Hi, my name is Sara Nicole King

But I mostly go by Sara

I'm a girl

I am a werewolf, turned by Kiaran Tyson Ash

The pack I belong to is Blaidd Drwg Pack

I'm 10 years old.

My birthday is March 3rd, 2023

I work in I'm 8

My dream job is I don't know. A teacher I guess?

My blood status is Muggle

I'm interested in magic

I'm currently with I'm 7

I'm very happy go lucky. Kiaran is so nice to me, and Rui is the best big sister ever... most of the time. Kiaran is really nice to me and calls me his daughter. I'm a follower. I would follow him to the ends of the earth. I'm super creative too. Rui likes that. I am very very loyal and patient. I would spend forever waiting for my family to understand whatever it is I want them to understand. I have to let them figure it out on their own. Its the only way. I am also very dedicated to my cause. Rui is right the world is messed up and we need to fix it. I'm dedicated to fixing it. I want it to be better and I will do anything to do that.

My background story is I was raised by a muggle family. I have no magical ties, and I didn't even know this world existed. When I was 7 years old I was playing at the playground when a big wolf attacked me and I almost died, but people saw and shot at the wolf and scared him off and I was rushed to the hospital. Probably about a week later I started showing weird signs, like I could smell really good, and my hearing was better. It was then, while I was still recovering from the bite wounds that Rui and Kiaran came to get me. Since then, we've been kind of just wandering around. Rui wants Kiaran to make me more brothers and sisters... whatever that means. She says she needs them for some plan she has. She hasn't really explained yet. I think its got something to do with being... minister of magic? I dunno.

But apparently I actually am magical and never noticed. I guess my magic didn't show up until after Kiaran turned me so the weird things that happened I attributed to Rui being around or just the general werewolfiness

I enjoy princesses, the colour pink, running, pretending to be a witch, and riding on Kiaran's back when he is a woofie, oh and woofies too!

I despise pain, missing people, being sad, crying, and screaming

I'm afraid of pain

My strengths are stopping other's pain, and always finding the bright side

My flaws are I get scared easily, and I'm clumsy

I look like Chloe Moretz (requested)

My pet is a Nothing

Oh yes, there's something else I need to tell you! I'm a werewolf apparently. And... .magic exists

(I have permission from Dia)

Accepted 6/9/2015 by ~ ♥ Cara ɱк