This thread is for everyone who feels stuck in roleplay and has no idea what they should be doing in life. We're working on a Nugget's Guide to Axiom as well, but for now I'll have this up for everyone. Come here and post up about your character, a link to where they are and an idea of what you want to do. While there are plenty of things to do in Axiom we get it can be daunting. A lot happens that changes the world here and it may be too much to keep up with everything. For everyone looking for smaller interactions, come here and post. Someone will notice your post and they will interact, whether its via NPC or bringing their own RPC to your thread. Keep an open mind with these interactions and be a little patient!

[b]RPC Profile Link:[/b] [url=http://]Character Name[/url]
[b]Link to location:[/b] [url=http://Thread Name[/url]
[b]What are you looking for?[/b] Quest? Friend? Fight? Describe a wanted scenario, maybe someone will take a peek at it and feel interested!