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Slytherin!

              YEAR Seventh

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ EE
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ EE
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Potions ~ EE
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Alchemy ~ EE
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Healing ~ A
                  Music ~ EE
                  Mythology ~ A
                  Wandlore Studies ~ EE

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ O
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Alchemy ~ EE
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
                  Wandlore Studies ~ A

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Lost Girl

              DREAM JOB Peter Pan replacement

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ ENERGETIC It takes a lot to make Caty stand still. She's constantly moving, jumping, fidgeting or creating mock sword fights with her friends. Or real sword fights if steel were available.
              ■ PERSUASIVE From an early age she found out that being the youngest of the family, especially the youngest girl, came with some very special perks. One being that if she pouted enough or made the right sized teary eye she would get what she wanted. Now that she's older the pouting is still the same but the teary eye had evolved more into a "logical" debate that would result in what she wanted.
              ■ TENACIOUS Once she's had her mind set upon something she will do her everything to ensure it comes into fruition. Using whatever means necessary. This also means that whatever thought or opinion that she's gathered onto she will not relinquish without a fight; figurative or literal she has no problem with either.
              ■ PRAGMATIC While she does enjoy a friendly spar now and then, Caty would rather handle issues with a sensible and cool head rather than go charging blindly into battle. She's also very practical and tries to plan ahead so that even if she ends up losing she'll gain something from it.
              ■ POSSESSIVE Not of possessions mind, but of people. Especially those closest to her which would be her father, brothers, and single female cousin. She has a hard time letting go and accepting that they will eventually move on and marry because she's afraid that they will leave her behind and that will be that.
              ■ SELF-SACRIFICING In accordance with her pragmatic approach, she can be entirely too selfless when time comes. She would rather pay the price for the greater battle than allow something bad happen to someone else that she cares about. She would go through hell and back for those closest to her and probably kick those who aren't into the actual fiery pit.


                  When something is out of reach
                  Aedan not fighting for us
                  Complete darkness
                  Being called a liar


                  Perseverance - She will never say never and will keep going and fighting until she's sure either she's won or that the person attacking her or her own are out of the picture
                  Helpfulness - She's always willing and ready to lend a hand, foot, hair, coin to anyone who asks.

                  Because of her willingness to help people she also has the tendency to let some people walk over her
                  Recently, Caty's started to keep most of her negative emotions inside to keep those around her happy. This instead leaves her feeling empty and sometimes depressed.

                  Complete darkness
                  Being left behind by everyone

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD I was born to a mom I don't remember and had been at Wool's orphanage ever since. There weren't a lot of people to hang out with since everyone was either much older than me or much younger so I mainly stuck to myself which got boring after awhile. When I was around three years old my dads came and adopted me and my older brothers Kenny and Rhys making us one big family. I also gained some aunts and a lot of cousins, my favorite being Pru though I make sure not to tell the others. A few years ago my Aunt Siobhan remarried a man named Wesley Edgeworth and she and my cousins went and moved into his huge estate which was really nice for them but kinda sad because I couldn't hang around them as much. Not that I really could since they were much older than me and were already heading to Hogwarts, but still! It was shortly after that that my Dad Aedan started distancing himself from the family. He works as a broomstick inventor and one of them blew up rather spectacularly (in a good way!) and he started working longer and longer hours to keep up with production. I understood, really, but it stopped being small stuff like being late to dinner or staying in the barn until after midnight and snowballed into huger and huger stuff. Like missing Siobhan's wedding. And barely coming out for Christmas. It got so bad that my oldest brother left home to stay with our aunt and my second oldest just stopped talking. He'd always been quiet and prone to silence but now it was much different. Finally, my Da couldn't take it any longer and filed for divorce and on the day that my other Dad was supposed to come to court and fight for custody agreements....he didn't. He just...didn't.
              So now I'm heading to Hogwarts excited because I'd been waiting for forever and a day for this to happen but I'm sad and worried because my Da will be alone for the first time in a long time. I know he'll have Siobhan and Kenny and everyone but I still worry about him. He just looks so sad.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR First year was spectacular! I made so many new friends and I even got sorted into the house I wanted: Slytherin! I mean I know I could've easily gone into Hufflepuff or even Gryffindor but Slytherin was my real mission. The only sour part of the year was Rhys and his...anger issues. He said some really mean and hurtful things to me during the year and..maybe it's better I just stay out of his way from now on.
                  SECOND YEAR Me and Rhys made up during the summer and even though I still sorta stay away from him, I do it to respect his privacy more than being afraid of him. Well that and I still don't want anyone to discover my little habit. It's actually not getting so little anymore and I'm a bit worried but I still don't want to stop. I don't really know if I can.
                  THIRD YEAR Was a bit topsy turvy. I kept having those weird mood swings only I don't think I hid them quite as well as I did at home. My stress reliever also isn't working like it used to so I'm trying different ones.
                  FOURTH YEAR My mood swings got worse, way way worse, so worse that I practically killed Ada! Ok so not really but still, I had one of them while I was with her in a hallway one night and then poof! She was gone and we were stuck with a weird substitute the rest of the year. Also my da found out about my coping mechanism, I don't really know how since I really doubt Leon would go snitching to an adult, but I'm so not looking forward to one of his "talks"
                  FIFTH YEAR I've decided to make a few changes about myself, especially since going to therapy regularly instead of running away like I used to. I dyed my hair and started dressing in this style I found online called "pastel punk" which I rather liked. I've also apologized to all my friends who I felt like I'd either ignored or hurt during the years I was dealing with my own issues and I think I'm finally starting to feel a little normal. I still have my moodswings and all but Mr. Niall has me on a regime that I think is actually working.
                  SIXTH YEAR Not much happened during the year unfortunately. Well other than Da finally getting a social life. And Anandi's a pretty cute kid, I've always wanted a younger sibling.
                  SEVENTH YEAR Again, not much happened, which was great because goodness knows I needed all the time to study for my tests. And figure out a place where the renting people don't mind allot of fire...

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Ciaran Blake ~Father, Kenneth Blake ~Older brother, Rhys Blake ~Older brother, Siobhan Edgeworth ~Aunt, Wesley Edgeworth ~Uncle, Pru Lowery ~Cousin, Jarlath Lowery ~Cousin, Adrienne Lowery ~Cousin, Andrea Lowery ~Aunt, Amata Harlowe ~Non-relative Aunt
              FRIENDS Pru Lowery, Sebastian Blythe, Balder Borson, Aimee McHalen, Brandon Davenport, Leon McGregor, Colin Beckett, Nike Lovette, Diantha Warlow, Ralph Hastings, Kiera Murdoch,
              Aleah Toller

              BEST FRIEND Sebastian Blythe and Balder Borson. But also Aimee McHalen
              ROMANTIC INTEREST Phineas Levy
              ENEMIES None
              PETS A Crocodile Skink named Tock
              and a Draco lizard named Tink

Pended By: - Weasley 9/26/15
Accepted By: 11/15/15 ✔ Essy
Recent Updates Accepted By: - Weasley 5/10/17
PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 9:48 am
Caty's List of Knowledge

First Year
Names of Planets [ ]
Movements of Planets [ ]
Names of Stars (Including Sun) [ ]
Names of Constellations [ ]

Second Year
Mercury [ ]
Venus [ ]
Earth [ ]
Earth's Moon [ ]

Third Year
Mars [ ]
Jupiter [ ]
Great Red Spot [ ]
Jupiter's Moons [ ]

Fourth Year
Saturn [ ]
Saturn's Rings [ ]
Titan [ ]
Uranus [ ]

Fifth Year
Neptune [ ]
Triton [ ]
Comets [ ]
Meteorites [ ]
Asteroids [ ]

Sixth Year
Black Holes [ ]
Supernovas [ ]

First Year
Wingardium Leviosa [ ]
Lumos [ ]
Incendio [ ]
Spongify [ ]

Second Year
Skurge [ ]
Aresto Momentum [ ]
Flame-Freezing Charm [ ]
Locomotor [ ]

Third Year
Cheering Charm [ ]
Carpe Retractum [ ]
Glacius [ ]
Cushioning Charm [ ]

Fourth Year
Accio [ ]
Depulso [ ]
Engorgio [ ]
Reducio [ ]

Fifth Year
Silencio [ ]
Dancing Feet [ ]
Reducto [ ]
Reparo [ ]

Sixth Year
Aguamenti [ ]
Repleo [ ]
Avis [ ]
Colour Change Charm [ ]

Defence Against the Dark Arts
First Year
Knockback Jinx [ ]
Lumos/Nox [ ]
Ghosts [ ]
Doxies [ ]

Second Year
Tickling Charm/Rictusempra [ ]
Expelliarmus [ ]
Imps [ ]
Fire Crabs [ ]

Third Year
Glacius [ ]
Boggarts/Riddikulus [ ]
Grindylows [ ]
Hinkypunks [ ]

Fourth Year
Stupefy [ ]
Aqua Eructo Charm [ ]
Hex-deflection/Salvio Hexia [ ]
Finite/Incantatem [ ]

Fifth Year
Protego [ ]
Reducto [ ]
Patronus [ ]
Werewolves [ ]

Sixth Year
The Unforgivable Curses [ ]
Nonverbal Spells [ ]
Dementors [ ]
Inferi [ ]

First Year
Broom Commands [ ]
Mounting [ ]
Developing a Broom Bond [ ]

First Year
[ ] Spiky Bush
[ ] Bouncing Bulb
[ ] Flutterby Bush

Second Year
[ ] Abyssian Shrivelfig
[ ] Mandrake
[ ] Leaping Toadstool

Third Year
[ ] Puffapods
[ ] Moly
[ ] Aconite

Fourth Year
[ ] Bubotuber
[ ] Gillyweed
[ ] Dittany

Fifth Year
[ ] Flitterbloom/Devil's Snare
[ ] Fanged Geranium
[ ] Screechsnap

Sixth Year
[ ] Venomous Tentacula
[ ] Whomping Willow

History of Magic
First Year
History of Hogwarts [ ]
The Chamber of Secrets [ ]
History of Brooms [ ]

Second Year
Ollivander family [ ]
The Deathly Hallows [ ]
Beedle the Bard [ ]

Third Year
Muggle witch burnings [ ]
Nicolas Flamel [ ]
Newt Scamander [ ]

Fourth Year
Ancient Egypt and Greece [ ]
Herpo the Foul [ ]
Tom Riddle/Voldemort [ ]

Fifth Year
Albus Dumbledore [ ]
Harry Potter [ ]

Sixth Year
First Wizarding War [ ]
Second Wizarding War [ ]

First Year
Forgetfulness Potion [ ]
Boil-Cure Potion [ ]
Wiggenweld Potion [ ]

Second Year
Hair-Raising Potion [ ]
Girding Potion [ ]
Swelling Solution [ ]

Third Year
Shrinking Solution [ ]
Antidotes [ ]
Undetectable Poisons [ ]

Fourth Year
Amortentia [ ]
Hiccoughing Solution [ ]
Wit-Sharpening Potion [ ]

Fifth Year
Draught of Peace [ ]
Strengthening Solution [ ]
Polyjuice Potion [ ]

Sixth Year
Everlasting Elixirs [ ]
Felix Felicis [ ]
Draught of Living Death [ ]
Elixir to Induce Euphoria [ ]

First Year
Match to needle [ ]
Snail to Teapot [ ]
Mouse to Snuffboxes [ ]
Teacup to Rat [ ]

Second Year
Beetle Buttons [ ]
Avifors [ ]
Fera Verto [ ]
Rabbit Slippers [ ]

Third Year
Teapot to tortoise [ ]
Chair to cat [ ]
Hedgehog to pincushion [ ]
Lapifors [ ]

Fourth Year
Draconifors [ ]
Guinea fowl to guinea pig [ ]

Fifth Year
Evanesco [ ]

Sixth Year
Owl to opera glasses [ ]
Basic self transfiguration [ ]
Human or animal [ ]


Surefire Codger

13,950 Points
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Friend of the Goat 100
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