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Perili was happy, an odd feeling really. But she as heading towards the clearing where she assumed Elenion still was. It would be unlikely that he would stop looking at the stars and the moon till the sun came up.

The dark coloured leopardess had had a successful hunt and was now caring back not one but two hares for the duo to enjoy. She wasn't actually sure what Elenion preffered in terms of meet, but she figured that beggers couldn't be choosers. Elenion couldn't hunt so he should be happy.

Elenion's attention had refocused to the stars after Perili had gone. He took a deep breath, sighing. One day, when his body returned to the earth, that some part of him would go to the stars, but that day was not today. He didn't focus his attention so much so that he didn't hear his friend return.

In fact, this time he heard her footsteps and he turned back towards Perili. "You're back!" He said excitedly.

Perili would have smiled but for her mouth full of hares. She trotted happily towards him instead giving out a light purr as she approached. Making it to his rock she dropped the hares by the rock.

"I have brought dinner but you will have to come down from that perch to eat. Hope you like hares. I got one for each of us." she said looking down at her catch. She felt a little guilty about their death. she had scared them so badly that she had barely had to do anything other than say boo.

She picked up one and started skinning it getting down to the meat, the good part.

Elenion debated jumping from the rock before his stomach rumbled quite loudly. He gave Perili an embarrassed look before climbing down from his perch. "Thank you, for bringing me something. You didn't have to," he hummed. He nuzzled her side in thanks before she began to eat.

He turned to his own hare, working on pulling it apart so he could get to the edible bits under the fur. It took him a moment, but he realized he was far hungrier than he expected as he tore into the creature with more gusto than he intended.

Perili was happy to see the male cheetah eat, in her opinion he was far too thin, though of course his natural build was much thinner than hers. None the less she watched him eat happy to see him getting his fill, particularly after she had heard his stomach rumble so loudly like it had.

"I don't mind bring you a bite to eat. If I don't feed you who will keep me company and tell me stories of the stars." It was true they both seemed to depend on each other for different things.

"You deserve more than me though Elenion. You are such a great male, you don't deserve beeing walled up with a leopardess who his a social pariah." she kept her gaze downward not really wanting to see his expression after she said that.

Elenion's stomach filled quickly, probably for lack of eating frequently, but he sat back as soon as he was finished. He began grooming his face before Perili began to speak again. It gave him a heavy pause, unsure of what he heard at first.

"Perili, no. You're so important to me. You're my best friend," he told her earnestly. "I'm not walled up with you at all. I'm glad you're here," he was sad that Perili thought of herself that way, and scooted closer to her. "P-please don't think of yourself that way," he nearly whined it.

It broke Perili's heart to hear Elenion to speak that way. She put a smile on your face. "I know that I love you Elenion, I jsut want so much more for you. I don't think I will ever have the traditional life, but I hope that you will." She told him with a smile.

"What do you think Elenion will you ever settle done find a mate have cubs?:" her and Elenion had never realy talked about what he wanted in life and now she found hersef wondering.

"I didn't ever expect to have a friend, Perili," He told her honestly. He was on his own, and she came and he was so grateful to her, and he didn't think she understood that he was utterly alone before she had showed up and stuck around.

He frowned. He knew he had low self esteem, but he didn't quite realize Perili did too. All he expected was to live and die by the stars.

Perili frowned, "No my friend you are far to sweet. One way or another I will see to it that you have a family." she told him. "Assuming that is what you want." she added quickly there was a small chance that he didn't want a family the same way other didn, but if he did she would find a way to give it to him.

"Maybe we could make our own little family?" she said in a voice that was very very small. She was honestly a little afraid of what he would say to that, she hoped that he would say yes though. They could both give each other way more than she ever had dreamed.

Elenion perked up quite considerably, pressing his forehead against hers. "We'll have the best family," he assured her. He wanted this, he realized. It burned in his chest like all the stars in the skies came to warm him. He found himself wanting this more than anything and it was more than he could ever dream, and offer of a family. Even if it was just the two of them, it was the best family he would ever have.