xxxx C O L I N xxx C A M P B E L L xxx B E C K E T T xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              AGE »» 1
              BIRTHDAY »» 22 July 2020
              FACECLAIM »» Edward Elric
              BLOOD STATUS »» Muggleborn
              WAND »» 10 3/4 inches, Sycamore with Dragon Heartstring, pliable with a bent shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English
              ACCENT »» Kentish
              PET »» Owl Walter

              xxx»» Steampunk
              xxx»» Robots
              xxx»» Sci-Fi
              xxx»» Anime
              xxx»» Spicy food

              xxx»» Distractions
              xxx»» No privacy
              xxx»» Boredom
              xxx»» Classical music
              xxx»» Shoddy workmanship

              xxx»» Making clockwork animals
              xxx»» Reading
              xxx»» Video games

              xxx»» Extremely creative
              xxx»» Unending curiosity

              xxx»» Social anxiety
              xxx»» Low self-esteem

              xxx»» Getting sick
              xxx»» Hospitals

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Colin likes being presented with problems that require him to think critically to solve. He greatly admires his stepmother's brains, and aspires to be like her. He's very clever, and enjoys challenges. His favorite thing to do is to attempt to fix something that's broken, particularly if it is of an electronic or clockwork nature.

              xxx»» This particular trait, when described by Colin, is that he is simply very interested in the world around him. Others, however, would be more apt to call him 'meddlesome,' as in he just can't leave well enough alone. He doesn't care that it works, he wants to know how, and will often take it apart to find out. Sometimes this is fine, but other times he has trouble putting things back together again quite the way they originally were, which is the cause for many headaches in his household.

              xxx»» Colin is never one to sit quietly when presented with something that interests him. He throws himself into things wholeheartedly, and is always eager to see them through to the end. He rarely bothers with things that don't interest him, but when he has no choice but to take part, he will find something to be excited about. He's an incredibly passionate person, and it shows.

              xxx»» Though he tries not to let it get to him, Colin suffers from a lot of insecurity and anxiety. He's something of a worrywart, and overthinks things. If he goes too long without hearing from a friend, he tends to assume they don't care about him very much. He tries to keep it to himself, even though he knows logically that isn't a solution. He mostly doesn't want to be a bother to people, and feels like if he makes a big deal out of his insecurity, they'll resent him for it.

              xxx»» Colin tends to be a little too involved in his projects sometimes; he'll get an idea in his head and it won't go away, until it's keeping him up all night. He loses a lot of sleep obsessing over small fixes, wondering about how the world works, questioning any and everything. It's very hard for him to shut his brain down.

              xxx»» Colin has a very hard time backing down from anything; his obsessive nature combined with his eternal optimism ensures that he can't let anything go until he's seen it through to the end. Sometimes, he clings to something long past when he should have moved on, because the idea of simply dropping something and leaving it unfinished drives him up the wall.

          xxxH I S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


              xxx»» Colin was the only successful attempt by his biological parents to have a child. His mother Teresa had been sick much of her life, and her health was never the best. Her husband tried many times to convince her to adopt instead, but she wouldn't budge. When they conceived Colin, he finally got her to agree that, if this pregnancy failed, they would look into alternatives. She was able to carry her son to term, but tragically died giving birth to him. Allen spent the first year of his son's life in a deep depression, having to rely on the help of a kind neighbor to help him care for Colin. Eventually, the neighbor, Katherine, and Allen developed a closer relationship, eventually dating and then marrying before Colin was four. Colin, having never known his biological mother, did not know that Katherine was only his stepmother until he was much older. Meanwhile, his father worked an extra job in order to help put his second wife through school, and she became an engineer with a focus on robotics. Colin was always fascinated by his mother's occupation, and developed her sense of wonder and inventiveness. When he was six, however, Kate had to stop bringing her work home with her, because every once in a while, something would short out the wiring. Eventually she realized this only happened when she let Colin sit in on her working, and only when he began to get very excited about it. One night, her suspicions were confirmed when, while attempting to fix a broken appliance, as he watched on in wonder, the lights flickered, and then, upon his excitement at its working again, suddenly the entire home's power went out. It wasn't until they received his Hogwarts letter and their son's status as a wizard was revealed that they understood what had been happening. Kate, for her part, was skeptical at first, but when presented with proof, she readily accepted her son's magical gifts.

              SCHOOL YEARS

              xxxFIRST YEAR »» Colin's first year wasn't particularly eventful from an outside perspective, but he certainly didn't feel that way. Learning about magic was incredibly exciting, and he made a lot of friends. He was very excited to attend the Valentine's Ball, if only because it was a masquerade, which he probably found a lot more interesting than some of his classmates.
              xxxSECOND YEAR »» Over the Summer, Colin attended a party hosted at Aimee's house, one which he was pretty excited to be invited to, at least until he got there. He felt rather like he was ignored by his friends, except Brandon, which left him wondering how much they really liked him. His second year of school got off to an uncomfortable start as well. Firstly, the train compartment he had settled in was quickly packed with far too many people, some of them apparently younger friends of Caty's who were just starting school. Colin didn't have anything against them, but he didn't like how crowded it was. Aimee was having similar difficulties, and the two of them ended up excusing themselves and sitting with Leon, which Colin felt guilty about since he knew the Slytherin didn't want to be bothered. Then, at the school, Aimee ended up having a panic attack at the feast, which was made worse when the person who triggered it took it upon themselves to try and 'help', despite clearly not knowing how to do so. The rest of the year was rather boring, truth be told, but he found himself feeling more or less isolated from his friends as it went on.
              xxxTHIRD YEAR »» The feeling of isolation didn't improve over the holiday before third year, seeing as he heard nothing from any of his friends. Logically he knew it was just as much his fault as theirs, since he could've written them, but given he was the introverted one, he thought that it made little sense for them to expect him to initiate conversation. When he arrived at the station to go to school, he ran into Nike, who he got along well enough with but had never been sure if he was friends with per se. They were quickly joined by Di, which would have thrilled him, if not for the fact that she was accompanied by Mordred, an older boy she was friends with. Colin had always gotten the distinct impression that Mordred didn't like him, and the feeling only intensified over the awkward train ride. By the time they were at Hogsmeade Station, he was desperate to get away from the other boy, and relieved to run into Brandon and the Umber twins. The remainder of that year was a blur of depression, loneliness, and worrying about Aimee, who had taken to missing classes and always looked upset about something. He had suspicions that it was related to her boyfriend, but given that he apparently wasn't very close to her, he supposed he had no room to say anything. He later regretted that when he came across her boyfriend in the halls, lying unconscious on the ground, beaten seemingly half to death, with a very distraught Leon nearby, blood on the boy's knuckles. It was fairly obvious what had happened, and Colin, with the help of Nike who appeared soon after, helped get both boys to the Hospital wing. After that, Leon seemed to hover around him for the remainder of the year, which he found rather odd, but tried not to think too hard on.
              xxxFOURTH YEAR »» His fourth year summer was slightly better than previous years, in that he actually got up the nerve to ask a friend to come over to his home. He invited Kiley over to hang out, and ended up introducing her to anime. Much to his delight, she got rather into the whole thing, and he ended up lending her some books from his manga collection to read. Of course, his comfort levels with her made it rather upsetting when he couldn't find her at the train station, nor anyone else in his friend circle to sit with that wouldn't make him upset. He wasn't having the best morning that day, and so inviting any sort of negativity seemed like a bad idea, so he elected to sit alone. This plan didn't work out so well, since Brandon opted to join him and spend a good chunk of the train ride complaining about their friends, apparently spurned on by an interaction with Mordred and Di, which didn't surprise Colin in the least. Things weren't improved by Di joining him at the Ravenclaw table at school and apologizing for being a bad friend, something which made him feel guilty, since he didn't think she'd been a bad friend at all, and that he was just over sensitive. She tried to reassure him, and was mostly successful, but his usual anxieties persisted, subdued but still present.
              xxxFIFTH YEAR »» Colin's fifth year was entirely devoted to studying. He did spend time with his friends where he could, trying to keep his anxieties and insecurities from getting the better of him, but for the most part, he had his nose stuck in a book. It was probably mostly unnecessary, since he was a decent student, but he didn't want to run the risk of hubris costing him a good grade. Even making an EE where he knew he could've gotten an O would've been upsetting for him.
              xxxSIXTH YEAR »» Colin had an eventful Summer, to say the least. It seemed to come out of no where, at least to him. He was hanging out with Brandon at the Gryffindor's house when they were suddenly attacked by a madman. The events are somewhat hazy in Colin's recollection, he mostly remembers the facts. One; Brandon's parents died. Two; he lost an arm. Of course, his personal opinion was that the death of his best friend's parents should've been everyone's focus, but it seemed to him like everyone was freaking out about his lost appendage. He was made to go to therapy for the remainder of the Summer, despite it being unnecessary, as far as he was concerned. Particularly since his parents sent him to a muggle therapist, thereby making it impossible for Colin to even talk about what'd actually happened. His mother also wasted no time putting her degree to use to design him a prosthetic that would function like a real arm, and while he loved it, he had to point out that it wouldn't work while he was at school. His parents worked with some magical connections Colin had and were able to find a metal charmer who provided him with an enchanted arm. To be honest, he's not overly concerned with the loss of his limb, despite what people seem to think. The remainder of the year was blissfully uneventful, for which he was eternally grateful, since he needed to focus on studying for his NEWT exams the next year.
              xxxSEVENTH YEAR »» - - -

        xxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

            ATTENDING »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
            HOUSE »» Ravenclaw
            YEAR »» Seventh
            BEST CLASSES
            xxx»» History of Magic
            xxx»» Mythology
            xxx»» Charms

            WORST CLASSES
            xxx»» Healing
            xxx»» Herbology
            xxx»» Potions

            OWL SCORES
            xxxASTRONOMY »» O
            xxxCHARMS »» O
            xxxHERBOLOGY »» A
            xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
            xxxPOTIONS »» A
            xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» O
            xxxALCHEMY »» A
            xxxARITHMANCY »» O
            xxxCURSEBREAKING »» EE
            xxxGHOUL AND GHOST STUDIES »» O
            xxxHEALING »» A
            xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O
            xxxWANDLORE STUDIES »» O
            NEWT SCORES
            xxxCHARMS »» O
            xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
            xxxPOTIONS »» EE
            xxxALCHEMY »» EE
            xxxARITHMANCY »» O
            xxxCURSEBREAKING »» O
            xxxGHOUL AND GHOST STUDIES »» O
            xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O

            DREAM JOB »» Metal Charmer
            CURRENT JOB »» Student

xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

      SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Panromantic demisexual
      SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» - - -

      xxx»» Parents Allen and Katherine Beckett
      xxx»» Best Friend Brandon Davenport
      xxx»» Diantha Warlow
      xxx»» Kiley Umber
      xxx»» Kimberly Umber
      xxx»» Catheryn Blake
      xxx»» Amelia McHalen
      xxx»» Leon McGregor

      xxx»» - - -
      xxx»» - - -


22 jULY 2017 ««
NEWT scores added ««

- Weasley 9/18/15 ««
~ Dia 11/15/15 ««
- Weasley 5/10/17 ««