xxxxxxJ A S M I N E xxxR A Exxx P I E R C Exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Jazzy, Jazz
              AGE »» 18
              BIRTHDAY »» 19 January 2019
              GENDER »» Female
              FACE-CLAIM »» Hayley Atwell
              BLOOD STATUS »» Halfblood
              WAND »» 11 3/4 Ebony with Augurey Feather, pliable with a spiraled shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, French
              ACCENT »» Received Pronunciation
              PET »» Owl Anya

              xxx»» Hot baths
              xxx»» Spy movies
              xxx»» Traveling
              xxx»» Carbs
              xxx»» Dogs
              xxx»» Cold weather
              xxx»» Shoes
              xxx»» Healthy food
              xxx»» Silence
              xxx»» Fish
              xxx»» Horseback riding
              xxx»» Dueling
              xxx»» Quidditch

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Jasmine is a people person. She's exceptionally extroverted, and loves to be around people. She likes to make others smile, or help people in need. Of course, her kindness sometimes has an ulterior motive, in that she's keen to win favors. She's an excellent negotiator and plays the role of mediator very well, though if her own emotions are involved this can go right out the window.

              xxx»» Jazzy thinks that everyone is gorgeous in their own way, and she's quick to find what makes a person beautiful and compliment them on it. She's a natural flirt, batting eyelashes and lowering her voice. She finds very few people unattractive, and in her mind, if she thinks someone's attractive, it would be remiss of her to not at least get a shot at snogging them once. Besides that, flirting with someone is a great way to get them to say things they shouldn't, and Jazzy likes very much to be informed. She's not above using her 'assets' to distract someone until she's gotten something she wanted out of them.

              xxx»» Part of her charm is her wit; she's a clever girl, quick with a joke or a play on words to make her companions laugh. She's also excellent at insulting people without them realizing she's done it. While she generally prefers to use this to entertain her friends, she's not above getting a smug sense of satisfaction for leaving someone scratching their heads if they anger her.

              xxx»» Thanks to her father, she likes to think that she knows no fear. The things she is afraid of, she insists aren't fears, but practical aversions. She's adventurous and always game to try something new, be it a weird food or a death-defying stunt. She doesn't let fear hold her back, preferring to face it. Any time she hears that voice in her head saying 'no, don't do it,' she charges in full force, just to defy it.

              xxx»» At the end of the day, Jazzy would do absolutely anything for the people she loves. She would bend over backwards to help them out of a tight spot, and put her life on the line to save theirs. She's broken multiple bones defending friends from playground bullies, including all the bones in her hand after throwing a right hook at a boy's face for trying to look up her sister's skirt. Once her loyalty is earned, it is unwavering, except in the case of the utmost betrayal. She's quick to forgive slights against herself, though if you hurt one of her other friends, she'll write you off without blinking.

              xxx»» Jasmine's father raised his daughters from an early age to be clever and competitive; he taught the girls to hunt, taught them about war, taught them to fight. Jazzy took to it better than her sister did, her keen mind easily picking up on strategies and skills that eluded Elizabeth. She's excellent at reading a situation and strategizing solutions to problems.

              xxx»» Friendly
              xxx»» Thick skinned
              xxx»» Arrogant
              xxx»» Overprotective
              xxx»» Boggarts
              xxx»» Dying

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Jasmine's early childhood is something of a blur to her; she doesn't remember much, not really. Just random details that will stick out, like the smell of the ocean waves on a beach in Greece, or shivering under a pile of blankets while camping in the mountains of Romania. Her father had always loved to travel, something which came between him and her mother, who wanted a more stable home to raise their family in. Eventually, around when Jazzy was 5, they reached a point where they could no longer compromise, and the couple divorced. The two girls, her and her older sister Elizabeth, lived with their mother, and she missed her father very much, only getting to see him on holidays when he would come to visit, and for a month every Summer, when he would take her and Beth on trips all over the world. However, around when Jasmine was nine, almost ten, she woke one day to find that her carpet had turned into a bed of thorns while she lay sleeping, stirred by some nightmare. Unlike her elder sister, she had inherited her father's magical abilities. Since then, her father has spent more time in England her, which caused her sister to grow jealous, driving a wedge between them. She has tried hard not to let this bother her, instead focusing on her excitement at getting to attend Hogwarts like her father.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» Jazzy's first year was, over all, uneventful. She made a lot of friends, at least, but other than that, not much happened. She also experienced a swift and horrible betrayal on the part of one of those friends, who snuck out into the Forbidden forest with her older brother and some other older students and didn't even invite her to come along. She's still not sure she'll ever recover.
                  SECOND YEAR »» Jazzy spent most of her second year earning her badge for Being a Good Friend. One of her best friends, Gid, had apparently gotten into a fight with his best friend, and the two weren't talking. She spent a lot of her time hanging out with Gid to try and take his mind off of it until whatever issue Rhys was having blew over and they made up, believing that the Ravenclaw boy was simply suffering from something personal and needed space. On Valentine's Day, the school hosted a Valentine's Ball, at which she entered the date auction. Gid won a date with her (being the only bidder helped slightly) and they spent the night goofing off together. At the end of the night, on a whim, she kissed him, though nothing has come of it, at least as of yet.
                  THIRD YEAR »» Jazzy's original intention before the train ride third year was to confront Rhys regarding his horrible attitude the previous year. Namely, she was going to tell him that, if he had problems, she got it, but that if he ever made an arse of himself to Gid again she'd murder his face. However, all such plans flew out the window when she actually approached the Ravenclaw. While she was attempting to help him get his trolley on the train (she could be nice while she threatened her friend's best friend, it wasn't like thought Rhys was actually a jerk), he ended up having a panic attack caused by too many people approaching him at once. Savannah Hastings managed to get him away before it got too bad from what she could tell, but she figured that she'd sit on her threats unless they proved necessary. The remainder of the school year was largely uneventful, aside from the growing suspicion that Gid had a crush on her.
                  FOURTH YEAR »» Jazzy entered her fourth year with a mission; determine if Gid actually liked her, and if he did, date him, because Gid was a total hottie. The first couple of weeks of school were dedicated to various experiments to determine if the attraction was mutual, followed by her asking him out via a note passed in History of Magic, which asked if he'd want to go on a date-date with her and had box check boxes labeled 'yes'. The date itself was yet another experiment, this one to see exactly how much he liked her. When he braved the horror that was the tea shop at Hogsmeade without complaint (beyond the obvious discomfort she could see on his face, anyway), she determined that this was definitely a go. To her surprise, he asked her to go steady before she asked him. During the first dueling club meeting of the year, she noticed that Rhys was in attendance. Remembering his panic attack the year before, she approached him to be sure that he knew Gid wasn't coming, in case he wasn't going to be comfortable partnering with someone else. The interaction went poorly, with him accusing her of hating him and trying to make Gid stop hanging out with him. She attempted to dispel the notion, obviously offended, but a combination of things resulted in Rhys having another freak out, which may have somewhat hindered her success. The remainder of her school year was spent trying to make sure that Gid was actually spending time with his best friend in order to prove to Rhys that it wasn't true, and shooting ugly looks at her best friend's boyfriend. Lynn was dating Cyrus Lillantine, in spite of Jazzy telling her repeatedly that something about the guy was sketchy. When the rumors hit that he'd been cheating on Lynn, she was only surprised because she'd been sure that it would end up being something worse that caused the break up. Still, she wasn't one to say 'I told you so,' instead opting to offer to kidnap Lynn for a Summer of ogling hot guys on the beach in Greece. She didn't end up being invited along for that particular vacation, but reassured her friend that there were plenty of beaches in the UK.
                  FIFTH YEAR »» While out shopping for her school supplies before fifth year, Jazzy had a run-in with Rhys, much to her aggravation. At first, she just wanted to get out of the situation, but he ended up pushing the wrong button and she laid into him, essentially telling him off for everything stupid thing she thought he'd ever done, and then vowing that she was done protecting him from Gid by keeping silent about all the awful things he'd said to her so that she didn't jeopardize the boy's friendship. She followed through with that threat, but apparently shouldn't have bothered, since Rhys approached the pair at the platform that year to say he thought it was best if they just left one another alone. Gid was obviously devastated, but Jazzy thought it was smart of Rhys' part to get some distance. She was a little less on board with his Boy of the Week dating habits, but figured it was healthier than being jealous over Gid all the time. Eventually, there was an altercation of sorts between the two boys in the library, and Rhys finally admitted to liking Gid, which she'd been trying to convince Gid was the case for months. In the end, she got dumped for the Ravenclaw boy, a fact she was actually completely fine with. Still, her lack of heartbreak didn't prevent her from playing up the 'just got dumped' card to get attention from Lynn, with whom she was in an unlabeled but definitely tangible relationship with by the end of the year.
                  SIXTH YEAR »» Sixth year passed mostly uneventfully for Jazzy; the crush of NEWT exams the coming year spurned her to study, though she still kept to a rigid schedule for when she studied what, and when she refused to study. She did suffer from some second-hand drama when Tristan Hastings, who Lynn had a massive crush on, outed himself as a werewolf to the whole school. Ever supportive of her girlfriend, she enthusiastically approved of Lynn's plan to confront him about it. While things didn't go quite as well as she'd hoped, they went about the way she expected. Trist's year didn't seem to improve much, but he at least knew he had a couple people who were there for him. Jazzy never got the full story on what made him flip out, but she figures she doesn't need to know anyway.
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» Seventh year started off fairly uneventfully, but it didn't stay that way for very long. Jasmine and Rhys very quickly noticed that Gid was acting... odd. Odder than usual, anyway. Still, Jazzy kept telling herself that she had washed her hands of Gid's nonsense and solving his problems for him, so she elected to leave it be, at least at first. Then, she started to worry, and knew Rhys was worrying as well. Gid was obviously lying about something, to both of them. Jazzy had her suspicions, but kept them to herself, determined to make Gid come clean rather than forcing it out of him. She didn't end up having the option; over the Christmas holiday, she noticed Contessa Linwood talking to Rhys at breakfast one morning. Upon going to investigate, since this was odd, to say the least, she found out that Tessa had found Gid acting strange in the halls the night before, and taken him to the hospital wing. Jazzy went with Rhys, and Gid finally came clean and admitted that he'd been abusing pain medication after having surgery over the Summer, surgery which he had not allowed himself to heal properly from. Needless to say, she was furious, and it's up in the air if she'll forgive him completely any time soon. After that fiasco was solved, she focused her energy entirely on studying for her exams, since obviously that was the most important concern. At the end of her final year of school, she was feeling rather confident in herself.

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDING »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Gryffindor
              YEAR »» Seventh
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» Wandless Magic Practice Class
              xxx»» History of Magic
              xxx»» Defense Against the Dark Arts
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» Astronomy
              xxx»» Herbology
              xxx»» Transfiguration
              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» EE
              xxxCHARMS »» O
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» EE
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
              xxxPOTIONS »» O
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» EE
              xxxALCHEMY »» O
              xxxCURSEBREAKING »» EE
              xxxGHOUL AND GHOST STUDIES »» O
              xxxHEALING »» O
              xxxWIZARD LAW »» EE

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
              xxxPOTIONS »» O
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» EE
              xxxALCHEMY »» O
              xxxCURSEBREAKING »» O
              xxxGHOUL AND GHOST STUDIES »» O
              xxxHEALING »» O
              xxxWIZARD LAW »» O

              DREAM JOB »» Private Investigator

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Open Relationship
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Michelyn Whitethorne

              xxx»» Parents Leonard Pierce and Julianne Fowler
              xxx»» Sister Elizabeth Pierce
              xxx»» Best friend Michelyn Whitethorne
              xxx»» Gideon Reed
              xxx»» Rhys Hamilton-Blake
              xxx»» Anne-Marie Curts
              xxx»» Tristan Hastings
              xxx»» Cyrus Lillantine
              xxx»» Seventh Year Students
              xxx»» Gryffindor Quidditch Team
              xxx»» Dueling Club Members