on the surface...
          ↪NICKNAMES None
          ↪AGE 18
          ↪BIRTHDAY 11/24/2017
          ↪ZODIAC Sagittarius
          ↪GENDER Male
          ↪BLOODTYPE O
          ↪SEXUALITY Heterosexual
          ↪BLOODSTATUS Muggleborn

      digging deeper...
              ✚Rebellious - I don't listen to authority that much. I do what I want, when I want, and I don't care what others think about it. I'll do things my own way, and not care if someone else tells me otherwise.
              ✚Survivalist - At the same time, I happen to be big into self-preservation. If something happens to be better for me in the long run, I'll do it. I also will listen to someone in a position of authority if it means that I'll survive.
              ✚Pragmatic - I happen to be big into common sense. I use logic when it dictates that it's necessary. That includes doing what I need to to make sure that I happen to be safe. While people might label me as selfish, I don't view it that way.
              ✚Blunt - I don't beat around the bush. I don't see a reason to, and I don't care what people think of me as a result. I'll say what I feel needs to be said, and if people's feelings happen to be hurt, it's not my problem. That's just the way I am.
              ✚Sarcastic - I'm also highly snarky. What comes out of my mouth can be construed as biting at times, and I don't filter myself. Why bother? If nothing else, I'm the way I am and I don't care what other people think about me.

              ✚Doing his own thing
              ✚Anything to do with warm weather

              ✚People who try to use him
              ✚The cold

              ✚Getting out of trouble

              ✚Listening to adults
              ✚Dealing with people



      a history lesson...
            I'm an orphan, my loving family killed in a car accident. I went to live at the orphanage, and everything was fine. That is, until Paul entered my life. b*****d kidnapped me from the orphanage, and decided to threaten me to do what he wanted. Considering I have a high value of my own life and would rather not end up dead in a gutter, I went along with it. That is, until I was able to extract myself from the situation.

            See, I don't like being told what to do, at least by people that want to do me harm, and decided to take matters into my own hands. I kept putting some of the money I was stealing for the guy aside, and when I saw my opening, I took it. I called a cab and told them where I was going, and yes, they were skeptical, but I convinced them I needed to go there. When I got back to the orphanage, it was really a big relief, since I'd been gone for almost a year. Probably gave that Paul guy a heart attack or something, since I gave information for where the jerk really was.

            Not long after that, I found out I was a wizard. I was surprised, and ironically had been doing magic while I'd been kidnapped. Thankfully, I was able to get my supplies and am on my way to school.

            First year wasn't too bad, with me being sorted and probably insulting the majority of the Slytherins in my year. I don't care, though, considering I still managed to get through the year just fine. Gia, one of the Slytherin girls in my year, invited me to her place over the summer. I'll have to think on that.

            Second year wasn't that bad, either, although I heard some students in my year were caught going into the Forbidden Forest. Idiots. Between that and the attack on Hogsmeade when we were leaving school the last time and I'd say that this school was insane. I ended up mostly spending my time boarding around the school and minding my own business. Honestly, nothing else better to do around the school anyway, and I wasn't about to do something idiotic.

            Third year, lemme just start off by saying that I absolutely hate puberty. Gia came to school with boobs, and then decided to get mad at me because I tried to avoid looking at them. Needless to say, the school year was spent avoiding any mention of said new appendages. Gia and I ended up going to the masquerade ball, and just spent all our time snarking about the outfits and the flood of hormones surrounding us. That was probably the only good thing about the stupid event.

            Fourth year went about as expected. Spent an awkward train ride with Gia because my brain helpfully decided to remind me about Paul the b*****d™. Then the school year went okay, except I think Tristan's got some kind of ridiculous rivalry with some Hufflepuff kid. Anyway, I ended up being invited and climbed all over at this wedding that Steffi invited me to, and now I'm just going to spend my summer anywhere but the orphanage this summer. I swear, the kids there don't know anything about personal space.

            Okay, I was wrong. Puberty was not the worst thing that happened to me. Fifth year was, including a certain noisy prefect (who shall not be named) who decided that she and a menace to society would lock me and Gia up in a closet. Okay, fine, we both finally admitted that we liked each other. Great. Can we move on now? Anyway, then came OWLs and I am pretty sure that I am brain dead from the exams. At least those are over now.

            Sixth and seventh years ended up being pretty quiet, all things considering. Me and Gia started dating in sixth year, we watched some really awkward failures of relationships crash and burn, and discovered in seventh year that Lori and Whitethorne are apparently either really desperate or really stupid. Either way, I ended up moving into Lori's place at the beginning of seventh year to just go ahead and finally claim independence for myself before the system kicked me out, and now with NEWTs out of the way, I guess I get to see what kind of life I'll lead.

            info here

      occupational hazards...
          ↪WAND 10 1/3 inch beech with demiguise hair at its core
          ↪HOUSE Slytherin
          ↪YEAR/GRADUATINGYEAR Seventh
          ↪DREAMOCCUPATION Unsure
            ✚Astronomy ~ A
            ✚Charms ~ EE
            ✚DADA ~ EE
            ✚Herbology ~ EE
            ✚History of Magic ~ A
            ✚Potions ~ O
            ✚Transfiguration ~ EE
            ✚Alchemy ~ O
            ✚Cursebreaking ~ A
            ✚Healing ~ A
            ✚Wandless Magic ~ A

            ✚Charms ~ A
            ✚DADA ~ EE
            ✚Herbology ~ EE
            ✚Potions ~ O
            ✚Transfiguration ~ EE
            ✚Alchemy ~ O
            ✚Cursebreaking ~ A

      anything else...?
          ↪FAMILY None
          ↪FRIENDS Gia Donati, Lorelei Townsend, Tristan Hastings
          ↪SIGNIFICANTOTHER Gia Donati
          ↪PET Cat named Demeter
          ↪MISCELLANEOUS That's it, show's over.

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