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[PLOT-PRP] Tainted Wine [GalelanxNorrin FIN]

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Irish Night Fox

Chatty Regular

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:48 pm
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Norrin didn't particularly delight in these outings. It meant being out and about with others milling around him. He hated the close quarters, hated the noise, and especially hated the Fae that were allowed to work there. He didn't recall when it happened, it just seemed so sudden that those intolerable beings were walking the same roads and pushing their product onto him. He felt so dirty every time he came into the area that he tried to push these trips further and further apart.

The market could possibly be a place of great satisfaction what with some of the vendors actually producing something of worth in his eyes, but they were so far and few between. It took him longer each time to browse the wares and escape the presence of those lesser beings. The thought made him cringe. They weren't suppose to be here, if you let one pest in others would follow. Before they'd know it they'd have those furry, tree branched monsters stampeding through their streets. It was bad enough he thought he'd seen some fuzzier than normal beings around. Were they mingling the blood line?

He was startled when he passed a booth and one of the winged vermin were upon him. She had a huge smile on her face as she lifted up a glass of wine to him, “Sample sir?” He felt the rage boil up, making his face red. In a blink of an eye his hand was smacking the glass out of her hands, smashing to the ground, “How dare you!” He hissed loudly, not attempting to keep his rage under control. “How dare you come up to me like that. Do you not understand personal space? Who are you to think I'd buy tainted wine, anyways?”

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:40 pm
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Sometimes she wondered why she even bothered.

It was so hard to find good company these days. At least in the angels opinion. Sure there were those loyal to the Guardians. Every day run of the mil blood pae. Drooling demons, annoying angels, "explosive experts". While their heads were in the right place, Galelan could hardly call them worthy of her time. What she wanted was a real conversationalist. Someone who thought exactly the way she thought. Someone who shared her exact views. Someone who would give their all for the Guardians without second thought.

And yet all she found was... well worthless. Especially these silly fae. Why had they let these bug winged pests into the city again? Useful maybe, as mere errand bodies. Uhg they always seemed to be out and about when she was. How could she even enjoy the finer side of the market with these things running their own booths. Silly sprinkled bakers. Annoyingly annoying rainbow airheads extremely. Strange turnip obsessed weirdos. Bah.

"I mean really. I can't even enjoy a nice cup of w----" she began to speak then paused. Glancing down at hip and onto her leg. Shouting and stuttered apologies hit her ears. She couldn't hardly believe what had just happened. Someone actually dared to SPILL something on HER?! "Of all the nerve you have you pathetic dribbling FO---" she paused for the second time mid sentence.

Her eyes locked onto a silver demon glittering demon, hand thrust forward, words of rage, malice and insults spewing from his lips towards the poor, sad sobbing fae trying to collect bits of glass upon the ground.

How divine.

"Excuse me Sir, but... would you be so kind as to explain just what happened here." she spoke to him, her gaze stern as she pointed down towards her own splattered leg. And yet she couldn't find it in her to be fully angry at him....

Irish Night Fox

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Irish Night Fox

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:12 am
Between his bitting words the Fae had burst into apologetic tears, immediately falling to the ground to pick up the pieces that laid there. His chest was heaving with rage, but felt a bit satisfied to see such a reaction from the being. Yes, grovel on the ground in such a pitiful manner, he thought. If you have to be within the same area, at least be in the place you belong. Though I can't even being to believe your tears and wine are worthy to stain this path. He was about to voice these thoughts when a voice interrupted him.

He turned his head, his gaze landing on a brilliant angel. Her soft colors and glistening skin was beyond magnification. Ah, yes, this was a sight for sore eyes. Looking upon the Fae could really give you a headache. This female, though, this was worthy of eyes such as his. He glanced down to where she pointed, seeing his fit of rage had gotten her involved. “Oh, ma'am!” He exclaimed, quickly pulling out a cloth from the basket he carried. He handed it to her with a slight bow of his head, “Let me apologize for this, thing's lack of judgement.” His eyes flashed up at her, the rage never leaving them though he attempted to be cordial with her. “It attempted to force some of its wine on me. I had to put it int its place and I apologize you had to get mixed up in that. I'd offer you a glass in order to right this wrong, but there is no way I could allow you to drink this poison.”

Completely forgetting the Fae was there, he glanced around for another viable booth before back at the purple female, “Is there a particular vendor's wine you desire? I'd be more than willing to escort you there instead.” He offered out his arm to her, finally looking once more to the Fae who had finally cleaned up the mess and was now slinking back behind her booth. He snorted and muttered, “Good riddance.”

Fea Line
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 8:32 am
"As if I'd even consider taking a vial of that taint anyways." she huffed, taking the cloth from him, albeit gratefully, and began to dab away the mess from her hip and leg. The nerve of some pae, thinking just anyone would want their dribble in a jar, honestly! Sometimes she wondered why they were still aloud to exist in her air space. None the less, this fellow seemed to think as she did. Perhaps he was worthy of keeping around.

"In any case, you wont be needing this anymore." she sighed, folding up the cloth that was now seeped with that tainted wine. She glanced around, spotting a passing Fae holding up a tray of jars filled with who knew what and tossed the rag onto it. "No way you'd ever rinse the poison out I'm afraid. I'm only sorry to have ruined something of value." she sighed again, turning her gaze back towards the silver male.

He was quite striking she had to admit, but romance and feelings wasn't something she could just turn on and feel. In fact it was something she tucked away as trivial and never really bothered with the emotions. Still, he'd prove a most refreshing companion. "There's only one vendor whose wares I desire around here. Ephiel, naturally. I assume you've heard of him, I mean surely you must." she dared a smile with half shut eyes. A sneering look that insinuated no one could possibly touch the pureness of said angel's offerings, especially his talent in fermenting grapes into liquid delicacies.

Irish Night Fox

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Irish Night Fox

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 2:40 pm
Once the Fae had left his presence and he was focused on the beauty in front of him he felt himself begin to relax. He was far from ever forgiving what it had done, but at least now he didn't have to deal with it any longer. He was about ready to mark as a reason to never come back (if only), but she was certainly starting to raise his spirits.

Norrin felt a bit of surprise at hearing her words. Ah, so she agreed with him? Well, that was a very lovely thing to hear. It was getting more and more rare these days that anyone stood up for what was right so verbally as she. “Don't you feel sorry.” he waved her off as he watched her discard of the now ruined cloth. He couldn't keep the smile that crawled up his lips as another Fae carried it off with them. Good! Let them deal with the taint of their own kind. “You had no control over what it had done to you. It went to a good cause in the end, to save you from such things.”

A chuckle escaped his lips, “Don't take me for a fool, of course I know Ephiel. Only the most refined know of him. I would never dare let anything other than his pure brilliance touch my lips.” He motioned her towards the direction of his booth and fell into step beside her. He supposed he'd need her name if he didn't want to make a fool of himself. Didn't mean he'd remember it, but better to keep up the good appearance than seem silly. Then again, she did intrigue him. He might just accidentally remember it. “What might I call you? Norrin is who I am. Norrin Radd the lover of fine wines and exquisite company.” He shot her a smug grin.

Fea Line
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 5:58 pm
Gale laughed, allowing him to fall in step beside him. Of course she wouldn't feel sorry, not that she even was, but at least for this angel she'd offer the token words. "Does anyone really have any control over what filth does?" she rolled her eyes, twisting her body inward to dodge a rather pushy young Fae child as it ran past laughing and screaming like a little hooligan. "Thank the Guardians you were there to be my knight in silver armor." she jested, casting him a sly grin as she sashayed along.

When he mentioned that he did indeed know Ephiel her spirits lightened even more. Maybe this demon was good to keep around after all. "Galelan. Lover of The Guardians and intellectual conversations. Though someone like you may call me Gale." she offered back, deeming him worthy enough to call her by her nickname. "Norrin Radd, is it? Pray tell why I have never met you before. You seem like someone I should have in my inner circle." she paused, glancing fully towards him as they neared the booth. The smell of grapes and other delicacies instantly hit her nose and her eyes fluttered closed as she took in a deep breath.

"Now this...this is the scent of purity!" she breathed softly, folding her hands at her chest before approaching the booth gaily. "Ephiel Darling! Pleasure as always. The usual, if I may good Sir? Ah....and one for my new acquaintance as well." she smiled at the Angel behind the booth, holding out her hand as the other took it to place a kiss upon it gently. He whispered a few flirtatious compliments which caused Gale to giggle before he brought out a long thin glass bottle and began pouring the liquid into two glass cups. Taking one for herself and the other she offered to Norrin. "For you." she smiled teasingly before lifting the cup to her lips slowly, letting the rim rest on her bottom lip as she watched the silver demon before actually taking a sip.

Irish Night Fox

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Irish Night Fox

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:45 pm
The laugh he gave off was boisterous at her words. Ah, yes, they were so deliciously sweet to his ears! What a treasure he had found! She could certainly entertain him for hours with the words she spoke, the exact same words he always had buzzing around in his mind. It was nice to not only have intellectual company, but one that truly understood the heart's of the Guardians!

"You flatter me with your jesting." he turned towards her and gave another slight bow of the head, "An honor to make your acquaintance, lady Gale. I cannot imagine why destiny has kept us apart for so long, perhaps for this beautiful meeting, but I'd be none the happier for an invitation to this inner circle. I'd do my best to keep the company interesting." he winked playfully before getting caught up in the moment of catching sight of the booth. Ah, yes, a rare beauty! As always it was kept in the best area, with scant a vermin in sight. Most knew not to enter this area if they didn't want to receive dagger eyes. Finally he could fully relax.

He gave the angel a simple nod in greeting, instead allowing the radiant female do all the greeting for them. He thankfully took the glass from her and held it up, "To the Guardian and their infinite knowledge, knowing that such a pair needed to be brought together. As dismal as the circumstances were, what radiant light they have shown upon us now." He finally brought the drink down, swirled it a moment before bringing it up to his nose. He took a moment to soak the scent in before sipping on it slowly. Ah, yes, good Ephiel always got it right. "This is superb!" he praised, "Wonderful choice, lady Gale!"

Fea Line
Sooooo tired. I hope he makes sense XD;
PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 2:58 pm
The angel tutted softly at his comments. It was true, she knew without a doubt she could be in his company for long periods of time and not get bored by drabble or actions. And to be so bold as to ask an invitation to her inner circle! Gale could only laugh. "Perhaps then, we can consider this now your invitation my dear." she smirked, tilting her glass back against her lips delicately, taking in a sip.

"Praise be to the Guardians indeed. Why they kept you from me is quite a mystery. Or perhaps they were merely being a tease." she laughed again, resting an arm lightly on the booth. She turned to give Ephiel a pleased smile, as if telling him 'job well done though I hardly need tell you that' before turning back to the Silver Knight before her. Now this, this was a grand time! Good wine and good company. "Oh Norrin dear, you flatter me so. I find myself thinking I must invite you into my inner circle more often. I haven't felt such.... stimulation in seasons!" she tutted, eyeing him over the rim of her glass once more.

Truly, where had this demon been most of her life?

Irish Night Fox

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Irish Night Fox

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 3:32 pm
Norrin waited for her to take a sip before sliding something on over to Ephiel. A gentleman would never let a lady like her pay for her own wine, and one certainly would not do it in a grand gesture in order to receive praise. No, he preferred subtlety. "You would grace me with such a grand gift? I could not thank you enough!" he grinned at her, giving her a teasing bow. "I will cherish it, my lady."

He chuckled at her words. The Guardians being teases? That was an interesting thought to attempt to process. He had never concerned them anything other than stoic, all knowing beings. Though he suppose giving them a bit of humor to their list of attributes couldn't hurt. They both agreed and found cheer in humor, why could the Guardians not as well? Yes, he liked the way she thought, but he mostly liked that she made him think. It was so rare these days to find someone of like mindedness.

"Oh, but Lady Gale, it is I who am flattered. Flattered that a lady like yourself would give me such a high honor as inviting me to such a prized circle. I don't take it lightly." He sipped his wine again, taking in the full flavor. This was not something he wanted to rush through that was for sure. The wine or the company, but hew knew it must at some point. As much as she made him want to forget prior engagements he was a man of his word and would keep to them.

"As much as I would enjoy going on about the Guardians for the rest of the day, I do have other matters to attend to." He paused for a second curious if his next words would be a horrible mistake or if she had meant every word she had exchanged with him. "I would hope we could possibly meet again. I am always in need of some refreshing conversation and company. Would the lady honor me with allowing me to call on her another time?"

Fea Line
PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 3:43 pm
Another tutting laugh and a wave of her hand was all the angel said to his first phrase. Of course she would grace him, and if further down the line he proved otherwise, well she was quick to drop pae like a box of rocks if need be. Still, she was getting the feeling that wouldn't be necessary with him, especially as he had just paid for not only his glass but hers as well.

He hadn't made a grand deal of it no, but she had caught the subtle move, a twinkle in her eye and smirk on her lips were her only tells of this. Such a true gentleman he was, so proper. "Tch think nothing of it Norrin dear. We both know you are quite deserving of it." she said and paused, swirling the contents of her glass around again before taking another sip. She wasn't going to vocalize how fast she'd pretend he didn't existed if he did prove other wise.

Still she doubted such actions would ever be needed. Yet it seemed her good company would be leaving and all too soon. A fake pout played over her lips. "Oh my knight leaves me already?" she fake sighed, raising a hand to her forehead in jest. "But of course. If you did not agree to meet me again, why I don't know what I'd do." she smiled, holding her hand out to him, palm down, fully expecting him to take it. "I am free any time you call my Dear, but... do make it a promise?" she eyed him, dark eyes narrowed in a seductive like way, her coy smile never faltering.

Irish Night Fox

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Irish Night Fox

Chatty Regular

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 3:56 pm
Norrin bowed forward at the waist as he took her offered hand, gently bringing it up to his lips. A peck graced its soft surface, before he titled his head back enough to glance up at her from his position, "Promise." he whispered, hot breath tickling the skin. "On my honor as a gentleman."

The way she looked at him made his heart leap. For a second he wasn't sure how to respond to it- the look or the emotions it rose up in him. Why, she was a a very interesting creature. He actually looked forward to seeing her again, and this time for an extended amount of time. He was curious the conversation it would bring up.

He gently released her hand, "Till next time then. I also promise that it will be something to look forward to." He gave Ephiel a goodbye with a nod of his head before turning to disappear into the crowd. He didn't look back, as much as it killed him to. He felt childish with such an emotion hanging over him, of course he wouldn't look back and make himself seem desperate! Instead, he'd just cherish the way her skin had felt against his lips till the next time they saw one another.

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