((DF Memory solo - triggered by Aurora's Return))

Snowball had curled up on Aurora's bed for the night having settled comfortably on a pillow near her head. Though unlike usual dreams for him, something seemed to stir in the night. He hadn't been a fan of Azzo's sudden jolts, the screams, the twitching and mumbling from the knight. The few times Snowball was actually home trying to sleep, he was constantly watching over him. . .

    They had been lost for what felt like ages, the unlikely pair as a duo struggling to keep tabs on everything. Snowball had protected Merlin and helped keep the pair of them off any radars but things were going to hell in a hand basket; without his senshi or any knights the days were long and nights lonely as the cat and dog often dug through the trash.

    It was when Niflhel had sent the cat a letter that things started to seem almost optimistic. Having met up with him outside the boarders and him having been able to slip back into the city unnoticed. Despite looking worse for wear Snowball and Merlin had been more than pleased to see their knight.

    The moment Azzo had a chance though he'd dyed snowball's hair.

The cat twitched in his sleep as the memories continued to flood back in some twisted future version. It seems now that instead of Niflhel, it was his turn to have weirdly vivid dreams, shifting in his sleep Snowball felt like he was mentally trying to fight the dream off. . .

    "Azzo where's Polaris" the questions were constant and though the cat received no straight answers ever.

    When they ran into Annabel Snowball was still trying to figure out what was going on. Anna had been a known traitor that he'd heard about, but Snowball didn't believe it as he sat there trying his best not to talk after being shushed so many times. Again with the vague answers on Polaris that Niflhel gave Anna, saying that she wasn't here and that the phoenix would rise again.

    The cat shifted looking concerned as they continued. Anna had let Azzo know about Fin with Azzo losing the game and eventually they headed to Fin's. Snowball shifted having to inform Fin that Azzo was okay and there were complications seeing for the first time since the knight had came back a visibly angry Azzo.

Snowball wasn't sure what was going on, it felt so real. His ears twitched as did his legs and tail. Had anyone been watching him, though Polaris was surely asleep. The dreams kept moving from moment to moment glossing over unimportant things causing Snowball more distress. Unknowingly in another they were also causing Azzo distress.

    The had been dropped off in the woods, when they ran into Laney. She'd shown her face, it was marred, and eventually Snowball and merlin wondered off to catch some food. . . .

    . . . Azzo had watched the pair as they wondered off. He followed Laney in his dreams to her tent, sat talked to her. Lamented he couldn't've done more for anyone. A failure, always a failure never able to help. Remembering the last time he'd felt this helpless was when he was a civilian. He had to keep up with the Charade, he had to believe Polaris and the twins were dead. None could know.

Hot tears streamed down the man's cheeks as he tossed in his bed. This was torture, what was this? He knew deep down in his conscious this was nothing that had happened, was this the future?

    Azzo sitting there talking in the resistance, still bickering fighting. He was standing in the shadows. He was always in the shadows but he refused to join those. He wasn't that blood thirsty. He still wanted justice. Things were bad, Youma everywhere, people missing, dead or worse. Their spirits were broken. It was one last stand. There wasn't enough of them . . . .

    He'd sent a letter by the proxy of Castor to her, with her pen. To tell her, warn her. Things were bad they needed a resistance, to sacrifice themselves in order of finding good. He'd left a note to himself only one word, one name. They'd been caught things had gone soo wrong.

    He was standing there, Snowball too. In chains. Made to make a choice. . . . Azzo wasn't sure he could choose. He was a broken man, even more now than when he'd come back. . . This was their future, their world, their destiny. . . .

Outside of the dream he was whispering, "it can't end this way. . . " Over and over, tears were hot on his cheeks he couldn't wake up. His tears were crashing around him. He tried to call for Polaris in the dream nothing worked. . . nothing helped his body struggled stuck in the dream world.

    "We choose Corruption. Both of us." Niflhel was standing tall he'd watched others, Princess Hugbell died at the hand of her father, some corrupted more choose death. He, he was choosing a fate worse than death, sentencing two of them in fact; in hopes that love would prevail. . .

    Niflhel watched Shadeite come to him to corrupt him. . .

The pained scream could be heard throughout the house. His skin crawled feeling as if his blood was boiling, with an acid wash. The phantom pains of being corrupted ate at him. Causing the man to seize in bed, the pain in his chest, his hands clutching trying to pull the hand that wasn't there out . . .

The screamed jolted Snowball from his own terror filled nightmare before he could feel the phantom pains he knew where the screams were coming from and he jumped from the bed, tripping over one of Aurora's legs as he bolted to Azzo's room fur fluffed and cold shivers running down his spin. He lept onto the man's bed in time to strike him on the face claws first . . .