- It seems as if the villagers now want you to collect some eggs. Some untainted, un-miasma fused precious wyvern eggs from an exotic wyvern couple that sadly passed away. You must scale a very high mountain in order to get these eggs.
- Your character is dropped off at the base of the mountain. The goal is to climb the mountain and get the egg. To scale the mountain, you must write a jaunty 250 word post of your character scaling the mountain. You can do this as you please, there are plenty of angry nesting minipets, boulders, and possibly giant serpents blocking your way. As you reach the top, obtain the egg, and you are ready to begin your descent.
- Every single creature possible, especially rolling sand lobsters, will try to destroy your egg. Roll 1d4 four times and match your dice roll to the prompt below to reach the bottom of the mountain. Yes, repeats do happen if you roll a repeat. Your egg has 10 HP. If you make it down without the egg reaching 0 HP (breaking) you made it!
1) A sand lobster rolls right into your egg and nearly breaks it! -2 HP
2) Strange velociraptor minipets are hungrily staring at your egg. They try to attack it! -1 HP
3) A giant snake smacks you with its giant tail. Ouch! -3 HP
4) Nothing happens. You were lucky!
If you successfully get an egg to safety, you get herbivore egg. It is considered a quest item. Add it to your quest item list
- Your character is dropped off at the base of the mountain. The goal is to climb the mountain and get the egg. To scale the mountain, you must write a jaunty 250 word post of your character scaling the mountain. You can do this as you please, there are plenty of angry nesting minipets, boulders, and possibly giant serpents blocking your way. As you reach the top, obtain the egg, and you are ready to begin your descent.
- Every single creature possible, especially rolling sand lobsters, will try to destroy your egg. Roll 1d4 four times and match your dice roll to the prompt below to reach the bottom of the mountain. Yes, repeats do happen if you roll a repeat. Your egg has 10 HP. If you make it down without the egg reaching 0 HP (breaking) you made it!
1) A sand lobster rolls right into your egg and nearly breaks it! -2 HP
2) Strange velociraptor minipets are hungrily staring at your egg. They try to attack it! -1 HP
3) A giant snake smacks you with its giant tail. Ouch! -3 HP
4) Nothing happens. You were lucky!
If you successfully get an egg to safety, you get herbivore egg. It is considered a quest item. Add it to your quest item list